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Killzone Shadowfall Press Preview Thread

I'll tell you how the sensor works.

It's extremely sensitive to who gives a fuck. Seriously. It doesn't matter. Maybe it senses brain waves, or maybe the helghast just smell powerfully of doodoo and it picks up on that.

It's a mechanic that is clearly meant to be there to even the odds for you against groups of enemies who could otherwise have the drop on you thanks to levels that (thankfully) aren't designed as some sort of narrow cinematic tube. Maybe it'll work. Maybe it won't. Both cases are completely unimpacted by how plausible the technology is in the real world.

I just wanted to demonstrate how silly people could get up tight about something that
apparently shouldn't exist (and to some where waving it as a flag as some "mighty flaw")
when it actually can

the point of discussing the reason for this is silly I agree yet a certain amount of people where chiming in about this as a deal breaker even though these exact people said they where not going to use it in the first place

I'm not talking about you SniperHunter (even though yes the reflection in a real world with better tech could be plausible) but I just wanted to end this silly talk before it went out of hand


Why are you guys trying to apply your science on the world of Killzone, it has it's on science based on the imagination of the developer and writers. So just stop it, half you dudes probably didn't finish highschool and doing elementary arguments about shit you have no clue about, just regurgitating information you have read or heard about.
Insulting the intelligence of the other side is no way to conduct yourself if you expect to be taken seriously.
You want nice diffuse reflections that behave correctly in reflecting proper lighting and shadows in the environment? The only performance feasible means to do that right now is SSR. It looks effing awesome 95% of the time and from time to time has some anomalies. SSR, like ambient occlusion, adds a lot of depth to the scenery. If getting rid of the anomalies means getting rid of SSR, then let the anomalies stay. I'll take the added surface dynamism and apparent scenary depth that comes along with SSR.

Yeah. Any light source that projects onto / bounces off that wall is going to be reflected in the other surfaces on screen. Absolutely amazing technologically and a total wow effect for the player, but you're going to also get reflections of HUD elements that interact with those surfaces.
Insulting the intelligence of the other side is no way to conduct yourself if you expect to be taken seriously.

It is what it is, You have guys in here talking about thermal dynamics, If you going to talk about thermal dynamics, I think you should speak from a position of authority, not just spouting off information you may have read or over heard. There are a lot of regurgitators on neogaf, and we must ferret them out. You think I'm insulting them, they are insulting us with wikipedia/ googled information.
People of EuroGaf will need to have some major skills not to get swiped clean in MP by us NAs when they finally get their console

Revenge for all the good PS+ deals you guys got ;P


What if the OWL could sense people with the use of technology similar to an mri? (High powered magnets turn on and off rapidly causing the water molecules in your body to rapidly shift due to their polar nature) The owl could be using a high powered magnet turned on and off in the space of a millisecond so as not to suck metal objects towards it, then it could interpret this data thus giving us the images that are seen through walls.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
The see through walls tech in killzone doesnt make any sense. If it were x ray, it would show us the entire room and the objects in there. It isnt thermal cam either (no body heat). So i an guessing nanomachines
It could be MRI with the HUD processing software that filters out all but soft tissue... Or some future technology that we haven't invented yet. Kind of like whatever technology allows them interstellar flight, which is a far more impressive and unimaginable thing than some see through wall gadget.


People of EuroGaf will need to have some major skills not to get swiped clean in MP by us NAs when they finally get their console

Revenge for all the good PS+ deals you guys got ;P

Forreal, EU gets all the good PS+ deals! Like... Kingdoms of Amalur? Hell no, I want MGS Rising haha


It's pretty obvious it's an X-ray with a thermal filter to isolate heat signatures in a given area. Back on topic it's nice to know that it can be removed from MP.
Early on I was concerned that Guerrilla was moving away with the WW2 motif with the story and designs but after seeing Hitler jugend in the new videos complete with the uniforms I'm satisfied. They seem to be going all in with some of themes.

Also that gif of the glass shattering is giving me flashbacks to when Resistance launched with amazing glass breaking technology.

Best looking next gen game right here. It's gonna take me an eternity to finish SP, as i am a digital tourist who loves to explore every nook and cranny, every rock, texture, three, water rushing by... and SF is drop dead gorgeous.
So Jim posted an article with the various Neogaf GIFs this morning. He attributed the GIFs to an article on Gamepur. Someone in the comments on that article mentioned Neogaf, to which the author responded that he didn't source them from Gaf.

So essentially we've got a chain where Revision 3 posts the footage, Gaffers turn it into GIFs, some mysterious middle man reposts them elsewhere, Gamepur reposts them again and then finally Jim reposts them on Destructoid.

They sure get around!

I don't make .gifs very often but when I do, I'm gonna stick an 80% transparency NeoGAF watermark somewhere discrete from now on. That's bullshit not to credit GAF.


It's funny, because in the Sessler interview/preview, the guy said that there are still the old Killzone style grittier areas, but then they show the footage and the lighting and sci-fi design still look leagues beyond their older games' grey/brown look. I haven't played the older games, but any footage I've seen seemed like they just sucked the color right out of the games (at least the PS3 launch game).

This one on the other hand...the landscape, the designs, the sci-fi stuff, it just looks so much more appealing.

Thank you Guerrilla Games. You have enticed a non-FPS fan to try your game.

(On a side note, I'm really proud of Retro's work on Metroid Prime, because that series was doing a lot of sandbox sci-fi style gameplay before it became the norm. Those guys were ahead of their time)
Well, Vekta and Helghan are totally different planets.

IIRC, Helghan is supposedly much more hostile, while Vekta is more Earth like. Hence, more colours in KZ SF, eventhough the architecture is closer to Helghan on the Helghan side of the wall.

