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Iwata: "Some developers have become pessimistic about Wii U"


Interesting fact about the hula hoop:

"Carlon Products Corporation was one of the first manufacturers of the hula hoop. During the 1950s, when the hula hoop craze swept the country, Carlon was producing more than 50,000 hula hoops per day."

Surely not all of them don't care but I can safely say, like all fads, interest severely waned.

Are you saying you can use the Wii U as a hula hoop? Too bad I sold mine.

In seriousness, yes motion controls could have been a fad. But we will never find out.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Why do they keep on pushing this as a top feature. Average household in America has more than 1 tv and the Wii U can't act as a tablet by itself because of its need for the wii u box.

Nintendo made a system for a problem that didn't exist.

I think you are looking into the benefits of off-screen play wrong. Everyone I know is majorly excited for Remote Play on PS4... and AFAIK out of the box that will only be available locally (i.e. not the internet).

off-screen play is nice because.. well, you don't have to move your ENTIRE console to another area of the house to enjoy a game. this isn't a "wtf Nintendo!?!" thing.. This is a "hmm.. I wonder why Sony is doing it also?"

People want off-screen/remote play. It's about convenience more than it is only having one TV. The same reason people love cross-play on PSVita/PS3. If I have a handheld... and a choice between handheld games on it.. or my actual CONSOLE games directly on it.. yeah, the console game choice will win very frequently. The fact that most WiiU games support it by default, and it looks like Sony is making it supported for ALL titles by default on PS4.. has a lot of people excited.


i was little hyperbolic?

How has it changed your lifestyle? Nintendo wanted to make the Wii U the center of everybody's living room experience except they built a box which can't even play dvds. Its not like you can watch tv and use the Wii U to play a movie for your kid. The Wii U is Nintendo's half assed attempt of combining an iPad, a Roku, and a game console.


I live in a 2 bedroom apartment and own 3 TVs.

You sound like the little kid in Back to the Future balking at Marty's claim that they have two TVs at his house.

It's 2013, TVs have gone down in price...

Huh. Why would I sound like that. Yes TV's have depreciated in price but people where I live don't really have more than 2, at least in the area of the UK I live in. People are more accustomed to streaming services now through BBC Iplayer and others. Heck we have 1 in our household.

I'm always curious about the distributions of other people's habits in other countries, the fact I'm studying economics next year is a kind of testament to that. So sorry for sounding all inquisitive, maybe I shouldn't even ask next time.


Japan is no longer the nexus of gaming.

The Japanese just don't want to invest the necessary cash to make the right games.

The only dev that gets it is platinum. They have the technical skills, their ability to make IP that appeal to the west is their problem.

No one wants anime any more.

Nintendo needs to look at Sony. They have strong devs based in every region making appealing games.

SCEJ has imploded just like every other japco but luckily Sony had invested.

Stop being a stingy bastard and buy/set up your own devs everywhere.

Even Sega understood this. Just look at the amazing on the DC. Sega were in a worse situation financial but were able to go our guns blazing.
All I'll say for the Gamepad is if Nintendo's AAA titles are not creatively utilizing the Gamepad, why should other developers? The impression I get from the Gamepad is it was trying to be too many things -- DS, Wii, iPad --without realizing what made each product successful and where the market is at right now.

While I've defended Iwata in the past, and still don't believe he deserves to be fired, it is all hit clear at this point that if he does not manage to come within striking distance of his sales goal for next year he will no longer be CEO (not to say he won't retain his position at NoA). In a year when we have seen a lot of other CEO's lose their job for less, I cannot see their share holders giving him any more patience a year into the console's cycle.
How has it changed your lifestyle? Nintendo wanted to make the Wii U the center of everybody's living room experience except they built a box which can't even play dvds. Its not like you can watch tv and use the Wii U to play a movie for your kid. The Wii U is Nintendo's half assed attempt of combining an iPad, a Roku, and a game console.

I'm not sure I follow your point, here. Mind you, I think the lack of the ability to play DVDs and Blu-Rays is unfortunate, but given that you acknowledge in the next sentence Roku-like abilities, I don't know why you mention that it can't be used to play movies for your kid.


We have found out though. Nobody gives a fuck about Wiimote, Move or Kinect anymore or otherwise they´d buy them.

