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JonTron (youtuber) speaks against demographic "invasion" of America by nonwhites

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Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I'm most definitely anti-body shaming, but I'm just going to have trouble feeling bad for JonTron at this moment.

Body shaming goes beyond the specific target of the attack. I'm not defending Jon.
Looking back at early grumps and his old cartoons, Arin has (relatively) matured in the last 5 years.

I guess I shouldn't be too surprised with Jon, but I didn't think he would dig himself deeper in controversy.

Eh, him and Danny still say some pretty off color shit. It's more that they know the backlash and what's at stake that they keep their opinions private than "maturing" from what I've seen. They still cry pretty consistently about "backlash" before it even happens and SJW and people being too uppity.


I'm already looking forward to reaction videos from some prominent Youtubers, reactions to the reactions, JonTron's response, and then a compilation of all of these things in a summary of events video.

Basically, I don't think JonTron is escaping this controversy anytime soon.


I'm reminded that Yahtzee Croshaw's gone all alt right in recent years. Used to be he was pretty left but lately he's all about "muh man problems."

I'm gonna need some receipts on this because he's never come across to me as being the same as someone like Jon. Not 100% liberal, sure, but nowhere near alt-right.


Nope. He did a video that seemed to take a "both sides" standpoint, but that's justifiable. Hell, maybe even admirable in some other contexts when one side isn't fascist.

He does spew offensive stuff, though. Mostly for shock humor, but that's what people wrote Jon's use of slurs off as, too, hence the apprehension.

It wasn't really a "both sides" thing (if you're talking about that Trump game video) but more just showing Hillary as the flip-flopping opportunist she was. It was literally just quick clips of her in interviews, they were her words. As a Bernie supporter, I definitely agreed with his stance there.
Obviously Hillary wasn't the best candidate, but she was leagues better than Trump, and I really hope Dunkey doesn't think Trump is anything more than a vile piece of shit
I'm reminded that Yahtzee Croshaw's gone all alt right in recent years. Used to be he was pretty left but lately he's all about "muh man problems."

Can you provide a source for this?

Just before we start throwing different people under the bus without proof.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Eh, him and Danny still say some pretty off color shit. It's more that they know the backlash and what's at stake that they keep their opinions private than "maturing" from what I've seen. They still cry pretty consistently about "backlash" before it even happens and SJW and people being too uppity.

They say off color stuff from time to time but they've also been explicit in terms of accepting people as they are. Let's not go on witch hunts. Jon is our target here.

L Thammy

His middle name is Aryan? I mean, I know who the actual Aryans were and his parents didn't mean it that, but, uh.

Part of me wants to watch some his videos out of morbid curiousity but I'm kind of happy with never having given him a click.


Whenever Jon mentions anything about Europe it really gives me a headache. Well to be fair its not like anything else he said made any sense either. I have seen 4th graders make more concise arguments than he ever did during this entire stream.


i was so upset when i found that one out :( used to think he was so funny.

I mean, that's exactly what I'd expect from a stick figure man wearing a fedor-- TRILBY, IT'S A TOTALLY DIFFERENT THING, GOD

Seriously? Fuck, I loved the adventure games he made and some of his reviews.

Any source?

That's interesting because his recent ZP episodes have included some heavy-handed piss taking out of the current political climate in America, and in one of the videos he joked about how he had to make a joke about Hillary to make it seem like he was more "neutral" about it.

Honestly not very surprising. He really started rubbing me the wrong way a few years back and I haven't watched any of his stuff sense then. Just comes off as a entitled prick with ridiculous ideals.

A lot of his videos as of late feature moments like that. His Arkham City had a bit of whataboutism going on, his review of Dex had him take shots at women in STEM fields, every time a game has a female protagonist he cracks about it.

And while he certainly makes fun of everyone, it just felt, I dunno, different. Like it was way more venomous. It's entirely possible I'm looking into things that aren't there, but that's how it comes off to me.

It just stands in contrast to that Black Ops episode he did where he lampooned the whole idea of white whining to the point of flat out saying that "people who were lucky enough to be born white are the most privileged motherfuckers on the face of the earth."
On the stream one of the donations read something like "3 years ago some woman told Jon to check his privelige and got triggered so hard he went full nazi" that I think is actually probably close enough to the truth for these types of guys.

They get in hot water for something they did and they just end up totally embracing the opposite of the spectrum in order to maintain that they were right.

Yep this is a significant factor in the rise of the alt-right and gators.

