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Kotaku Sources: Horizon Zero Dawn coming to PC


Its gonna affect them immediately with millions of lost sales. But the ripple effect afterwards is whats really gonna affect them. I for one would not recommend the PS5 and help out in building a PC + setting up within my friends circle. They will also loss all prestige that comes with exclusives for their consoles.


The average console buyer is a more casual player that buys the big third party franchises (just look at the best selling Ps4 games it's rockstar stuff, COD and sports games) that's not going to go build a $1000+ PC just because some Sony exclusives are releasing years later on PC.

Also 3 years is a long time. There's still tons of people buying games day 1 for $60 even though most of them are like $40 a month or two later. Being able to play big hyped releases right now is still going to attract people. The vast majority of people who are super hyped about TLOU2 or Ghosts of Tsushima are going to pick them up on Ps4, they aren't going to build a PC and hope they come to PC in 3 years....maybe.


As a Sony fanboy, i don't want to buy another PS, i want all my games on PC. So i hope this trend will go on. But i don't know how that strategy would be profitable for Sony.

It would be great to use that bow with mouse btw.
I find this very hard to believe.

I mean great for PC players if true, but I just don't see what benefit this gives Sony.

Sure, they'll get more sales, but these big AAA exclusives aren't meant to make huge profits, they're meant to sell systems, and if they were going for pure profit, it's the wrong genre and lacks microtransactions.

If they want to advertise Horizon 2 and sell more PS5's, well sure, you've introduced the series to a new audience, but you've also just told them they don't need to buy a Playstation to play those games, alongside letting anyone else that would have bought a PS5 know they have another option.

Again, great for those that wanted to play it but didn't want a PS4, but it just seems like a poor business decision.


I think if it were up to From, the games would be on PC. All their stuff is, and they're great ports.

Why is it unfortunate, buy one platform, get access to great games from everybody.

Let Sony worry about Sony's business plan.
What about the individuals invested in the Playstation? To hell with them huh? Lol


Report me for console warring (Xbot, Xbro etc.)
Of course there some that dont give a shit either way.
But do you say nah as there will be zero consequences? How many customers do you think Playstation is gonna lose, short and long-term?
I find this very hard to believe.

I mean great for PC players if true, but I just don't see what benefit this gives Sony.

Sure, they'll get more sales, but these big AAA exclusives aren't meant to make huge profits, they're meant to sell systems, and if they were going for pure profit, it's the wrong genre and lacks microtransactions.

If they want to advertise Horizon 2 and sell more PS5's, well sure, you've introduced the series to a new audience, but you've also just told them they don't need to buy a Playstation to play those games, alongside letting anyone else that would have bought a PS5 know they have another option.

Again, great for those that wanted to play it but didn't want a PS4, but it just seems like a poor business decision.

What's hard to believe, company wants more money? You underestimate companies greed, money is all they seek, there's no moral code or restriction. As far as selling systems, they've accomplished that, that's why it came out on PS4 first, that's what Death Stranding did and that's what FF7 Remake is doing. Once those sales dwindle, time to release on a new device for extra sales.
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Of course there some that dont give a shit either way.
But do you say nah as there will be zero consequences? How many customers do you think Playstation is gonna lose, short and long-term?
I obviously don't know how many customers they will loose from this. The answer is obviously not 0 as this getting confirmed would completely deflate my hype for the Ps5 and get me saving up for a PC instead.

But we also don't know if they'll port all games, or if they'll just do it with a handful of releases several years after their console debut. So right now I doubt it would be a substantial amount. Their direct competitor is still Xb1 and exclusive that MIGHT come to PC 3 years down the line are still more of a system seller than exclusive that launch day 1 on PC
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Gold Member
The thing to note is that the PC market is huge. Ubisoft makes as much on PC as they do on PlayStation, for perspective. If Sony can pick up millions of sales it's really hard to say no to that, especially given that it's not exactly rocket science to port a game to PC these days.

What about the individuals invested in the Playstation? To hell with them huh? Lol

No, they keep playing on PlayStation if that's what they want.

