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Kinda Funny Games: The Final PS I Love You XOXO

Every time I've tuned in, that's exactly what it has been. Maybe I'm just tuning in at the wrong times, or off weeks, but it appears that the group as a whole is lost, but with Tim being the worst of the group, it sticks out more.

So all you've ever seen with Tim is him having no idea what's going on and yelling about Crash? Really?
So all you've ever seen with Tim is him having no idea what's going on and yelling about Crash? Really?

Look back through the thread, there are obviously others with the same opinion. The dude rambles and has no coherent place inside of the group other than as "that silly gamer friend we all have". And yeah, he does shout about Crash. A lot.. Watching the E3 press conferences with him (while Colin was still there) was borderline migraine inducing.


Look back through the thread, there are obviously others with the same opinion. The dude rambles and has no coherent place inside of the group other than as "that silly gamer friend we all have". And yeah, he does shout about Crash. A lot.. Watching the E3 press conferences with him (while Colin was still there) was borderline migraine inducing.

Oh, you mean the place where they announced the Crash remaster, and a huge Crash fan witnessed it live on air?

Of course he's going to fucking shout about it when it's announced.
Was fine with Colin's view on games, often liked them. But he got more and more grossly opinionated as time went on.

It was a real love-hate relationship for me, as I think he was antagonistic and sometimes just plain ignorant, but at the same time he was clearly very genuine and hard working.

But I just got no time for petty misogyny.


Every time I've tuned in, that's exactly what it has been. Maybe I'm just tuning in at the wrong times, or off weeks, but it appears that the group as a whole is lost, but with Tim being the worst of the group, it sticks out more.

I agree, don't enjoy listening to Tim talk about games. He often comes accross as being less knowledgeable than some of my more casual game friends. Which is fine, but not for somebody who I want to hear discuss videogames.

Like when you're talking to someone who love games, but they don't really dig into things enough to back up what they're saying. You talk to them about games and every now and again you think "well that's completely wrong. " but you don't wanna be a dick and correct them.

They were talking about the old pre-rendered back drop horror games once and Tim was like "yeah dude Devil May Cry 1 had the siiiickest pre-rendered graphics!" And I thought ah? What?(DMC is not pre rendered)

Then a couple minutes later he brought it up again about how the pre rendered back drops really made the game and I just couldn't listen anymore.


Yup, Colin's Last Stand is terrible.

While not on the same subject, Danny O'Dwyer puts him to shame in terms of both video quality and production values. And Danny gets half the money that Colin does from his own Patreon.
CLS is brand new and, by his own admission, Colin knows very little about production values and is an amateur at that side of things. You know who has good production? Kinda Funny, which Colin created. It will take time for CLS and Colin to get back to that level.

Why is Danny O'Dwyer relevant here btw? Just because you want to continue your tradition of shitting on Colin at every opportunity? It's getting incredibly boring.

Tim does seem to be the weakest link IMO. Colin and Greg were by far the anchors. Hell, even Nick is entertaining when he gets on camera.
Tim is terrible and I say that as somebody who has watched KF since its inception. His video game knowledge isn't at Colin's level and he comes across, to me at least, as vapid and overly excitable. I miss the Colin and Greg dynamic.


Hopefully no more Kinda Funny at the PSX.

Man...I was only able to be there on Saturday, and I wanted to stay at a hotel so I could see Greg and Colin on Sunday but couldn't really...That was the last chance I'll probably ever have to meet Greg and Colin :/ Should've done it.


CLS is brand new and, by his own admission, Colin knows very little about production values and is an amateur at that side of things. You know who has good production? Kinda Funny, which Colin created. It will take time for CLS and Colin to get back to that level.

Why is Danny O'Dwyer relevant here btw? Just because you want to continue your tradition of shitting on Colin at every opportunity? It's getting incredibly boring.

He's relevant because they're both making videos through the funding of Patreon, and thus can be compared. As I said, Danny puts him to shame on half the money.

It's not my fault Colin is a terrible person.


He's relevant because they're both making videos through the funding of Patreon, and thus can be compared. As I said, Danny puts him to shame on half the money.

It's not my fault Colin is a terrible person.

Danny's content is incredible

Regarding their friendship I predicted the day Colin left it would end badly as soon as Greg saw they had been played by Colin and Erin




I was a big fan of Beyond when it was Greg, Colin and Clements, and I also enjoyed the Goldfarb era, but to me it all died a long time ago. Beyond was never the same with the (to me, at least) terrible third chair setup and that carried over onto PSILY which was a little bit better, but still felt like a shadow of its former self. It's a shame it all had to end this way, though. I will definitely give Greg's new show a chance for at least an episode or two, but I don't have high hopes. They need some fresh blood in the mix to liven things up.


Going by this thread 90% of the comments here see Colin as an important piece of the puzzle. Also quite a few hold my sentiment about Tim. He is the weak link. I will give him props on his determination of producing successful KFL's but other than that I just dislike him. Cant think of anyone on any of the other major gaming podcasts that I dislike (The Lobby, Beyond, EZA, Giantbomb).

