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Just Cause 3 screenshots Leaked [Update: New microtransaction hell screenshots]



Not F2P.

It won't have a...traditional release though.

Let's just say it may not come out in one piece.

Christofer Sundberg [On twitter]

There will be f-ups for sure. Hopefully we can lower the initial price-piont and build the game with the community instead.


So, maybe they want to release it during development at some point as an alpha/beta, and get people to help fund it by selling them stuff in the game. (One of the items that's for sale in one of the pictures says "Popular".)


Fuck, F2P?

I'm out.

Fuck that shit. Just sell me a full fucking game you dicks. No day-one DLC, no preorder bonuses, no useless skins, just a full fucking game I can enjoy without thinking I missed out on some content because I didn't buy it from X retailer or get the Gold Edition.

Bye bye Just Cause.
Bye bye Sleeping Dogs.

Two series who, against all odds, had fantastic entries that would a secured a purchase from me for the sequel if they had decided to stay the course.

I don't know anything about the Sleeping Dogs sequel yet, but you're exactly right if it's the same direction as this. I would've blindly bought both, but now I'll steadfastly buy neither.


I fear for Deus Ex now, fucking Square-Enix.

Yeah, fuck this so hard...seriously worried about Deus Ex. And pretty much every other SE game I was even remotely interested (which is luckily not many). Final Fantasy XV must be safe from this...surely? I mean...oh fuck who am I kidding lol.


Won't surprise me that pirated copies won't have this bullshit. One of the times that I support it. Bullshit like this needs to end.

Boss Mog

If you can earn your own Diamonds within the game by playing it then I don't really have a problem with them offering to sell Diamonds to people that are rich and lazy and need instant gratification. Why not milk those people? It's win-win; it doesn't really impact a gamer like me and the studio/publisher makes extra money.

But like I said this needs to only be a shortcut and you still need to be able to unlock everything in the game just by playing it and without it being super hard or tedious.


Just Cause 2 was pretty much pure joy to play. Hoping for more of the same.

edit: Oh, just saw the new developments. Guess that's out the window!
Boss★Moogle;137739745 said:
But like I said this needs to only be a shortcut and you still need to be able to unlock everything in the game just by playing it and without it being super hard or tedious.

Yeah well something tells me it's not gonnah be that...


Unfortunate change, I really don't care for the game design influences necessarily exerted by the free to play model.
Boss★Moogle;137739745 said:
If you can earn your own Diamonds within the game by playing it then I don't really have a problem with them offering to sell Diamonds to people that are rich and lazy and need instant gratification. Why not milk those people? It's win-win; it doesn't really impact a gamer like me and the studio/publisher makes extra money.

But like I said this needs to only be a shortcut and you still need to be able to unlock everything in the game just by playing it and without it being super hard or tedious.

This is one of the worst arguments that gets brought up any time a company tries to pull this shit.

The games are designed to drag on and on in order to push you into paying for shit. It's not as fun and it's annoying as fuck having the game stick its hand out asking for money every chance it gets.


Ok, does anybody get the impression this is a mobile port? I mean did those ipad level graphics on the front page...

If they represent current gen, this game is a car crash in every respect.

OK I see the xbox controller prompts, but surely xbox360 graphics, there's no way that's an XB1 game...


never left the stone age

That's not really indicative of what the overall team thinks of the business structure though.

I'm making a mental note of: https://mobile.twitter.com/CHSundberg/status/405246275026563072?p=p
@iGradly Greed never works. We'll never compromise on quality or sell our souls for a quick buck. Things are changing and we need to adapt.

It just screams "Mommy and Daddy told us Just Cause 3 has to be full of micro transactions and this is my way of rationalising the entire ordeal"


Fuck, F2P?

Fuck that shit. Just sell me a full fucking game you dicks. No day-one DLC, no preorder bonuses, no useless skins, just a full fucking game I can enjoy without thinking I missed out on some content because I didn't buy it from X retailer or get the Gold Edition.