Look, I got a PS2 when it came out, and that system had dozens of awesome exclusives. The PS4 had maybe 10. It's really not that big a deal anymore.
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Since there seem to be two threads, this is my 2 cents from the other thread.

"I'm going to take a guess and say with the new of Death Stranding coming to PC, and now as well as Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Perhaps Sony is thinking of selling rights/licensing to other developers and want to use the PC Platform as a soft field test? "
Great move by Sony. I hope eventually most people will understand that bringing games to the pc crowd has barely any effect on console players and console sales. At least when MS was doing it we had all the silly «bububut no exclusives». Now that both companies seem to be heading that way maybe this stupid way of thinking will stop. This won’t affect PlayStation sales at all, even if the games eventually start getting released day and date with the pc versions.


The thing to note is that the PC market is huge. Ubisoft makes as much on PC as they do on PlayStation, for perspective. If Sony can pick up millions of sales it's really hard to say no to that, especially given that it's not exactly rocket science to port a game to PC these days.

No, they keep playing on PlayStation if that's what they want.

Look, I got a PS2 when it came out, and that system had dozens of awesome exclusives. The PS4 had maybe 10. It's really not that big a deal anymore.
So you expect everyone to stick to the platform when said game will be released on a much powerful platform and a high chace of the game being cheaper to boot? 👀 Granted not everyone is going to jump ship but how many is enough to make Sony stop investing in R&D into the next iteration of Playstation. Just like the one Gafer pointed out, this has a rippling effect not just an isolated one.


I think at this point, it only makes sense just to make console games timed exclusives. All 3 formats are x86 based and it requires minimal work to port something over. Once sales dry up on consoles, you can just release it on PC and get another shot at some revenue. I'll be buying both Death Stranding and Horizon PC.
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Gold Member
Updated PC takeover:
Microsoft - check
Sony - check
Nintendo - ?

How long will Nintendo hold out from publishing their games on PC? Microsoft has shown their are no downsides to it yet. Whether it was born out of brilliance or necessity, Microsoft made a shrewd business move.


I think this is pretty much a test.
While Sony is obviously focused on the success of PS5 as a closed platform so realistically the idea of simultaneous PS5/PC releases for *new* key exclusives is not something that belongs to the immediate future, they also need to take steps towards the possibility of a future where services and ecosystems become an important factor otherwise they wouldn't have bothered with PSNow at all.
PSNow is already a huge step in that direction, thanks to that service people can already play Uncharted 4, God of War and Bloodborne on PC. It's not ideal like having native PC code of course but the fact remains that if you want to play big PS exclusives without buying a PS4 you already can in some way and at a small fee.
With Decima Engine being PC compatible because Death Stranding will be released on PC, Horizon was a good candidate for such a test.
Also I'm not sure why people aren't even considering the idea that allowing more people to play Horizon will create more fans and more buzz when they will soon announce the inevitable sequel which most likely will be a PS5 exclusive for a long time.
But this is not a service, launching PSN on PC is a service. Porting games to Steam is not


Not Banned from OT
Updated PC takeover:
Microsoft - check
Sony - check
Nintendo - ?

How long will Nintendo hold out from publishing their games on PC? Microsoft has shown their are no downsides to it yet. Whether it was born out of brilliance or necessity, Microsoft made a shrewd business move.
Besides being one of the moves that lost them half their market share no downside at all for them for 3 sales at rock bottom prices. Sony can follow in the foolish plan of less console sales to give games away or have to kiss gabe's ring and he gets all the money.
Updated PC takeover:
Microsoft - check
Sony - check
Nintendo - ?

How long will Nintendo hold out from publishing their games on PC? Microsoft has shown their are no downsides to it yet. Whether it was born out of brilliance or necessity, Microsoft made a shrewd business move.

Nintendo is the only one who has good reason to make people buy their unique hardware, so not anytime soon.

I expect their NES/SNES catalogue to open up for pc eventually though. These games are so pirated already, putting them on pc is pretty much free money.


