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Life of MMo gamers - "We hate all MMos".


Neo Member
It seems the term MMO is being watered down.

If Destiney is an MMO, then gta5, cod and need for speed rivals are MMOs.
Hell with that logic farmville is an MMO.

No, Games like destiney and phantasy star online are not massively multiplayer. They are single player games with online components and lobbies.

To actually worthy of the tag MMO or massively multiplayer online, I would think the game would have to have an online only requirement, with at least 1 thousand players capacity.



Moderately sized multiplayer online games.

But yes, people misconstrue the term massive all the time. Just Cause 2 multiplayer mod is an MMO because it can have the same server size as vanilla WoW servers.

Same way betass and alphas have been distorted into demo events. I didn't even bother with Wildstar's beta process, you can't do much in terms of getting a feel for mechanics in a weekend.

I'm happy about Landmark's beta being an actual beta TEST, but at the same time I hate that they charged for it.


It seems the term MMO is being watered down.

If Destiney is an MMO, then gta5, cod and need for speed rivals are MMOs.
Hell with that logic farmville is an MMO.

No, Games like destiney and phantasy star online are not massively multiplayer. They are single player games with online components and lobbies.

To actually worthy of the tag MMO or massively multiplayer online, I would think the game would have to have an online only requirement, with at least 1 thousand players capacity.

"But this is only the beginning for GTA Online. Though it ties into GTA 5 as a multiplayer component, it is separate and Benzies reveals that the ultimate goal is a GTA MMO.

Benzies claimed Rockstar has plans to turn GTA Online into a persistent online world with 'million of people to coexist'. A GTA MMO, says Benzies, is 'where we expect to arrive'.

Rockstar's plan is to keep GTA Online on 'the path to a great MMO'."

Original Source: http://www.nowgamer.com/news/2050956/gta_5_rockstar_on_gta_mmo_700_missions_graphical_differences.html & http://www.engadget.com/2013/08/15/grand-theft-auto-online/[/quote]

While it is true that the term is used loosely or watered down, see it fit as you wish, this reminds me of a conversation with Mass Effect franchise where there the main topic whether it was an RPG or an action game with RPG elements. Fortunately or not, the MMO as a term is or has become more abstract and more games are swinging their way through to that scene. I call it evolution.

I have already supplied arguments for Destiny being an MMO in previous posts and included quotes from the developers.

So yeah your argument can hold some merit but I do not think you can argue that the scene is not progressing further, and whether or not it stays true to its roots its irrelevant. Things never stay the same.

Not sure if you understand at what type of angle I am looking at it.



Moderately sized multiplayer online games.

But yes, people misconstrue the term massive all the time. Just Cause 2 multiplayer mod is an MMO because it can have the same server size as vanilla WoW servers.

Same way betass and alphas have been distorted into demo events. I didn't even bother with Wildstar's beta process, you can't do much in terms of getting a feel for mechanics in a weekend.

I'm happy about Landmark's beta being an actual beta TEST, but at the same time I hate that they charged for it.

I really do not want to defend them charging;


Besides charging players for early access to a free game, SOE is using Landmark as a way to crowdsource areas and buildings for the full EverQuest Next MMO. SOE has stated that it intends to eventually ship all of the EverQuest Next development tools in Landmark, and players will even be able to sell their creations to other players for real cash (sort of like an app store for Minecraft, except Sony likely gets a cut of every sale). SOE has also announced that the best player-made buildings and environments would be used in EverQuest Next. So if you're keeping track: players are paying to alpha test a game that will be used as a content farm for a future game where content will be sold back to them!

To counteract a potential exploitation-fest, SOE says it is committed to openly developing EverQuest Next with its players. Weekly polls are posted on the game's website, gathering the player base's thoughts on things like how harsh the penalty for dying should be or if there should be race/class restrictions. Landmark is designed to get the code out to players as quickly as possible because SOE wants this feedback ASAP so that changes and improvements can be made. SOE says the alpha access is the earliest it has ever let players into a game and that this model is a whole new development style for the company.

Direct Source: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2013/11/sony-online-entertainment-is-charging-60-to-alpha-test-a-free-to-play-mmo/

but to be fair the costs for MMOs these days is huge. So yeah I am always raging at such overpriced anti-consumerist deals but since I do not know the full story, at the end of the day I cannot claim to be that self-righteous.


That comment is 100% spot on.

Yeah the way the handle the whole who gets the access is poor management because so many people have signed for it since God knows and got nothing so far and there is already a mistrust in there on whether those "testers" do what they have to do or most of them just fuck around and play the game.

It would have been so easy to find a balance of doing what you are meant to be doing and streaming at the same time or divine the access to famous Twitch streamers and actual "testers" or whatever.

Anyway word of the mouth is that foundations' packs will be available by the end of this month so we shall see.

Edit: Excellent post

I think they are making a huge mistake with this Alpha. It would have been different if they had a closed Alpha, with an NDA, where they hand selected members of the community to participate. That is traditionally what an Alpha is.

Instead we have this weird Alpha / Closed Beta hybrid where they are recruiting streamers - many of which had no prior knowledge of the game - and randomly selecting "active" members from the Official forums to try to spread the word about ArcheAge. This is a terrible decision and they're going to lose a lot of momentum and free publicity as a result.
Most of the streamers they've given keys to stream as a job. Playing different video games and showcasing new releases is a job. The majority of their audience are their own fans (naturally this statement does not apply to the streamers trying to gain audience solely due to ArcheAge, but streamers who had a sizable audience before ArcheAge). The audience on those channels aren't going to be interested once the Streamer moves to a new game. They should have had Founder's Pack available to sell, and Closed Beta up and running before they moved to this phase of their campaign.

The majority of the hype that's been built is going to fizzle out before they even transition to Open Beta. They should have waited until Closed Beta to try and advertise the game with optional Buy-in through Founder's Pack. Instead they have chosen to alienate their hardcore fans and try to embrace a casual audience that will have moved on to the next title before AA is even released.


Speaking of ArcheAge the 1.0 conversation seems to be live and well.

