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Jurassic GAF |OT| The Park is closed, the World is open

Why did they remove the Spinosaurus from JPIII's logo anyway? I'm always afraid I'm going to decide to randomly buy a new Jurassic Park bluray and accidentally buy JPIII.

Consistent brand imagery I believe.

Considering the name change (Park to World), I'm betting this was the way to identify official Jurassic branding.
Outside of people just not liking the Spinosaurus I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the Spinosaurus JPIII logo. It's like the only thing that gives the film its own sense of identity so let it keep it.


Outside of people just not liking the Spinosaurus I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the Spinosaurus JPIII logo. It's like the only thing that gives the film its own sense of identity so let it keep it.

Oh yeah I don't have any problem with it. Was just saying if they made the spino the main dinosaur on that collection cover.
I would have liked to see an 'alternate' Jurassic World logo, featuring the Indominus. While I don't like the steel look, I never minded the Spino being on the JP3 logo - its reveal was cool as hell back in the day.

I still bet the Rex logo is going to remain mostly consistent from here out.


I actually dig the JP3 logo a lot but I hate how they use that metallic look for the general series logo. It seems like Universal simply did this when JP3 was still new and never bothered to update it. After the new success they could at least make a new one, preferably a fancier version of the original.
On the subject of the Raptor designs, here's a look at some of their early color schemes. Left to right is Charlie, Blue, Delta and Echo

So, considering these Hasbro toys are seemingly all based off the Ludia Jurassic World Game:

Jurassic World Hybrid T Rex - $24.99 B6524
Jurassic World Alpha Cycle and Hybrid Raptor Pack -$19.99 - UPC 63050946452
Jurassic World Hybrid Raptor 1 B8635 Growler -$14.99 - UPC 63050946453
Jurassic World Hybrid Armor Ankylosaurus B8629 Basher Biter UPC 63050945936
Jurassic World Hybrid Armor Indominus Rex B8628 Basher Biter UPC 63050945937
Jurassic World Hybrid SpinoRaptor B8633 Basher Biter UPC 63050946348
Jurassic World Hybrid Stegoceratops B8632 Basher Biter UPC 63050946349
Jurassic World Hybrid CarnoRaptor B8631 Basher Biter UPC 63050946350
Jurassic World Hybrid Dilophosaurus Rex B8630 Basher Biter UPC 63050946449

I wonder if the final designs will more closely reflect the in game models, or concept art? Because the art looks pretty cool IMO:

I think these will translate to the Jurassic World toy style much more proficiently than 'realistic' dinosaurs. But I'm also crossing my fingers they up their game overall.
I'm guessing the 'Hybrid Armor Ankylosaurus' will just be its Level 40 variant.. I wonder if the color will vary though.

They should cater to the longtime fans, and give it the Jurassic Park Chaos Effect Euoplocephalus paint application:

That Euoplocephalus was never released was it?

Seeing all the renewed emphasis on winning ideas like "Stegoceratops" and "Spinoraptor" I just have this bad feeling the Jurassic World sequel's going to be full blown Chaos Effect stupidity.
That Euoplocephalus was never released was it?

Seeing all the renewed emphasis on winning ideas like "Stegoceratops" and "Spinoraptor" I just have this bad feeling the Jurassic World sequel's going to be full blown Chaos Effect stupidity.

Nope, one of the many unreleased CE toys.

Don't worry, these toys are not indicative of that. AFAIK, the only people who know the direction of the future films atm are Trevorrow, Connelly and Spielberg. Perhaps Frank Marshall as well.

Hasbro and the Brand team are simply providing sustain options - this one seemingly being a toy and merchandise line based on the mobile game. They have no extra insight on what the movies will do, at least not yet.

Again, I may be wrong, but afaik that is the current dynamic.
You're right, the toys have nothing to do with it. But I still have this bad feeling from the bad guy's speech at the end of Jurassic World. I'd still like to see the series start taking dinosaurs seriously again instead of jumping further down into the other direction.
You're right, the toys have nothing to do with it. But I still have this bad feeling from the bad guy's speech at the end of Jurassic World. I'd still like to see the series start taking dinosaurs seriously again instead of jumping further down into the other direction.

I'm positive we will see InGen cloning designer Velociraptors that can camouflage, don't get me wrong. But I simply hope they'll play more of McGuffin like role once again - and I'm sure it will go awry.

