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John Smedley Steps Down As CEO Of Daybreak Studios

John Smedley is stepping down as president and chief executive officer of Daybreak (the company that was once Sony Online Entertainment), the publisher confirmed to GamesBeat. Current chief operating officer Russell Shanks will step in as the new president of the company.

The CEO’s departure comes in the wake of a cyberattack that took many of his company’s game servers offline. But Smedley, who helped pioneer the massively multiplayer online model and free-to-play strategy on home gaming consoles, also isn’t gone for good; he is planning to take on a different role at the publisher in the future.

“I can confirm that John Smedley will be taking some time off from the company for the near-term and transitioning to a different role to be determined,” a spokesperson for Daybreak told GamesBeat. “Upon finalization of his plans, further communication will be provided.”

This transition comes at an interesting time for the executive, the company, and the wider industry at large. Smedley most recently made headlines for threatening to sue Julius Kivimaki, a cybercriminal and member of the cybervandal group Lizard Squad. One of the crimes that Kivimaki was partly responsible for was a bomb threat that grounded a plane that Smedley was flying on. Earlier this month, Kivimaki was convicted of more than 50,000 counts of computer-related crimes in Finland, but he didn’t receive any jail time, only a two-year commuted sentence.

Outraged by the perceived lack of punishment, Smedley took to Twitter to tell Kivimaki that he was “coming for” him.

While many fans of Daybreak games celebrated Smedley’s response, his actions also painted a target on his and his company’s backs. And on July 9, the remaining members of Lizard Squad began assaulting Daybreak servers with a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, which overwhelms a target network with junk data. This took games like H1Z1, Planetside 2, and more offline. So as Smedley takes time away from Daybreak, he is also potentially getting some space from the Lizard Squad harassment group.

More at the Source


Things are looking NOT good for EverQuest Next.

And that is an absolutely terrible shame.

However, I wish Smedley the best and hope this does help Daybreak Games catch a break.



(I don't blame the guy one bit)


He touched the black heart of a mod
Things are looking NOT good for EverQuest Next.

And that is an absolutely terrible shame.

However, I wish Smedley the best and hope this does help Daybreak Games catch a break.

I'll be so upset if that never comes to be. I hate most MMOs, but that one...

Oh, that one looked good.


What has happened to him has just been absolutely disgusting. I hope he can find his center and continue on with his career.


Things are looking NOT good for EverQuest Next.

And that is an absolutely terrible shame.

However, I wish Smedley the best and hope this does help Daybreak Games catch a break.
Things aren't looking good for Everquest Next because of Smedley.


I'll be so upset if that never comes to be. I hate most MMOs, but that one...

Oh, that one looked good.

What they were promising sounds good, but they barely showed anything from that game. I can't remember the last time we even got info from it. Not looking good.
Let's be honest, even without the cyberattacks this was inevitable, SOE/Daybreak has been going downhill ever since the disastrous reception to Planetside 2's launch, and Sony deciding to sell them off was but the crescendo to a lot of bad things to come for SOE/DB as a result of how they've been performing as a studio.


It might sound bad, but a new ceo might fresh up the company with some new ideas. The way it happened was horrible though


He touched the black heart of a mod
What they were promising sounds good, but they barely showed anything from that game. I can't remember the last time we even got info from it. Not looking good.

The Landmark beta was good though. It was like a highly detailed version of Minecraft.


I hate that anytime I see his name, I have nothing but bad thoughts about what he did with SWG. He could have done great things since then but I'd never know because that will always be at the front of my mind. I'd like to think the game would still be around today...


I feel for the guy but it seems like he's been stirring the hornet's nest more than he should've been. Daybreak (and Smedley himself) may have faced less cyber attacks if he had just let things go. Those punks suck, but sometimes it's just better not to argue with them.


I don't blame him at all. Hope he lands somewhere where he can just work in peace.

