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Life of MMo gamers - "We hate all MMos".


Corsealot is back,

An Evening With Corpsealot #2 P1 - Final Thoughts on Wildstar
An Evening With Corpsealot #2 P2 - Final Thoughts on Wildstar
An Evening With Corpsealot #2 P3 - Final Thoughts on Wildstar

I got suddenly hyped to play this game for the first time after seeing this upcoming update.


A Message from Kaidan


Black Desert. Dynamic hair aka bouncy hair tech:

Just ignore the upskirts in the gif. Actually, pay a tiny bit of attention to it because dynamic clothing is awesome too.


Black Desert. Dynamic hair aka bouncy hair tech:

Just ignore the upskirts in the gif. Actually, pay a tiny bit of attention to it because dynamic clothing is awesome too.

I was reading an article and one journalist claimed that it definitely looks better than Blade & Soul and I am calling it bullshit. However, I am somewhat curious to actually see Black Desert's graphics from first hand. I am very skeptical when game jounalists talk about graphics because generally speaking, their subjectvitiy is 100 tiers lower than objectivitity.

I mean they called ArcheAge's graphics beautiful/great and they are not. Probably FFXIV has got the best ones as well as the most polished ones from what I saw so far. It will be interesting to see whether BS raises the bar.

As for me, I am waiting for this badass Assassin to come to Dragon Nest EU so I can start the game.


Dive into the visual design behind Iron Knight

Tencent’s new medieval battle MMORPG Iron Knight just started its first round of closed-beta testing yesterday. And while it’ll probably be a long time before the game’s available outside China’s borders, the developers have just released this video—helpfully subtitled in English—that takes you behind the scenes of the game’s visual design. Check it out:
Inside the visual design of Iron Knight

Credits to Games in Asia

And a Big Fuck You to Sega. Tradition must be preserved at all costs.



Anyone know how long it's suppose to take to one to be able to mess around with housing in ArcheAge?

I'm getting dangerously close to just saying screw it and buying a founder package if I can get to housing in a reasonable amount of time and have access to it early on in the leveling cycle. It's really one of the main things that is interesting me in MMORPGs going forward and the simple apartments in Everquest 2 just aren't cutting it. Rift's Dimensions seem worthless and extremely limited. Wildstar's setup looked like but I didn't really like the look and feel of the game world in the end. It annoyed me more then anything in the end. Everquest Next Landmark just requires far to much time and dedication that I can afford to ever give to do anything meaningful.


Get hyped mothers.

SwordsMan - Beta time!

So you want to be in the closed beta for Swordsman, but don't know how to? Well, you are in luck my friend as this article is just for you! Here, we will show you how to sign-up for the closed beta of our upcoming martial arts MMO, and lead you on your path towards pre-loading the game.

First off, the start of your journey towards getting to play Swordsman is to visit... http://www.playswordsman.com. Once there, you'll need to register an account following which Arc will begin downloading. After installing Arc, all you will need to do is log into Arc and Swordsman will begin downloading to be pre-loaded and ready for the Closed Beta. You won't need any more keys once this is done.

Perhaps you have already signed up for the beta awhile back?

In that case, we will send you an email from Perfect World with a beta key inside. Log into Arc (don't have? click here) and click on your name in the top right. From the drop-down menu, select "Redeem Key" and input the beta key from the email. Swordsman will then begin downloading and you can rest assured you'll be pre-loaded for the closed beta launch!

The most important thing to note is, as long as you log into Arc and input the beta key into the "Redeem Key" account menu option, you'll be able to pre-load the closed beta client of Swordsman! In addition, all promotional items to be awarded will be received in the open beta of Swordsman. Click here to register for Swordsman, the upcoming free-to-play martial arts MMORPG from Perfect World Entertainment. Register today and you could be the first to explore the beautiful world of Swordsman in our upcoming Closed Beta.

Credits to DreamDefender
Tree of Savior Updates about Combat & Communication Systems

Developer IMC Games released another Tree of Savior Q&A session, answering a lot of questions that were gathered from the official Facebook page and from other sources, detailing the game’s combat and communication system.
Melee - Fucking Sexy Trance Beat
The combat system is more detailed than we first thought. Characters such as swordsman and cleric will use short range physical attacks that will be directed towards the nearby monsters. Beside the basic attacks, some characters will also have some AOE skills such as healing for cleric. These spells will create a “buff zone” on the ground and the effect will be activated by stepping on them. Buff zones can be used to help other players or to inflict damage and debuffs to nearby enemies.
For range characters such as wizard and archer, basic attacks will be automatically targeted towards the monsters that are closest to them from their eye point. This automatic target system will also be available when you are talking to a NPC or when you want to view other players’ information.

If you want to target a monster that is further away, you will need to manually target the monster using SHIFT and cursor key. Distance will be a key tactic for archers. They can move while attacking, allowing them to efficiently kite the opponent, but the inflicted damage will depend on the enemies distance.

The chatting system in Tree of Savior is very similar to smartphone messaging applications. You will be able to send messages to offline players, while yours will be stored and will not be deleted. Besides the usual chat system players will also have the option to use emoticons that will be displayed above the avatar when you are chatting with other friends.

Tree of Savior Art of Goddess of Death Released


The art of a new character Goddess of Death in Tree of Savior was updated on the developer’s blog. The Goddess of Death Giltine with black wings holds a scythe-like weapon appearing in a dark night. Comparing with the Goddess of Fire Gabiya who has pure white wings, Giltine seems less kind.

Tree of Savior is a 2.5 D MMORPG produced by the producer of Ragnarok Online, Kim Hakkyu, one of the four most famous game producers in Korea. The first closed beta will kick off this summer.


I was reading an article and one journalist claimed that it definitely looks better than Blade & Soul and I am calling it bullshit. However, I am somewhat curious to actually see Black Desert's graphics from first hand. I am very skeptical when game jounalists talk about graphics because generally speaking, their subjectvitiy is 100 tiers lower than objectivitity.