Controversy with Archeage Patch 1.0?

and here is what Trion officially posted;

hartsmanCEO 18 points 1 day ago

Hi - This list resurfaces every time someone mentions 1.0, and I definitely understand why.

I have a lot of respect for the original author of that list. As one of the long-standing, highly knowledgeable AA fans, there was a lot of helpful info being presented to the US audience.

That said, as with anything else on the internet, info that's presented using one-sided, emotionally charged terms frequently doesn't paint the whole picture.

That list is from the original 1.0 release quite some time ago. Most of the perceived negatives already have been or are being addressed, or just don't apply to the western version.

On our internal 1.0 build, quests give experience, monsters drop treasure packs, the Korea-specific loyalty system doesn't exist, selling the stealth mount naturally isn't a fit for our MTX style, we're working out the specifics of how coins go back to more than just dailies (...a number of which existed pre 1.0 as an option already), and so on.

That particular set of opinions also avoids mentioning any of the positives that were added such as: Mount speed buff timing went from not helpful to amazingly useful, Hereafter (teleport) stone costs went from silly to sane, quest reward items while fewer can actually proc up quality levels, and a dozen or so other genuine improvements to the game - Including a few that make it even more of a sandbox than it was previously.
Beyond that - It might also be helpful to check out the latest 1.2 info. (Some of it is here: http://www.reddit.com/r/archeage/comments/22l3fx/archeage_12/ ) The 1.0 crafting extension experiment went away, and lots of other improvements as well.

Also - For those interested in further background, I addressed some of the "how did 1.0 happen" and touch on XL's commitment to the sandbox experience in a past mmorpg.com Q&A;


The goal is to get our version as close to best of all worlds as possible.
Hope that helps.

[–]harvv7 6 points 1 day ago*

While this is relieving. It sounds like the most critical elements of the changes (for me at least) are the ones turning it into a daily grind.(which i dont think you addressed at all, not sure though) Ill be interested to see how trion handles it. This comment gives me some hope though lol.
Also, is very refreshing to see these guys following and giving feedback to the community.

[–]hartsmanCEO 8 points 23 hours ago

The line about "coins" was addressing that. I kind of buried it in there.
That was the contentious daily change that they made, which they originally made to fix a KR economy issue, as it was described to us when we asked point blank while we were over there.

I do get that it's a huge deal to a lot of people, myself included.

That said, it helps to remember the game has probably 50 other gameplay systems/activities. Even if it stayed, which it won't, it's a pretty large distance between that one change and "turning the game into a daily grind." :)

Direct Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/archeage/comments/23dw47/controversy_with_archeage_patch_10/

Edit: Do you think Trion is making a mistake?


I started playing my first mmo on the weekend. So far so good. War Thunder is an mmo yeah?

If 32 players is massive, sure.

But really, it's as much an MMO as Counterstrike. I'd say 500+ players being able to play simultaneously constitutes the word "massive".


Phantasy Star Online 2 – Brief interview with publishing team
Phantasy Star Online 2 Trailer

Q: Overall, how did the Closed Beta phase went for Phantasy Star Online 2?

A: The Beta was pretty successful where we had a lot of players logging in and playing the game. We managed to capture valuable datas and feedback which we can use to improve the service for the game’s launch.

Q: Can you let us in on some numbers? For example, how many players took part, which races and classes were the most popular etc?

A: Unfortunately we are unable to share any numbers at this point.

Q: What were some of the common complaints received for the Closed Beta version?

A: SEGA has provided us with a solid build for Beta hence users didn’t get any significant issues ingame. However we’ve been monitoring users feedback from in-game, forum and social media and we found several feedback that we will be focusing on:

- Game Client Distribution Channels and Methods

- Overall gameplay smoothness, especially in connecting to the server.

- Localization (Some loyal Phantasy Star players shared their concern about translation of in-game terms, which are different from the ones in previous Phantasy Star games.)

Q: Last I was informed, official launch is scheduled on 29th May 2014, with a head start for Closed Beta participants on 27th May 2014. There will also be no other test phases before that. Is this still accurate?

A: The official launch date (29th May 2014) and Early Access (27th May 2014) are correct.

Q: What will happen between now and the game’s official launch?

A: Internally, we’ll be working closely with SEGA to improve our PSO2 service post-beta and addressing the community’s feedback with regards to the game.

Q: While the level cap for Closed Beta is set at 30, what will be the new cap for the official launch?

A: After the official launch, the level cap would be 40.

Q: Are there any new game features players can expect to see for the launch version?

A: Other than raising level cup to 40, the majority of the content remains the same as per what was released during Beta. We are working with SEGA to come out with series of content that we will release gradually.

Q: What about end-game content? What activities or raids are there for players who hit the level cap?

A: Level cap will gradually increase after official launch, as well as releasing new Quests/Paradigm Matrix/Campaigns for all players of PSO2. But for now, we’ll be focusing to launch activities for players.

Q: Having launched in Japan for quite some time already, players are no doubt asking about the new race and class (Braver). Are they far down the line?

A: As of now, we are focusing on PSO2 launch. As for future content like new race and class, we would need to work with SEGA and to monitor our players pattern on how they progress.

Q: Phantasy Star Online 2’s Japan server have had some pretty amazing tie-up events with various anime, most recently Attack on Titan. Any chance of the SEA server getting the content as well?

A: PSO2 Japan’s tie-ups are pretty amazing and we’ve been receiving feedback to bring them into our server. However, most of the tie-ups are for Japan server hence it would need different licensing to be available in our server. We will look into the tie-ups once PSO2 players have spent more time in-game and we will evaluate which tie-ups that are most suitable and viable to be brought into our server.

Q: What else can players look forward to for Phantasy Star Online 2’s launch version?

A: We will open up the game’s cash shops which will bring more choices for players in terms of players’s and gameplay customization.

Revelation – Final class announced as debut test phase begins next week

The final playable class for Revelation’s debut test phase was announced recently, named as 圣堂, or loosely along the lines of Paladin. You can probably see from the trailer below, the Paladin is a heavily-armoured class acting as the game’s main tank. As usual, he will be most lacking DPS as a meat-shield.


