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Kotaku Sources: Horizon Zero Dawn coming to PC


Gold Member
Looks like this Horizon rumour came back. This happened a month ago and it turned out to be PS Now.

now looks like a full fledge copy..... just like MLB.

don’t worry Sony fans. If it makes you feel so sad that gamers are playing the same game as you on your platform, just look back to the VCR days.

everyone bought different brands of VCRs yet they all played the same tapes. And nobody gave a shit. You didn’t have people hoping their RCA VCR could play more movies than a Zenith VCR. Everyone got along and had a great time watching movies......

..... oh wait there was Sony walled garden Beta vs everyone else VHS. Looks like things haven’t changed in 35 years. Looks like some things never change.


Fantastic news. Will 100% double dip.

If everyone keeps this up I won't need to buy a next gen console at all.

Really interested to see what their strategy is as far as this goes. If it's a delay of a year or two for all titles then my need for a console completely diminishes.
Good riddance. I said a long time ago that exclusives are bad for the industry and just result in small monopolies where consumers have to spend out on (atleast) two platforms to play all the titles.
Now...when can I ditch my PS4 copies of The Last of Us and SotC?


Gold Member
Great game, enjoy PC folks if it's true.

Seems kinda off though 3 years later.

Wonder if they used it as a test bed for ps5 work and got it far enough along to justify putting it out as a game anyways.

Probably a one and done, if true at all


Wonder what they'll price it at, the game is a bit old now and has been available for dirt cheap on PS4 for a couple of years (during sales).


So what's wrong with that?

Nothing, and I didn't make a statement in one way or another. If more people get to have access to the games, then sony sells more and people have the choice where to buy it. I could save up for a pc or, since I personally like consoles more out of convenience, just get a ps5 since I own every playstation.


Gold Member
I don't understand why a game going to pc 3 years later is a big deal. they aren't releasing their exclusives day and date on both PS4 and PC.

I guess there's nothing stopping them from doing that, but I think for right now it's a bit over reactive to abandon the platform for this.


If Sony start putting all their exclusives on PC like MS then i'll just save the money and upgrade my pc, no need to buy consoles
i hope Nintendo do this too

Venom Snake

Calm your tits gentlemen, this game is 3 years old, they could add it to breakfast cereals for free.
But if they can earn a few pennies more on this, why the fuck not?
I see no problem here.

Besides, Bloodborne deserves better. Since it didn't got any improvements even on ps4 pro they can add it to the list right now. :lollipop_relieved:


If Sony start putting all their exclusives on PC like MS then i'll just save the money and upgrade my pc, no need to buy consoles
i hope Nintendo do this too
Nintendo is so far behind on the power curve that you can usually emulate their latest systems real-time.


Makes all the sense in the world to release old games that aren't selling anymore on PlayStation. Graphics whores, double dippers, PC only gamers might get interested in the franchise and get HZD2 on PS5, etc.
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cm osi

on one side i don't like to play on pc, i'd rather play on the big screen
on the other side the only console exclusive is now the online paywall


on one side i don't like to play on pc, i'd rather play on the big screen
on the other side the only console exclusive is now the online paywall
PCs have been "big screen" compatible for years and years now. Steam even has "Big Picture Mode' which is able to be navigated entirely with a controller. Not to mention it supports Switch Pro, DS4, and XB1 controllers natively (usually even with correct button prompts based on the game). For other stuff, you can get one of these to keep by your couch:


Its great for those that want to play it. But this title coming 3 years later to PC is hardly the same as all titles coming day 1 Xbox to PC.
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PCs have been "big screen" compatible for years and years now. Steam even has "Big Picture Mode' which is able to be navigated entirely with a controller. Not to mention it supports Switch Pro, DS4, and XB1 controllers natively (usually even with correct button prompts based on the game). For other stuff, you can get one of these to keep by your couch:
this isn't remotely as comfortable as just holding a controller in your hands. And that mouse surface is about the same size of most mice, are you supposed to just play at max sensitivity or something?


this isn't remotely as comfortable as just holding a controller in your hands. And that mouse surface is about the same size of most mice, are you supposed to just play at max sensitivity or something?
No no, that's a touchpad with a mini keyboard. I'm just talking about using it to navigate the OS when you're not gaming. My point is that you can use controllers seamlessly now for gaming.


