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is Gaf really an enthusiast gaming forum?

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Neogaf stopped being a gaming enthusiast forum when the split happened.

Majority of people on here are filled with negatively and hate. There is a reason why people from the gaming industry don't post on here. You can just about talk video games on here.

Probably a handful of threads on neogaf that are not filled with negatively. Majority of threads spiral off into some bullshit with in the first 10 posts.

You can't like anything on here with out a group a people feeling they need to let you know why they don't like and they can't even type it out in a constructive way. Big grown men acting like idiots.

Resetera is a better gaming forum despite their over strict modding, where as on here to keep neogaf "heating up" modding is close to non existent.


Its only a online forum


Gold Member
Majority of people on here are filled with negatively and hate.

Resetera is a better gaming forum despite their over strict modding, where as on here to keep neogaf "heating up" modding is close to non existent.Its only a online forum

I must say, that's a take. Unless you're thinking of Whimsyshire as a happy place? There is much more hate, bile and vitriol on era. I'm not excusing the warlords of consoles here but seriously it's like 'which twitter verified can we brigade today', or 'which celebrity can we cancel now?', or 'which politician can we call pieces of shit and cheerlead for their early demise'.



Gold Member
Resetera is a better gaming forum despite their over strict modding, where as on here to keep neogaf "heating up" modding is close to non existent.

I disagree. Resetera's modding is tyrannical and intrinsically linked to the social politics that all must abide with or remain suffocatingly silent as to avoid outright banning. That is not a "better gaming forum" to me. Especially when games that are even remotely out of line with the political agendas are actively shunned and banned from being discussed.

No forum is perfect, but I'd rather have more freedom to discuss/speak than less and that is the difference between neogaf and resetera.
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Gold Member
Yes, GAF is a gaming enthusiast forum, although a lot of people don't seem very enthusiastic. To be honest, that applies to me, too -- I'm not particularly enthusiastic about gaming. There are a few games that I find entertaining, but the overwhelming majority just don't do it for me.

As for GAF, I like it overall. It's got a good mix of topics and opinions. Yeah, there are console wars, but that's SOP for any gaming forum, unless the forum is focused on a single console, and then you get groupthink and the same 40 guys saying the same 40 things, over and over. I like the diversity of opinion here better, even if it comes at the price of conflict and plenty of turd-slinging. And unlike most forums, it's growing, rather than shrinking.
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Unconfirmed Member
I disagree. Resetera's modding is tyrannical and intrinsically linked to the social politics that all must abide with or remain suffocatingly silent as to avoid outright banning. That is not a "better gaming forum" to me. Especially when games that are even remotely out of line with the political agendas are actively shunned and banned from being discussed.

No forum is perfect, but I'd rather have more freedom to discuss/speak than less and that is the difference between neogaf and resetera.

I agree with this in a way. There is at least one or two mods on Era that, when they are having a bad day, go on a banning spree against any and all opinion that does not line up with their own, causing a forum with a rather harsh echo chamber issue. I still remember a user being banned for posting a sad emoji because a video game character had her sexiness removed from a game update. Just a sad emoji and nothing else.

Not to get too deep into things, but part of the reason I was banned from Era was for openly pointing out the hypocrisy with which they treat poc members and poc-topic threads while at the same time trying to claim that they are extremely progressive and inclusive. It turns out that inclusiveness is prioritized towards white women specifically, and any time news of a white woman is casted in a show or made a main character of a video game they claim it as a small victory for diversity when they're not realizing that it's such an easy trick by entertainment mediums to get free brownie points while still having to avoid the larger poc issue.

I was oddly labeled a 'bigot' by a mod for one of my many defenses for poc(maybe because they couldn't find any -phobia or -ism reason to ban me like they do with others) and it was at that point I realized Era is a place where you aren't allowed to look behind the curtain and criticize what's there. Both of these sites are broken without the other after the split happened, but I feel as if ERA is more broken than GAF and their users aren't allowed to see it or question it as a larger illusion has to be kept up by the upper staff. I wrote the staff a note letting them know that this rigid and overly-aggressive way of moderation will lead to more and more people(especially poc) up and leaving to other sites and that should be the opposite of what they're trying to accomplish as a forum.

This place isn't the best forum, but at least I see exactly what I get here, and I know if I were to bring up a larger issue I'd probably be argued or trolled to death rather than be outright banned before a serious discussion is even allowed to be made. However I don't see myself being that serious here(this has been my most serious post since and I still hesitated before writing it). I've come to a point where I just see the fun in forums and that's all. All of the arguing, trolling, and bickering is for younger members or more impassioned members, not me, but it will be fun for me to read and like from the sidelines.