Developed by NetEase, China’s no.2 online game developer and publisher, Revelation is apparently a queer mix of Aion. TERA and Blade & Soul, with that significant China flair in terms of design. NetEase hasn’t really been successful in its 3D games development, hopefully Revelation will prove to be the light.

Direct Source: www.mmoculture.com


Regarding Pirates in ArcheAge;

If a player reaches 3000 total Criminal Points they may become a pirate.
Pirates my create an Expedition Force(Pirate Guild.)
Non-Pirates may not participate in Pirate specific activities.
Pirates are exempt from punishment when killing members of any faction.
Pirates are not exempt from punishment for theft.
Pirates can't talk to NPC's on the southern continents.
All NPC on the Pirate Island are friendly to a Pirate.
There are quests for Pirates on the Pirate Island.
Pirates can get a one hour lasting +1% damage buff on the Pirate Island.
Pirates are auto attacked by certain guards.

Sounds good.


Black Desert Train Hype cannot be stopped!

Black Desert : The Beauty of the World Displayed in New Video


The beauty that is the world of Black Desert shines in the latest video from the game's second closed beta in Korea. From cities to raging rivers to small hamlets, the gorgeousness and activity of the Black Desert world sparkles. Check it out and let us know what you think!

Shards Online Previews: Rethinking the Meaning of Sandbox

In most Sandbox MMOs, the developers give players a rule-set, but give them tools within the game to let them build and make their own experiences. Shards, the new independent MMORPG from Citadel Studios, aims to take that design one step further by essentially giving every player the sort of access to the server and game mechanics that are typically reserved for the designers themselves. As its namesake implies, Shards gives players the power to manage, maintain, and mod their own servers to their hearts’ content. There will be official game “shards” where the story, lore, and driving forces of the studio keep the game content coming, but as we found out during PAX Citadel hopes and expects some of the players’ creations to outshine their own.

They know that building a content-heavy MMORPG with an Indie team is not possible, which is why the Citadel lads are focused on delivering a technology based system that will allow the players to make worlds, tell stories, and build playsets while Citadel works on their own core servers as well. Tim and Derek showed us a shard that plays a lot like Rust as a survival RPG with a top-down view. We also saw a PVP map that’s used internally to test combat. Each corner of the map has its own elemental bastion that teams can fight for control over. The game engine is Unity, while the server tech is all Citadel. With the two combined, there’s literally no limit to what you might come upon in game.

Shards - Teaser Video #2

You can spend all of your free time on the Citadel official servers, playing up your character with the free-form classless progression you remember from Ultima Online. Build a house, become a ninja, a pirate, a farmer, an animal tamer… you name it, it’s there. Or, perhaps you want to venture out into the universe that other players create. You’ll simply find a portal, and then select from a cast of worlds with untold adventures and riches. They’ll be clearly marked so you won’t accidentally step into a portal that brings you to a perma-death shard with full PVP loot… unless you’re into that sort of thing. But if your character from the official shards dies in the player-made permadeath shard? It’s over for that character. Development and progression of your hero spans across worlds, so in a sense even the “fan-made” worlds are “official” in the eyes of Citadel.

There’s a whole lore basis to how these worlds are intertwined, and some of that can be seen in the teaser above. But essentially, as a player if you head up one of the many Shards, you’ll be allowed to server as its God. You can rove about in god-mode, wreaking havoc on poor denizens of your world, or like a benevolent GM if you watch them beat a tough boss you placed in the world you can reward them by spawning awesome gear right then and there on the spot. Citadel will allow players to rate and review other player shards, so the idea is that the “best” will rise to the top, while the worst will fall to the bottom. So don’t go getting ideas that your Shard will be awesome because you insta-kill all new players… chances are you’ll wind up alone on that shard soon enough.

In essence, Shards could wind up being the ultimate sandbox MMORPG. This isn’t some Minecraft builder clone, but rather a series of worlds that are limited only by the player’s imagination. I wish we could show you the footage and gameplay we saw, but the art and assets are pretty early going so they didn’t quite want to show it off just yet. If you think UO with a more polished and modern 3D look, using the Titan Quest camera view, you’ll get an idea. Ripper X and I were seriously blown away by Citadel’s vision, and we can’t wait to see the game in a more finished state. Until then, we’ll keep you posted on all we learn about the game.

Direct Source: http://www.mmorpg.com/


Just wanted to say that you're a boss for keeping this thread constantly updated.

Thanks dude! :>

Well I hope that whatever news I provide they do justice. I do not want to post every MMO news so I always try to chery-pick and post the most important.

And thanks allot.

Destiny developer Bungie enters its 'final approach' before Sept. 9 release

Destiny, Halo developer Bungie's upcoming massively multiplayer first-person shooter, is on track for its Sept. 9 release, and those creating it have the game's "final approach" in their sights.

According to a post by community manager Eric "Urk" Osborne, that means that the studio knows what must be done to complete the game during the next several months. Destiny is running in a pre-alpha state, with two milestones to follow before its release.

"Pre-Alpha itself is just a beginning," Osborne wrote. "It leads us into Alpha proper, and you into Beta, but it's already keeping us up late into the night. Though we're bleary-eyed and exhausted with the day-to-day challenge of keeping Destiny ON TRACK, the tiny sampling offered by our Pre-Alpha is already hugely motivating. For many of us, especially those who have never had the opportunity to see what it's like to ship a new IP, it's been downright monumental — a testament to what this team is truly capable of and the foundation, we hope, for a game experience we can all feel proud to put our name on and shout, 'I made that!'"

The Destiny beta is scheduled for this summer, where it will arrive first on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. The public beta will also be available on Xbox 360 and Xbox One, and you can gain access by pre-ordering the game.

For more on Destiny, you can read Polygon's E3 in-depth interview with its developers. Polygon also visited Bungie recently, so be sure to check back next Monday for our impressions and news about the game.

Direct Source: http://www.polygon.com/2014/4/21/5635964/destiny-final-approach-release
Original Source: http://www.bungie.net/7_Bungie-Weekly-Update---04182014/en/News/News?aid=11485
Tree of Savior looks crazy nice.

It'll be ruined by the obvious korean designs we all hate, but the gameplay seems so different than standard MMO which makes it awesome.

