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Life of MMo gamers - "We hate all MMos".





Hi folks!

We have another Beta Weekend approaching and we wanted to provide a list of all the partner websites giving away weekend keys (so you can be sure they are legit!).

If you know a friend who is still on the fence about pre-ordering WildStar, get them to grab a key from one of the sites listed and introduce them to the wonderful world of WildStar this weekend! ;)

Don't forget that this week is the UI 2.0 Patch, so lots of new awesome stuff to check out! Spread the word!

Direct Source: https://forums.wildstar-online.com/forums/index.php?/topic/32771-weekend-beta-keys-18th-of-april-2014/


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Aaaaand World of Diving just because my most wanted game.

Ever since Endless Ocean I have wanted this on PC...

Edit: The Crew seems nice, like TDU2 except properly supported. My fear is that the community will be miniscule, like Trackmania. Racers just aren't very popular anymore. They hold a lot of attention in terms of hype only because they are graphical showcases.


Aaaaand World of Diving just because my most wanted game.

Ever since Endless Ocean I have wanted this on PC...

Edit: The Crew seems nice, like TDU2 except properly supported. My fear is that the community will be miniscule, like Trackmania. Racers just aren't very popular anymore. They hold a lot of attention in terms of hype only because they are graphical showcases.

Please do not hate me for this but I haven't included The Crew in the thread so far because of the shitstorm it has received due to microtransactions.

On a second thought I will add a new disclaimer to explain exactly what I mean with "believe the hype/be highly cautious" and will include The Crew later on as well as other titles.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Oh, I didn't know about that. Ubisoft has that shit in a lot of their games, but I don't know how burdensome it is because I haven't owned many of their newer games. GRID 2 had that kind of stuff and it didn't bother me, but that was mostly an offline experience. This kind of game should have variety and freeflow nature between single and multiplayer, more like NFS Most Wanted, or the aforementioned TDU2 (though they never got the clubs off the ground). So if it is online stuff only and purely human competitive, that is dead before microtransactions even factor in, yet if that is not the case, the single player content works to mitigate any bullshit from that. It's definitely a "wait and see" project, but I understand why people are upset about what is essentially paying for cheats.


So I guess ArchAge alpha's NDA dropped? This game needs a lighting pass, it looks so flat.

This one has been on my radar for a while now. I just saw someone riding a cow, then take a dump, then another player faint while smelling the dump.


Going to be dropping more bombs for today!

Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot embark on Steam Greenlight campaign

Since its acquisition of Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot in February, Broadsword Online Games has not been content to let the titles sit around merely getting older. Earlier this month, the team hosted a large state-of-the-game chat about the future of UO's design, and now the developers have posted their latest ambitions: a spot on Steam bathed in green light for the venerable old MMORPGs.

"We are in the process of getting UO on Steam but need your help. Please go here and vote for UO! Thank you for all your support!" wrote UO Producer Bonnie Armstrong on the official site today. DAOC's Steam Greenlight campaign is likewise now live.


The Dark Age of Camelot team has officially announced that it has started a Steam Greenlight campaign in order to bring the title to the gaming platform. Fans are invited to head to the Greenlight page to vote.
Live the Legend!

King Arthur is dead and with him the force that held three Realms in an uneasy peace. Now the defenders of Albion, Midgard, and Hibernia are locked in a mortal struggle to defend their sacred relics and preserve their homelands. Band together with fellow champions of your Realm from over 40 classes and more than 20 races. Witness wondrous magic clashing with deadly siege weaponry as raiding parties cross frontier battlefields strewn with the bodies of fallen warriors. As heroes, they return with captured treasures and the insignia of victory. Join our community of passionate players and Live the Legend of Camelot.

Head to the Dark Age of Camelot Steam Greenlight page to vote - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=249828843

Direct Source: MJ & MMORPG.com

The latest Swordsman trailer features three martial arts classes

Last month, we learned that Perfect World Entertainment is bringing its martial arts MMO Swordsman westward, and that means more hack'n'slashy trailers heavy on the particle effects and lush landscapes. The latest video is a brief trailer highlighting three of the game's planned 10 classes. They are:

Wu-Tang: These masters of Taoism combine inner force and physical strength to become superb group fighters. Swinging heavy two-handed blades with ease, masters of the Wu-Tang styles supplement their raw physical damage with effects that buff and heal themselves and their entire group.