Not somebody I would want to hang with irl. As you can see from the hundreds of "F' tim" comments on youtube its a common feeling.


Danny's content is incredible

Regarding their friendship I predicted the day Colin left it would end badly as soon as Greg saw they had been played by Colin and Erin

Yeah, top notch stuff. His Doom documentary especially, incredible work. I highly recommend people watch that.
Going by this thread 90% of the comments here see Colin as an important piece of the puzzle. Also quite a few hold my sentiment about Tim. He is the weak link. I will give him props on his determination of producing successful KFL's but other than that I just dislike him. Cant think of anyone on any of the other major gaming podcasts that I dislike (The Lobby, Beyond, EZA, Giantbomb).

Not somebody I would want to hang with irl. As you can see from the hundreds of "F' tim" comments on youtube its a common feeling.

There's tons of "Fuck Tim" comments on YouTube largely because Tim is a liberal and all of Colin's little shithead alt-right followers decided to peg him as the reason Colin left.
I was a big fan of Beyond when it was Greg, Colin and Clements, and I also enjoyed the Goldfarb era, but to me it all died a long time ago. Beyond was never the same with the (to me, at least) terrible third chair setup and that carried over onto PSILY which was a little bit better, but still felt like a shadow of its former self. It's a shame it all had to end this way, though. I will definitely give Greg's new show a chance for at least an episode or two, but I don't have high hopes. They need some fresh blood in the mix to liven things up.

Yeah, the Clements era might have been my favorite too.
I listened since episode 1, but about a year before they broke off to form Kinda Funny I stopped listening. I only listed to it again when I found out they were leaving, and jumped into PSILY after that. Though I found myself getting tired of it again and stopped listening a couple months before the Colin drama. Everyone says Beyond/PSILY was Colin and Greg, but I feel like only having those two wasn't the whole picture. They were like 75% of it, and it never regained the much needed 25%.


I will say this, their content hasn't gotten better since Colin left.

I feel like in the months leading up to his departure, their output was the best it's ever been. CWR and ACWCWR were both great additions to their gaming content, and the political coverage on the KF site got more interesting to me given the current climate. I'm not saying this due to agreeing with Colin or anything. I disagree with his political views for the most part, but the debates they were having were pretty great at times. He had the best topics for discussion on the GoG show.

Now, I feel like their content has crashed hard. And while I still have strong reservations about Colin's new gig, as I don't think his current content is nearly as good as what he was producing at KF, he's at least been listening to feedback and making content that's both better than when he started and probably lower effort to produce.

I'm excited to see what KF has planned for KFL3 and have no problem with them waiting to make the announcements at that time, since I respect that they're taking the time to get it right. But I also don't really see WHAT they could do to make me care as much again. Colin was a huge part of what made KF work. I do really think the guys made a mistake with the whole separate visions thing, and should have found a way to accomodate both sides. Because that was the best part of KF. Going too far one way or the other was always going to hurt KF.
There's tons of "Fuck Tim" comments on YouTube largely because Tim is a liberal and all of Colin's little shithead alt-right followers decided to peg him as the reason Colin left.

While that's likely some (or even most) of them, Tim has been getting more than his fair share of negative comments since the founding of KF. People came largely for Colin & Greg, and Tim was often sort of the odd one out. He's come into his own a lot since the beginning, but some people still seem to dislike his style/mannerisms etc.


Going by this thread 90% of the comments here see Colin as an important piece of the puzzle. Also quite a few hold my sentiment about Tim. He is the weak link. I will give him props on his determination of producing successful KFL's but other than that I just dislike him. Cant think of anyone on any of the other major gaming podcasts that I dislike (The Lobby, Beyond, EZA, Giantbomb).

Not somebody I would want to hang with irl. As you can see from the hundreds of "F' tim" comments on youtube its a common feeling.

are these the same assholes fat shaming him as well? are you really using youtube comments as viable commentary here (or anywhere else for that matter)?


CLS is brand new and, by his own admission, Colin knows very little about production values and is an amateur at that side of things. You know who has good production? Kinda Funny, which Colin created. It will take time for CLS and Colin to get back to that level.

Why is Danny O'Dwyer relevant here btw? Just because you want to continue your tradition of shitting on Colin at every opportunity? It's getting incredibly boring.

Tim is terrible and I say that as somebody who has watched KF since its inception. His video game knowledge isn't at Colin's level and he comes across, to me at least, as vapid and overly excitable. I miss the Colin and Greg dynamic.

*Stop shitting on Colin, btw tim is terrible and has always been terrible* Really with this?


*Stop shitting on Colin, btw tim is terrible and has always been terrible* Really with this?
I think Tim is a bad pundit and possesses a basic knowledge of video games. I don't think he's a piece of shit or a bad person, accusations others have levelled at Colin. Do you see how those things are different?


I used to defend Colin all the time but I stopped a while back, and now this? Fuck him. Going on these kinds of shows and throwing Greg under the bus to arrogant pricks like this is so shitty.