I mean they called ArcheAge's graphics beautiful/great and they are not. Probably FFXIV has got the best ones as well as the most polished ones from what I saw so far. It will be interesting to see whether BS raises the bar.
Well, I haven't seen anything of Blade & Soul besides some screenshots, but from what I've played, Black Desert is easily the best looking MMO (that's compared to MMOs like Tera, FF14 and Kingdom Under Fire 2). Especially how dynamic it is impresses me. How trees and foliage will move in the wind, the really far draw distance and areas looking completely different based on time of day and weather.

These games are in very different styles though, so I can see it being very subjective. Blade & Soul has a really distinct look as it's all based on one guy's art style. Tera and FF14 has a very fantastical look, while Kingdom Under Fire 2 goes for quantity over quality (and still manages to look very impressive), while Black Desert aims for a more realistic look.


Neo Member
What bothers me with certain MMOs are the female versions of armors. Albeit things are getting better, whenever I see it, it bugs me. Especially when I want to play a female character.


Well, I haven't seen anything of Blade & Soul besides some screenshots, but from what I've played, Black Desert is easily the best looking MMO (that's compared to MMOs like Tera, FF14 and Kingdom Under Fire 2). Especially how dynamic it is impresses me. How trees and foliage will move in the wind, the really far draw distance and areas looking completely different based on time of day and weather.

These games are in very different styles though, so I can see it being very subjective. Blade & Soul has a really distinct look as it's all based on one guy's art style. Tera and FF14 has a very fantastical look, while Kingdom Under Fire 2 goes for quantity over quality (and still manages to look very impressive), while Black Desert aims for a more realistic look.

Well after doing a bit of research B&S is not that GPU demanding but also considering that different artstyles applied you are right stating that it would be an unfair comparison.

Something interesting regarding Black Desert,

In our second after Closed Beta 2 Poll “PvE Servers, yes or no?” the majority(57%) of our community voted for “Yes, we want PvE Servers”. Here are some of our Communitys top arguments:

Silent Hunter

I’m gonna play on a PvP server, but I voted for a PvE server. It all depends on what the repercussions are of losing an PK attack. I have no problems with duels, but the possibility of low level ganking is what I’m against.

Players should have a choice in playstyle. Some people want to trade, some want to craft and others like to explore or just grind for gold. Their fun should not be influenced by people who have fun attacking them and make them lose exp or stuff.

Everybody should have fun, preferably all together on one server , but on separate servers if they must.

This game should be fun for everybody. Not only PvP players are hardcore. When a player is 8 hours each day at work, and just want to trade his/her crafted items in the few hours left of his/her day after work, s/he is just as much hardcore as anybody else. Especially when they don’t shy from paying a subscription fee or buying items from the micro shop in a game that is actually free if they want.

People seems to think that the existence of two servers, naming an PvE and a Pvp server, degenerates it to just an other MMO. That is not true. Black Desert has so much more than the regular MMOs. Both can easily exist next to each other. If you think that throwing PvE and PvP together is a smart move, than you haven’t been playing much as explorer, gatherer, trader or any other non-PvP activities. Okay, some of you will have no problems mixing these actions together. They take all loses of an PK attack for granted and move on. But there are people out there who rather play a game without having to look over their shoulders. Give each play style a different server, balance them according to their play styles, and we’re all a happy family. If you can’t agree with this, than you are in for a heck of an disappointment once the server goes live.


I must disagree with this one, guys. I must say no.

Through my experience, I’ve always been pissed off of the carebearing way of getting PvP-oriented gear, rewarding PvE players with items that simply don’t belong to their playstyle, but are better in stats, even for PvE purposes. Enabling migrations from PvE servers to PvP ones just made this even worse. Tera Online is the best example that comes to my mind, where PvP content was reduced to a totally gear-imbalanced matching system 3v3 Arenas, a zerking style 10v10 or 20v20 BGs, where premade parties just had the match won since minute 0, or a useless GvG in PvP servers, where the only reward of winning a match was to have your guild name popped up as winner on all server player screens for a couple of seconds…

I’d like to have something like Aion’s pre 4.5 patch PvP system, where you had to fight your way to get PvP oriented stuff just through doing PvP itself mostly, at your own risk of losing all that you got acquired until then if you died (since the more PvP points, called Abyss Points, you had, the more AP you lost if died). A Lineage II – like castle siege system, with rewards for top PvP-oriented guilds would be awesome aswell, at least, in my opinion.

But since all that good stuff cannot be possible with divided PvP and PvE servers, I must say no


In my opinion, only the idea of thinking about a PvE server is already “acting” against the spirit in which it was designed this game. On a PvE server where would the risk when making a trade route? And the thrill of danger of being attacked by another player while exploring the world?

In short, this game is not designed to have PvE servers, the rest of the gameplay mechanics begin to fail, since they are linked to the open world PvP in one way or another. A sandbox that has no free PvP eventually gets boring.

What’s next, the death rate to no risk of losing items? I would not want that to happen with Black Desert as with ArcheAge, people began to demand things and finally the hardcore spirit of the game saw subdued… Sorry to sound harsh, but always the same with these projects and I do not like. You start by asking PvE servers and eventually ends up changing much of the game.