Sun and Moon: The heretical disciples of the Sun and Moon Cult become deadly assassins with high mobility and heavy damage. Armed with twin blades linked by chain, many of their skills focus on single targets and let them attack in close quarters or at range. Their sinister powers can steal away the life force of enemies, distributing it to the cultist and their group.

House Tong: Unlike the other schools, House Tong members rely on guns rather than blades. A family-like school, famous for their firearms and throwing weapons, House Tong members use traps to keep enemies at distance and attack from afar. These masters of firearms provide excellent damage in group combat situations, and with high attack speed and quick movement, the House Tong skills will frustrate any enemy.

Enjoy the video below!
Swordsman Classes Feature Trailer

Direct Source: http://massively.joystiq.com/2014/04/15/the-latest-swordsman-trailer-features-three-martial-arts-classes/

Black Desert Party Chain Wave System Explained

Pearl Abyss just released a new trailer for the upcoming wave system mechanic for Black Desert Online. At level 40, a new "wave skill" is unlocked and is available for all classes. Players can focus their waves at their team members or monsters. Depending on the combination and formation the player at the end of the wave can then activate a super skill. If the players targets a monster, they can cancel the enemy skill, stun, or immobilize the target.

Pearl Abyss also mentions that this wave system will have a casting and cool down time so that it can't be abused or should I say spammed. Depending on the boss fight, players might need to focus their wave formation towards the front player when the boss performs a special ultimate skill or a wave formation that stuns the enemy boss.


Another thing that is worth mentioning is that boss monsters have different hit boxes, focusing your party members wave on that leg or hand may be better than targeting the enemy chest. If you ask me, the wave linking system isn't my style, but I will have to play around with it to get a better grasp at the whole concept and idea. It's not just standing there and wave linking. I'm pretty sure a boss won't idle around and watch you wave link to your members. Keep in mind that you will have to do this real time while fighting a boss.


Leaked Video!

There was a handful of videos containing gameplay for Tree of Savior Online that was leaked earlier last week. The developers seemed to have taken notice of the videos and informed fans that the leaked videos was an older build. The devs. also informed Youtube and flagged the videos for deletion, so if you have one get rid of it, or you might get a striiiiiikeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! That will be all, see the full developer message below. Looks like someone is going to get fired.

"안녕하세요, 트리오브세이비어 입니다.

최근 사내 인트라넷을 이전하는 과정에서 발생한 보안 문제로 일부 개발 중인 영상이 외부에 유출되는 일이 있었습니다. 이는 현재 버전과는 차이가 있으며, 현재 유투브에 삭제해 줄 것을 요청한 상태에 있습니다.
또 조만간 많은 분들께서 궁금해 하시는 개발 관련된 새로운 소식들을 모아 정식으로 전할 수 있도록 하겠습니다. 그리고 당사의 보안 관련 취약점을 제보해 주신다면 많은 도움이 되겠습니다.


"Hello. We are 'Tree of Savior' team.

Recently, We found out that some of the video clips that were related to the development of 'Tree of Savior' were leaked outside while we were transferring the company intranet. The leaked videos are different from the current version of the game, and we reported this issue to Youtube so that the videos can be deleted.

Since everyone wants more information about 'Tree of Savior', We will soon announce new information regarding the development of the game. Also if you find any security issues relating to 'Tree of Savior' or imcGAMES, it will be really appreciated if you can report to us about them."

Direct Source: http://steparu.com/
So that answers that question in my mind if "wave" meant formations. Interesting, another MMO testing the boundaries of herding cats that is raid strategy. :p

Wu-Tang: These masters of Taoism combine inner force and physical strength to become superb group fighters. Swinging heavy two-handed blades with ease, masters of the Wu-Tang styles supplement their raw physical damage with effects that buff and heal themselves and their entire group

Cash rules everything around them. CREAM! Get you money, dollah dollah bill yall.


Going to be dropping more bombs for today!

Direct Source: MJ & MMORPG.com

I went ahead and voted for DAoC to get a spot on Steam. They still need to make it F2P somehow though. Theres only like 1 server for it.

Going to be dropping more bombs for today!

There was a handful of videos containing gameplay for Tree of Savior Online that was leaked earlier last week. The developers seemed to have taken notice of the videos and informed fans that the leaked videos was an older build. The devs. also informed Youtube and flagged the videos for deletion, so if you have one get rid of it, or you might get a striiiiiikeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! That will be all, see the full developer message below. Looks like someone is going to get fired.