(nge still sucked though)
I feel for the guy but it seems like he's been egging on the haters more than he should've been. Daybreak (and Smedley himself) may have faced less cyber attacks if he had just let things go. Those punks suck, but sometimes it's just better not to argue with them.

Well with what they did to him i bet its pretty hard to ignore it all, when they decide to give only a 2 year jail sentence.


He drove the company into the ditch long ago. Criminally mismanaged every damn game they had. Doesn't deserve shit from hackers but I'm not sad to see him gone.


I feel for the guy but it seems like he's been stirring the hornet's nest more than he should've been. Daybreak (and Smedley himself) may have faced less cyber attacks if he had just let things go. Those punks suck, but sometimes it's just better not to argue with them.

well they did call in a bomb threat to ground his plane


Wow. Hope this is good for him (and us).

I mean, personal things aside which are most important, I'm on a gaming forum, so .. Smedley, you're my last hope for EQ Hype.

I can only return to EQ 1 about 10-15 more times and start over, or EQ 2 about 5 more times and start over..... I really needed EQ Next to work!


Things aren't looking good for Everquest Next because of Smedley.

This just adds to a list of things Daybreak has had to endure since being converted and downsized from Sony Online Entertainment.

SOE was pretty much a great company with a lot of heart, and then got a lot of that heart ripped out of it when it was sold off.
Let's be honest, even without the cyberattacks this was inevitable, SOE/Daybreak has been going downhill ever since the disastrous reception to Planetside 2's launch, and Sony deciding to sell them off was but the crescendo to a lot of bad things to come for SOE/DB as a result of how they've been performing as a studio.

H1Z1 has sold well over a million copies and it still one of the best sellers on Steam with a good sized community and steam marketplace support bringing in more money. I don't think they are in that bad of a place right now.
Yeesh... I feel reaally bad for him. Needless to say, I hope he knows what he's doing in dealing with the bastard scum. It better not consume his entire life :/


well they did call in a bomb threat to ground his plane

I get that and I absolutely don't blame him for any of his reactions, but making a big deal about it is A) doing exactly what the punks wanted, and B) making yourself a bigger target.

Edit: Of course he still should've gone to the police. Maybe just hold back on some of the tweets, Reddit comments, etc.


Transitioning to a different role to be determined,
While that could be code for "fired". If he was a programmer, artist or games designer originally, with everything that's been going on, maybe he's after a less publicly facing position. It's not necessarily a bad thing.

I still have no clue WTF LizardSquad had against this guy. Maybe he nerfed their Everquest class or something equally completely inconsequential.

I get that and I absolutely don't blame him for any of his reactions, but making a big deal about it is A) doing exactly what the punks wanted, and B) making yourself a bigger target.
If that's the only LizardSquad thing you've heard about concerning this guy, then I get what you're saying. But they've been trolling him alot more than just grounding his plane and I'm not just talking about the dead dad thing. I'm talking credit score, identity theft type stuff.
H1Z1 has sold well over a million copies and it still one of the best sellers on Steam with a good sized community and steam marketplace support bringing in more money. I don't think they are in that bad of a place right now.

Alright, one dart that sticks among a massive wall of duds. Planetside 2 took a lot of heat and is consistently bleeding players on PC (Don't know how it's doing on PS4, but I hope to god DB doesn't pull a reverse-Valve and end up only giving the PS4 version proper support if it does better), Everquest Next has been in development hell, and Wizardry Online's western release got shut down within a year of servers opening - And does it not say enough that even in the face of H1Z1's million sales, Sony still didn't see it as worthwhile to keep SOE on board?

(Also, just to note, this news is actually from about ten days ago, seems VentureBeat is late on this story.)
Alright, one dart that sticks among a massive wall of duds. Planetside 2 took a lot of heat and is consistently bleeding players on PC, Everquest Next has been in development hell, and Wizardry Online got shut down within a year of servers opening - And does it not say enough that even in the face of H1Z1's million sales, Sony still didn't see it as worthwhile to keep SOE on board?