This game has various aspects that i would like or dislike to be in a pvp server or pve server. However i would like everything to be in 1 server because this keeps the whole one massive seamless world aspect constant.

one example of this pvp problem is the trading system where you can send cargo to other city’s where there is a chance it will be raided by players. This can be interesting and challenging in a pvp mode as it is already, however many players won’t like the idea of getting their precious trailers smashed and their loot stolen. I would prefer if this systems were to be allowed to players who strictly wanted it this way, perhaps only for players which enabled pk mode.

another aspect is the mount killing system, which they have changed since CBT1, where now players can kill other players mounts but the mount will re-spawn and you will lose the equipment that you had on your mount. This will be especially distressing to many people who prefer to keep their hard work with them. Perhaps we could let only players in pk mode have their mounts killed and looted by other people in pk mode, while they themselves are allowed to loot and pillage other players who are in pk mode.

another pvp oriented system i would like to bring up is the siege battles, it is shown that in siege battles that all players who die leave behind loot, and i’m not sure if it’s their whole inventory or a few random items but i know they also lost their upgrading crystals and lose the weapon durability. The loss of weapon durability seems fair as long as the repairing costs aren’t over priced, however the loss of their loot and upgrading crystals might seems a little unfair for many players. Perhaps if we incorporated a system where only players that had bad karma or were in pk mode could lose there gear but only to players also in pk mode for which you could lose your gear at the chance of gaining high gear from your enemy. And players with red names couldn’t get out of pk mode until they got rid of their bad karma. As you can see this system can be distressing to many people who have advanced their crafting and have created high lvl gear that high upgraded stats which you can’t find from npc’s and who still want to have the thrill of a massive siege battle with hundreds of players with out the worry of losing their equipment.

I would also like to point out that their should be a dueling system to those who want to fight other players in the open world, just challenge the player to a duel and when the losing player loses all his/her hp then the they do not die or lose their gear but only lose the duel. This option should be available so you can challenge multiple people at the same time such as 1v2 or 2v2 but don’t have more than a 3v3 battle or else it will become a siege.For the players who want to have a dueling scenario but still want the chance of dying and losing your equipment for the chance for the chance of getting gear from your fallen enemies; i recommend an arena systems such as the ones shown in some of the trailers where you can have the same 1v2, 2v3, 3v3, or combinations of the above, but still have the chance of losing/gaining equipment.

The last scenario that i wanted to bring to you was the open world boss systems, since their are no dungeons bosses spawn in certain areas of the open world. Now this system is fine by me because it gives the sense of adventure when you can be exploring in the woods and randomly come across a massive giant or world boss as shown in some of the videos or happen to come across a siege battle in the wild. However when it comes to the boss battles it can be very annoying if you with an elite party of 4 people and were going to try and take on a boss when a massive guild comes along and steals your kill. Especially if its a rival guild and you get your ass kicked and die right there losing all your gear. I’m actually not sure how we can change this system because i love the fact that this game is a fully open world with no dungeons and don’t want that aspect to change, however it would be nice if you were at a boss first only you were able to tank it or perhaps if the drops were soul bound for a boss and only you could see the high lvl gear that the boss dropped regardless of who kills it.

so overall i would like a mixture of both pvp and pve in one server i don’t like the fact that half the games population is stuck in a different server where it ruins the whole ONE world concept. but i guess it all depends on how the publishers want it…


I’m not familiar with Western gaming market, so I don’t know which is better for NA or EU…However, according to what I know about Japanese mmo player base, I have to vote “no”. At least in Japan, if you have two different server types, that means PVP servers become empty.

The problem is, not only “carebears” avoid PVP servers, but players who are neutral to open world PVP would also do so. Because they think there is no reason to take risks if they can gain same return PVE, or simply think PVE servers are better because they tend to be more crowded. Thus, only hardcore pvpers would remain on PVP servers.

BDO isn’t a game based on sports PVP, it focuses more on political and economic elements. PVE, crafting and trading make the reasons to PVP. Therefore, PVP servers with small population who only care fighting with other players won’t work well. Also, players in PVE servers lose whole PVP contents and even some PVE features would become pointless. That decrease the depth of the game, and in my opinion, will shorten its lifespan.

Welcome to the next multi-million profitable MMO,

Maplestory 2 Official Gameplay Trailer

I have no idea what the fuck this is but it is called Minimum

Lastly, please petition for a Western release for Blade & Soul

The begging is strong!


Can someone create for me a Japanese Account for the SEGA ID for PSO2? I am going to break my keyboard if I carry on trying to figure out the captchas.


Our First Look At Final Fantasy XIV's Rogues And Ninja
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn | Rogue & Ninja Trailer
During today's Square Enix E3 2014 live stream, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn producer Naoki Yoshida gave fans their first taste of the new class and job for the popular MMORPG, Rogues and Ninja, coming in game patch 2.4.

Faster in the field, more resistant to falling damage, the Rogue profession is, understandably, a stealth class, able to affix poisons to his or her dual weapons to apply various effects to their enemies.

The Ninja job takes these traits and adds ninja magic, using combinations of hand gestures to generate ninjitsu moves. It'll be up to the player what combination they choose, and up to the game whether they succeed or fail.

Rogue and Ninja are focused on damage — fans looking for a new tank or healer will have to wait for the game's first major expansion.

Credits to Kotaku

Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit I am psyched.



Wonder when they will bring it to the West.

How Kingdom Under Fire 2 survived a shifting game market for 7 years

Kingdom Under Fire 2 is a survivor. Many games die on the vine as production passes the three-year mark, but Blue Side's MMO sequel to the oddball action-strategy hybrid is now well into its seventh year of development. Enduring false starts, major changes to the fundamental design of the game, the rise and fall of consoles, and the wild transformation of the MMO market worldwide, Kingdom Under Fire 2 remains and its coming to PlayStation 4 and PC in the near future. Barring any sudden changes of course.

Sang Youn Lee, the producer and Blue Side CEO who's stuck with the game over the years, doesn't need any more sudden changes. The game is, finally, right where he wants it. Guiding a demo of the game E3, Lee demonstrated how Kingdom Under Fire 2 plays in 2014, so long after it was first conceived. In large missions, it looks very much like Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders, Blue Side's original Xbox game. You control a big, flashy hero wielding a sword and command legions of troops on a field, a more intentional and less wantonly chaotic spin on Dynasty Warriors' massive conflicts.