Some people aren't big enough people to accept having their shit called out without going fucking crazy. They aren't really thinking too much about anything or showing much interest in the plights or causes of others, and sure enough they say or do something fucking dumb and get blindsided by someone not willing to put up with that shit. So instead of actually thinking about what just happened with some modicum of humility and interest in how other people feel, they lash out. From there it's a slippery slope into the mad reality of someone like JonTron right now.
It wasn't really a "both sides" thing (if you're talking about that Trump game video) but more just showing Hillary as the flip-flopping opportunist she was. It was literally just quick clips of her in interviews, they were her words. As a Bernie supporter, I definitely agreed with his stance there.
Obviously Hillary wasn't the best candidate, but she was leagues better than Trump, and I really hope Dunkey doesn't think Trump is anything more than a vile piece of shit
Well there's a massive different between not being a Hillary supporter and being a Nazi. I need some receipts from this thread.


Sorry for asking this kind of off topic question, but I've been seeing this a lot and I'm kind of confused. When people say "the media" are they referring to news media specifically? Because jontron technically IS "media"
They say off color stuff from time to time but they've also been explicit in terms of accepting people as they are. Let's not go on witch hunts. Jon is our target here.

:lol there is no target and I called for no witch hunt. I'm saying the weird posts in here that keep elevating Arin and Co. to some celestial space when they also have said slurs, done racial impressions that are pretty gross, and said other off-color shit. Again, it's more been that they whine about "backlash" so they silence themselves rather than giving their view, that's not maturity and probably still hold pretty shitty views on stuff. They're just afraid of losing their career and hurting their friends. They're not shining beacons.

Also, just because you say something doesn't make it true. You can't be saying off color shit and then hand wave it away saying "but we love everyone!!!". That's some "my best friend is black" levels of bullshit.


Whenever Jon mentions anything about Europe it really gives me a headache. Well to be fair its not like anything else he said made any sense either. I have seen 4th graders make more concise arguments than he ever did during this entire stream.
Europe supposedly being taken over and ruined by those scary Muslims is the go-to argument for alt-righters with absolutely no factual evidence other than regurgitated horse shit from Fox News and Breitbart.

Just straight up hate speech disguised as statistics that don't exist.


Sorry for asking this kind of off topic question, but I've been seeing this a lot and I'm kind of confused. When people say "the media" are they referring to news media specifically? Because jontron technically IS "media"

They're referring to "media I disagree with."


all I can say Is what the hell happened? you vote for one guy whos not white and everyone looses there shit. have you been on quora lately? you cant tell if your answering someone who is misinformed or if your been trolled. ether way I cant watch jontrons videos any more
Europe supposedly being taken over and ruined by those scary Muslims is the go-to argument for alt-righters with absolutely no factual evidence other than regurgitated horse shit from Fox News and Breitbart.

Just straight up hate speech disguised as statistics that don't exist.

Considering he did an interview for Breitbart.... are we actually shocked that's where he gets all his news?


Sorry for asking this kind of off topic question, but I've been seeing this a lot and I'm kind of confused. When people say "the media" are they referring to news media specifically? Because jontron technically IS "media"

They're referring to the mainstream media like CNN/MSNBC/NBC/ABC/NYT etc (ignoring Fox usually, huh), aka the MSM aka big business owned by a few companies aka paid off by the CIA aka shills aka owned by the shadow government aka deep state propaganda, depending on how many layers of stupidity you want to go down.


I'm reminded that Yahtzee Croshaw's gone all alt right in recent years. Used to be he was pretty left but lately he's all about "muh man problems."
Oh no. Gonna need some info on this as well. I've been watching Zero Punctuation since 2007. We're really gonna need some evidence of this.

Angry Fork

Will be interesting to see h3h3's reaction to this considering they are/were good friends with jontron. I consider them good people but lately they've been on this false equivalent both sides shit and downplaying a lot of the anti-trump stuff. They're going to have to pick sides at some point so we'll see. Will be sad if they defend the white supremacist shit.

The Lamp

His gifs made me laugh. Now when I see his face, all I am is disappointed. What a trash human being, and a hypocrite for being a first generation American himself. I hope he loses all his subscribers.
What a shame. I used to watch Jon's videos a lot back in the day. He was a very entertaining dude. It really sucks he had to get all caught up in this mess.


What a shame. I used to watch Jon's videos a lot back in the day. He was a very entertaining dude. It really sucks he had to get all caught up in this mess.
He didn't get caught up in it, he went out of his way to insert himself and defend insanely abhorrent ideals.


Muslim riots in Europe is the new Bowling Green Massacre

Muslim riots
French neighborhoods and busisness where women aren't allowed
Sharia law on the UK
Belgium basically a middle eastern dictartoship right now

I'll say, it is a pretty scary world if you believe all the scary lies.