Microsoft seems to think so. And you can't say people don't care about the Wiimote anymore. Nintendo didn't give people a new one to buy. Look at Apple, they struck gold with the iPad. We are already on the 4th generation iPad and there is an iPad mini spin off. If they stopped after iPad 1 I can assure you the sales would have slowed down already.


"some" ?!

This quote makes Iwata sound competely delusional. The entire situation is dismal at best and this is coming from someone who bought a Wii-U around launch, owns several games and enjoys it for what it is. I just wish Nintendo would have played things differently to avoid this happening in the first place, but here we are. The 1st party lineup for the rest of the year and the beginning of 2014 is pretty good, but it remains to be seen if this is going to be enough to turn things around or not (especially with skeptical 3rd parties)...


Lmao is he hinting that when 3rd party games are released simultaneously it'll be a eureka moment for devs?


Microsoft seems to think so. And you can't say people don't care about the Wiimote anymore. Nintendo didn't give people a new one to buy. Look at Apple, they struck gold with the iPad. We are already on the 4th generation iPad and there is an iPad mini spin off. If they stopped after iPad 1 I can assure you the sales would have slowed down already.

The Ipad is a lifestyle accessoire, a status symbol and can be used for much moreb than just gaming. Not really comparable.
How has it changed your lifestyle? Nintendo wanted to make the Wii U the center of everybody's living room experience except they built a box which can't even play dvds. Its not like you can watch tv and use the Wii U to play a movie for your kid. The Wii U is Nintendo's half assed attempt of combining an iPad, a Roku, and a game console.

I can say it will change things for me since I'll play console games a lot again. Last time I did was when I had a tv tuner for my laptop. I prefer to have a game or show on the tv while I play video games so I mostly play pc and 3ds games now. I don't have much tv time anymore so usually a sports game. Off tv play is about the only thing I find enticing with the wii u, for at least another year. I have 3 rooms, 3 tv's and just a fiance who pretty much only watches Netflix btw.
I just remembered that this is also the same QA session where Iwata describes the practice of isolating his words out of context and framing it differently.


Gold Member
Iwata is such a good CEO. People that want him gone do not appreciate how candid Iwata actually is.


In the end I don't see things turning around for Nintendo with third parties for a very specific reason. The make up of the user base. Nintendo themselves has game series that if released would go a long way of helping to cultivate an audience that would be more open to buying third party titles in larger numbers. However Nintendo will not release those series because they aren't huge million sellers. Some like to talk abou the mid-tier game possibly being a thing that could help Nintendo. Well Nintendo themselves has games that could be classified as mid-tier games but will not release them.

Now Nintendo has some of that audience already but not in large enough numbers. They aren't engaged enough to be around regularly I think. They show up and buy the latest 3D Mario, Zelda, and maybe Metroid or another exclusive if they're lucky and then go back to playing their PS3, 360, or PC or before that PS2 or Xbox or PC.

It does not matter if the Wii U sells well this holiday on the back of Super Mario 3D World or Donkey Kong. That isn't the audience third parties want or will find attractive. In order for Nintendo to actually build that audience they would need to resurrect some of their past games like Star Fox, F-Zero, Metorid Prime, Wave Race, Eternal Darkness. Release them with online multiplayer and actually release sequels to them. Perhaps release two entries on the WIi U and actually push all of them in the best way they can. Accept that there is a market for NIntendo games that aren't related to the Mario franchise. These games won't sell over a million at first. They didn't in the past. However they could nurture them and get them to grow over time. However to do that they need to keep customers engaged. Which is why they must release multiple entries over the Wii U's life. These aren't going to be evergreen titles and nor should they be. They have to be treated the same way third parties treat their titles. Titles to be played and enjoyed for two years and then move on to the next one. Titles where the focus is on online multiplayer and not local multiplayer. Titles that still have the Nintendo charm and spin but aren't platformers or aimed at everyone but a specific market.

Then and only then do I think third parties will change their outlook on Nintendo hardware. They'll see that Nintendo is series about building a user base that that they can engage in a meaningful way.
I live in a 2 bedroom apartment and own 3 TVs.

You sound like the little kid in Back to the Future balking at Marty's claim that they have two TVs at his house.

It's 2013, TVs have gone down in price...