It's been modernized of course. The troop customization and commands relegated to text-heavy menus back in 2004 is now done on the fly through simple button or keyboard commands. Surrounding that formula are the trappings of an MMO. Cities like Accolade where you can pick up quests, an open field for wandering and getting in small skirmishes, and big mission areas. It's all very pretty,generically high fantasy but also lovingly detailed. Nothing about it looks like a game that's been struggling to release for nearly a decade. What happened?

A number of things brought Kingdom Under Fire 2 low. The studio began work back in 2007 with an estimated budget of $15 million. Planned as a solo Xbox 360 game that would then be expanded as an online-focussed PC game, Lee explained that the studio's Asian investors demanded that the game come to PC first to capitalize on the then exploding Korean MMO market. Rift, Tera, and others were raking in cash and so the shift was made, reimagining Kingdom Under Fire 2 to accommodate those trends. Character customization and wild, fashionable costumes were in, but Lee insisted the game lose none of its focus or story so a $15 million project ballooned into a $50 million project.

After the shift to PC in 2009, Blue Side began to reassess its plans to bring Kingdom Under Fire 2 to consoles and set out to make a PlayStation 3 version. In 2011, though, Blue Side was approached by Sony about the PlayStation 4. When I asked if this was a frustrating moment, Lee set up straight, his eyes wide: "Yes!" Something of an understatement.

Now, finally, Kingdom Under Fire 2's journey is almost over. The game will be out on PC and PS4 this year.

Credits to Joy

And apparently it runs at 60fps Kingdom Under Fire II – 60FPS trailer showcasing cities and open fields

E3 2014: FFXIV's Yoshida on 2.4, 3.0, new classes, and more

After the recent E3 2014 announcement that Final Fantasy XIV was getting a new class and a marriage system, fans have been understandably eager to learn more. And the best way to do that is go to the source! We sat down with producer Naoki Yoshida to discuss the content slated for upcoming patches and expansions.

Before delving into the new, Yoshida spoke about the old. He noted that since last year's expo, FFXIV has enjoyed a successful relaunch, added a couple of major updates, and given millions of gamers around the world the opportunity to play. He then led into the new by saying, "We want to continue to grow the game from here. We have a lot of exciting content building up to 3.0." Part of said growing includes expanding the availability of the game by getting it into even more regions; this summer, for example, FFXIV will launch in China. Another part of the growth process is expanding the content and introducing new features, which is where patch 2.4 and the 3.0 expansion come in.

Massively: Any chance we can find out about what equipment Rogues/Ninjas will wear so we can prepare ahead of time?

Naoki Yoshida, producer: First off, because the class is going to be a melee DPS-type class, that gear that you have for other melee DPS classes and jobs is probably something that you'll want to hold on to. On the other hand, weapons are all going to be new because it's going to be a special type -- the dual wield. While you can use existing gear, the weapons will be all new and players can have fun collecting them. As for the special and Primal weapons, there will be rogue and ninja versions.

Are we still going to hear about that gun-using class that was hinted at?

We talked about it, and I'm not one to lie to the fans, but it's still a little bit early to talk about it. When I can talk about it, I will.

Is patch 2.3 still on track for a July release?

We want you to watch the Producer Letter Live that's going to go on tomorrow [June 12th] and we can give you an actual date for 2.3. Hopefully everyone will hear that date and go, "Wow! That's sooner than we thought."

What will personal chambers cost in 2.3? Will that be indicative of the cost for personal housing, or will that be higher?

The room will be cheaper than a full estate. [Referencing a gil balance of 98K], that character probably could not get himself his own private chambers. It's not as expensive as players would think, but it's not cheap. We're still working on balancing; we'll probably be balancing -- checking out economies and checking numbers -- right up until the very end. It's one of those things we can do right until the end. So we can't officially say how much, but it's going to be far, far less than owning an actual house.

Are Hunts meant to be instanced or open-world content?

Open world.

Will players moving over to playing the Ninja need to re-do the entire Relic/Zodiac line from the beginning?

Yes. They should probably start collecting their Atma now.

When was the decision made to add a class before the expansion?

We do have plans to release new jobs and new classes at the expansion; it wasn't like we took a job and class from that expansion and decided to release it early. We've always planned to release a new class and new job at a patch.

We've always thought that we needed a scout or a technical type of class. It's one thing that we didn't have in FFXIV and we wanted it, especially with the release of the large scale PvP. We wanted a class or a job that could do the scouting and stealth type of actions, so it was just natural to bring in that type of class to coincide with PvP and that type of content. The fact that the players have been begging for a thief-type class or a ninja-type class for a long time, we're happy that we can bring that to the fans ahead of the time that they expected.

So with more classes coming in the 3.0 expansion, can you tell us which ones?

New ones are coming, but we can't say anything. But not just one.

Can players expect to see marriage in 2.4 or before?

We are aiming for a 2.4 release of a system where the people living in Eorzea can pledge their love and/or friendship for each other with another player. And because you are pledging love and friendship we don't want there to be any barriers that prevent people of a certain age or race or gender from being able to pledge their love for one another.

Will chocobo raising include breeding options?

We are planning it, but that will be after we release our first installment of the chocobo raising. The current system that we have for release will be about your current companion with a focus on powering up and raising that chocobo companion, giving him different types of food and raising him, and changing his behavior in certain ways. In the future, maybe [we'll] offer some different types of options. We're going to have the Gold Saucer, and maybe there are going to be some events with chocobos and gold saucers, and players are going to need certain things... and that's all we can say about that right now. We'll just leave you with that.

Can you then put a fat chocobo on a diet? Or fatten up a little one?

He's beautiful because he's that big! That's an interesting idea: giving a lot of food to your fit chocobo and making him a fat chocobo, and the fatter it gets the more inventory slots it has.

Will Ninjas have an offhand slot for traditional throwing items such as shuriken?

