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Large Youtubers Hide Ownership of CSGO Lottery Site

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Yep. I think a lot of people are scrambling as they see all of this shit is getting exposed at once right now.

I wonder if the Fifa youtubers that open packs provided to them by EA will come under fire.

While many might not deem it as serious as what this thread is focused on, which I would agree, I do think it should be highlighted.

They again mislead their subscribers by trying to come across as if they're buying the packs themselves.

There's many shady practices, Activision is another where they pay popular youtubers to post positive gameplay impressions and again it's not made clear in the videos.

Or perhaps a famous gaming chair brand deserves some spotlight, as they again are sending chairs to popular youtubers for undisclosed product placement.

The moment any youtuber receives money to talk about a product they need to operate under certain guidelines imposed by the FTC, but the majority of youtubers do not dislcose the relationships or agreements. This benefits all of them, especially the companies in question, as any positive impressions lose their overall effect if something is quite clearly a paid for advertisement.

While the youtubers should come under fire, the companies themselves also need to come under fire, as they are well aware of the implications, and they should enforce it, but again they know themselves that it's beneficial if positive impressions are posted to millions of people and portrayed as an impartial, unbiased opinion.


Party Pooper
I only have 140,000 subscribers but I am doing a video now Dennis and Shag have been credited for these excellent pics. This needs to get exposure asap

I know the standards for youtube fame get higher every year, but getting over 100k is still nothing to sneeze at.

Been grinding 3 years and I'm just about to hit 35k


Okay here's a hard hitting question GAF...

Give these fuckers a pardon if they out a ton of their scummy friends?

I'm sure this rabbit hole goes deep and has many other YTers and streamers doing similar. Probably why apology videos might start coming out now from other YTers lol.

Nope. No pardon. Send a message.


Okay here's a hard hitting question GAF...

Give these fuckers a pardon if they out a ton of their scummy friends?

I'm sure this rabbit hole goes deep and has many other YTers and streamers doing similar.

You typically only pardon people if there is some bigger fish you need to take down. Like, you get a gang member off if he is going to give you the goods to take down the boss (or so movies have taught me). Who are these guys going to offer up that's worthy a pardon? Gabe?


Does his best thinking in the flying car
caught in the trash



Nope. No pardon. Send a message.

You typically only pardon people if there is some bigger fish you need to take down. Like, you get a gang member off if he is going to give you the goods to take down the boss (or so movies have taught me). Who are these guys going to offer up that's worthy a pardon? Gabe?

True but I am genuinely worried are we at the top? I'm sure there are some shady big fish behind some of the gambling and key selling sites that aren't just YT facing streamers. However some of that might be offshore. Such as the key sites. Think a lot of them are based in China/Asia and Russia.


Tmartn makes so much money from Youtube that several years ago he had 2 retirement packages all paid for. He moves usually about once a year into a brand new place and he literally buys whatever he wants. He's always been a pretty damn savvy business (teenage) man before all of this. Even if he does get fined, it won't affect him any. He is probably one of the richest youtubers out there.

He'll definitely be the richest one in federal prison!


I only have 140,000 subscribers but I am doing a video now Dennis and Shag have been credited for these excellent pics. This needs to get exposure asap

I hate to use the phrase "that's a shame" in reaction to 140k subscribers because that's quite a bit, but your channel really is better than most that that have millions of subs.

I know the standards for youtube fame get higher every year, but getting over 100k is still nothing to sneeze at.

Been grinding 3 years and I'm just about to hit 35k

What's your channel?


Psysindicates response : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEQscWWI6Gw

Everybody makes mistakes he says.

edit: Is this the dude or someone else?


Description of the video:
All people make mistakes, so here is my confession and my follow up to my mistakes. We can learn from them and grow from them, I hope to do so. CSGO is a tempting, weird place for all CSGO YouTubers and Twitch streamers alike, I fell down a weird place and don't plan on going back there. All paid for videos should be clear, and will be from here on out! Why even make a PsiSyndicate exposed video? I don't know, no one else did :(...

Ummm so this guy revealed that the system CAN be rigged, so there is no question about that anymore...... this thing is going to blow up very very bad. I can't imagine jail but fines out the ass.


True but I am genuinely worried are we at the top? I'm sure there are some shady big fish behind some of the gambling and key selling sites that aren't just YT facing streamers. However some of that might be offshore.

I hear you but the way they are incriminating themselves in their damage limitation suggests to me we aren't dealing with Heisenbergs here.

I don't think their notebook has a list of Lydias or Frings.

Maybe this guy



This is what happens when kids with no real business education get a bunch of money and start businesses. This is also what happens when you raise your kids and not teach them what consequences are and just saying "sorry" is good enough. Throw the book at them, the community needs an example and wake up call.

Eh, they learned from the big ones, just doing stuff every bank is doing on a bigger scale 24/7 without serious consequences. They only forgot to consider that they're small enough to fail and get busted.