It's not necessarily a matter of price. In some urban areas (in my country for example) there's been a switch from big homes to small, centrally located apartments.

I have 1 TV because in my 2 bedroom apartment it doesn't make sense to own another, not because they're expensive.

Off play TV is an appealing feature for me and probably other people as well. Too bad the WiiU doesn't appeal to me at all. Maybe the PS4 + Vita combo will satisfy my off screen play needs.


"If the number of consumers who prefer the Wii U version’s unique entertainment value, such as the ability to play games only with the Wii U GamePad (while the rest of the family is watching TV), increases to a certain extent where third-party publishers notice unexpected hit Wii U titles from other publishers and realize this system’s business potential, its momentum will be improved.

Sounds like he and Nintendo just don't get it.



my sides = exploded in a million pieces.


I'm not him, but just in general, I'll state that some people want to be in the same room as their family or significant other. For instance, if my wife wants to watch something on TV, while I'm in the middle of playing something, she can have the TV and I can play on the GamePad. In other instances, it may be even more of a necessity. I have an almost-two year old. As tempting as it may be to plop him down in his room and put on something like Thomas & Friends to babysit him as I go to the living room to play something on the big screen, that really isn't an option. But, I can attempt to put that on the living room TV while I attempt to play something on a handheld device.


As of May 2013:

91% of American adults have a cell phone
56% of American adults have a smartphone
28% of cell owners own an Android; 25% own an iPhone; 4% own a Blackberry
34% of American adults own a tablet computer

SO between laptops, tablets, and phones where is the need to have a Wii U gamepad?
Games that are designed for 1 screen can play on the Wii U right? So that kind of screws up the design philosophy for people who want to design games right? Nintendo should have should the game pad as an accessory for people who really wanted it and designed a system with an hdmi in so that consumers could plug entertainment in and then use the wii u as system box.

Also you only plan on showing your child content that is on a streaming service? While I know the stats with netflix and children content there are still tons of dvd content that parents have that they won't be able to play fort their kids on wii u.

As of May 2013:

91% of American adults have a cell phone
56% of American adults have a smartphone
28% of cell owners own an Android; 25% own an iPhone; 4% own a Blackberry
34% of American adults own a tablet computer

SO between laptops, tablets, and phones where is the need to have a Wii U gamepad?
Games that are designed for 1 screen can play on the Wii U right? So that kind of screws up the design philosophy for people who want to design games right? Nintendo should have should the game pad as an accessory for people who really wanted it and designed a system with an hdmi in so that consumers could plug entertainment in and then use the wii u as system box.

I feel like you aren't thinking this through very well. Again, I'm not suggesting that this is a great, slam dunk feature that is totally worth the added cost that the GamePad places on the Wii U. In that regard, I'm completely willing to concede that it may not have ultimately been a great decision to design around such a feature.

However, having said that, the benefit is obvious if they can get people to want the content in the first place. My laptop, iPad, and smart phone (I have all of these devices) don't seamlessly output to my television without extra effort. And further, they don't play console video games.

Also you only plan on showing your child content that is on a streaming service? While I know the stats with netflix and children content there are still tons of dvd content that parents have that they won't be able to play fort their kids on wii u.

That's true. You won't be able to watch DVDs, which I agreed was unfortunate. However, there are lots of streaming options for children's content.


I remember on Gametrailers there was an interview with a guy from Naughty Dog who said he wanted Nintendo to go third-party (i.e. scrap the Wii U and just make awesome Nintendo games for Sony/MS/Steam)

I wonder if that sentiment is prevalent among other devs.

What would be the benefit of that to other devs exactly? Yes, we want Nintendo on the third party market. More competition will be great in this market!
Is the Wii U the biggest Hindenburg disaster gaming has seen? I mean we've seen bombs like the 3DO and Jaguar, but nothing with this much investment and development into it just shit the bed like this.


I remember on Gametrailers there was an interview with a guy from Naughty Dog who said he wanted Nintendo to go third-party (i.e. scrap the Wii U and just make awesome Nintendo games for Sony/MS/Steam)

I wonder if that sentiment is prevalent among other devs.

That was Jason Rubin and he ran THQ as it went into bankruptcy and all the IP and assets sold. He is currently unemployed.