(Also, just to note, this news is actually from about ten days ago, seems VentureBeat is late on this story.)

They were a massive studio that worked on games better suited for PC. Sony selling them made sense as they were focusing on their console.
Yes, I must agree with you.

I've been excited for Everquest Next for some time now. If that were not to be realized, it would be a shame indeed.

I have a feeling that game is going to end up some Co Op action RPG with Instanced player housing. Something like Minecraft. An MMO on that scale can destroy the studio if it flops and I just don't see them risking it.


Amazing folks let him in the door after Vanguard.

Probably get beaten, but..you're thinking of McQuaid. Brad McQuaid, who was let back in the door many years later.. but then left again is last I heard.

As for Smedley, he wasn't perfect, but he was one of the original 3. Someone can check my history, but I've been following them since release and have two EQ Lore/Anniversary whatever books.

So, at least he was a name people knew, .. you know like as long as Wal-Mart is owned by a Walton, you figure it'll stay true to the original image.


Probably get beaten, but..you're thinking of McQuaid. Brad McQuaid, who was let back in the door many years later.. but then left again is last I heard.

As for Smedley, he wasn't perfect, but he was one of the original 3. Someone can check my history, but I've been following them since release and have two EQ Lore/Anniversary whatever books.

So, at least he was a name people knew, .. you know like as long as Wal-Mart is owned by a Walton, you figure it'll stay true to the original image.
You right

One of the problems with MMORPGs is they let folks hang around with past glories sticking to out dated designs and listening to the vocal minority.


Smedley announces SOE is no more, becomes Daybreak Game Company
Dear Players, Partners and Friends,

Today, we are pleased to announce that we have been acquired by Columbus Nova, an investment management firm well known for its success with its existing portfolio of technology, media and entertainment focused companies. This means that effective immediately SOE will operate as an independent game development studio where we will continue to focus on creating exceptional online games for players around the world, and now as a multi-platform gaming company. Yes, that means PlayStation and Xbox, mobile and more!

As part of this transition, SOE will now become Daybreak Game Company. This name embodies who we are as an organization, and is a nod to the passion and dedication of our employees and players. It is also representative of our vision to approach each new day as an opportunity to move gaming forward.

So what exactly does this mean for you? It will be business as usual and all SOE games will continue on their current path of development and operation. In fact, we expect to have even more resources available to us as a result of this acquisition. It also means new exciting developments for our existing IP and games as we can now fully embrace the multi-platform world we are living in.

Our games and players are the heart and soul of our organization, and we are committed to maintaining our portfolio of online games and pushing the limits of where we can take online gaming together.

Thank you for your continued support. See you in game!

The Team at Daybreak
Smedley made this statement around 10 days before laying off 140 developers, removing GM support in Everquest 1 and 2, losing the Planetside 2 creative director, firing David Georgeson - the director of Everquest Next (the guy who thought up all of those hype ideas) and even cutting ties with Storybricks, an incredible hyped up dynamic story/quest AI system feature of Everquest Next (this led to the Storybricks company shutting down).

He also has some major prior screw ups like Star Wars Galaxies. If the guy can lie this blatantly and mess up this often, I am not surprised that he has picked up a few enemies.


It's amazing how long smedley lasted with all the shit he got for swg.

remember Vanguard Saga of Heroes, yeah...

SOE was pretty much a great company with a lot of heart, and then got a lot of that heart ripped out of it when it was sold off.

They had a alright run with SWG and the first Everquest. Other than that they will be remember as the pioneers of MMORPGs, who could not make an actual decent MMORPG, ever...