What a shame. I used to watch Jon's videos a lot back in the day. He was a very entertaining dude. It really sucks he had to get all caught up in this mess.

You don't get "caught up" in this, it would be like looking outside and seeing a march with Nazi paraphernalia everywhere and then joining in and when you get stopped by the cops your defense is "I got caught up in it, I don't even associate with these people!".
never thought that this guy would go full stefan molyneux/alex jones/sargon ...

The Molyneux comparison is apt, since he started off as just a typical run-of-the-mill ancap/egotistical wannabe cult leader before descending into his final form as a gibbering, xenophobic fascist-MRA-racist chimera with a tail made out of pure shit.
A lot of his videos as of late feature moments like that. His Arkham City had a bit of whataboutism going on, his review of Dex had him take shots at women in STEM fields, every time a game has a female protagonist he cracks about it.

And while he certainly makes fun of everyone, it just felt, I dunno, different. Like it was way more venomous. It's entirely possible I'm looking into things that aren't there, but that's how it comes off to me.

It just stands in contrast to that Black Ops episode he did where he lampooned the whole idea of white whining to the point of flat out saying that "people who were lucky enough to be born white are the most privileged motherfuckers on the face of the earth."

This doesn't feel sufficient to start putting the guy in the same category as JonTron if you ask me. It's not even sufficient to label him "alt-right". Is there something more going on here that I'm missing?
Hey you fucking You Tuber (this is the very expression that will label this current generation), have you seen the "13th Amendment" on Netflix. If not I urge you to do it. People like you are silently killing black and foreign men.

I still can see you attracting audience to your mediocre channel by saying shit.


Can you provide a source for this?

Just before we start throwing different people under the bus without proof.

When he was doing his weekend streams (the lets drown out series), some of the topics got kind of....alt-rightish. Mostly centering around Gamergate, "SJW's", and gamer culture being young, white, and wealthy.

But it was nothing like this. Hell, he was often the voice of reason in said conversations.
Regardless of what stances Jon has had, the one thing I've pretty much always known is he's dumb as hell. He was always terrible at describing and defining his positions let alone defending them outside of just doing jokes. It's even worse now that his positions are about important concepts.

I honestly feel like he got really upset by some people coming at him on some of his politically incorrect jokes and in his search for fans to make him feel better he fell into some vile shit. And apparently he now believes it wholeheartedly. He very much fits the profile for someone who would fall for that nonsense, just based on how simple he sounds conveying his arguments. I feel bad that 3 million people, mostly kids I imagine, follow him and might also fall into the same traps.

Anyway, I'm glad to hear Destiny completely dunk* on him and talk circles around him as he fails to even muster an argument. Not only because it's awesome on its own, but Destiny was maybe the first streamer I ever watched back in the Starcraft 2 days, and it feels good knowing he's still an okay dude (perhaps even better now than before) who can think critically and convey a coherent thought.

*It's crazy that just hearing someone state positions and quote facts and statistics is now dunking, but I guess that's where we're at.


His Reddit seem to mostly be turning on him which is giving me life.

Where can one with this destiny interview thing? Might need to watch for Schadenfreude.

"Incredible JonTron cosplay"

i'm weak.


So when Jon was saying that oppression in America doesn't exist and then asked about th crime rates in Africa, was he fucking saying that black people are predisposed to commit crimes because of their race? That it's genetic? Please tell me I interpreted it incorrectly.


This doesn't feel sufficient to start putting the guy in the same category as JonTron if you ask me. It's not even sufficient to label him "alt-right". Is there something more going on here that I'm missing?

Well like I said, it's possible that I'm looking far too deep into this, honestly I'd be happy if this was just me overreacting. It's just weird to me.
So when Jon was saying that oppression in America doesn't exist and then asked about th crime rates in Africa, was he fucking saying that black people are predisposed to commit crimes because of their race? That it's genetic? Please tell me I interpreted it incorrectly.

That's what I took away from it, especially after he began saying how rich African-Americans commit more crimes than poor whites.
what makes people to believe lies?

what makes people to assume that everything is some other persons fault and that your superior and what not?

what makes one to just toss in and believe rumors and blank out reality?

what makes one to trust memes more then articles with links, evidence and proof?

what makes one into a douche?

I wonder time and time again when I see this but trying to understand them makes you drown in the cesspool that is their hate.


Well there's a massive different between not being a Hillary supporter and being a Nazi. I need some receipts from this thread.

I don't think anyone here is calling Dunkey a Nazi, to my knowledge he's never given any reason for people to do so. We are mostly all just praying it isnt another case of a "video game representative" being a completely shitbag, because lots of people really enjoy what he does
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