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In which we speak only in GAFisms

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So I've got a huge thing growing near the base of my penis, and it's been there for quite some time now. It's kinda itching and occasionally hurting. Did I mention I haven't seen a medical professional? What do you guys recommend I do?
Help. I'm ashamed of my brother. I told him to at least see some good anime that can teach him something, or make him discover some human emotions.



GAF, I broke up with my girlfriend: go to the gym

GAF, I feel like shit all day long: go to the gym

GAF, I'm depressed: go to the gym

GAF, my dog is dead: go to the gym

GAF, I have cancer: go to the gym


GAF I just found this on the ceiling of my living room. I've barricaded myself in my bedroom but it's only getting worse. How do I go about killing this thing?


Edit: Is this thing poisonous? I don't wanna die. I'm scared.
Inside OT GAF joke that doesn't really make sense in this context and is really stretching to fit in here. Something about green porn waves or something.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
GAF, convince me to buy [product that I'm not really interested in]
I just bought a PS4/XBO/WIIU. What games should I buy?
Everyone who writes this should be slapped in the face.

Gaf, help me solve a simple problem where I am clearly in the wrong.

Gaf, help me solve my relationship issues, btw I have not talked to my SO, because that sounds a little hard.

Gaf, I just bought a Vita, what Vita games should I buy?

Gaf, I don't like thing. Why dont I like thing? WHY DONT I LIKE THIIIING?!

Gaf, I don't like thing therefore thing sucks, how can anyone like thing?

Gaf, I like thing that is super creepy. GAF WHY WONT YOU LET ME TALK ABOUT THING THAT IS SUPER CREEPY? A few people are clearly fans of super creepy thing.

Gaf, I found horrible, awful news that pertains to no one and is only horrible. Here it is with links to pictures.
[[citation needed]]

How old are you OP?
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