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Japanese newspaper rumor: redesigned Vita unveiling just before TGS


Unconfirmed Member
Why not have a display resoloution settings mode like PS3?

That wouldn't really help at all, the only thing the resolution settings do is determine what's best for your TV. Since the Vita is standardized it wouldn't be necessary since all games would need to run at the original resolution for standard Vitas and the higher resolution or be upscaled on the newer Vitas. The device itself would know what it's resolution is.

It also doesn't get around the hardware difference which makes it even more unlikely. Sony would have to make the hardware more powerful for the same game to run at higher resolutions with no changes. Unless this new Vita was going to replace the old one it makes no sense to produce two SOCs for two different Vita models, especially when the system isn't selling well. And I doubt they would make the only available Vita model a hulking, unportable monstrosity.

It would increase costs relative to putting in less RAM. Unless this is an IT Crowd joke...

If the cost is inconsequential there's no reason not to do it, it looks better on paper and means they can add more multitasking and other features that would require more system RAM. Call it a marketing expense.

But the question of course is, is it an inconsequential expense? If the RAM is on the SOC it wouldn't be since it would tie into what I said above, unless the base Vita model is also getting a revision with more RAM or the new model would be the only one going forward. Making two different SOCs for a poorly selling system is a terrible idea.


This sounds actually kind of interesting. It's almost like they want to position it as a gaming tablet with that screen size.id be more interested in that device then, but it still has to be under $199 or even lower.


If it's bigger my only request is full sized clickable analog sticks and R2 and L2 triggers for comfortable remote play. Make it also have a function to act as a DS4 so I can save money for not having to buy a second DS4 for couch multi player.

Edit: for people who who says extra inputs will split userbase, extra inputs are only for remote play or optional similar to 3DS second stick attachment.
Doesn't sound right. They need cost reduction, not cost... increases.

Exactly. I cant imagine them bumping up screen size and reducing cost...
I dont own a Vita. But I would buy a "cheaper" model. Say.. dropping the OLED screen and using a TFT one instead. SD card support. The screen is probably the most expensive component...


Exactly. I cant imagine them bumping up screen size and reducing cost...
I dont own a Vita. But I would buy a "cheaper" model. Say.. dropping the OLED screen and using a TFT one instead. SD card support. The screen is probably the most expensive component...

could be a cheaper larger screen, doesn't need to be OLED.


I don't think it will be a revision but another version, basically XL for optimum remote play and companion device for PS4. I think it would be sold for $200, and they will continue to sell current Vita too which will be price dropped to $160. Both systems won't used OLED but Super LCD IPS screen similar to smartphones.


Don't think the Vita needs a hardware refresh at all. Would be madness change specs like RAM and CPU speed when the product is already out.

Just drop the price and allow 3rd party memory cards!


I'd be surprised if this is true. The Vita doesn't need a redesign, and it is a sales disaster, why would Sony pour more money into this thing? The market has spoken and they have no interest in it.


If this is true, I might actually not be able to resist getting one. I only play my handhelds at home, so the big screen would be welcomed by me.


Isn't all the memory in vita in the SoC? Or just the VRAM?
It is.

Since Samsung are specifically mentioned as the screen supplier it probably means SAMOLED+ has been chosen for this revision. Sony failing to understand the market IMO given that they just sold 10m smartphones at a $330 ASP. Higher than the cost of the Vita and all of those had frankly sub-par LCD screens compared to the competition who mostly sold less. The market doesn't give a shit about "dat OLED" and Sony needs to dump it and cut the cost.
Sony may not understand "the market", but at least they understand which screen technologies are suited to gaming.
6.3'' screen made by Samsung? Maybe using the same screen as the Samung Mega 6.3 then. That's LCD though...



And it is a beautiful screen. It make also bad games looks great.

Screen is not that great, it didn't make SFxT or Soul Sacrifice look good. Those sub res games looked so bad and was why I sold my vita. And now I wonder how all the other and new sub res games will look on a increased screen size, quality will probably degrade like with the 3ds XL.
I'm in the skeptical camp, on this one.

I can see maybe a cosmetic make-over with a few refinements here and there similar to the psp fat to slim revision.



Slightly bigger D-pad (keep the same design)
Slightly bigger face buttons.
Add analogue triggers.
Clickable thumb sticks.
Move analogue stick and d-pad slightly further apart.
Actually make the start/select buttons feelable. There's next to no touch sensation on those things, and you have to second guess which one you're actually pressing.
Make compatible with micro SD storage.
HDMI out.
Improve speaker quality.
Make it ergonomic in design. Playing the vanilla version without a grip is a chore.
Netflix for EU. (and just more apps in general).


Doesn't really sound necessary, the Vita is already a really good piece of hardware. I rarely see any complaints about the Vita hardware, it's the software that puts people off.


I always thought the Vita needs bigger sticks, that's about it. The screen and the system were already a bit too big as they are now.


I'm in the skeptical camp, on this one.

I can see maybe a cosmetic make-over with a few refinements here and there similar to the psp fat to slim revision.

A fat to slim wouldn't make much of a difference for sales imo, a 6.3 style redesign would (where the difference is really apparent and easy to market).

People already say Vita is big and you can't easily put it in your pocket or whatever so might as well take it the extra step.
Sounds like bollocks. Why make a bigger, more expensive Vita when they can't sell the cheaper one? More likely we'd get a smaller Vita with an LCD.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
With a bigger screen? LOL! Will Sony really will be pushing that accessory aspect? That's the only angle where I can see this working, but honestly I don't see how that'll help them in the only market a handheld is truly salvageable right now (Japan).


I'd be surprised if this is true. The Vita doesn't need a redesign, and it is a sales disaster, why would Sony pour more money into this thing? The market has spoken and they have no interest in it.

They want to rebrand it as a PS4 accessory.

Not a bad move imo.

I hope they add L2+R2, clickable sticks and an SD card slot.


It could end up being an LCD. But the mega has a 1280x720 resolution I believe. So that can't be the screen for the Vita.

Eh....it doesn't have to be an existing display. The original Vita screen was custom too. Samsung at that time didn't have any product that had a 5 inch, 960x544 S-Amoled+ either.
Of course, it could be a totally different kind of panel, since Samsung also makes PLS and S-LCD screens too.

It's gonna look worse though, with a dpi, below 200, at 175. It's gonna be a bit better than the Wii U's gamepad, which had a dpi of 158.
More like a mini tablet, just what I wanted(preferred 7'' though), in addition I'm expecting a cheaper model with LCD display. Would love if Sony experimented with Vita OS/Android hybrids.


I don't believe this rumor. Unless there's something I don't know about, releasing an even bigger Vita would be the opposite of what Sony should be doing to save that device. What the Vita needs is larger and cheaper memory cards, a price drop and games. Lots and lots of games.


More memory and bigger screen are exactly what I wanted out of a new Vita revision. If that means the web browser is decent and they add a book reader app this will replace my tablet.


No one wants to make games for it, including Sony itself!

This version wouldn't change that and would probably sell even less. This rumors is just nonsensical. No one is going to buy a Vita for remote play. It#s nive value add if you already have a Vita and probably makes you keep it around, but nothing more.


As long as the screen is increasing due to smaller bezels, and they're not actually making the device bigger.

Hope for this for Gamescom though, my birthday is the 6th of Sep and my GF is planning on rebuying me a Vita (had one at launch, then sold it).
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