I really hope it never goes as far as the Sayles script. I know Colin tried to take the concept Spielberg was pushing and keep it grounded and craft something way more JP... He's designing the future story, baring Spielberg approval. So it should all work out.


You know I have gotten to the point where I wouldn't mind modified soliders with dino DNA. Maybe not the concept art we had though. But then we would basically be in resident evil territory and I know most don't want that lol. Then again i'm in the camp that just want's dinosaurs more so as "monsters" in these films rather than just animals. Which is another not very well liked idea. I'm here for the carnivores over anything else.


I hope they announce a director soon too.

Wouldn't be some shit if out of the blue JJ Abrams was like "Yo i'll do a dinosaur movie". Not big on him as a director myself, but would be interesting to see him jump from huge franchise to another huge franchise. However it does seem like they'll go for another "no name" like Trevorrow. Which isn't a bad thing at all.
I'm positive we will see InGen cloning designer Velociraptors that can camouflage, don't get me wrong. But I simply hope they'll play more of McGuffin like role once again - and I'm sure it will go awry.

I really hope it never goes as far as the Sayles script. I know Colin tried to take the concept Spielberg was pushing and keep it grounded and craft something way more JP... He's designing the future story, baring Spielberg approval. So it should all work out.
The Sayles script we actually saw didn't actually go that far with hybridization--the Indominus was actually another level above anything in the script that leaked, at least how they were described (well, except the "Excavaraptors," don't know what was up with those). The insanity of the Sayles script came mostly from the events and scenes in it. I know we've seen those weird Isle of Dr. Moreau level strange concepts but I don't imagine the series ever going in that direction. But then again I would be cool with never seeing something on the level of the Indominus (or JW's attempts at actual animals for that matter) in this series ever again, but I have a feeling they will only want to go in the direction of sequel escalation.

I'm kind of sick of them attempting to "one-up" the Tyrannosaurus as the main dinosaur villain. In TLW it was two Tyrannosaurus. JPIII it was the Spinosaurus. JW has the Indominus. And every single one of them forgot that the Tyrannosaurus was not the main dinosaur villain of Jurassic Park. The raptors were. Oh the T.rex had the main show stopper scene, but it didn't drive the movie's plot.

EDIT: I'd actually like to see them drop the T.rex and raptors entirely for one film and introduce some new animals to terrorize people (and not just straight replacements like the Spinosaurus and Indominus were), but I know that isn't even remotely realistic.
Those hybrid designs look amazing! That Dilophosaurus...

I am particularly fond of the Carnoraptor


I bet in the end it will be just repaints with clip-on "hybrid" parts.

Nah - while they may do that with some, Hasbro - or rather Universals - commitment to the Jurassic brand was amplified greatly. 2002-2013 Universal basically didn't care about their brand/merch game.

It's changed - and JW's success only reinforces that.

The Sayles script we actually saw didn't actually go that far with hybridization--the Indominus was actually another level above anything in the script that leaked, at least how they were described (well, except the "Excavaraptors," don't know what was up with those). The insanity of the Sayles script came mostly from the events and scenes in it. I know we've seen those weird Isle of Dr. Moreau level strange concepts but I don't imagine the series ever going in that direction. But then again I would be cool with never seeing something on the level of the Indominus (or JW's attempts at actual animals for that matter) in this series ever again, but I have a feeling they will only want to go in the direction of sequel escalation.

I'm kind of sick of them attempting to "one-up" the Tyrannosaurus as the main dinosaur villain. In TLW it was two Tyrannosaurus. JPIII it was the Spinosaurus. JW has the Indominus. And every single one of them forgot that the Tyrannosaurus was not the main dinosaur villain of Jurassic Park. The raptors were. Oh the T.rex had the main show stopper scene, but it didn't drive the movie's plot.

EDIT: I'd actually like to see them drop the T.rex and raptors entirely for one film and introduce some new animals to terrorize people (and not just straight replacements like the Spinosaurus and Indominus were), but I know that isn't even remotely realistic.

Remember, the Sayles script came before whatever script produced that insane art. So they at one point they read the Sayles script and were like nahhh, that's too tame.