I'mma keep an eye on it for sure.


That leaked video of Tree of Savior, is it available anywhere else now that it's deleted?

Unfortunately they have deleted all the "leaked" videos. One person asked on Reddit whether someone saved that video(s) so maybe someone did.

Tree of Savior looks crazy nice.

It'll be ruined by the obvious korean designs we all hate, but the gameplay seems so different than standard MMO which makes it awesome.

I'mma keep an eye on it for sure.



Check this out as well - http://www.tree-of-savior.com/


Excellent news so far.

Regarding KUFII,


Kingdom Under Fire II - Cities and fields gameplay trailer

Announced yesterday, the Close Beta phase for Kingdom Under Fire II (Philippines) is slated to launch on April 25, Friday. With regards to players from North America and Europe, they are welcomed to join according to an official confirmation from the publisher.

With regards to players from North America and Europe, they are welcomed to join according to an official confirmation from the publisher.

Here’s a rundown of the Closed Beta schedule (GMT+8):

1.) April 24 – Servers will be open for a few hours so players can create their characters. This will also help test the log-in servers.
2.) April 25 – Servers will open at 09:00 and close at 21:00.
3.) April 27 – End of CBT. Servers will close at 23:59.

Direct Source: http://www.mmoculture.com/2014/04/kingdom-under-fire-ii-philippines-server-begins-closed-beta-this-week/
Downloads: http://kuf2.ph/
Alternatively: https://www.dropbox.com/s/scm563fl6z4as9g/Kingdom%20Under%20Fire%202%20-%20Philippines%20[Rev%20268064].torrent
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KUF2PH
Alternatively: Follow these instructions in case you have issues with the PH version


MMOG.asia officially opens their servers for Kingdom Under fire II CBT on 6th May. Before The Second War soon kicks off, MMOG.asia has already released the game client download so everyone can have a copy of this highly anticipated MMOARPG + RTS game. All need-to-know details are listed below, take a glance.

Download Link: kuf2.mmog.asia/#download
Like and follow KUF2 on FB: www.facebook.com/mmogasiakuf2
Original Source: http://2p.com/5929167_1/Kingdom-Under-Fire-II-CBT-Confirmed-Game-Client-Now-Available-for-Download-by-fukase.htm

Regarding ArcheAge,

ArcheAge North America Alpha Test: First Impression

ArcheAge North America (NA) alpha test started 2 weeks ago on 10th April 2014. I just started playing the game 4 days ago. In this article, I will share my first impression on the game and some of the interesting aspects of the game. For your information, this is the first version of ArcheAge I have played, although the Korean and Russian versions of the game have been released earlier. Pardon me if I cannot explain the features in details or commit any mistakes in my comments.

First, let's take a look at the character creation. Players can choose one of the 4 available races: Nuian, Eif, Firran and Harani. Each race has special traits relevant to the gameplay. For example Nuian race has increased double stats buff duration after being resurrected from death and enjoys 30% reduction in construction time for houses and castles, The facial and body features of each races can be fully customized to fine details.

ArcheAge NA Alpha - Character Creation

Players can pick one of the Skillsets or classes to start with. However, the game allows you to pick up to 3 Skillsets for each character when you hit level 10. There are a total of 10 Skillsets to choose from and thus, a total of 120 combinations of Skillsets. The Skillset chosen can be changed at the skill manager NPC with a small fee. Therefore, players can try out different Skillset combinations to find a build which suits their play styles.

The skill effects within the same Skillset or from different Skillsets have synergy with one another. For example, "Snare" from Archery Skillset can immobilize an enemy within 5m for 5.1sec while "Shield Slam" from Defence Skillset can inflict additional 31% damage on a snared target. There are many more other skills with such combo and I believe this feature would result in a rich variety of skill builds. During party play, skill combo from different party members can be coordinated and performed as well.

The battle system is the standard point-and-click type. Certain skills are cast instantly while others require a finite casting time. The target must be within the specified range before the skill can be used. Despite the bland looking battle system, there is a few interesting features worth mentioning. There are actually monsters within water such as rivers, lakes etc and in the air, for example birds flying around in the sky. One can actually attack the birds which are flying in the sky as long as the height/distance is within the range of the skill or spell. While battling in rivers the current actually pushes you downstream if you are not swimming against it.

ArcheAge NA Alpha - Battle in River

Besides the current in the river, I can't help but notice that the environment in ArcheAge is highly interactive. For example, you can sit on almost every single chair in game, or try to switch on/off any light you come across. You could also try to collect fruits from certain trees, before chopping them down to get logs (the trees actually will be shown fallen and disappear). There are many other materials which players can gather from the world map, such as iron mines, stones, clover, mint, lotus etc. It would be fun, exploring every nook and cranny in the vast world map to gather the required materials for crafting.

The landscape and in-game environment can actually be altered based on players' actions, farming for example. The first farming area allows you to rent a small plot of land, the so-called scarecrow garden, for a weekly fee. On that personal land, you can plant all sorts of vegetation and rear livestock. Water required for the plantation can be fetched from the nearby well.

ArcheAge NA Alpha - Farming

The crafting and life skills are very elaborate and closely intertwine with each other. For example, one can produce "scramble eggs" through cooking skill. However, you would need 'eggs' as the raw material. To get eggs, you can raise 'chicks' in your farm, wait for them to mature and feed them with 'barley'. To get barley, you will need to plant 'barley seeds' in your farm as well. The livestock can actually be infected with diseases and you will need to treat them with supplement, or else they would just die. If you don't intend to harvest eggs, you can slaughter the chicken for meat also.

One of the strongest selling points of ArcheAge is the sandbox nature and the variety of gameplays available. Although other traditional MMORPG's have some sort of crafting or farming system, battle or pvp is still the core for character growth. ArcheAge, however, provides a totally different way to groom and grow your character. One not only can obtain experience and level up through the conventional questing or killing monsters, but also through performing life skills such as farming, gathering or crafting as well.