Gold Member
Besides being one of the moves that lost them half their market share no downside at all for them for 3 sales at rock bottom prices. Sony can follow in the foolish plan of less console sales to give games away or have to kiss gabe's ring and he gets all the money.
It doesn't seem like Sony will be distrubting their games on PC at launch. After a year or two, when sales slow down is when PC will get it. Relax, there's a very large segment of the population that's console only. They are not going to go to PC just because some games gets released on it.
What's hard to believe, company wants more money? You underestimate companies greed, money is all they seek, there's no moral code or restriction. As far as selling systems, they've accomplished that, that's why it came out on PS4 first, that's what Death Stranding did and that's what FF7 Remake is doing. Once those sales dwindle, time to release on a new device for extra sales.
My lack of understanding for Sony's potential decision has nothing to do with a 'moral code', nor any relation to unrelated third party exclusives only being timed.

First party exclusives have never been about making money from them directly.

We've even been told previously, by I believe Shuhei Yoshida, that they would be satisfied if 9 out of 10 times these first party games didn't make a profit, because they consider them to be first and foremost advertisements for Playstation, since the more people who own the platform, the more royalties Sony make off every game sold, no matter who made it, which is where the real money lays.

Putting these games on PC just to make a relatively insignificant amount of money is completely anathema to that, and undermines the entire reason such games exist, full stop.

I mean it could well just be pure, short sighted greed that is putting short term minor profit over long term business health, yes.

But it's weird that they would suddenly decide to change stratergy like that, when they've been so self aware and long term goal orientated up until now.


Gold Member
If this is true, this is the single most incredibly-great news the gaming world has been witness to in a long time. So many more smiles and joyful tales of new and old customers alike the world over. Positive things is what the world needs. You are customers and custodians, the life blood of gaming culture. The world shares a common value in that, we all play together and enjoy this short time we have on Earth. Because in the end it's not the good things one keeps to oneself but the great things one has given to others which matter most. Such great and positive energy this will create which will echo throughout the gaming landscape. May it awaken the spirit of it's creators, publishers, and players alike.
Now one may be asking themselves "Wow. This game is THAT good?" Yes, it is. And onto the other brilliant games Sony has among their portfolio by other great artisans like Naughty Dog, such as The Last of Us or the Uncharted series as well. More smiles await. More memories to be had. These are the things that let imaginations prosper. For it is the most important thing to secure and cultivate the creative mind.


Gold Member
I think it's a great idea . It's a 3(?) yr old game . Probably just sitting in the store not selling much at all . This at least opens it up to players who will never buy a console and also to double dippers .
My thoughts exactly! I'm really not understanding the salt and rage coming with this.


I will happily buy this again on PC.
Such an amazing game, I was very engrossed in it's world. The worlds history, it's cultures, the damn Adrenalin inducing music.
It had a few issues but not many. And I was weirded out a bit by the fact that there weren't many white people in it's world but that didn't deter me from loving and enjoying this well crafted masterpiece.


No, this isnt not good news just because you can play your game, they are BAD, because a company that deserves our money wont get it facing potential financial loses


Gold Member
If this becomes the market pattern, I'll never buy another console most likely. I'm happy to play on PC. Come on Nintendo, join the party. (Never going to happen is it? :p)


Dreams in Digital
There will be many others as expected but there will also be many others that will remain exclusive long enough to have sold PS4/PS5s and have more or less stopped their sales momentum on that platform. I don't know what those that play Horizon Zero Dawn and love it will do when HZD2 comes out and it gets good reviews ... Sony, you've slipped up. There's no way any of those PC owners may consider getting a PS5 so they can play the sequels to old PS4 titles brought to their platform ... no way at all ... It's a silly move. You need to do what the other company does and release those games immediately on the PC at launch. THAT guarantees sales of the PS5 ... But at least this removes any possibility of anyone moaning about PS5 exclusives now. ALL they have to do is wait a few years!
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My lack of understanding for Sony's potential decision has nothing to do with a 'moral code', nor any relation to unrelated third party exclusives only being timed.