Ummm so this guy revealed that the system CAN be rigged, so there is no question about that anymore...... this thing is going to blow up very very bad. I can't imagine jail but fines out the ass.

I'd be very surprised if all assets aren't frozen and/or seized. It's strange to think of it this way, but this is organized crime. RICO will have a field day. If I were Syndicate, I'd be getting out of the UK ASAP, just incase.


The sad part is that the more I look at all these affiliates, the more I realize it's just tooooo many CS:GO Gambling websites for anyone to crack down on them. Sure, we have these few fine US citizens admitting to running a gambling site, but there are so many more around the world doing it.

Just a small list of websites I found for this massive gambling scheme (some sites may be related to each other).
DISCLAIMER: Click at your own risk. Some sites may be dead or have malware.

CSGORiver .com
CSGOBazar .net
CSGOShuffle .com
Ninjackpot .com
CsGoCosmos .com
CsGoBattle .com
CsGoStrong .com
Skins2 .com
CsGoHouse .com
CsGoPolygon .com
CsGoMassive .com
CsGoReaper .com
CsGoCircle .com
csgoroyale .net
SkinJackPot .net
CsGoBrawl .com
Society .gg
CsGoTune .com
CsGoMissClick .com
CsGoMax .net
CsGoCasino .net
CsGoLombard .com
Kickback .com
OPSkins .com
CSGOBazar .com
CSGOFresh .com
csgorumble .com
CSGOFast .com

Imagine how many more are out there... It's Valve's responsibility in preventing this.


CSGO gambling. never trust those fucking lucky pot sites.

OPSkins .com
to be fair, opskins isn't a gambling site. you can sell your items there for real money. or did they change something?!

I only have 140,000 subscribers but I am doing a video now Dennis and Shag have been credited for these excellent pics. This needs to get exposure asap

i still don't get how you don't have more subs. *shakes head*


Alright. So a little bit of history lesson. Please bear with me as I present a few case of witnesses.

1. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DuelSkins

DuelSkins.com is "an online csgo gambling website, offering coinflip, roulette and a nice community."

This site was quite popular but as of a few months it has been acting weird, being on and off abruptly. Folks have complained about losing their trades and all their items that they converted over. The admin of the site, WDeV, is stating it's just downtime, but clearly it's bigger. Folks have threatened to alert the police to get their stuff back, and as of now the site redirects to ************, a steam reseller thats actually banned here at GAF.

The administrator of DuelSkin's Steam Community is named "CSGOLotto [3]".

They're one and the same.

Viewing WDev's Steam profile also shows this evidence that they're one and the same. Also operated as CSGOLotto.net (which also redirects to the banned keyselling website).

They also operate CSGODices.com, another CS:GO Gambling website.

It really goes deeper lol. Holy shit


The sad part is that the more I look at all these affiliates, the more I realize it's just tooooo many CS:GO Gambling websites for anyone to crack down on them. Sure, we have these few fine US citizens admitting to running a gambling site, but there are so many more still doing it.

Just a small list of websites I found for this massive gambling scheme (some sites may be related to each other).
DISCLAIMER: Click at your own risk. Some sites may be dead or have malware.

CSGORiver .com
CSGOBazar .net
CSGOShuffle .com
Ninjackpot .com
CsGoCosmos .com
CsGoBattle .com
CsGoStrong .com
Skins2 .com
CsGoHouse .com
CsGoPolygon .com
CsGoMassive .com
CsGoReaper .com
CsGoCircle .com
csgoroyale .net
SkinJackPot .net
CsGoBrawl .com
Society .gg
CsGoTune .com
CsGoMissClick .com
CsGoMax .net
CsGoCasino .net
CsGoLombard .com
Kickback .com
OPSkins .com

Imagine how many more are out there... It's Valve's responsibility in preventing this.

This will force Valve to make massive changes to their trading system, I can see them revoking all API access and making skins either untradable, or enforcing very strict trade limits.
The sad part is that the more I look at all these affiliates, the more I realize it's just tooooo many CS:GO Gambling websites for anyone to crack down on them. Sure, we have these few fine US citizens admitting to running a gambling site, but there are so many more around the world doing it.

Just a small list of websites I found for this massive gambling scheme (some sites may be related to each other).
DISCLAIMER: Click at your own risk. Some sites may be dead or have malware.

CSGORiver .com
CSGOBazar .net
CSGOShuffle .com
Ninjackpot .com
CsGoCosmos .com
CsGoBattle .com
CsGoStrong .com
Skins2 .com
CsGoHouse .com
CsGoPolygon .com
CsGoMassive .com
CsGoReaper .com
CsGoCircle .com
csgoroyale .net
SkinJackPot .net
CsGoBrawl .com
Society .gg
CsGoTune .com
CsGoMissClick .com
CsGoMax .net
CsGoCasino .net
CsGoLombard .com
Kickback .com
OPSkins .com

Imagine how many more are out there... It's Valve's responsibility in preventing this.