ArcheAge NA Alpha - Questing

Besides character growth, players can work on the growth of their mounts as well. The first mount which are given by quest is a creature called "Leomorph". The mount can act like a pet which follows you around while you are doing quest or battling monster. It will level up as you summon it, whether riding it or battling along side with it, Take note that monsters can kill your mount as well! When your mount reaches level 10, you attack enemies while riding it with its special skill. At higher levels, more advanced skills can be learned, such as Stealth etc. Armors can be equipped to the mount to increase its stats as well.

There are many more features which I have yet to describe in the article, such as gliding, building houses and sailing with ships. Overall, I believe ArcheAge has a huge potential due to its innovative and unique gameplay. Specifically, It would appeal to players who enjoy performing crafting, farming and other life skills, pretty much like Harvest Moon or Farmville, in a much larger and more elaborate world. Players who like exploring a vast world map to gather materials and look for hidden locations would definitely indulge in the game as well.

Direct Source: http://2p.com/5922662_2/ArcheAge-North-America-Alpha-Test-First-Impression-by-chaose5.htm
Are there any extremely solid non-standard / asian MMO's currently out and playable? Or is everyone just waiting for ArchAge, Black Desert and KuF?
You would have to be more specific. Like what type of MMOs?

I'm just looking for any unique mmorpg that isn't WoW / ESO / FFXIV / EVE etc. That includes Aion, AoC, pretty much any major game.

I just threw that vague question out there in the hopes of hearing / finding something I'd never even heard of. Black Desert, ArchAge & Kindom Under Fire are all great, but not playable to the general public.


I'm just looking for any unique mmorpg that isn't WoW / ESO / FFXIV / EVE etc. That includes Aion, AoC, pretty much any major game.

I just threw that vague question out there in the hopes of hearing / finding something I'd never even heard of. Black Desert, ArchAge & Kindom Under Fire are all great, but not playable to the general public.

Unfortunately from what I have seen, there is no upcoming MMO in the West right now that is as unique as you want it to be.



The first day of Black Desert Online ended and I had a blast with character creation. I may have skipped a few options because I was very eager to get started with my adventures, but I did provide a customization video of all the playable characters below! Unfortunately, the Male Archer, Wizard, Blader, Tamer, and Valkyrie classes weren't available for the 2nd test.
Black Desert Online 2nd Beta Sorcerer Customization HD
Sorcerer is probably one of the most popular classes in the 2nd beta because everyone loves to fight and blink around with style. There are a couple pre-sets for players to choose from especially for those that aren't so great with customization like me. I noticed that each character had a limited amount of hairstyles. After selecting the hair, you're given a ton of options of how you want to style it. For example, you can extend the length of the hair, curly hair, extending the length of targeted areas, layers, etc.
Black Desert Online 2nd Beta Warrior Quick Customization HD
I was a bit overwhelmed with the amount of facial reconstruction one can do with Black Desert Online. I decided that I won't spend too much time on it, perhaps in the next beta. The amount of customization doesn't stop at the face alone, players can fully customize the characters body ranging from the amount of muscles in certain areas, length of arms, forearms, fingers, fingertips, butts, boobs, and pretty much everything. Another thing I liked about BDO's character creation is that you're given an option to choose between multiple lightnings. Don't you just hate when you make a perfect looking character, then when you enter a dark looking zone and notice that the colors aren't right!?
Black Desert Online 2nd Beta Giant Customization HD
I find it odd that I spent more time trying to customize my Giant character, I have no idea why, perhaps it's because it's really hard to make an awesome looking one? I wanted to go for a Viking look, but I am no expert. I will most likely spend more time on character creation when in the next beta. I don't think that many players are interested in Giants. I wouldn't mind playing a female Giant, reminds me of the good old Mabinogi Online days.
Black Desert Online 2nd Beta Female Archer Customization HD
Archer was the last character I created, I tried to give her Mikasa Ackerman look, but failed terribly! I'm not sure if I will be playing Archer class during this beta as I have played it a lot during the previous one. Lastly, here is a little early beta gameplay video below! The giant seems like a very fun class to play, too bad it's not that popular so I might play something else! Media and press accounts will be activated starting today. If you end up getting stuck at character creation, go ahead and make sure you pick a constellation.


Black Desert Online 2nd CBT Gameplay Giant HD

Read more - http://steparu.com/previews/mmorpg/1544-black-desert-online-a-closer-look-at-character-creation

And finally!

New Dungeon Striker Grand Opening on April 30th

ActozSoft Korea will be launching the New Dungeon Striker starting next week on April 30th! The game will have a lot of events planned will remain free to play like the previous version. Just a little short reminder for those that are planning on trying the game out. If you already own a Dragon Nest KR account, then you should be all set for the beta!

Direct Source: http://steparu.com/news/open-beta/1543-new-dungeon-striker-grand-opening-on-april-30th
I'm undecided on ArcheAge and Black Desert. The combat looks really disappointing. It's just a slightly more action oriented battle with hotkeys again.


I'm undecided on ArcheAge and Black Desert. The combat looks really disappointing. It's just a slightly more action oriented battle with hotkeys again.

My concern(s) with AA are not with combat but deeper. Not deeper as your reasons are shallow but more to do with how Trion will handle the game and whether or not it will have a healthy and sustainable population for many years.


Getting pumped. What a wonderful day so far!

The First Test of Iron Knight Begins on May 21; Three Types of Generals Unveiled

The first test of Tencent Games’ Iron Knight kicks off on May 21, three types of Generals were unveiled, they’re: Pioneer, Archer and Rohirrim. More like a MOBA game, Iron Knight will be unlocked 10 Generals in game during the upcoming first test. Now let’s preview some images of Generals from Iron Knight below.





  • High ability to survive;
  • Can be equipped with multi-type weapon, and is good at Melee combat;
  • Moving slowly but easy to adapt to the complex topography;
  • Easy to master.



  • Low ability to survive
  • Can be equipped with multi-type long-range weapon, and has high ability of long-range combat.


  • Unique horse-fighting
  • Moving quickly but hard to adapt to the complex topography;
  • Hard to master.
Black Desert Online - Screenshots

We want to share the screenshots of another region called Balenos in Black Desert today. Check them out.











Black Desert's second CBT in Korea started on April 22 and will last until May 11. We will join the beta test and bring you more information soon.