The OTs are way better there

Hard disagree here. Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't. As someone who creates a fair share of OTs here, I occasionally jump over to ERA to check theirs and about half the time ours have more content, or better discussion. 60% of the posts over there seem to be one-liner low effort attempts. You start replying to something and when you're done 3 pages have gone by.

At the risk of tooting my own horn, I don't understand how people can say there's only AAA discussion when we've had plenty of amazing, in-depth threads:

People want more enthusiast debate but unfortunately we often rely on the same 5-10 people to create a good chunk of threads. Give it a try! It doesn't take that long - I am a working adult in my thirties and I find time.
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Any gaming forum by which the majority of users want to argue against the cost of pc, can not be an enthusiast forum. I mean gaming is supposed to be our hobby, but you want to argue that spending money on your hobby is bad. You want to argue against having the best experience possible to justify saving money in the short term and to coat the strong undercurrent of fanboyism.

You think you are an enthusiast when you buy a gaming machine once every seven fucking years. Kids and boomers who regularly upgrade their cell phones are more enthusiastic about their hardware than you, and they arent under the delusion of belief that that they are enthusiasts or "core" users.

And sorry, the "well I only care about the games!" scapegoat does not work either when the variety and depth of games available on pc also dookies all over even the best backwards compatible console! This place is a ghost of its former self, and it hurts to see fucking 8 year old Sony memes dragged up from the corpse of yesteryear.,


Gold Member
Any gaming forum by which the majority of users want to argue against the cost of pc, can not be an enthusiast forum. I mean gaming is supposed to be our hobby, but you want to argue that spending money on your hobby is bad. You want to argue against having the best experience possible to justify saving money in the short term and to coat the strong undercurrent of fanboyism.

You think you are an enthusiast when you buy a gaming machine once every seven fucking years. Kids and boomers who regularly upgrade their cell phones are more enthusiastic about their hardware than you, and they arent under the delusion of belief that that they are enthusiasts or "core" users.

And sorry, the "well I only care about the games!" scapegoat does not work either when the variety and depth of games available on pc also dookies all over even the best backwards compatible console! This place is a ghost of its former self, and it hurts to see fucking 8 year old Sony memes dragged up from the corpse of yesteryear while the only new contribution neo-neogaffers have brought is shitty conservative takes and Trump gifs.

That implies you will only ever find true enthusiast gamers on PC gaming forums. I disagree with that. I'm primarily a PC gamer, but having the most powerful rig in the world doesn't necessarily elevate your level of enthusiasm for gaming, imo. Even if cost were not a factor many gamers prefer the living room gaming experience rather than a desktop. Some would rather invest in a massive TV than a monitor or a big comfy recliner rather than a desk. That isn't necessarily about their budget though or their willingness to invest in their hobby. That is creating a gaming environment that is "best" for them.

Others are just fanatics about console gaming. I mean, look at Ma-Yuan Ma-Yuan gaming room:

I don't see a PC in sight, but damn do I see gaming enthusiasm.
Majority of people on here are filled with negatively and hate. There is a reason why people from the gaming industry don't post on here. You can just about talk video games on here.
Lol as opposed to those who left? All those people do is hate, but they wrap it in a false sense of self-righteousness.
Neogaf stopped being a gaming enthusiast forum when the split happened.

Majority of people on here are filled with negatively and hate. There is a reason why people from the gaming industry don't post on here. You can just about talk video games on here.

Probably a handful of threads on neogaf that are not filled with negatively. Majority of threads spiral off into some bullshit with in the first 10 posts.

You can't like anything on here with out a group a people feeling they need to let you know why they don't like and they can't even type it out in a constructive way. Big grown men acting like idiots.

Resetera is a better gaming forum despite their over strict modding, where as on here to keep neogaf "heating up" modding is close to non existent.


Its only a online forum
So why don't you go there? Yeah sure I've voiced my displeasure of the unending platform wars but I'd take GAF over /v/, Resetera, Reddit and GameFAQS any day of the week, want to talk about a specific game/series/genre/system? Make an OT yourself and people will come, i made an OT for my current favorite series (Trails) and I'm happy i did even if only a handfull of people joins in once in a while.


It’s great forum to be part of, as a gamer and as a person. I like the fanboy wars, I take place in those wars sometimes. Thats gamer enthusiast forum at its best.

I also appreciate that when the time comes, we can turn of fanboy switches and discus like civilized people.
i've read very insightful technical analysis threads on just about every hardware topic here, as well and in-depth write-ups regarding current (and past) game software. i really don't see anything like that in too many other places. posters here are passionate about their views, i appreciate that. i think the site is pretty well-rounded in it's content offerings, and i'm ok with the wars because, well, they are going to be present anywhere you go. my 2 cents.


