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Iwata: "Some developers have become pessimistic about Wii U"


Can't be the same song and dance when this comment doesn't hold up to Nintendo's previous generation sales.

It's a ruse. The vast majority of those sales were impulse, casual, and curiosity purchases.

I'd be willing to guess that much greater than 50% of those purchases ended up as re-sales, trades, or dust collectors.
I feel bad for nintendo, it must suck to have to constantly fight off and defend all this negative news. Truth is, things aren't looking good for the Wii U and Nintendo doesn't seem capable to turn it around. They are relying on the tides changing so momentum can build up but they aren't doing anything to change the tides.

This constant bad press has been happening since E3 2011 when they revealed the Wii U. Instead of doing something then, they ignored the issues just like they are currently ignoring the issue right now. Which third party game will people buy on the Wii U that they won't already get on one of the system they currently own? There isn't a single third party system seller.

Instead of being passive agressive toward third parties, Iwata should actually do something. If he can't do anything then he should step down as CEO because the industry has no confidence in him.


Truth is, if a household only has 1 TV, they were probably slumming it with a Wii as their TV only had an RF. designing a console around these people and listening to their opinions was always going to lead to problems.

We should be grateful WiiU even has HDMI.


Is Iwata just being a fool at this point?
He has acknowledged their problems once, that's honest and good....but does he even realize that he's becoming the main source of negative Nintendo news?
It seems like his plan is "If people feel sorry about us, maybe they will buy our product" (LOL).
But who knows, maybe at this point it will work better than "if we release more first party games and installed base goes up, third parties will come back".


It's going to be a first party machine, I don't think anything can change that at this point. I'm sure it will have some indie exclusives but the main publishers are not going to be coming back to the Wii U in droves 2-3 years down the line.

I think the PS4 will explode out the gate and will become the primary focus for most developers. Nintendo needs to deliver kick ass first party titles because banking on third parties will not work at all, the scale of development these days all but guarantees that.

Downscaling PS4 titles is going to get harder and harder as the cycle continues and the machines are close enough in price range that I don't see much of a market for those inferior versions on the Wii U.

Just invest in your first party studios and focus on making incredible exclusive titles.


Cherry-picked quotes from shareholder QA transcripts get multiple threads and a multitude of posts for the exact same question/quote, but threads pointing to the entire QA transcript in full gets lost in purgatory about half an hour after it gets made.

What gives?

People are used to short twitter-like bursts of information, whatever's in the title of the article is what will be used for discussion, there's rarely enough room for actual context. Maybe about half of the people will follow the link, even fewer will actually read the full Q&A the compressed article comes from.

But yeah, I really wish OPs would stop linking to articles and instead follow the source links and post the primary source. It's pretty basic research practice.


"Even if these publishers did not have any concrete plans to develop Wii U software, they will swiftly change their minds when they see the successful examples from others."

i wonder this will ever happen.


Is this one of those times where Iwata is answering a question from investors who don't give a shit about videogames or know anything about the industry and then people on GAF pretend he is talking to games media or to us directly and there is this self congratulatory:

"Well of course dummy dum dum!"

(check's OP link)



"Even if these publishers did not have any concrete plans to develop Wii U software, they will swiftly change their minds when they see the successful examples from others."

i wonder this will ever happen.

Who knows? But it starts with Nintendo and it will end with them.


I'm already at the point in the Wii U's life, that I will strictly be using it for Nintendo games and handful of 3rd party exclusives. As long as Nintendo keeps bringing out some of their quality games, I will not regret the money spent on the Wii U. That said, I haven't touched my Wii U since beating ZombiU. Really a shame that it's looking like Wii all over again, minus the insane install base. It's going to be much more difficult for them to build momentum from 3rd parties at this point without some big news.

I'm not even sure a price drop would even help at this point, because I haven't heard anyone I know ( this forum excluded) say "The Wii U is too expensive", but moreso that there aren't any good games, the games are too expensive for too long (opposed to PS3/360 versions), and probably the majority of them not even knowing what it is/confusing it with Wii still.

Van Owen

Even if these publishers did not have any concrete plans to develop Wii U software, they will swiftly change their minds when they see the successful examples from others.

"Even if these publishers did not have any concrete plans to develop Wii U software, they will swiftly change their minds when they see the successful examples from others."

i wonder this will ever happen.

Take2 will port over GTA5 because Rayman is going to sell a million copies on Wii U.