A New Picture of Nexon's MapleStory2 Unveiled

A new picture of MapleStory2 was posted on its official site showing regards from leader of MapleStory2 design team. The game’s leader designer said MapleStory2 will follow the clear, bright and cute style of MapleStory.

Do you notice the images of Empress Ereb and Bella Vid-Bleim on the bottom of the picture above? They are drawn by player gogum2070, in order to honor the previous MapleStory. I also collected some new (remade) images of MapleStory2 character Nexon has revealed, enjoy them below.






Direct Source: 2p.com


The world has become BDOmaniac.
Black Desert Online 2nd Beta Review in Progress Part 1

The 2nd Closed Beta for Black Desert started a few days ago and I have been playing the game vigorously. Just like the previous beta, I am going to write mini Black Desert Review in progress articles to share my knowledge and adventures of the game.

Black Desert Online Sorcerer Training and AoE Leveling HD

Combat and Skill System

A lot of you may notice that my skill bar is pretty empty. The reason behind this resides in Black Desert Online's Action MMORPG input system. Most of skills are executed by pressing two to three keys together simultaneously a bit similar to Vindictus, C9, Dungeon Fighter, etc. For example, if I wanted to blink strike I would press W+RMB together then I would have to press S+E if wanted to throw a long range stun projectile.

There are a lot of combos to play around with and more skills is unlocked through a skill trainer NPC as you progress to higher levels. The skill tree is very big and you will most likely not be able to learn every skill during the lower and mid levels of the game, thus I only learned skills that I found very useful in my combos. Certain users may find it easier to drag and drop the skills to the hotbar. Doing so allows you to see the cooldown of each skill and it might be easier to chain them one after the other. Black Desert also supports gamepads which might be fun to try out someday. Back attack deals a ton of damage in this game, so I am always often trying to get behind the enemy whenever I get the chance. Once the Sorcerer learns blink the amount of mobility she gets is insane! I'm really enjoying the Sorcerer and decided that it will be my main character for the 2nd beta.

Black Desert Online Dark Caves Gameplay HD

Real time Weather System

Out of all the MMORPG's I have played in my lifetime, Black Desert Online hands down has the best real time weather system. Surrounded by complete darkness at night depending on the area you're in and once you throw in a thunderstorm, then you're pretty much blind until lightning strikes. See the reference video below for more details. What makes the weather so special in this game? The world adapts to it! For example, when it's raining you will see puddles of water here and there. Characters clothes become drenched with water, buildings, tents, and stuff look wet. I'd love to see some snow in the future!

Black Desert Online Thunderstorm + Nighttime Weather HD

Catching Mounts

I'm just going to go ahead and explain the process of how players obtain mounts in this game a horse for instance. It looks fairly easy, but it's a lot more complicated than it looks. You must buy a Lasso that's one time use, if you miss throwing your lasso then you will have to buy another. It's better to buy 5 at time perhaps maybe more! You can drag the Lasso to your hotbar and activate it from there. Once you have used the lasso, your character have it equipped and you're ready to go! Try to target a Horse that isn't near a player because they can scare it away.

Once you have the horse targeted on your crosshair, press the Left Mouse button once. You will then see short slider pop up. Keep an eye on the small white horizontal bar that will go up then back down. The timing of your "spacebar' must be precise and the perfect time to press it is when the small white bar lands on the small red section of the bar. If you end up missing the red bar, then your lasso is gone. If you didn't press "spacebar" and watched the white bar go up and pass through the red bar going down then you lose your lasso.

Black Desert Horse Taming Registering and Riding HD

After succesfully hitting the first "spacebar" you can then gradually hold the "W" key to move forward and get closer to the horse. A horse silhouette will pop up on top of the screen flashing red and white. If you press "spacebar" during the red silhouette the horse will get away. Walk a good distance close to the horse and time your "spacebar" on the white silhouette of the Horse.

The horse will run away if you were to just hold down the "W" key. After pressing the second "spacebar" it will put you in a mini tug o' war game with the horse where you have to spam "spacebar" to win against it. Keep an eye on the count down while spamming. You can't approach the horse in tug o' war mode. There will be a countdown right below the tug o'war meter, so make sure you keep an eye on that while spamming. When the timer hits 0 it will revert back to approach mode with horse silhouette. Rinse and repeat until you get close enough and press "R" to mount on the horse, procde to the stables NPC to register a name and personalize the mount. Players can also breed with other mounts, though I am not sure if this is implemented already.

Black Desert Online Tour Talking to NPC's and Questing Only HD

There were two players that decided to randomly kill my horse while I was AFK mounted on it. I ended up losing the items my horse was carrying not that it's a big deal because it was just random trash. When you give your horse items, it will automatically have bags equipped. I am guessing that those players thought it was something valuable and worth killing my poor horsey over. Anyway, I wasn't worried about it much. I was more concerned about my horse not coming back to life, thankfully it did so they can run away with my crappy loot.

That's all for now, I am super exhausted staying up all night playing Black Desert due to the time zone difference between my location and South Korea. I'll most likely keep uploading more videos on my Youtube Channel so make sure you subscribe there for the latest ones. I am often updating my social media page on Facebook daily, so if you have any questions that I might miss, please feel free to post on my wall at https://www.facebook.com/Steparus! Have a great weekend.

Direct Source: http://steparu.com/reviews/mmorpg/1546-black-desert-online-2nd-beta-review-in-progress-part-1


I've spent the past day tracking down old Korean MMO companies and some of them straight up dropped off the map with nary a peep.

Very interesting stuff.


I've spent the past day tracking down old Korean MMO companies and some of them straight up dropped off the map with nary a peep.

Very interesting stuff.

What does nary mean and which Korean companies?

Breaking news regarding ArcheAge,

As you can tell by the article not being live, we aren't quite ready to announce Founder's Packs JUST yet. The information in that article was also not entirely final. Our goal was and is to have the information on the official website first, before third-party press websites.

The good news is that we do have ArcheAge Founder's Packs going live within the next 24 hours barring any technical hitches or unforeseen glitches. We've been preparing this week for the launch of Founder's Packs and look forward to releasing information about it here on our official channels when they are available for purchase.