This. Even Nintendo sells DLC these days. Even if it's good, I just want to know that I'm getting the full experience when I buy the disc, so that I know what the entry cost is up. If I buy in for 60 bucks but don't get to experience half the content unless I pay another 30-40 bucks, then that makes the full experience cost 100 bucks. Usually you don't know what that final cost is gonna be upon release. Typically I don't pay, and I'm left having a lesser experience than others, and that sours things for me. If you've got really great ideas for more content, stick them in the sequel. Don't turn your game, which is a creative work, into a grubby shop. It's too late for those of us with this opinion, I fear.

And lol at the people saying 'It's fine if it doesn't change the pacing of the game / push you into spending money.' Why the fuck would they bother constructing this massive apparatus with energy timers and everything if it didn't?
Fuck, F2P?

I'm out.

Fuck that shit. Just sell me a full fucking game you dicks. No day-one DLC, no preorder bonuses, no useless skins, just a full fucking game I can enjoy without thinking I missed out on some content because I didn't buy it from X retailer or get the Gold Edition.

Wont happen anymore. Devs are going the greedy way. Instead of making a demo so people can decide if they want to play the game they make it F2P. By that they offer like 1% content without waiting or paying and the rest is behind a paywall or waitwall.


It always weirds me out to see people use the "it's the way of the future" argument to justify their decisions to go with the waves, as if we're living in a universe where there's no place for alternative paths, niche markets or simply resistance to major trends. As if these trends often didn't turn out to be fads.
It reminds me of the discussions in the gaming press when MS announced the XB1 would be always online. If digital is getting bigger and more and more people are connected, then it was inevitable, wasn't it? Turns out no, it wasn't.


Wow. That tweet.

Over the course of the last two or so years, I feel like devs and publishers have become increasingly inept at saying anything that doesn't frustrate, alienate and potentially even insult their end consumers.

Have they really become so out of touch with their customers?


Wow. That tweet.

Over the course of the last two or so years, I feel like devs and publishers have become increasingly inept at saying anything that doesn't frustrate, alienate and potentially even insult their end consumers.

Have they really become so out of touch with their customers?
I get the impression that publishers are holding loaded guns to the heads of their devs so they have to parrot the party line no matter how dirty they feel inside. It's up to consumers to put their foot down, bankrupt these companies by not playing ball and let them go whale hunting in the mobile space where they belong - because clearly these publishers value no one else.

(Incidentally, those $50 season pass paywalls represent another form of whale hunting.)

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN

Unless they're VERY reasonable with the microtransactions, I can see this stance backfiring. This kind of shit would fly in a casual, mainstream targeted game. But Just Cause? I doubt it. Us gamers have plenty of other options.

Although I would pay a small fee to replace the terrible voice acting in JC2 with decent VA. I'm looking at you, Bolo Santosi.


And what the fuck is going on in this screenshot? Anyone care to explain?
Wait, has it really been confirmed as F2P???

The tweets from the dev suggest differently. Why is everyone up in arms if there isn't solid confirmation? Dude just said they only have one F2P from 2009.

Am I missing something here?
I adored JC 1 & 2 but i'll be waiting at least a week or so after JC3's release before deciding whether to buy it. No way am i buying this game blindly, sorry Avalanche.


Unless they're VERY reasonable with the microtransactions, I can see this stance backfiring. This kind of shit would fly in a casual, mainstream targeted game. But Just Cause? I doubt it. Us gamers have plenty of other options.
What's the other option... Sleeping Dogs 2?


Edit: I just realised. Before this comes out, what's the bet they release Just Cause 2 HD on consoles (and PC, because why not?) just to appeal to the gamer that *doesn't* want microtransactions.


Sooo, will this be like a huge playground for free with buffs, weapons etc. for money? I've never played a JC but seeing how it is a huge hit with "the internet crowd" I could see the reasoning behind this decision. Please don't hate me, I absolutely understand your frustration.


Looks great expect for those microtransations. No thanks if that's actually in the game which is too bad since I loved JC2 and was excited for JC3.


well square enix's road map did include 3rd party funding in order to source big games, correct?

I don't mind F2P alah Warframe style....but dear god if everything turned out that way....waste a week to just get the materials you want to craft an item, and then wait another 24 hours for each piece of the gun, and then finally wait 72 hours to actually craft the gun.

So basically 3rd party ended up just turning into the consumer paying for the games development for big games.
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