No, we're actually not thinking about having something equipped in another weapon slot because it makes it kind of unfair to the Ninjas who actually then have to gather more items than another type of player, and then also have to start thinking about going into battle and deciding how many shuriken or how many daggers they have to buy. It just creates more work for that Ninja. We'd rather cover the throwing weapon in actions instead. We'll be able to talk a little more about it as we get closer to 2.4

How difficult are the 2.3 dungeons meant to be?

We are designing them to be around the same difficulty level as the hard-level dungeons that were released in 2.2. It's not something that is going to be overly hard for regular players, but the boss fights are going to feature different types of gimmicks and different types of tips and traps that players have never experienced before, so they're going to have to learn something.

Will we get any sort of roadmap regarding future development?

Right now, internally we have a roadmap that we're using. We're kind of on the fence as to whether to release it in full or not. We have so much stuff that's in the works right now; it would be hard to change things once you released that [and said] this is what you are going to do. By keeping some of it internal, it's easier to move stuff around based on feedback. There are merits and demerits to releasing, and that's why we're on the fence right now.

But that doesn't mean that we're not going to give any information at all. We're want to use opportunities -- events like E3, fan events, or the Producer Letter Lives that we have -- that are places in real time where we can release information about the patch we are working on and the patch that's going to come after. Using live events like this we feel is more exciting for players rather than just getting this big book and reading through that.

What is your favorite part about the upcoming content in 2.4 and 3.0?

They're all my favorite. If I had to choose one, it would be the large-scale PvP that is coming up in 2.2: the front line. Even though it's large-scale, we believe that it's very easy to get into for all types of players. And the big thing is that unlike a lot of MMOs where it is two factions fighting against each other, we're going to have three different factions in battle.

Of course, we're excited for things like the new classes and new jobs, but what's going to be coming up in these next few patches is how we move from this 2.0 story to the 3.0 story. If you remember back from 1.0 to 2.0, we had this great buildup with the coming of meteor and the destruction of the world. We threw in a lot of things that really surprised a lot of players -- a lot of things that hadn't been done in MMOs before. We want to do that same thing as we come to the climax of the 2.0 story and go into 3.0. We want to shock the players again, show them things they haven't seen, and get them excited for 3.0.

Can you give an example of content that didn't make the cut for the patches and expansions?

If you are talking about something that we actually started working on, it would have been a crystal tower we had ready for the launch of 2.0. But the tower was way too difficult so we decided to push it back, readjust it, and release it in 2.1.

As for something that's never made it in, there's actually really nothing. Once we've decided to make something, we've tried our best to get it into the game. Some things we've wanted to make but realized it would take too long so we've pushed it back to maybe an expansion. If it would take too much work or too much time we've moved it from a patch to an expansion or extended the development over two patches instead of one. As for something we've wanted to make but couldn't, that hasn't happened yet.

One thing that I've personally wanted to do but haven't had the opportunity is to create something for new adventurers, like a guild especially for the newbies. It's something where you are given simple tasks like maybe kill x amount of enemies in 15 seconds using three different actions. You'd have a lot of these little tasks where you have players level up [as characters] in the game and level up outside the game as a player. [The idea is] to have a special type of area or a special type of guild just for the new adventurers. The thing is, it is very hard to implement it into the game especially as we continue adding new content for players who have been here for a long time. So this idea keeps getting pushed back. Someday I want to get that in game.

Credits to Joy
I was reading an article and one journalist claimed that it definitely looks better than Blade & Soul and I am calling it bullshit. =.

Having played Blade & Soul for a month or so, the graphics really aren't that great.

Firstly, the game is heavily instanced and certainly doesn't have huge, open areas. Secondly, the visual style (while very appealing) doesn't use any fancy, technical features.

Black Desert looks simply stunning from the vids and pics I've seen. Hard to compare two different art styles, but I'd say miles ahead of Blade & Soul.

(you can view some pics I took of B&S here to see what max settings and downsampling achieved.... https://www.flickr.com/photos/109810236@N08/sets/72157638297252925/ )


Any early/quick impressions? Will try this out once my schedule frees up a bit

Swordsman Giveaway

WLB96-A3Y-66MD (not sure if it will work)

Well from playing with it for about an hour or so I can definitely say the combat system is way, way better than Age of Wushu. Honestly it is light years ahead because the combat is soooooooo much more strategic and slow-paced. It does not feel like playing Marvel vs Capcom if you get my drift so from that perspective I vouch for it. Don't take my words for it because I am very peculiar with video games.

But if you are into martial arts and all that jazz I would like to think that it will impress you.



We have a blog update from the developers of Tree of Savior! This is the fourth iteration of their Q&A posts concerning the game. Check out the blog for all the questions, plenty of interesting info, and new videos showcasing subweapons and companions.

Excerpt of some questions in no particular order:

SY Kim 6/13/14 said:

Q) Is it possible to record in-game video clips or take screenshots? (FLV, MP4, WMV formats are preferable)

A) We temporarily inserted a feature which allows recording in-game video clips since that makes easier for us to develop the game. However, we haven’t decided whether or not to insert this feature in the official version of the game. It will be possible to take screenshots in the official version of the game.

Q) Are monsters’ re-spawn locations random

A) Yes. They are random. But the monsters are made to pull each other so they can be grouped together.

Q) Is it possible to change BGM on each map?

A) We haven’t decided yet. Do you need a player which can switch to different music in the game? Please send us your suggestion.

Q) How do stats work? Is it possible to freely allocate the points to stats that have been accumulated by leveling up?

A) 1 point will be given after each level up. You can freely allocate this point on any of four stats.



Any recommendations for a good MMO for a low end laptop? I can play Diablo 3 and even SWTOR if I point a portable fan at the graphics card vent. I'm looking for something polished, has a building element and good character progression. I know all the "top" MMOs so looking for something I may be missing off the beaten path.
Haven't played an MMO since original EverQuest trilogy almost 12 years ago.