Truth is, if a household only has 1 TV, they were probably slumming it with a Wii as their TV only had an RF. designing a console around these people and listening to their opinions was always going to lead to problems.

We should be grateful WiiU even has HDMI.

Not that they were a huge market to begin with...


Iwata can make all the excuses he wants but at the end of the day Nintendo needs to change something in their corporate philosophy if they want to get back to where they were. This is just not working.


Is Iwata just being a fool at this point?
He has acknowledged their problems once, that's honest and good....but does he even realize that he's becoming the main source of negative Nintendo news?
It seems like his plan is "If people feel sorry about us, maybe they will buy our product" (LOL).
But who knows, maybe at this point it will work better than "if we release more first party games and installed base goes up, third parties will come back".

Most Iwata quotes from the past week are just quotes taken from the The 73rd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Q&A, that is he was answering questions from investors. People then spin those quotes to make as much news as possible.

At least this one wasn't about the cafeteria food. (which isn't good)


Just release X and once everyone has picked their jaws up off the floor and mopped up the drool developers will be eager to top such an awe-inspiring and gorgeous feat of programming!!


I've only ever really bought 1st party games on Nintendo consoles unless they were exclusive.

I'm part of the problem apart from the fact that Nintendo no longer cater to me. They sold out for the grannies and now they need my help.

But I'm just whispering no.

Make some decent games again Iwata. I dare you.


Iwata is driving Nintendos console business against a wall full speed. It´s not even funny anymore.
Just release X and once everyone has picked their jaws up off the floor and mopped up the drool developers will be eager to top such an awe-inspiring and gorgeous feat of programming!!

X won't have much of a impact when it is released against 2nd year Xbox One and PS4 games.
"Even if these publishers did not have any concrete plans to develop Wii U software, they will swiftly change their minds when they see the successful examples from others."

i wonder this will ever happen.



"If the number of consumers who prefer the Wii U version’s unique entertainment value, such as the ability to play games only with the Wii U GamePad (while the rest of the family is watching TV)

Why do they keep on pushing this as a top feature. Average household in America has more than 1 tv and the Wii U can't act as a tablet by itself because of its need for the wii u box.

Nintendo made a system for a problem that didn't exist.


"There were so many games released by third party publishers for Wii U during the launch period, but most of them were converted from other platforms and therefore could not enjoy brisk sales," explained Iwata."

It's your job to make sure this isn't the case, but you seem to be terrible at it


"Even if these publishers did not have any concrete plans to develop Wii U software, they will swiftly change their minds when they see the successful examples from others."

i wonder this will ever happen.

Of course it will. They'll change their minds from "no concrete plans" to "no way in hell".
Why do they keep on pushing this as a top feature. Average household in America has more than 1 tv and the Wii U can't act as a tablet by itself because of its need for the wii u box.

Nintendo made a system for a problem that didn't exist.

I'm going to assume Miyamoto only has 1 TV.
Truth is, if a household only has 1 TV, they were probably slumming it with a Wii as their TV only had an RF. designing a console around these people and listening to their opinions was always going to lead to problems.

We should be grateful WiiU even has HDMI.

Without really desiring to weigh in on whether or not I think Off-TV gameplay is a feature that truly appeals to the mass market, I do think it's worth pointing out that I think your analysis is off the mark, here. I don't think they were marketing a $350 console at poor families that only had one TV to share in as much as they thought the feature would appeal to families that want to share the living room.


Gold Member
Even if these publishers did not have any concrete plans to develop Wii U software, they will swiftly change their minds when they see the successful examples from others.

They need to clarify this; do they mean examples from their own studios? or from external ones?

So far the best examples I've read or seen, have been Nintendo's own studios, pushing the boundaries of the Wii U console.


"Even if these publishers did not have any concrete plans to develop Wii U software, they will swiftly change their minds when they see the successful examples from others."

i wonder this will ever happen.

It would require a miracle, a third party exclusive game out of left field that sells 2-3 million on the console and seems to be only possible on the gamepad. Even then the volume of sales on next-gen systems will eclipse what is currently the norm on Wii U pretty much immediately. Something like Call of Duty, Battlefield, Assassin's Creed 4 or Watch Dogs will probably sell better at launch than the best selling Wii U third party game has done in a year.