Now this game looks a little interesting. Is it going to release in english?


By the way regarding KUFII,

Werwkhkj Kjwherjkhvj Fbnfjkwherkjwe after the download can we play it?
Like · Reply · 3 hours ago

Kingdom Under Fire II Philippines Just a few more days to wait. CBT will be this april, that's for sure.


Five Regions in Black Desert – Calpheon Part Three

The Korean publisher DAUM and the developer Pearl Abyss has released plenty of Black Desert screenshots to show the improved graphics of the game, different cultural and natural sights of the five regions in Black Desert, various kinds of monsters, medieval buildings and more before the second CBT. Here comes the third part of Calpheon screenshots. Enjoy.





Direct Source: http://2p.com/5880601_1/Five-Regions-in-Black-Desert--Calpheon-Part-Three-by-Nichole.htm


Here are my thoughts regarding the state of ArcheAge;


To re summarize since I have made a couple more posts there,

  • ArcheAge right now has good poor and cheap promotion & marketing strategy (ies).
  • ArcheAge was a ghost in Pax East.
  • One year silence from Trion in 2013 burned out the hype regarding this game.
  • It is advertised as "the ultimate sandbox MMO" and we already know what happened in Korea and in Russia.
  • The distribution of closed Alpha access is a complete joke - ending up with a majority Rift's streamers & other streamers that waste a slot and just use the brand name for self-benefit reasons (more views on twitch).
  • ArcheAge's hype is being sucked in by games like Black Desert online.
Now some people make the claim that a "niche" game cannot attract millions of players or that MMOs right now cannot respectively attract millions of players.

However that is fundamentally wrong because we have the following examples,

  • World of Warcraft
  • Final Fantasy XIV: A realm reborn
  • ESO
  • Guild Wars 2
  • Aion Global
  • Lineage Global
  • Blade & Soul Global
In terms of "niche"" you can add Minecraft as well. Remember, MMO in its broadest/general/abstract sense captures all if not most genres from MOBAs to MMOFPS and MMORTS. In addition, an MMO by definition should have the obligation to ensure a massive online world with millions of players.

I would argue that it has become quite a trend here in the West that we take for granted that because our MMO is a "niche" therefore we must accept it as an "indie" which that translates to low population and/or F2P cash-shops with P2W elements.

So what I am trying to say is that I am personally bothered about AA's hype constantly being dropped because XL Games and/or Trion seem content with the idea of catering to a few thousands or hundred of thousands instead of aiming to rival as a big, upcoming MMO that will raise the bar of the sandbox scene. In essence, they do not want to make this MMO so big that it would be competing with other high profile MMOs.

Lastly another concern of my is how sandbox ArcheAge is. It is advertised as the "ultimate sandbox" after all.

I hope I am proven wrong but right now I cannot see that.


Doesn't the alpha access give you 10 codes or something? I thought I'd see more feedback in forums, but it seems very limited.


Interesting article.

End of My MMO Monogamy

Scout cookies, but it is still a dilemma nonetheless. For the first time that I can remember I have access to two MMORPGs that I don’t want to put down. This may sound crazy but it has really never happened to me before now. In the past I have always lost interest in one MMO before I became interested in another. While it is true that I log into Neverwinter on a daily basis to pray and collect my Ardent Coins so I can one day buy the Angel that costs 360 coins and once I achieve that goal I’ll probably never log in again. At this point I honestly don’t know why I even bother other than the fact I have about 300 of the stupid things already and, hey, I might as well right? What it reduces down to is I’m a serial monogamist when it comes to MMORPGs. Or at least I was.

If you haven’t guessed it by now from watching This Week in ESO I’m totally hooked on Elder Scrolls Online. But I also just recently gained access to ArcheAge and I don’t want to put it down. If you have watched my Twitter feed and Facebook status I have developed sort of a love hate relationship with ESO. I love the game but I’m discouraged by the level of polish.

Because of the business involved with marketing a MMO and setting release dates I don’t think the day will come again where we see a MMO not actually ship on its date set in print. But just because a publisher and developer doesn’t want to miss a deadline doesn’t excuse them from launching half baked products that don’t work right. Is it the industry trend? Yes. Do we do ourselves any favors by defending them from the people that complain about it? Absolutely not. In the end if we still keep buying up the games and don’t hold them (developers/publishers) to task will they keep doing it? You betcha.
I’ll end that rant there. I only complain because I care!