Started playing a game called Darkfall Unholy Wars after seeing some friends play it and I'm pretty surprised how fun it is. Surprisingly original and I can't believe it's a full non-instanced mmo with an almost FPS style combat system. Highly recommended. I can probably get access to 3 buddy keys if anyone happens to be interested let me know.


Hnnng at new TOS blog post. I like how off-hand can be used seperately from main hand.

Though the experience thing worries me. It got to a point where 95% of mobs were useless for exp on post-renewal RO.

Hopefully they plant a server in singapore to service SEA.


Tree of Savior looks promising. It's digging at my RO nostalgia, I like that it's keyboard-based. I may try it out if I have time.


Haven't played an MMO since original EverQuest trilogy almost 12 years ago.

Started playing a game called Darkfall Unholy Wars after seeing some friends play it and I'm pretty surprised how fun it is. Surprisingly original and I can't believe it's a full non-instanced mmo with an almost FPS style combat system. Highly recommended. I can probably get access to 3 buddy keys if anyone happens to be interested let me know.

I'd like to give it a try but don't want to pay until I know I like it :D


Any recommendations for a good MMO for a low end laptop? I can play Diablo 3 and even SWTOR if I point a portable fan at the graphics card vent. I'm looking for something polished, has a building element and good character progression. I know all the "top" MMOs so looking for something I may be missing off the beaten path.

Do you mean an MMORPG specifically, or any kind of MMO?


Do you mean an MMORPG specifically, or any kind of MMO?

I like both equally. Online play but I like to be able to solo to. I like to build things; player housing is a plus. I like character progression with variety. All the staples of an MMO. I tend to lean toward MMORPGs just because I get bored of MMos like Planetside 2 after a small stretch.


I like both equally. Online play but I like to be able to solo to. I like to build things; player housing is a plus. I like character progression with variety. All the staples of an MMO. I tend to lean toward MMORPGs just because I get bored of MMos like Planetside 2 after a small stretch.

Honestly for RPGs, lots of seemingly strong titles are releasing in the future or are the current top names such as Wildstar. You have other action MMO titles such as Continent of the Ninth, Vindictus, Tera, and Dragon Nest. There's a slew of new brawlers such as Closers Online and the localization of Dungeon Fighter Online and Phantasy Star Online 2 (a guy can dream) coming as well.

You have the older titles as well lile as Rusty Hearts for your brawlers. There's the more interesting RPGs titles such as Mabinogi and Atlantica Online you could try out as well. More sand boxy types such as Archage and Black Desert (not really but kinda) are also coming in the future.

Personally, I'm currently satisfied with FFXIV as my RPG fix. I also play SMITE and S4 League due to enjoying both of them. I'm not sure how fun S4 would be to a new player these days since I only play it due to investing years into it. The devs screwed it up and monetize something fierce, but there's nothing quite like it in my opinion. Personally, I'd second Atlantica for the really fun and interesting battle system and Mabinogi for the awesome creation.

Sorry for the ramble, it's hard recommending MMOs to people since there's so much out there. I'd be happy to dig some more into my history of past MMOs if none of the above interest you. Cheers!


Honestly it's not a very polished game at all and I know that was what you were looking for. The trial can be played without paying though.

Honestly the part where crafting was very important intrigued me but after a little research I hear it's not that great. The pure PvP aspect didn't really appeal to me. Maybe 'll go back to EVE for my crafting mofo, maybe...I've been clean for about a year...
Honestly the part where crafting was very important intrigued me but after a little research I hear it's not that great. The pure PvP aspect didn't really appeal to me. Maybe 'll go back to EVE for my crafting mofo, maybe...I've been clean for about a year...

Yea game is all about the PvP and fighting in really cool locations. Think of a slower paced unreal tournament in a completely open world.

And if you're planning to play solo it's absolutely horrible.


Hello MMOers-still-looking-for-my-dream-MMO-and-everything-sucks! So what is new? Well MMOs still suck and World of Warcraft is the King. And...of course I am joking. So lets get down to business.

Stay the fuck AWAY from ArcheAge.

Trion once said and I, *cough*, sorry I have to *cough*, "No tricks, No Traps, No Trials" and then "F2P powa" (Alright it never said that but you get the drift). Then everything exploded and I quote,

NexG - Thank you! Of course real $$ should give its payers better benefits, just hoping it won't be uncontrolled or too imbalanced!

Scapes - That's the plan.

In other words this is a hybrid between a subscription and a freemium but ultimately the more cash you throw into the cash shop, the more benefits you get.

Welcome to the world of "No traps, No tricks, No trials".

Here is the best "convenient" story ever - http://forums.archeagegame.com/showthread.php?16916-Trion-s-Cashshop-Full-list-Prices-%28-and-%80%29-and-Feedback and a few other and lovely statements by players,

  • FoxxDesertt

    Patron Status (SUB)

    Option to purchase 2 additional character slots out of 4. Still have to buy them.

    Still have to spend my $20 of my $75 credit on inventory expansion? $40 if i decide to throw my bank into the mix - PER CHARACTER? - I guess i wont be making any alts - except to exploit that labor point potion if they are stupid enough to leave it like that. - Yes, i will exploit it, the same way i will never log off the game unless the servers go down.

    Value of Patron

    Bonus online Labor Point regeneration (10 per 5 minutes)
    Offline Labor Point regeneration (5 per 5 minutes)
    Increased maximum Labor Points cap (5000 maximum)
    The game isnt playable on an enjoyable level without the above.
    10% bonus to all Experience gained through combat or labor usage
    10% discount on Marketplace purchases (available after launch)

    How many purchases a month do i need to make with real money to offset that 15 dollar investment for that 10% discount?