First party exclusives have never been about making money from them directly.

We've even been told previously, by I believe Shuhei Yoshida, that they would be satisfied if 9 out of 10 times these first party games didn't make a profit, because they consider them to be first and foremost advertisements for Playstation, since the more people who own the platform, the more royalties Sony make off every game sold, no matter who made it, which is where the real money lays.

Putting these games on PC just to make a relatively insignificant amount of money is completely anathema to that, and undermines the entire reason such games exist, full stop.

I mean it could well just be pure, short sighted greed that is putting short term minor profit over long term business health, yes.

But it's weird that they would suddenly decide to change stratergy like that, when they've been so self aware and long term goal orientated up until now.

Because one quote from one person = the entire industry, that's not how reality works. Money is what makes the world spin, anything other than that is denial.
There will be many others as expected but there will also be many others that will remain exclusive long enough to have sold PS4/PS5s and have more or less stopped their sales momentum on that platform. I don't know what those that play Horizon Zero Dawn and love it will do when HZD2 comes out and it gets good reviews ... Sony, you've slipped up. There's no way any of those PC owners may consider getting a PS5 so they can play the sequels to old PS4 titles brought to their platform ... no way at all ... It's a silly move. You need to do what the other company does and release those games immediately on the PC at launch. THAT guarantees sales of the PS5 ... But at least this removes any possibility of anyone moaning about PS5 exclusives now. ALL they have to do is wait a few years!
Has anyone in this thread said they'll be more likely to buy a PS5 now?

Because there's been lots of people saying if this becomes the norm they'd stop buying consoles entirely, including in the post directly above yours.


Cool, one of the ones I've been interested in. I look forward to finding out if the gameplay is as excellent as the graphics/art are.
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Updated PC takeover:
Microsoft - check
Sony - check
Nintendo - ?

How long will Nintendo hold out from publishing their games on PC? Microsoft has shown their are no downsides to it yet. Whether it was born out of brilliance or necessity, Microsoft made a shrewd business move.

Just like share holders asked them to do mobile development for yonks before they finally caved in, they've been asking for PC for some time now.
The world needs Nintendo's take on the DOTA genre... "Smash League" anyone?
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Just like share holders asked them to do mobile development for yonks before they finally caved in, they've been asking for PC for some time now.
The world needs Nintendo's take on the DOTA genre... "Smash League" anyone?

This. It's coming, sooner or later, but it wont be for Steam or Epic, it will be exclusive to their own storefront or streaming service, much like PSNow.


Well, if confirmed that's it. I'm going with PC next gen.

Exclusives are the one thing still holding my interest in consoles, I'm definitely not there for the closed system, lack of upgrade possibilities, more expensive games and paid multiplayer.
If even sony starts to release their first party stuff on PC now (even if it's years later) I no longer see the appeal
In all fairness though Sony has slam dunked this generation they are in no obligation to keep games exclusive if they're going to be selling ps4s anyway and going to be making a little extra cash on the side. With the next generation coming I expect them to throw all their games on PC before PS5 hits.

I think itll have the opposite effect. Itll entice PC gamers to get a PS5 for the sequel to Horizan when it comes to PS5 if anything.

I don't they'll be doing this with their ps5 games for years.

MS is doing it to sell GamePass. Different story.
Because one quote from one person = the entire industry, that's not how reality works. Money is what makes the world spin, anything other than that is denial.
And they make their money almost entirely from sales of games for their platform, which they make first party exclusives for as a way of getting people to choose to buy their platform instead of another one.

Giving people any reason to not have to buy their platform is potential money lost, and I don't see any scenario where the sales of this game is worth that undermining of their core business model.

I just cannot understand why the sudden change to choosing a small short term profit over their incredibly successful previous strategy of securing their long term bottom line, when it's been working more successfully than ever this gen.

Maybe they are just really fucking stupid, maybe it is pure self destructive greed, it's just such an obviously bad idea on there end that I find myself somewhat incredulous of the very notion of it.
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