I’m not trying to sell anyone on ESO but I really enjoy it because it does a great job of mashing theme park style game play with some sandbox elements. It pays to wander off the beaten path. Talk to a certain NPC and a new point of interest could open up on the map. Find a wanted poster hanging from a stable and you could find a new adventure that not everyone will do because they were not paying attention to the details hidden in the game.

Sure, you can go to Bing or Google and look it all up; but why? I’m even having fun with spreadsheets in ESO tracking my crafting traits. What the hell is that all about? I stare at plenty of spreadsheets all day at work and now I’m making them online. (Feel free to reach out to me in game if you see I have something you need). So while ESO is definitely not for everyone, and that’s OK, it is for me.

I’m enjoying AA for a lot of similar reasons and because of the promise of an even bigger sandbox to play in. The game starts of with what amounts to an extended intro that is very much standard for any themepark. Unfortunately it feels to me like this is a necessary evil in a sandbox MMO. If the developers just dumped us right into the middle of the world a lot of people would probably have no idea what to do, myself included. This acts like a double edged sword though because you don’t get a real taste for the game in the first few hours.

Combat in AA is tab target and hot key based. There is a global cool down and on my melee character it appears to be at around 1 second. Also your spells and special abilities are tied to mana, even your ability to sprint. Even in a game with a handful of complex systems they keep it kind of simple when it comes to managing your combat resources. Combat also features combos which are more or less the standard anymore on MMO imports from Korea. Additionally I like how everyone is apparently a bard. You can just whip out your guitar in the middle of combat and play to heal yourself.

The questing in the early going is pretty standard. However; after a handful of quests into the game I came upon one that asked me to defeat Shichimi Pillagers and Retrieve the Cargo. The quest text didn’t tell me how many of each I had to do. In fact it turns out I didn't have to do both. The quest had a progress indicator. I could do one, the other, or both until the quest bar became full. If you want to be sneaky you could just steal bags. If you want to be bold you could just kill the bandits. Fortune favors the bold so I went on a killing spree and slaughtered bandits. It is little choices like this that I hope keep presenting themselves as the game progresses and ultimately become more impactful on the way you decide to progress your character and play the game.

It never ceases to amaze me the things we go crazy for the ability to do in game but would never want to do in real life. While I don’t mind actually spending time in the sun mowing my lawn, dear lord don’t let my wife decide we need to go to Home Depot and do some gardening around the home too. If she came up to me and asked me to start a garden so we could grow our own corn I would tell her that is what the grocery store or farmer’s market is for. Yet I can’t wait to start a virtual farm in AA and create spreadsheets about it and share them with all of you.

This column was a bit of a departure from what I normally do. I hope you enjoyed it. It’s a struggle but I’ll continue my new found polyamorous ways with ESO and AA for you dear readers and report back in next week on the sandbox elements I’ve discovered in AA and whether they are working for me or not.

Direct Source: http://www.mmorpg.com/showFeature.cfm/loadFeature/8425/page/1


Regarding Kingdom under Fire II!

Yatham Seenu Can i know when server will be release . At least can you say on which month exactly ?
Like · Reply · 6 hours ago · Edited

Kingdom Under Fire II Philippines CBT is around april.


Now this game looks a little interesting. Is it going to release in english?

The only information I could find is the following one;

The first test for Tree of Savior Online will be a live event and you will have to be a Korean resident to attend the Focus Group Test. However, don't be sad because their official Facebook page announced that they are going to follow up the FGT with an international version! Don't get your hopes up too fast though, it might not exactly start right after the FGT. This might just be their way of saying that they did not forget about their ToS international fans, which is good enough for me. Check out the official statement other stuff below! Oh and I can't attend the event, because I don't live in South Korea.

Direct Source: http://steparu.com/news/closed-beta/1513-tree-of-savior-local-beta-test-followed-by-international-test-version

So we don't know yet exactly when.

Some interesting news for today;

Candy Crush Saga's Trademark Dispute Solved

Early this year, famous elimination game Candy Crush Saga's developer King was involved trademark dispute with The Banner Saga developer Stoic Studio and CandySwipe Developer Runsome Apps. King accused their games of infringement of the word 'Candy' and 'Saga', but Runsome and Stoic said King's monopolistic behavior was too dominating.