That's what I recall from the KZ lore anyway.
This looks so incredibly amazing. MP in particular, cant believe that is running at 60 fps.

I sure hope Sony actually advertises Killzone and not just the PS4 system in general this fall. Killzone really deserves to have a big marketing budget.


Infrared is just light that has a longer wavelength so it lies beyond our visible spectrum, so wouldn't it make sense that it also gets reflected by smooth surfaces?

Hell, i'm no scientist.

Every object has different reflectance, absorbance, and transmittance properties for each wavelength. You are correct that the smoothness of a surface will have an effect on these things though.

For instance, visible blue light can penetrate water well, but ultraviolet (just below vis blue) cannot. It's why some scientists believe life began in the oceans first. The atmosphere would have been underdeveloped at the time, and liquid water would be the only protection from UV.

More than you probably ever wanted to know.


To get back on topic, I had dismissed this title. The more I see of it, though, the more I'm considering it if I do decide to get a PS4 sometime soon. I don't care much about the graphics, but the level design and stronger emphasis on story make this seem much more appealing than previous entries. Free DLC maps and challenges instead of XP are good too.

BF4 was going to be my PS4 game if I decided to go next-gen before InFamous, The Witcher 3, and Destiny/The Division shipped. Now I have something to think about.
X ray reflections 350 years into the future....great

I am going to bed

The quality of your posting has been getting increasingly worse as time goes on. This game is not a simulation, nor should it be treated as one. Expecting every game mechanic to be rooted in science is plain silly. It's amazing how you're decided that you have it in for the wall hack but haven't demanded scientific explanations for the recovery of health, the exotic weaponry, and that enemies require multiple shots to go down unless struck in the head. Nor the myriad of other game tropes which exist in first person shooter titles.


Quite honestly, this game is the one title (outside of Phil Collins 2K14 trailer) that kind of brought the feeling. You know, that thing- that I don't know, next gen goodness.

Games that look like this at launch? So utterly rad.



hell yea. I will finally get my next gen FEAR

The movement speed is just a bit too slow for that (
and you can't play it with kb/m :mad:
). But it does look pretty awesome.

Otherwise, about the "seeing people through walls" stuff. The main character is wearing some kind of visor with a HUD. The machine that's with him probably has a wide variety of sensors that it uses to detect people through walls. My guess is that it'd detect people and their shape (probably by combining information from these different sensors) and then it'd do some image processing before displaying the outlines on the MC's visor. I absolutely don't see what so impossible about this, it's like 300 fucking years in the future.


Junior Member
Best looking next gen game right here. It's gonna take me an eternity to finish SP, as i am a digital tourist who loves to explore every nook and cranny, every rock, texture, three, water rushing by... and SF is drop dead gorgeous.

Hell yeah..im the same way dude. The game is drop dead gorgeous!
Games that look like this at launch? So utterly rad.

Yeah I think people who think there isn't a big leap from last generation should really compare this with Perfect Dark Zero, and then have a think about how games will look on PS4 in just a year or two.

That said, Kameo still looks amazing, but that really was a one-off.


They are watching us.

Paul is the Drive Club Design Director and Angie is the Executive Producer of Shadowfall:

Infrared is just light that has a longer wavelength so it lies beyond our visible spectrum, so wouldn't it make sense that it also gets reflected by smooth surfaces?

Hell, i'm no scientist.
Fun fact: the original PS3 models have plastic shells that look opaque black under normal lighting.

But, if you film one with a camcorder or camera that uses an infrared illuminator, you can easily see components through the plastic.

It's translucent to infrared. This is likely so it looks solid, but heat can still dissipate through the shell, not just out the vents. (Note that the plastic isn't truly opaque even to the eye; you can see through it somewhat, especially if the shell is removed. But it passes infrared much more easily than visible light.)

ive hit the point where the wait is starting to kill me inside.

aka the killzone.
Bonus fun fact: Here's a theory by you about the reason for the above translucency (from GAF on 8/29/2006):
Hey guys, you know that secret feature they were talking about, and it was why they couldnt turn the ps3 on?

What if theres some kind of internal lighting in the ps3, and would be shown if the ps3 was turned on. Which is why they opted for it not to be turned on.
I just happened to run across that looking for the pic and saw you'd just posted here. That's some tenure, bro!
Are you guys arguing on how the x-ray works in a science fiction game, without even a hint of the fictional tech of it ever hinted by the developers?

You guys know that's one step into a pointless and insane argument right?
Just came back to this thread and my god the game still looks amazing lol

Edit: The owl from the first pic looks so clean. I know it has some aliasing but you can see different textures on it


I disabled Listening Mode in The Last of Us since tension was a big part of the game. Not knowing what was coming next was a vital part of the experience. For this, the X-ray vision helps with strategizing your approach to combat. I don't mind its inclusion. If it wasn't there, I'd be figuring out optimal solutions through trial and error instead. With all the destructible cover, I don't want to be firing blindly into a wall without knowing what's on the other side. From the footage, it looks like the level design accounts for all of the OWL's abilities. I'm not real big on Killzone, but all this footage has gotten me really hyped.


Are you guys arguing on how the x-ray works in a science fiction game, without even a hint of the fictional tech of it ever hinted by the developers?

You guys know that's one step into a pointless and insane argument right?

Thats my take, they also have glowing red eyes and come from a planet with higher gravity pull, its a bloody game they have crazy tech leave it at that haha.
(On a side note, I'm really proud of Retro's work on Metroid Prime, because that series was doing a lot of sandbox sci-fi style gameplay before it became the norm. Those guys were ahead of their time)

I wish someone would make a nextgen Metroid Prime with the same amazing atmosphere and design, boss fights and feeling of being in a powerful suit (complete with seeing your reflection in the visor, breath fogging effects, etc).
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