GAF isn’t about video games, it’s about “gaming”, I guess, which is to say it’s all about console wars, and by extension, the gamers and not the games
Anyone that calls era a better place I really can’t take seriously....remember the wizard of oz where they discover the wizard is some dude behind a curtain pulling levers....thats era..except the wizard is actually a 20 something year old college drop out with gender/social/mental issues that is desperately trying to disguise their sjw forum as a gaming forum

if you have not figured out that era hates gamers you only have to look at the ops thread be linked too...he asked for it to be locked...most likely because he was getting harassed and too scared to keep discussion going that could ultimately lead to him getting banned

gaf may get a little fanboy heavy at times but you can actually discuss games and enjoy the community around it instead of having to think about which social media celebrity they can’t post about because they are on a shitlist of supposed transphobic people


If you’re taking time to post about your hobby on an Internet forum full of strangers in 2021, you’re an enthusiast.


Funny thing is,

I have evidence of them being pedophiles. You defend they, which is frightening me, with the argument that Gaf aren't angels. This alone me you are a leftist. "it's OK if other people does it".
Second, people use feelings as arguments are also typical leftism, because the truth can hurt so much that it's easier to use feelings as a measurement.

Leftism is dictatorship. Either you share my opinion, or you get the ban.

This is mostly a right winged forum, and be glad for that, because you won't get banned for your opinion.

If you defended Gaf on Era you would be banned faster than the speed of light.

And yes, thank god this is a gaming forum and not a political forum where the majority cries over there's not enough black characters, all white characters should be abomished from the culture and there's not trannies in cyberpunk and that there should be more rainbow flags on the cars.

The seventh reply:

"I don't see an issue with what they said, but it's easy to guess it won't please everyone at this point."

Perma ban.

This is also a good thread. Trying to ban the game for saying someone who wants 9876 genders are nuts. Meanwhile many of them seem to have been banned for not being woke enough.

Theres also the thread where there were gay jokes in Ion Fury, where the echo chamber rage actually became so massive that they removed the gay jokes, which resulted in the devs removing it.

The outcome? There were mass refunds because of it. They reimplemented it, and they sold better than before and Era were all like reee.

But yeah, let's discuss games here. Thankfully there is a forum for that.

Last thing. Try to say to the mods that you are also a Gaffer, and see what happens.

Here we laugh at Eras, but over there they want to kill you with silence.
Defend Era? Where's the proof? Juvenile argument.

Me lefties? Where's the proof? Juvenile argument.

Your thinking has only lefties or righties? I was proven right, juvenile thoughts.


What is juvenile is your sad attempts to defend that site full of miserable, hateful cunts. Cunts that openly celebrate folks' deaths, that push clearly troubled folk into suicide because they are troubled because they dared say a word they dislike. A site that will try to ruin your life and actively harass and stalk you. A site whose entire foundations are built upon and continues to propagate lies all in a bid to gain control.

Most people have a spine and principles they stand by, ones that prevent them from using such a vile hate site. Clearly you don't seem to have that.
Defend that site? Where's the proof? Did i say that site was better etc? Again all by your "feelings", juvenile arguments.

What principles are you standing by by posting on Gaf? That you have juvenile thoughts and can only differentiate between left or right and generalize entire people based on the forums they visit? How incredibly imbecile.


Used to be. Now it's just a console warrior bickering board. Still a great aggregate source of video game news, which is the only reason I keep coming here.


I wish the people writing walls upon walls of text about how ResetEra sucks would post, I don’t know, about their favorite studios or whatever.

ERA is just a forum. If you hate it, you can just pretend it doesn’t exist. This is not a hill to die on.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Defend Era? Where's the proof? Juvenile argument.

Me lefties? Where's the proof? Juvenile argument.

Your thinking has only lefties or righties? I was proven right, juvenile thoughts.

It was you putting political wings into the discussion. If you can't remember what you are saying then it's hard to have a discussion, or easy, depending on the view.

Let's just stop this clown discussion shall we? Let's not go as low as Era.
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Funny thing is,

I have evidence of them being pedophiles. You defend they, which is frightening me, with the argument that Gaf aren't angels. This alone me you are a leftist. "it's OK if other people does it".
Second, people use feelings as arguments are also typical leftism, because the truth can hurt so much that it's easier to use feelings as a measurement.

Leftism is dictatorship. Either you share my opinion, or you get the ban.

This is mostly a right winged forum, and be glad for that, because you won't get banned for your opinion.

If you defended Gaf on Era you would be banned faster than the speed of light.

And yes, thank god this is a gaming forum and not a political forum where the majority cries over there's not enough black characters, all white characters should be abomished from the culture and there's not trannies in cyberpunk and that there should be more rainbow flags on the cars.

The seventh reply:

"I don't see an issue with what they said, but it's easy to guess it won't please everyone at this point."

Perma ban.