I don't understand why a game going to pc 3 years later is a big deal. they aren't releasing their exclusives day and date on both PS4 and PC.

I guess there's nothing stopping them from doing that, but I think for right now it's a bit over reactive to abandon the platform for this.

Because as far as I know, if this turns out to be true it will be the first time they'll release a big first party exclusive on PC (stuff like Journey, Detroit and even Death Stranding were funded by them but made by third party devs and published by third party publishers on PC). So it goes beyond maybe just being contractual stuff with with third party devs and shows they are also interested in releasing their own internally made stuff on PC.
I think the notion that this will kill Playstation or "console gaming" is hyperbolic. The thing about consoles is their easy of use and low pricepoint which will continue to be their main selling point (the top selling games on consoles are third party stuff that's on PC too anyway). And exclusives will still be important if it takes years for them to come to PC.

But for people that don't mind waiting it just makes PC all the more appealing. I don't mind waiting 2-3 years for their games to release if I still get to play them while enjoying all the advantages of PC gaming. Better performance, better visuals, cheaper games, easier to upgrade, multiple storefronts, regional pricing, mods, automatic performance improvement with better hardware, MS exclusives day 1 and now maybe Sony exclusive after 2-3 years. If you can afford it it makes console gaming completely irrelevant
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Gold Member
sony owns bloodborne. they can do whatever they want with. just like demon souls
Uhh yeah. They own the IP. They probably do not own the source code - and even if they did, if the company itself (From) can't get the bloody thing to run well with current gen (see: Sekiro), it would probably be a wasted effort to try to make it work.


Gold Member
It's not up to Sony, isn't it - they're not the developers?

As to this news - yeah, I'll still wait for an official confirmation.

I think if it were up to From, the games would be on PC. All their stuff is, and they're great ports.

that logic is starting to sound more viable, unfortunately. Smh

Why is it unfortunate, buy one platform, get access to great games from everybody.

Let Sony worry about Sony's business plan.


Report me for console warring (Xbot, Xbro etc.)
I think the notion that this will kill Playstation or "console gaming" is hyperbolic. The thing about consoles is their easy of use and low pricepoint which will continue to be their main selling point (the top selling games on consoles are third party stuff that's on PC too anyway). And exclusives will still be important if it takes years for them to come to PC.
Its gonna affect them immediately with millions of lost sales. But the ripple effect afterwards is whats really gonna affect them. I for one would not recommend the PS5 and help out in building a PC + setting up within my friends circle. They will also loss all prestige that comes with exclusives for their consoles.


Hey, I might not need to buy either console next gen. Although this is a 3 year old game. Also Death Stranding is coming to PC and uses the same engine. Maybe that's part of it. Anyway, wish it was something good instead of this mediocre game.

Who knows, maybe eventually Sony would have its own digital store on PC.
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bad move, if ports like this are isolated cases then its ok but if it becomes a trend then no PS5 from me at least not at the start of the generation


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Why is it unfortunate, buy one platform, get access to great games from everybody.

Let Sony worry about Sony's business plan.
My problem is that they become lazy with their software development if their software is not gonna be used to sell their hardware. Why bother putting a shitton of money and work into their games if hardware gonna sell anyway?


damn. i bought a PS4 Pro last year and just got this game hahah. oh well, i don't regret it. still the only place to play Bloodborne.

interesting to see if they keep this up. exclusives like Death Stranding and FFVII-R are why i bought a PS4. now i know DS is coming to PC in the summer and FFVII probably eventually.

will definitely skip PS5 if they continue porting to PC. i used to be primarily a PC gamer.


It's a smart decision. After 3 years games usually aren't very profitable. And basically you could already play Horizon on PC via PSNOW (if it was available).
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