    5 Loyalty Tokens per day for use in the Loyalty Store (awarded on first login of the day)
    Ability to claim land by placing farms and houses
    Ability to pay in-game taxes on owned property
    Ability to post auctions on the Auction House by default

  • LuciousVictis

    Confirmed that they will sell labor potion in their store
    Your labor regen will cap at 2160 while they will be making way more, giving anyone a clear advantage on crafting, the best gear in the game and then having a clear advantage on the econnomy and pvp.
    Now they admitted that they will sell gears, they strongly dictate on what you can and cannot do by holding labor points.

  • Asuna

    Cost - item - use - why (it is P2W)

    300 - labor pot - gain 1000 labor back, cooldown 12 hr - you're buying labor points and labor points just basically = money and progress.
    300 - vocation xp tonic - gain 100% xp from labor for 1h - you can basically speed boost lvling via crafting, its not as bad as straight up buying labor but it's still going to progress you further
    80 - (variety of different drop rate honor, xplossprevention, production items) time 60 mins - basically buying boosts, not the worst but still a p2w feature
    45 - 5 tax certificates - used for well anything a tax certificate is used for like paying taxes - means you can just bypass having to make them and gives an advantage to people who buy them, this one is not really terrible either because only patrons can have land.

  • GuardianAngle

    Patron can be sold in the market and be bought with real money from cash shop (reselling it to the market).

  • Chryos

    After dropping 150 for the game, and paying for a monthly subscription, you will still spend more money for extra stuff through cash shop.

  • Jahlon

    There will be micro-transactions you have to conduct (inventory expansion, character expansions, etc).
And do not believe any ArcheAge fanboy. I have warned you enough and I don't think I have to spell it out for you. Now if you got cash and you don't like having them in your bank account you might as well pledge them to Trion and they will gladly take it all of it right now.

But let us leave this shit. What else is new?

Blade & Soul - New Private Russian Server & English Patch! (Instructions)


Note: English Discussion Forum - http://forum.playbns.com/forumdisplay.php?f=47

Ping is quite good for me at least. I got fiber anyhow so 10-25ms is what I get. Translation sucks. But it is readable in that sense.

And finally, a survey of Black Desert Online.

This is a great example and has been done by Pearl Abyss for the game Black Desert Online. It is a great example because it is extremely open, does not hide weaknesses and flaws and that creates transparency between the community and the Devs.

[GM note]Black Desert 2nd Closed Beta Survey Results

During the second beta test, Pearl Abyss gave their adventurers polls and survey questions.

What kind of statistics will we see regarding their adventurers?

The polls and surveys were split in to 2 dates and approximately 2000 people participated. Pearl Abyss was able to hear many stories from the adventurers who have played the game.

About The Polls

1st Polling Event 10 sections, 64 questions were asked regarding first impressions and early to mid-game content.

2nd Polling Event 7 sections, 58 questions were asked regarding boss raids and more in-game content.

Poll Participant Statistics

These are the ages of the participants.

Age Group Percentage

~ 20 7.5%
21 ~ 25 22.0%
26 ~ 30 33.0%
31 ~ 35 20.9%
36 ~ 40 10.6%
41 ~ 6.0%

The preferred genre of most of the players is RPG (84%). Of the participants, 77% are experiencing Black Desert for the first time through the 2nd CBT.

Character Creation

Amongst the survey participants, the Sorcerer and Ranger class were the most popular. Players looked at the “Spells and Abilities” of the character the most during character creation. The Ranger class, in comparison to other classes, was more liked for its “look”

However, in terms of spells and abilities, the popularity went to the Sorcerer class, then Giant, Ranger, and Warrior in that order. The much anticipated character customization of Black Desert received positive praises all around, but a better customization is planned for the next beta test.

Graphics and Sound

Black Desert’s graphics were well loved and praised amongst the participants. Looking at the characters, backgrounds, monsters and other aspects of the game, the graphics got a score of 4.6/5. However, the players felt that the special effects were lack-luster. There were a lot of opinions that stated that although the sound and the graphics fit together, it could be improved more to complement each other better. Participants have also said the graphics and sounds were an overall improvement from the first beta test.


The macro controls received average scores. However, the short-cut keys and movement macros got relatively poor feedback from the survey participants.

Also, older age groups had more negative opinions regarding the macro controls. Players also felt the Ranger class controls were not as great as the other classes.


Participants gave modest scores regarding Black Desert’s combat. The combat impressions when striking a blow was given a score of 4/5, while the combat impressions when shooting had an average score of 3/5. For characters in particular, the Ranger and Giant class’ shooting impressions scored lower compared to the other classes.

In-depth Combat Content

Regarding in-depth Gameplay like RvR, PvP, Co-operative Play, and Dungeon Raids, the players felt that they weren’t able to experience enough content along their character’s levels or some parts felt lacking to properly enjoy some of the content. For a more enjoyable gameplay and more fun in-game content, we’ll put in more effort to make improvements.

Combat-Related Comments

After looking at the overall comments, Pearl Abyss noted the following as aspects that the players feels needs improvement: The gameplay’s overall impression when shooting, concerns regarding the control over hunting grounds, monster AI improvements, character balancing, the lacking skill information, and co-op and party gameplay. In addition, the attack impressions, game graphics, and the enjoyable non-targeting combat system were considered Black Desert’s positive aspects.

Quest Content

Quest difficulty and quantity got an average score of 3.4/5 from polls. There were many players who expressed some needed improvement regarding the flow of the quests. The quests did not provide enough information and made getting used to the game difficult. The participants also felt the tutorial was lack-luster, and much like the feedback for the macro controls, older age groups had more difficulty getting used to the game.


World Map, Mini Map, and the UI screen feedback compared to the 1st CBT feedback is better, however for the Mini Map system(2.5/5), players feel still needs improvement. Pearl Abyss states that they will look in to this through various improvements to present a better UI.