NCL needs to kick out Iwata, bring back Yamauchi-San (he's not dead yet).

If NCL fires Iwata(unlikely, I think they give him two years before something major happens.) It should be Minoru Arakawa who comes back from retirement and run this company. Dude started Nintendo of America, and he's the reason why the NES dominated in the U.S.
I love my 3DS (third party games), I really do. But god am I happy that I didn't bother to buy a Wii U.

And that 1 year head start of the Wii U? Yeah flush it down the toilet..


Good luck with that Iwata. Though who knows, maybe Nintendo can make the Wii U do a turn around just like they did with the 3DS.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Good luck with that Iwata. Though who knows, maybe Nintendo can make the Wii U do a turn around just like they did with the 3DS.

3DS never had a complete lack of third party interest. Indeed, a lot of core brands were always slated for the machine even from the off, and the handheld market is one Nintendo is maintained an iron grip over.

Nintendo's home console business has been on the slide ever since the NES and they started really, Wii as a clear anomaly in the slide. Its on its way out, and theyre not staying competitive or making anywhere near enough motions to suggest they even want to stay in any kind of race really.

Iwata is going to have to eat the worlds biggest crow come March 2014. Scientists are going to have to breed that fucking Corvidae member into the kind of mutant that could feed the 5000.


lol Nintendo is so fucked.

I can't think of a single choice they've made has been the correct one for a successful platform launch.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
The problem is that while handhelds are not only remaining popular in Japan, but gaining in popularity there even... consoles are primarily western at this point. Look at the biggest games announced by both Sony and MS at E3, and they were almost all western-developed.

I'm not saying no one cares about Japanese games any more... but to sell the system Nintendo has to firmly entrench itself as a system that western devs want to develop for.

Ironically enough........ EA actually has a point (yeah, I am in utter shock also). Online IS a huge deal in western gaming... and for every step nintendo takes forward in it (Miiverse is... brilliant?) they take a step back (we STILL don't have a Live/PSN-level unified service from them).

I honestly don't think it's too late for Nintendo.. if they can drop the price this fall right before the new systems launch, in theory they could have a $100-150 price advantage over the PS4 (and $200-250 over XBONE). That is a pretty staggering difference.. And a $249 basic console with say NSMBU (or a third party hint hint) would make a big difference for the console. If they can actually generate 3rd party sales and keep their online infrastructure moving forward.. there's no reason the Wii U can't continue on forward as a budget system..

hell, IMHO the graphic differences aren't even going to be anywhere near as severe as PS360->Wii.. hitting that 1080p hurdle was really the big step.. if devs can lower LOD, pull in draw distances a little and blur up the textures a bit.. it COULD be feasible for someone to just own the WiiU, still have great looking games, etc.


Without really desiring to weigh in on whether or not I think Off-TV gameplay is a feature that truly appeals to the mass market, I do think it's worth pointing out that I think your analysis is off the mark, here. I don't think they were marketing a $350 console at poor families that only had one TV to share in as much as they thought the feature would appeal to families that want to share the living room.

It seems created with Japanese families in mind to me.
It seems created with Japanese families in mind to me.

Honestly, I think it's a wonderful feature. The main problems to me are that it probably added too much to the cost in terms of its utility for mainstream consumers, it (like the rest of the platform) has been marketed poorly, and finally it conflicts with really targeting dual screen interfaces. Other than that, I'm not sure if it was the right call as a focal point of the platform, but I do think some of the criticism it gets as a useless feature in light of multi-television owning households to be unwarranted.

It's one thing to say that it's a feature you don't personally desire/aren't willing to pay a premium for. But to suggest that it's pointless I think really demonstrates an inability to think about how other consumers might want to use such an entertainment product.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
What would be the benefit of that to other devs exactly? Yes, we want Nintendo on the third party market. More competition will be great in this market!

Well, I don't think Nintendo games infringe upon any other type of 3rd party game. I guess stuff like Knack would sell less if you had Marios to buy lol

But I see what you're saying.


That's probably a mistake as 1) The Wii U has very little to do, conceptually, with the Wii 2) Caused confusion, most people don't realize it's a new machine.

Well keeping the brand alive was a good choice imo. But yes, paired with the mountain of mistakes that is the Wii U it's bad.
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