Direct Source: http://forums.archeagegame.com/showthread.php?4159-Founder-s-packs-prices&p=64805&viewfull=1#post64805

Oh boy regarding the price of Founder Packs



Massively took off the article,

ZedZeddakis - What happened to the founder's pack article from earlier today? I saw a few posts here about it disappearing and now it looks like those posts have been deleted also.

Sources: Massively, Official ArcheAge forums.

Actually the official price was $50 and the most expensive one was $150 dollars. What the fuck.

See more - Founder's packs prices


What does nary mean and which Korean companies?

Nary = informal dialect of the word "not"

Gamasoft was the one I was trying to track down.

They made Monato Espirit and RYL, RYL which they doled out to at least 4 publishers that don't exist anymore and a few others that are still running the game under different names like Return of Warrior. It did lead me to the official site which is broken but still has working downloads for the OST.

Also fuck that Archage, ain't getting a cent from me to beta test your game. Gods damn it SoE for helping pave the road towards paid alpha tests.


Nary = informal dialect of the word "not"

Gamasoft was the one I was trying to track down.

They made Monato Espirit and RYL, RYL which they doled out to at least 4 publishers that don't exist anymore and a few others that are still running the game under different names like Return of Warrior. It did lead me to the official site which is broken but still has working downloads for the OST.

Also fuck that Archage, ain't getting a cent from me to beta test your game. Gods damn it SoE for helping pave the road towards paid alpha tests.

I wish I had the courage to write you a better response but I am really disappointed and I agree completely with one poster;
Prices that were not charged anyone in the Russian or Korean or Japan releases of this same game that is the problem here. You plebs are being taken for a ride and paying a price for something that was free to the rest of the released regions. So be dumb and pay it. Your loss just warning you it is unfair to US and Eourpe release to charge for Alpha and Beta access even if it is to skip ahead of the line.

Tomorrow morning I am going to write a small rant regarding the "Take my money" West mentality.

What a letdown.

Edit: Read more - Founder's packs prices


The way they handed out access to popular steramers and dropped the NDA, build up interest in the game, and then turn around with this is really insidious in my opinion.

I would not be surprised if the streamers didn't have some sort of incentive, but I trust the streamers enough that it most likely isn't the case.


The way they handed out access to popular steramers and dropped the NDA, build up interest in the game, and then turn around with this is really insidious in my opinion.

I would not be surprised if the streamers didn't have some sort of incentive, but I trust the streamers enough that it most likely isn't the case.

Anyway I was thinking of typing a longish rant regarding F2P but I am not in the mood anymore. At the end of the day welcome to the West where take my money is meant literally.

I do not blame F2P trend; in fact it is a trend that people follow for right or wrong reasons. But people thought F2P was better than subscription? Well they might as well eat it and add a bit of salt.

Some people on the official forum were giving rent money and being proud that their landowner would just have to "deal with it". Free to play market is turning into an addictive gamble and I am not confident it will stop without governmental intervention.


Anyway I was thinking of typing a longish rant regarding F2P but I am not in the mood anymore. At the end of the day welcome to the West where take my money is meant literally.

I do not blame F2P trend; in fact it is a trend that people follow for right or wrong reasons. But people thought F2P was better than subscription? Well they might as well eat it and add a bit of salt.

Some people on the official forum were giving rent money and being proud that their landowner would just have to "deal with it". Free to play market is turning into an addictive gamble and I am not confident it will stop without governmental intervention.
Governmental intervention could only make things worse. People have a right to support shitty trends. I hate P2W/F2P as much as the next guy, but I'm confident that it's digging its own grave.


Anyone in here playing the Wildstar beta?

I don't have a key, just watched some footage on Twitch, but I love how it looks. The art style is great and the combat seems pretty interesting. Not really tab target lock-on type combat from what I can tell. Lots of skill shots that you have to aim.


Governmental intervention could only make things worse. People have a right to support shitty trends. I hate P2W/F2P as much as the next guy, but I'm confident that it's digging its own grave.

I am just really worried that no one has done a good research on what is going on with the market and hasn't unveiled shocking stories. It kind of reminds me with the fruit-machines in Greece a few years ago.



Black Desert – Russian publisher to be officially revealed next month
[Teaser site] The Korean developer of Black Desert, Pearl Abyss, just announced that the Russian publisher for Black Desert will be announced next month, on 14th May. Having been teased for a month now, I am guessing Mail.ru to be the prime “suspect” given its sheer strength at getting the best games.

Direct Source: http://www.mmoculture.com/2014/04/black-desert-russian-publisher-to-be-officially-revealed-next-month/


Interesting article regarding World of Warcraft - Working As Intended: Change for change's sake in World of Warcraft

City of Titans nears the end of pre-production

Producing a game means doing a lot of things, and sometimes that means choosing not to do things. Missing Worlds Media is wrapping up pre-production on City of Titans, the upcoming spiritual successor to City of Heroes, and one of the things that's been mandatory is keeping a realistic perspective on what can and cannot be achieved on a limited production schedule. The latest development blog talks about exactly that, focusing on something very familiar to everyone who has played an MMO: respawns.

One of the elements included in the Unreal Engine powering the game is a respawn system. The development team had originally thought about creating an entirely new set of systems, but developing all of that would substantially add to the amount of development time needed in the game. As such, it was deemed as not mandatory for launch. It's a bit of a disappointment, but as the blog entry explains, it's a choice that needed to be made as the game approaches the full production stage.

Direct Source: http://massively.joystiq.com/2014/04/24/city-of-titans-nears-the-end-of-pre-production/


Regarding ArcheAge and its founder's packs;
ok guys i wont even bother arguing about the packs , instead i will post the prices of the packs and a Russian early access pack ..... the conclusion is all yours :

Silver ($49.99): Beta access, four-day head start, Founder title (with stats), 30-day patron pass, experimental hang glider, and 2,500 credits.
Gold ($99.99): Beta access, four-day head start, Traveler title (with stats), 60-day patron pass, 10 evenstones, 10 hereafter stones, glass phoenix hang glider, desert assassin platemail, and 7,500 credits.
Archeum ($149.99): Alpha access, beta access, four-day head start, Trailblazer title (with stats), 90-day patron pass, daru troves, 10 evenstones, 10 hereafter stones, glass phoenix hang glider, desert assassin platemail, Founder's cloak with customizable logo, personalizable crest, 10 pet healing potions, and 15,000 credits.