I think eventually they realized how ridiculous things were getting and Jaffa/Silver were brought in. If Trevorrow/Connolly step away from the scripts eventually I hope they can bring Jaffa/Silver back - I think both writing teams would make for good JP, with the latter likely better at capturing the Crichton feel.

As for switching up the direction of the sequels, I think Mark Witton had some good suggestions:


Some are a little out there, but would make for an interesting film.

All the hate for the JP3 poster and logo makes me sad. :( I loved the shake-up as a kid.

It seems most people here don't really hate the logo so much as the brushed steel look that has plagued the franchise since.


It seems most people here don't really hate the logo so much as the brushed steel look that has plagued the franchise since.
Eh, I can understand why. But I think that aesthetic worked well with JW considering it was supposed to be this functional and wonderfully handled park that was up to date in the modern era. It'll be interesting to see if they continue it for the next film. I wouldn't be surprised if they did considering its success.


It is pretty cool though that we just don't know where they could go with it. Since all of the easy ideas are out of the way it seems like.
I personally just want the end of JW as a film. A full Feature film of Mercs vs Dinosaurs is something i have always wanted.
I really liked Witton's idea of bringing back human ancestors and that would make a really interesting story but I think that would be way better served as its own thing instead of shoehorning it into Jurassic Park. I'm not keen on pushing the hybrids at all, but his points on making the animals feel like actual animals are on point and I agree entirely that actual moral and societal questions need to be brought up. Jurassic World completely wasted its setting in this regard--I really wanted to see the actual cultural ramifications the park had on the world. The protesting from animal right's groups, the scientific establishment's debate on its existence, what happens to the paleontologists, environmental problems, things like that. The running park was flat out the best and most interesting idea the film had and they squandered it by squashing it all together with hybrid monsters, militarized raptors, and bad romance that it was left with no room to breath.

Jurassic World was presumably cloning great white sharks (a nearly endangered animal) so they could hold a horrid spectacle show of a mosasaurus eating one every few hours. There is an interesting moral and environmental dilemma.


JW's marketing wasn't all that, I agree. Nothing about the promotion of the movie was really all that hype inducing. Just the brand name was enough.
Uh, JW had amaxing marketing.

Nope, it was advertised like a generic blockbuster with little to no fanfare and awkward info drops. Not to mention Universal originally had big plans for it all, but scaled back drastically after getting cold feet. That also effected things like licensed products, scrapping many and reducing the production #s across the board (hence shortages).


Nope, it was advertised like a generic blockbuster with little to no fanfare and awkward info drops. Not to mention Universal originally had big plans for it all, but scaled back drastically after getting cold feet. That also effected things like licensed products, scrapping many and reducing the production #s across the board (hence shortages).

Which is why to me, the film still making top opening record and 3rd top gross is amazing. I really wonder how it would have went had they went all out. If Star Wars barely passes JW's opening record that'll be pretty interesting considering all of the marketing.
I thought it would be fun to take a look at the Jurassic Hybrids toy listings, and post pictures of their assumed in game ('level 40') counterparts:

Hybrid Raptor:

Hybrid T Rex

Hybrid 'armor' Indominus:

Hybrid 'armor' Ankylosaurus:

Hybrid Stegoceratops:



Dilophosaurus Rex isn't in the game, so there isn't a image to reference.

Overall, it's no Chaos Effect, but the toys may still be fun. The key art is really uninspired though.



So I've been pretty underwhelmed with Lego Jurassic World (not as funny as the previous Lego video games I've played have been) but I have to give them props for making the whole gymnastics scene in TLW actually better than the movie.


So I've been pretty underwhelmed with Lego Jurassic World (not as funny as the previous Lego video games I've played have been) but I have to give them props for making the whole gymnastics scene in TLW actually better than the movie.

I enjoyed but yeah it does kind of fall into the typical lego formula. Those games are all about liking the source material over anything else if you ask me.


I enjoyed but yeah it does kind of fall into the typical lego formula. Those games are all about liking the source material over anything else if you ask me.

The last ones I played were the original Lego Star Wars ones, which looking back was about a dozen games ago (!) I think the biggest difference is they just started using actual dialogue from the movies, which cheapens it I think, because the best parts of the games to me were the pantomiming and tricks they got up to to continue telling the story without those aids. Now they're a lot more straightforward and less playful as a result (the raptor bit stuck out because that was the most straight goofy they ever got aside from maybe the photographs.)
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