Non-Combat Content

We noticed an average level of satisfaction amongst the players regarding Black Desert’s various non-combat content. The level of freedom, and the contribution system were well liked by the community, but the housing system was not as well received.

On another note, the community felt that instead of content that compliments the non-combat tutorial, a more specific specialized content would be much nicer. The various ways players can plan a character’s growth due to the game’s high level of freedom is loved by the community.

In-Game Community

Guild, Trading, Chatting, the in-game community in general has a low level of satisfaction from the poll participants. The chatting system was especially difficult (2.1/5) In-Game Community is an important factor in gameplay, and Pearl Abyss plans to improve it to a more friendly and useful community.

Game Progress and Achievements

Many of the participants are content with Black Desert’s worldview and story as well as the immersive game itself. There were a large number of people who have experienced new things and have had a lot of fun playing the game. However, the players felt the economy system’s achievements require some improvement. Server Operation

The players were very pleased with how the server time and the environment were harmoniously executed. Pearl Abyss will put in more effort to make it even better.


Amongst the 2000 survey participants, 81% stated that they would recommend Black Desert to friends. The game’s early-game content, along with Black Desert’s graphics and sound were well loved by the community, while the UI and non-combat content had some aspects that felt lacking in some regards. The players also felt that for more and better hours of game play, content that would strengthen the late-game and player comfort is necessary. We appreciate the stories and opinions we were able to see through the surveys. Pearl Abyss was able to get a better grasp of what the game lacks and what they should improve on, while also reading what aspects of the game the adventurers liked. Pearl Abyss is contemplating and reviewing the many of the summaries they acquired from this survey and the last user meeting and preparing for the next test. To enhance the gaming experience and to make the tutorials more comfortable Pearl Abyss will work on the organization of quests, improve on non-combat content, work on monster AI and improve our boss monsters. Once again, Pearl Abyss would like to thank the adventurers for participating in their survey. Pearl Abyss will take your feedback and do their best for an even better gaming experience. Information on what’s next for Black Desert will be posted on their homepage.

Look forward to it!


Because I had a beta key for ArcheAge I did play it but honestly I couldn't even be bothered to reach level 10.

Going to stick to Blade & Soul in RU.


Authority, I'm sorry but your posts are extremely messy and I can't even read them properly without being confused. I'd suggest cleaning up the language a bit, and maybe try cutting back on putting so much information into a post because it just looks way too cluttered. Try just linking to the forum post/press release with maybe a sentence or two.

Anyway, criticism beside I've just been accepted into the ArcheAge beta so it will be interesting to see how pay2win it actually is from the claims above. I couldn't really follow the post due to the confusing language and quite squashed together paragraphs, but it seems that even if you have a sub account there are still essential items locked away in the cash shop?

I've also been offered a chance to review Swordsman and I'm eager to try that this weekend, it's looking really interesting though the reasonably high ping servers might be troublesome. I have far too many MMOs right now to play, and throw in Heroes of the Storm and my days are filled to the brim.


Authority, I'm sorry but your posts are extremely messy and I can't even read them properly without being confused. I'd suggest cleaning up the language a bit, and maybe try cutting back on putting so much information into a post because it just looks way too cluttered. Try just linking to the forum post/press release with maybe a sentence or two.

Anyway, criticism beside I've just been accepted into the ArcheAge beta so it will be interesting to see how pay2win it actually is from the claims above. I couldn't really follow the post due to the confusing language and quite squashed together paragraphs, but it seems that even if you have a sub account there are still essential items locked away in the cash shop?

I've also been offered a chance to review Swordsman and I'm eager to try that this weekend, it's looking really interesting though the reasonably high ping servers might be troublesome. I have far too many MMOs right now to play, and throw in Heroes of the Storm and my days are filled to the brim.


As fas as Swordsman goes. Not happy about it at all. It is in the right step as in it has got some improvements in comparison with Age of Wushu but lacks depth. For me it is just another cashgrab due to lack of competition in the MMO market. I wrong a short article about F2P so I will post it probably tomorrow and expand further.

Moonlight Blade does look promising. It looks like Tenshu: Wrath of Heaven or a mix bag of Blade & Soul with Dynasty Warriors.

Woah, how did I miss this!?

Rant incoming.

Because we have to fucking go from Massively to Steparu to 2p.com to MMOculture.com to MMOrpg.com to get all the news every day if you want to have a complete overview. Not going to include either significant updates on MMOs because you get the picture. And yeah it is a pain in the ass but shits gotta be done.

Hopefully it will be as good as it looks and most importantly a spiritual successor of Ragnarok as it claims.


I think I fell in love with OP when I saw PSO2 as the first post.

Speaking of PSO2 how is its cash shop if anyone knows?

What I know is that it does not have PVP and in 2012 they stated that,

While Phantasy Star Online 2 does have some features that can be bought with money, the developers have restricted these to minor, non-essential areas, like upgrades for players' individual rooms, increased storage space, or trading features. "There is nothing that requires payment that will take away from the intrinsic game experience if they are not purchased." Sakai explained.
Rant incoming.

Because we have to fucking go from Massively to Steparu to 2p.com to MMOculture.com to MMOrpg.com to get all the news every day if you want to have a complete overview. Not going to include either significant updates on MMOs because you get the picture. And yeah it is a pain in the ass but shits gotta be done.

Hopefully it will be as good as it looks and most importantly a spiritual successor of Ragnarok as it claims.

Actually, I quoted the wrong link. I was trying to quote Drunago. The dinosaur MMO survival game.


So after losing a bit of the launch enthusiasm for Wildstar plus the World Cup starting I didn't renew Wildstar. Suppose I burnt myself out, it's just so tough for me to go through another WoW clone, even if it is one that tries bring back the Vanilla WoW charm. I'll likely sub up for the WoD expansion and give it another month or two and go from there.

My next great hype machine Everquest Next, which is still so far off. Right now Id settle for plain old fashion EQ1 in a new skin.
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