Early access russian
The kit includes:
1) key on the closed beta testing
2) Early access to the game
3) Premium account for 40 days (available at the start of OBT)
4) 3 collectible coins (available at the start of OBT)
5) title (available at the start of OBT)
6) Shroud (available at the start of OBT)
7) Ink heraldry (available at the start of OBT)
8) Indelible Ink (available at the start of OBT)

all this fun can be purchased for 600 RUB = 19 $ = 14 €

Do have in mind that 2,500 Credits (€13 Value) for the US/EU version.
Note that we still do not know the market prices for the credit store..... but do not expect anything cheap .....
Oh and the glider is part of the game so.....
yep it seems the word competition means nothing to this company oh well its a free market so whatever.....

Prices that were not charged anyone in the Russian or Korean or Japan releases of this same game that is the problem here. You plebs are being taken for a ride and paying a price for something that was free to the rest of the released regions. So be dumb and pay it. Your loss just warning you it is unfair to US and Eourpe release to charge for Alpha and Beta access even if it is to skip ahead of the line.

Read more: It is official: This game will be another F2P niche MMOrpg.

ArcheAge will go into beta in June.


In case you missed it,

Two brand new videos from 2nd Beta

In case you missed it,

Black Desert – Russian publisher to be officially revealed next month

The Korean developer of Black Desert, Pearl Abyss, just announced that the Russian publisher for Black Desert will be announced next month, on 14th May. Having been teased for a month now, I am guessing Mail.ru to be the prime “suspect” given its sheer strength at getting the best games.

Additional info,

Black Desert Coming to Russia!

Exciting news for the Russian fanbase of Black Desert! Pearl Abyss has announced that a Russian publisher has been found, and localization of Black Desert is currently in process. Featured is the full interview with Gaha.ru:

Q: Have you chosen the publisher to localize Black Desert for the Russian market?

A: Yes, we have chosen the Russian publisher, but at the moment we can’t disclose the name of the company due to several internal reasons. Nevertheless, Black Desert will be published in Russia, much earlier than in North America or EU. We hope that our Russian partner will make the announcement soon.

Q: What qualities did you take in consideration when choosing the Russian partner?

A: The most important factor for us was the publisher’s experience on the Russian MMO market, and how well the company is familiar with the Russian users. Considering these factors, we are fully satisfied with our choice.

Q: Have you already decided on a monetization system for Russia? Will it be different from the Korean version?

A: Regarding the monetization system, we studied several aspects together. We still have to discuss the details with our Russian publisher so everything will depend on the outcome of these discussions. Perhaps the monetization system will be different.

Q: Does the Korean side intend to control the quality and localization services provided by the Russian publisher?

A: Every localization responsibility rests on the publisher. Pearl Abyss will do everything that is possible to support the publisher in order to create the highest quality Black Desert localization for the Russian players.

Q: How often will you update the Russian version with the latest Korean patches?

A: We got a lot of feedback from Russian players, and we already know about their desires and interests for Black Desert. So, we will do our best to update the Russian version as soon as possible after adding some updates to the Korean version. In sight of this, we plan to work closely with our partner.

Credits to Steparu on Facebook, mmoculture.com and http://black-desert.com/

and on top of that - Five Regions in Black Desert – Mediah


being a long time mmo player i'd like to say thanks for this thread and constant updates with mmo news Authority, really appreciate it and frequent this thread regularly.


being a long time mmo player i'd like to say thanks for this thread and constant updates with mmo news Authority, really appreciate it and frequent this thread regularly.

No need to thank me but thanks regardless.

Here is an article regarding founder's packs;

Edit: The day I would read articles not condemning those prices...

The Social Hub: How Founder’s Packs Can Do Better

Recently, Trion unveiled Founder’s Packs for ArcheAge, which is currently in alpha and will be headed into beta. While you will be able to play the game for free at launch, you can secure guaranteed beta access and numerous other perks much sooner for a fee. This is similar to what SOE has offered for its upcoming EverQuest Next: Landmark, a game that will also be free to play and cash shop supported. Trion also offers “support” packs for its upcoming release, Trove, that run up to $2500. These aren’t limited to MMOs, as MOBAs have also started to get into the founder’s pack game.

Community response to the ArcheAge and EQ Next: Landmark packages, as well as Trove support levels seem to run along similar lines. Some who were excited to have an option to get into the game in an earlier form welcomed the option. Others felt that it was a cheap cash grab for free to play games. Some felt the prices were just too high. Trove lets you get into alpha on the $20 level, while packages for ArcheAge run at the $50, $100, and $150 levels. EQ Next: Landmark founders packs offer immediate beta access and other perks at $20, $60, and $100 tiers. Some expressed interest in lower-priced packages, but not the current offerings.

Read more - http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm/loadFeature/8459/page/1

Beneath the ruins of the Cosmodrome, in the shadow of an old colony ship, we've located the House of Devils' lair. Fight the Fallen, burn back the Hive, and clear a path that leads straight into E3, Beta, and beyond.

Official Destiny Strike Gameplay: The Devils' Lair


Black Desert developed by the Korean game company Pearl Abyss is currently in second closed beta in Korea. The Russian and Japanese versions have also been confirmed and this game will be published by GameOn in Japan. We still have no updates on the western publisher of this game.

The Japanese publisher GameOn just released a debut Black Desert trailer today. You might have already watched most of the clips in the trailer except for the impressive mounted combat part started from 1:37 and you are also able to get a sneak peek at the elephant used in Castle Siege and Tamer and Wizard combat after 3:00. Check it out below.
Black Desert Japan Debut Trailer Gives a Sneak Peak at Mounted Combat in Game

Direct Source: http://2p.com/6084827_1/Black-Desert-Japan-Debut-Trailer-Gives-a-Sneak-Peak-at-Mounted-Combat-in-Game-by-Nichole.htm
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