How did Colin "throw him under the bus"? He accurately recollected the events and wished him well in future endeavors. To Colin, what Greg did was being fake and "playing a character", Colin has said time and time again he didn't believe anyone was truly offended by the tweet. He even says this right next to all of them on his last GOG show. Colin couldn't agree with the company's sentiment in the apology, so, he resigned, as he said he "didn't want to play that game anymore."

I'm not saying that you have to like him, or even that what he did was right, all I'm saying is that Colin and Greg took their sides and therefore Colin is not throwing Greg under the bus by saying just that.

Also I think Tim is a good podcaster who brings a lot of positive energy to shows, but he, like Greg, feels aimless without someone like Colin around to balance out the excitement.



I'm not the biggest fan of Colin but that is just messed up :(. Greg was his friend, so even if they had a falling out, leaving him under the bus like that is messed up.

Haven't watched KFG's content for a while now (since Feb. 2017 I think) due to Colin's stance on things (honestly didn't know he left KFG's until this thread came out to be frank). He has a right to his views but they were distracting from the KFG's content I felt.

Didn't get a chance to listen in on this new episode yet but hope Greg and the KFG team find new projects in the future.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Colin was always a wet ass blanket. Boring at his worst and somewhat antagonistic at his best. It helped for certain conversations with Gregg but I disagreed with him so often on just about everything i would always kind of tune him out.

I have stopped watching almost entirely though and the loss of that dynamic may very well be the reason. You don't need to like someone to be engaged in their work. He made the others work a little harder to make their points.

Edit: also - if you take offense with something offensive that someone said and they in turn say they don't believe youre offended and essentially call you fake? Yah thats not a friend. Or a good one at least.


I'm not the biggest fan of Colin but that is just messed up :(. Greg was his friend, so even if they had a falling out, leaving him under the bus like that is messed up.

Haven't watched KFG's content for a while now (since Feb. 2017 I think) due to Colin's stance on things (honestly didn't know he left KFG's until this thread came out to be frank). He has a right to his views but they were distracting from the KFG's content I felt.

Didn't get a chance to listen in on this new episode yet but hope Greg and the KFG team find new projects in the future.

If you don't know what happened, basically the epicenter of the entire thing relates to whether or not Greg, Tim, Nick, and Kevin all threw Colin "under the bus". The people who think they did still spam YT comments and dislike every KFG video. Chances are Colin at least feels wronged by them to some degree, considering he doesn't interact with or mention any of them anymore.


Neo Member
I like how when Colin was on Kinda Funny, GAF would give him so much shit about how they hate how he's always negative and his take on a lot of things. And now that he's pretty much left the industry "everyone's" pining after him. haha.

Just an interesting observation.

GAF's work is done.


Gold Member
Tim is terrible and I say that as somebody who has watched KF since its inception. His video game knowledge isn't at Colin's level and he comes across, to me at least, as vapid and overly excitable. I miss the Colin and Greg dynamic.

Oh, I don't know about that. Just saying to me, he is not as engaging as Greg or even Colin on camera. Just my opinion though.

Some Nobody

Junior Member

I hope that's photoshopped. If not...ugh. Lame.

If they did it because they hate Colin, it's lame to devote so much time to someone you don't like. That kind of negative energy won't come back right for them.

If they did it because they agreed with the tweet, they're a clown for thinking that tweet was SO FUNNY it deserved to be printed out and put in a frame.


I hope that's photoshopped. If not...ugh. Lame.

If they did it because they hate Colin, it's lame to devote so much time to someone you don't like. That kind of negative energy won't come back right for them.

If they did it because they agreed with the tweet, they're a clown for thinking that tweet was SO FUNNY it deserved to be printed out and put in a frame.
Colin himself was selling framed versions of this tweet through his Patreon, iirc.

So yeah, the person who made that is indeed a huge clown.


I hope that's photoshopped. If not...ugh. Lame.

If they did it because they hate Colin, it's lame to devote so much time to someone you don't like. That kind of negative energy won't come back right for them.

If they did it because they agreed with the tweet, they're a clown for thinking that tweet was SO FUNNY it deserved to be printed out and put in a frame.

colin says its hanging up in his new apartment in los angeles. also patreon tier:

The [in]Famous Tweet, Printed and Signed
$55 or more per month ∙ 64 patrons
Lots of you said you wanted this, and since I don't have merch (yet), this seems to be the easiest solution. I'll get the #ADayWithoutAWoman Tweet that caused untold amounts of faux hysteria printed on great-quality paper, write you a little note, sign it, and shoot it off to you. ($5, $10, and $25 level perks also included.)
The podcast wasn't even good, so not sad to see it go. They spent 30 minutes just reading off the list of new shovelware every week, and aside from the actual news their other "segments" were boring.


If you don't know what happened, basically the epicenter of the entire thing relates to whether or not Greg, Tim, Nick, and Kevin all threw Colin "under the bus". The people who think they did still spam YT comments and dislike every KFG video. Chances are Colin at least feels wronged by them to some degree, considering he doesn't interact with or mention any of them anymore.

sounds more like what alt-right supporters do. which makes more sense to me as i highly doubt colin's gaming centric fans actually want to see him talk about politics/history.
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