Shame on Valve for allowing this to happen.


I love that Duel Skins forum pic where every single topic is basically 'i've been scammed' and the bottom one is just 'partnership'


The sad part is that the more I look at all these affiliates, the more I realize it's just tooooo many CS:GO Gambling websites for anyone to crack down on them. Sure, we have these few fine US citizens admitting to running a gambling site, but there are so many more around the world doing it.

Just a small list of websites I found for this massive gambling scheme (some sites may be related to each other).
DISCLAIMER: Click at your own risk. Some sites may be dead or have malware.


Imagine how many more are out there... It's Valve's responsibility in preventing this.

I imagine if an example is made of one the rest will disappear soon after.


The sad part is that the more I look at all these affiliates, the more I realize it's just tooooo many CS:GO Gambling websites for anyone to crack down on them. Sure, we have these few fine US citizens admitting to running a gambling site, but there are so many more around the world doing it.

Just a small list of websites I found for this massive gambling scheme (some sites may be related to each other).
DISCLAIMER: Click at your own risk. Some sites may be dead or have malware.

CSGORiver .com
CSGOBazar .net
CSGOShuffle .com
Ninjackpot .com
CsGoCosmos .com
CsGoBattle .com
CsGoStrong .com
Skins2 .com
CsGoHouse .com
CsGoPolygon .com
CsGoMassive .com
CsGoReaper .com
CsGoCircle .com
csgoroyale .net
SkinJackPot .net
CsGoBrawl .com
Society .gg
CsGoTune .com
CsGoMissClick .com
CsGoMax .net
CsGoCasino .net
CsGoLombard .com
Kickback .com
OPSkins .com

Imagine how many more are out there... It's Valve's responsibility in preventing this.

Valve could shut down everything instantly with restricting trading somehow.

Is CS Go F2P? I know they made TF2 F2P which is when I stopped playing it. In game auction houses are fucking awful and usually handled in a terrible way.

Bring back the good days of gaming when Valve among others weren't viciously obsessed with creating mass wealth and penny pinching and were just happy being rich as fuck.


This will force Valve to make massive changes to their trading system, I can see them revoking all API access and making skins either untradable, or enforcing very strict trade limits.

It does indeed not seem like the kind of thing Valve would want to be associated with.

But what do I know.

I am sure the profits that Valve are getting out of skins must make TmartTn look like chump change.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
I don't understand why Valve doesn't just shut down CSGO.

Profiting from underage gambling and turning a blind eye to organised crime, tax evasion and money laundering from all these scumbag CSGO sites would be enough to sink any company.



The sad part is that the more I look at all these affiliates, the more I realize it's just tooooo many CS:GO Gambling websites for anyone to crack down on them. Sure, we have these few fine US citizens admitting to running a gambling site, but there are so many more around the world doing it.

Just a small list of websites I found for this massive gambling scheme (some sites may be related to each other).
DISCLAIMER: Click at your own risk. Some sites may be dead or have malware.

CSGORiver .com
CSGOBazar .net
CSGOShuffle .com
Ninjackpot .com
CsGoCosmos .com
CsGoBattle .com
CsGoStrong .com
Skins2 .com
CsGoHouse .com
CsGoPolygon .com
CsGoMassive .com
CsGoReaper .com
CsGoCircle .com
csgoroyale .net
SkinJackPot .net
CsGoBrawl .com
Society .gg
CsGoTune .com
CsGoMissClick .com
CsGoMax .net
CsGoCasino .net
CsGoLombard .com
Kickback .com
OPSkins .com

Imagine how many more are out there... It's Valve's responsibility in preventing this.

This is beginning to sound a lot like a pyramid scheme


It does indeed not seem like the kind of thing Valve would want to be associated with.

But what do I know.

I am sure the profits that Valve are getting out of skins must make TmartTn look like chump change.
We just need to get Fox News to pick up on the story. "YouTube stars are leading your children to gamble?!"
Shit would get Valve to change something for once
Valve certainly is complicit in all these gambling sites dealing with items from Valve's titles. They allow trading all these items, and the moment that is possible you've already created a market. They also made this market less and less cumbersome to interact with over the years and by providing these APIs that grant access to users inventories the hassle for anyone interested has become negligible.

The nice thing for Valve about making items tradable is that every item they put out there is is assigned a worth to a large degree depending on its rarity. A mediocre but super rare cosmetic can be worth hundreds or thousands of dollars still. More so, people will want to get these rare items.

However, if you were to remove trading, all this worth would be gone. Suddenly its worth is solely depending on its cosmetic aspects.

But of course people will buy way, way more crates and stuff if they know they got the chance to get something really valuable out of it, gambling is addictive after all.
This is the House of Cards of threads. It sounds like the issue is going to run and run. I'm looking forward to the FIFA era. Some of those pack openings are too good to be true.


The deeper and more blatant this is proving to be with every minute, is just making me more and more pissed off at Valve for being 100% complacent in all of this.
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