Seek victory, not fairness
Smedley announces SOE is no more, becomes Daybreak Game Company

Smedley made this statement around 10 days before laying off 140 developers, removing GM support in Everquest 1 and 2, losing the Planetside 2 creative director, firing David Georgeson - the director of Everquest Next (the guy who thought up all of those hype ideas) and even cutting ties with Storybricks, an incredible hyped up dynamic story/quest AI system feature of Everquest Next (this led to the Storybricks company shutting down).

He also has some major prior screw ups like Star Wars Galaxies. If the guy can lie this blatantly and mess up this often, I am not surprised that he has picked up a few enemies.

Oof, yeah, EQN was already in trouble then. Storybricks was going to be the heart of the game.


Smedley announces SOE is no more, becomes Daybreak Game Company

Smedley made this statement around 10 days before laying off 140 developers, removing GM support in Everquest 1 and 2, losing the Planetside 2 creative director, firing David Georgeson - the director of Everquest Next (the guy who thought up all of those hype ideas) and even cutting ties with Storybricks, an incredible hyped up dynamic story/quest AI system feature of Everquest Next (this led to the Storybricks company shutting down).

He also has some major prior screw ups like Star Wars Galaxies. If the guy can lie this blatantly and mess up this often, I am not surprised that he has picked up a few enemies.
Wow. It's sounding to me like this company and all of it's games are heading to their death beds. EQ1 did hold out long though, to be honest.
He also has some major prior screw ups like Star Wars Galaxies. If the guy can lie this blatantly and mess up this often, I am not surprised that he has picked up a few enemies.

Amen, like I've been saying, the past few months, if not years, for SOE/DB have been a massive case of, well...


The above, in action.

H1Z1 is ultimately a good thing for DB, yes, but it's a good thing being weighed down by a million and one anvils and albatrosses that they've accumulated in the past few years.

(And seriously, if PlanetSide 2's failure wasn't a sign of things to come, then I don't know what is.)
Planetside 2 failed?

Looking at stats, the game has been consistently been bleeding players every month, even with the slight bump Hossin's release gave it last year. Then look on GAF, the only Planetside 2 discussion is about the PS4 version, with the PC release having virtually Nil mindshare. General public opinion about it everywhere outside of the hardcore clan communities also agrees that Planetside 2 on PC has been a failure.

A game doesn't need to be a Dust 514-scale flop to be a failure, mind. But ultimately, I'd say Planetside 2 didn't achieve, and likely won't ever achieve what Daybreak was hoping it would. It simply hasn't left a mark.

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Unconfirmed Member
Smedley announces SOE is no more, becomes Daybreak Game Company

Smedley made this statement around 10 days before laying off 140 developers, removing GM support in Everquest 1 and 2, losing the Planetside 2 creative director, firing David Georgeson - the director of Everquest Next (the guy who thought up all of those hype ideas) and even cutting ties with Storybricks, an incredible hyped up dynamic story/quest AI system feature of Everquest Next (this led to the Storybricks company shutting down).

He also has some major prior screw ups like Star Wars Galaxies. If the guy can lie this blatantly and mess up this often, I am not surprised that he has picked up a few enemies.

Jesus... I didn't know about their cutting ties with Storybricks. That was supposed to be a defining feature of the game...

Have they shown anything of EQ Next since David Georgeson got the boot? I don't know much about that guy, but he seemed pretty cool.


Let's be honest, even without the cyberattacks this was inevitable, SOE/Daybreak has been going downhill ever since the disastrous reception to Planetside 2's launch, and Sony deciding to sell them off was but the crescendo to a lot of bad things to come for SOE/DB as a result of how they've been performing as a studio.


Though he didn't deserve what he dealt with, he poked the hornets nest one too many times leading to that stuff, then he poorly directed that studio nearly into oblivion. He allowed Higby and crew to completely Piss all over planetside 2 and handled that situation all wrong. H1Z1 isn't that great of a game and they lucked out making a slightly less buggy version of of a mod pack, everquest seems to be in development hell, and then there's the swg things. DB should count their blessings he's gone, for now. Let's see if they can turn it all around.
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