I once thought the dispute wasn't that easy to solve. But the settlement statement of trademark dispute from Runsome and Stoic told me I was wrong. "Stoic is pleased to have come to an agreement with King regarding Stoic's The Banner Saga trademark, which enables both parties to protect their respective trademarks now and in the future," Stoic Studio wrote this on their official web. It means King has successfully solved the dispute with Stoic about the trademark of 'Saga'.

Meanwhile, Runsome also wrote a new statement on the web and said they has withdrawn their opposition to King's trademark for 'Candy', so does King. "I have learned that they picked the Candy Crush name before I released my game and that they were never trying to take my game away," the Candy Swipe developer wrote "Both our games can continue to coexist without confusing players."

It is really a good news for both developers and players. It means King will stop using trademark right to eliminate rival firms, and the other developers can concentrate their attention to develop the content of games, not the name of games.

Iron Knight Might Enter NA and EU Market; Plans to Support Motion Control Device

Tencent Games hosted a press event in Beijing, China, showing off some of their upcoming MMOs. Iron Knight, an action MMORPG features Mount & Blade style combat experience, was one of the titles got a lot of attention. In an interview, Iron Knight's Producer Slam told us that this game will introduce a mobile app at the end of this year. He also mentioned the plan to add motion control support in the future, without details about what specific device it will support.

Previously, we talked about the game will bring in the massive PvP 70v70 combat but Slam said this was not their ultimate goal--they are considering implementing a larger scale of combat (For 100 vs. 100, and perhaps more?). Moreover, Slam revealed that the game might introduce in other countries based on different civilizations, from East and West.

In addition, Iron Knight is ambitiously eyeing the US and Europe market. Slam noted that Iron knight's presence at GDC 2014 was their first step of heading to the west.

and apparently we will have an exclusive interview to Iron knight Producer Slam (coming soon).

Direct Source: 2p.com


I'm excited for Iron Knight, I voted yes for it on Greenlight. Hopefully, if the game is successful, Tencent might bring their other games to the West.


I really do not understand why they try to bring up the same old shit;

Ask Massively: What's with all the WoW hate?

Today's Ask Massively question comes from Kirk because he wanted to open up a can of worms all over the column apparently.

Why do people have to hate on World of Warcraft so much? I quit playing WoW about two years ago and never looked back, but that game encompassed the best gaming experience of my life! Now everyone wants to say its crap. But I have roamed the landscape without a real home for gaming; nothing has ever been as much fun as WoW. What person who plays MMOs didn't play Warcraft? How many of us had a great time in that game at some point? Can't we just leave it at that?

I look back and admire a game that brought even my wife to the MMO table! I have no hate, just love for a game that I no longer play, and I think that's OK. Can we all move on now? What is the hold up? Let people who play WoW play WoW, and everyone else can play the game of his or her choice. Why does every chat panel in every game need to have the WoW topic constantly flowing through its veins? Honestly, I'm tired of it. Let's move on already!

Because hating is fun! No, wait, that's true, but there's so much more to it than that.

Validation: People want to feel better about moving on from old games, especially games that had a big impact on their lives and friendships at one point in time. They don't want to think too hard about characters or guildies they left behind; they don't want to imagine that the game went on without them and that other folks are still having a blast or that they might be missing out on something fun. In order to validate their choice to quit, they will convince themselves that the game is terrible, was always terrible, and can never be worth returning to. Then they have to convince everyone else. Loudly.

Identity: Some players stake their gamer identities on the types of games they play. They might have liked Vanilla WoW back when it was "old-school" and "hardcore," but now it's gone all "accessible" and "easymode" -- even your wife likes it, and ewwww girls, right? So if your self-worth rests on your rejection of perceived casual gameplay (whether it actually is casual or not) and perceived non-hardcore playerbase (often read as not-young-men), you're going to bash WoW specifically to elevate yourself as some sort of elite gaming hipster who's above the lure of a game for the masses. Related to the people who hate popular things because they are popular: the people who hate old things because they are old.

Resentment: Some folks blame World of Warcraft for all of the industry's woes. As a sandbox fan, I can often see where this type is coming from. WoW changed the MMOscape in a huge way and made it difficult until fairly recently for studios to break from that 2004 template and still see publishing and financial success. If you liked pre-WoW, non-themepark games, you've been out of luck for a long time, and it's hard not to resent the game because of it, even if you know it's not wholly responsible and even when you know you're neglecting all the impressive contributions WoW has made to the genre along the way.