This is also a good thread. Trying to ban the game for saying someone who wants 9876 genders are nuts. Meanwhile many of them seem to have been banned for not being woke enough.

Theres also the thread where there were gay jokes in Ion Fury, where the echo chamber rage actually became so massive that they removed the gay jokes, which resulted in the devs removing it.

The outcome? There were mass refunds because of it. They reimplemented it, and they sold better than before and Era were all like reee.

But yeah, let's discuss games here. Thankfully there is a forum for that.

Last thing. Try to say to the mods that you are also a Gaffer, and see what happens.

Here we laugh at Eras, but over there they want to kill you with silence.
You might be putting a bit too much energy into Era. All the guy said was not everyone there is nuts because he's right - not everyone there is. Any trip there will tell you that. You got political because someone didn't agree that Era is the worth thing on this earth. That might be a reaction worth some reflection, mate.

Life is too short to put that much effort and time into something you don't like.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
You might be putting a bit too much energy into Era. All the guy said was not everyone there is nuts because he's right - not everyone there is. Any trip there will tell you that. You got political because someone didn't agree that Era is the worth thing on this earth. That might be a reaction worth some reflection, mate.

Life is too short to put that much effort and time into something you don't like.

I'm not putting any energy into era, I'm just defending my opinion.

My problem wasn't that the poster didn't agree, I simply just replied to the person because I got quoted.

It took me two seconds to find everything I wrote, and my "knowledge" about it comes from Gaf regarding these informations.

I really don't care about Era, but when someone makes pedophilia as a "small thing that doesn't matter" and say Gaf are as worse as pedophiles, then yeah I get triggered.

I have a daughter that's 2 years old now. Getting into the same category as a pedophile really does trigger me. And it really makes my blood boil seeing pedophilia as not being a big deal.

I never said everyone were pedos on Era, but a big chunk of their staff is or were.

I'm the kind of guy that keeps relying because otherwise it feels like I was wrong, which is a thought I find hard to accept.

I get carried too far sometimes, but that post really did hit me hard and made me very furious.


Neogaf stopped being a gaming enthusiast forum when the split happened.

Majority of people on here are filled with negatively and hate. There is a reason why people from the gaming industry don't post on here. You can just about talk video games on here.

Probably a handful of threads on neogaf that are not filled with negatively. Majority of threads spiral off into some bullshit with in the first 10 posts.

You can't like anything on here with out a group a people feeling they need to let you know why they don't like and they can't even type it out in a constructive way. Big grown men acting like idiots.

Resetera is a better gaming forum despite their over strict modding, where as on here to keep neogaf "heating up" modding is close to non existent.


Its only a online forum
Yeah i'm sure that a forum that bans or demonize games for mongoloid reasons, try to cancel small devs on twitter or put a disclaimer about how racists and transphobe are the devs as a first post in every page of a game OT is a nice place to discuss videogames.


I'm not putting any energy into era, I'm just defending my opinion.

My problem wasn't that the poster didn't agree, I simply just replied to the person because I got quoted.

It took me two seconds to find everything I wrote, and my "knowledge" about it comes from Gaf regarding these informations.

I really don't care about Era, but when someone makes pedophilia as a "small thing that doesn't matter" and say Gaf are as worse as pedophiles, then yeah I get triggered.

I have a daughter that's 2 years old now. Getting into the same category as a pedophile really does trigger me. And it really makes my blood boil seeing pedophilia as not being a big deal.

I never said everyone were pedos on Era, but a big chunk of their staff is or were.

I'm the kind of guy that keeps relying because otherwise it feels like I was wrong, which is a thought I find hard to accept.

I get carried too far sometimes, but that post really did hit me hard and made me very furious.
I'd like to think it was more that he didn't read the link and responded to the idea of "Pedophile forum" as a sweeping indictment of the member base as a whole instead of the behind the hidden actions of a few that he's never heard of.

I can't speak for him, and maybe it's not that. The wording with full context sounds bad, but I'm being hopeful.


Neogaf stopped being a gaming enthusiast forum when the split happened.

Majority of people on here are filled with negatively and hate. There is a reason why people from the gaming industry don't post on here. You can just about talk video games on here.

Probably a handful of threads on neogaf that are not filled with negatively. Majority of threads spiral off into some bullshit with in the first 10 posts.

You can't like anything on here with out a group a people feeling they need to let you know why they don't like and they can't even type it out in a constructive way. Big grown men acting like idiots.

Resetera is a better gaming forum despite their over strict modding, where as on here to keep neogaf "heating up" modding is close to non existent.


Its only a online forum
Lmao what? Resetera is a cancer where sjws cry about a VA saying something transphobic and try to get a game canceled.
I’m new here, but from what I see this is most certainly a gaming forum, and it appears to be one of the only good ones left.
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