I can't picture a future where third parties consider it a good idea to go make exclusives for Wii U. Best bet would be some downports that not many people will care about, might be worth it for certain titles that fit the Wii U demographic once the system picks up in sales a bit but that's a best case scenario.

Honestly as a Wii U owner I'm perfectly fine with this scenario, I just want Nintendo published exclusives, third party games would run/look better on PS4 anyway. The gamepad certainly hasn't proven itself to be a big deal to me, in fact the battery life on the controller is pretty pathetic due to the screen and Nintendo cheapening out on the battery. Would much rather get third party games on PS4 and I'd wager most gamers will feel the same.


Why do they keep on pushing this as a top feature. Average household in America has more than 1 tv and the Wii U can't act as a tablet by itself because of its need for the wii u box.

Nintendo made a system for a problem that didn't exist.

Have you got a source to back that up please. Thanks. Just curious.


Why do they keep on pushing this as a top feature. Average household in America has more than 1 tv and the Wii U can't act as a tablet by itself because of its need for the wii u box.

Nintendo made a system for a problem that didn't exist.

They've gone from probably the most inclusive, social, single-room multiplayer console ever to one which encourages one person to sit with their own screen and headphones on, whilst the rest of the world carries on around them. Whereas Wii integrates into your life, your parties, your gatherings, the Wii U pulls you straight out of them.


"Some developers" got used to receive "incentive$$$" from certain hardware makers, to the point of risking losing fan base.

Nintendo is still appealing something that got lost with the apparition of the dude-bro plague. Making a good game is waaaaaay behind flashy turd-polish and Hollywood-like "story telling".


It would require a miracle, a third party exclusive game out of left field that sells 2-3 million on the console and seems to be only possible on the gamepad. Even then the volume of sales on next-gen systems will eclipse what is currently the norm on Wii U pretty much immediately. Something like Call of Duty, Battlefield, Assassin's Creed 4 or Watch Dogs will probably sell better at launch than the best selling Wii U third party game has done in a year.

I can't picture a future where third parties consider it a good idea to go make exclusives for Wii U. Best bet would be some downports that not many people will care about, might be worth it for certain titles that fit the Wii U demographic once the system picks up in sales a bit but that's a best case scenario.

Honestly as a Wii U owner I'm perfectly fine with this scenario, I just want Nintendo published exclusives, third party games would run/look better on PS4 anyway. The gamepad certainly hasn't proven itself to be a big deal to me, in fact the battery life on the controller is pretty pathetic due to the screen and Nintendo cheapening out on the battery. Would much rather get third party games on PS4 and I'd wager most gamers will feel the same.

beside the battery life, imo, the gamepad is a big deal. the Off TV play is like godsend.

fart town usa

Gold Member
Have you got a source to back that up please. Thanks. Just curious.

I live in a 2 bedroom apartment and own 3 TVs.

You sound like the little kid in Back to the Future balking at Marty's claim that they have two TVs at his house.

It's 2013, TVs have gone down in price...


100 million people wanted it, it's impossible for all of them to not care about it anymore I think. But it's all guesswork by me.

Interesting fact about the hula hoop:

"Carlon Products Corporation was one of the first manufacturers of the hula hoop. During the 1950s, when the hula hoop craze swept the country, Carlon was producing more than 50,000 hula hoops per day."

Surely not all of them don't care but I can safely say, like all fads, interest severely waned.


beside the battery life, imo, the gamepad is a big deal. the Off TV play is like godsend.

I like the feature but if I had to choose between a WiiU/PS4 version of a title it wouldn't even be close to enough to make up for the difference in visual fidelity and performance and more comfortable controller and better online setup and.... I'm sure you get the point.

The titles I bought the Wii U for don't even use the gamepad for anything other than small touch features, certainly nothing that couldn't be done on other systems. Even Nintendo doesn't really know how to use the thing, Nintendo Land was the best use of it but even then it wasn't a game changer for me or anything.
How is it a godsend?

I'm not him, but just in general, I'll state that some people want to be in the same room as their family or significant other. For instance, if my wife wants to watch something on TV, while I'm in the middle of playing something, she can have the TV and I can play on the GamePad. In other instances, it may be even more of a necessity. I have an almost-two year old. As tempting as it may be to plop him down in his room and put on something like Thomas & Friends to babysit him as I go to the living room to play something on the big screen, that really isn't an option. But, I can attempt to put that on the living room TV while I attempt to play something on a handheld device.
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