Jealousy: Some people are honestly jealous of World of Warcraft's continuing success and wrongly believe that bashing a strong game will make weaker games look better by comparison. It doesn't work that way, but we see it for all sorts of games in comment sections every day. Massively's Justin Olivetti points out that frustration can often seem like jealousy too -- sometimes gamers are just stumped about why a game is so popular and become increasingly frustrated by what they see as misplaced popularity (League of Angels comes to mind).

Boredom: Those trolls in the chat channels of your new game, the ones yammering about WoW and debating game mechanics, are doing so because they're bored, because they want to establish their street cred among people who don't know them well enough to call them on their bull, and because they like attention. They may not even really hate WoW; they may not even have played it since 2005. They just like to hear themselves talk.

Grievances: There will always be players with grievances of varying legitimacy, like "Blizzard stole my Shaman's totems" or "my spouse left me because of my WoW addiction" or "I refuse to play a game that charges me to rescue myself from a dead server." You won't see most of those folks trolling up comment threads, though they might issue a well-reasoned explanation from time to time, and you won't see them wasting time spamming up chat in a new game complaining about something they'd rather forget about. They, like you, would rather move on, really move on, and chase new fun elsewhere, which is why they're in a new game in the first place.

Kirk, you have a healthy outlook on MMORPGs. Not everyone is going to like the same games. Not everyone needs to. People will move on digitally and physically; so should they move on mentally. We don't need to hate WoW to love other games. It's petty and pointless and it gets in the way of far more interesting debate about the quality of games and the industry.

Direct Source: http://massively.joystiq.com/2014/04/18/ask-massively-whats-with-all-the-wow-hate/

I mean we will always talk about World of Warcraft now and again but I sort of believe that we are pass the age of hating it. I really do not get that vibe from the MMO community.

ArcheAge : Livestream 3: Class Crafting

Thursday, Trion Worlds held another live stream, this time with Producer Victoria "FireCait" Voss and Community Manager Evan "Scapes" Berman discussing the game's combat classes and crafting skills. In case you missed it, here it is for your viewing pleasure.

Direct Source: http://www.mmorpg.com/newsroom.cfm

I am fucking loving how they streamed it. Excellent.


I mean we will always talk about World of Warcraft now and again but I sort of believe that we are pass the age of hating it. I really do not get that vibe from the MMO community.

Do you go into any non-wow game's chat channels? especially during beta and early release, it's ALL wow haters or ex-wow players bashing everything they can lol. It's pretty bad. Been that way since before wow was even out (EQ2)


Do you go into any non-wow game's chat channels? especially during beta and early release, it's ALL wow haters or ex-wow players bashing everything they can lol. It's pretty bad. Been that way since before wow was even out (EQ2)

I saw some hate on GWII's chat and in Aion's one but didn't think it was still present in this day.

By the way for all of you Age of Wulin fans we have got some news

Moonlight Blade Third Closed Beta Coming on July 1

MoonLight Blade online Boss fight

At the Annual Tencent Press Conference 2014 on April 16, the producer of Moonlight Blade Haipeng Yu announced that the third closed beta of Moonlight Blade will kick off on July 1, 2014. He also showcased two new videos of this game. Check them out.

Direct Source: http://2p.com/5851704_1/Moonlight-Blade-Third-Closed-Beta-Coming-on-July-1-by-Ink.htm

What a badass image.


Holy fuck we missed some great news 10 days ago.

Revelation – Sword Dancer enters the battle with ranged and melee skills
Revelation (CN) - Sword Dancer class introduction

This class was revealed before the Summoner, hence forgive me for begin late. Known as Yu Xu (Sword Dancer sounds nice), she plays somewhat similar to the Sword Master class in Blade & Soul, utilizing both ranged and melee sword skills. Note that the combat in Revelation is not non-target action.

Developed in China by NetEase, the country’s no.2 MMORPG company and long-term partner of Blizzard, Revelation is scheduled to enter its debut test phase later this month, although it seems some guilds are having a head-start already. There are 2 more classes to be introduced, so stay tuned!

Phantasy Star Online 2 – English SEA server begins beta test today
Phantasy Star Online 2 Trailer

The server under Asiasoft will be servicing players living in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. Players who have received the key to beta and have downloaded the game client will have access to Phantasy Star Online 2 – English beta during the following period:

Date: Thursday, 10 April till Sunday, 13 April 2014
Beta Starting Time: 1500HRS (Singapore time, GMT +8), Daily from 10th till 13th April 2014
Beta Closing Time: 2359HRS (Singapore time, GMT +8), Daily from 10th till 13th April 2014
Beta keys are still available for grab at : http://bit.ly/PSO2BetaGiveAway.

The purpose of PSO2 Beta is to give gamers a preview of what to come in PSO2 and also for Asiasoft to monitor, to maintain and to improve upon the game’s service in preparation for the game’s full launch on the later date that we will announce after Beta has concluded.

Developed by SEGA Corporation, Phantasy Star Online 2 is a Massively Multiplayer Action Online Role Playing Game (MMOARPG) where players get to experience revolutionary combat in an action-driven gameplay, to take a journey into an immersive sci-fi fantasy narrative and to explore mysterious worlds to unravel their secrets.

Phantasy Star Online 2 – English Beta starts today! It has been a long time coming since the first Phantasy Star franchise graced online PC platform and now, Asiasoft is proud to be the first in the world to publish the highly anticipated English service of Phantasy Star Online 2 (“PSO2″).

Direct Source: http://www.mmoculture.com/

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Why has there been zero news on the US versions of Blade and Soul and PSO 2? The most we got from PSO 2 was the Gearbox hiring, and Blade and Soul was an interview from like 2 years ago


Do you go into any non-wow game's chat channels? especially during beta and early release, it's ALL wow haters or ex-wow players bashing everything they can lol. It's pretty bad. Been that way since before wow was even out (EQ2)

Yeah, Blizzard has a very dedicated anti-fanboy base. The vast majority of Path of Exile general chat was nothing but D3-bashing for the whole duration of both closed and open betas. It was unbearable.

Aion Launch? Let us talk about WoW in /general.
Guild Wars 2 Launch? Let us talk about WoW in /general.

Those two were the ones when I was there at day1, so I remember them clearly.


Why has there been zero news on the US versions of Blade and Soul and PSO 2? The most we got from PSO 2 was the Gearbox hiring, and Blade and Soul was an interview from like 2 years ago
Fuck knows.

Instead we are stuck with April Fools: Blade & Soul PS4 Art Leaked out Online, NA PC Version Coming Soon

When the hell did they change the name? Thanks for the info.


This is HUGE.

ArcheAge's creative freedom
For those that don't know Korean ArcheAge has a built in creation tool set. Using this tool set players can import pictures files in the game and then place them on various objects that they have created in game.

Korean players have created some weird and wild creations.

Here is an example, a Korean player has created their own Starbucks using the creation tools, and is selling Fraps and Mocha's!




Direct Source: http://forums.archeagegame.com/showthread.php?582-ArcheAge-s-creative-freedom


Still watching it so I cannot comment on it.
MMORPG.com's Future of Online Games Panel - PAX East 2014

MMORPG.com brings together some of the top games and developers in the industry to discuss the next decade of online games and their growing mass market appeal. Game Developers from EverQuest Next, WildStar, Pathfinder Online, Trove, and The Repopulation will be on hand to answer fan questions and talk about the new games coming out for 2014 and beyond.


Fair enough. I wish we had a OT up for AA so we had an official hype thread lol

I think an OT should appear when we definitely know what version we are going to get and what type of cashshop. That is my opinion anyway.

The forum right now is quite heated from my point of you;

Trion, will this be the same for EU/NA?


"Stream Sniping" is already a problem, what can we do to fix it? (I am crying from laughter with this one)

so it is better if we are a bit more patient.


I can get into alphas/betas of games everyone wants to play, but when it's a game nobody cares about? Of course I get rejected.

eff you archeage.


I can get into alphas/betas of games everyone wants to play, but when it's a game nobody cares about? Of course I get rejected.

eff you archeage.

Famous Twitch streamers are getting the front row and specifically well known Rift players.

And I agree with his view;

Streamer vs Experienced alpha/ beta testers

I've been an alpha/beta tester to 20+ games over the years and it's come to my attention that invites to Archeage are going to streamers and not people that will actually hunt out or record bugs. I understand you have to advertise but it's getting a little silly. I've noticed bugs on streams I've watched and all I hear is "someone else will report it"

Does anyone else agree or is it just me being bitter? QQ

Direct Source: http://forums.archeagegame.com/showthread.php?3421-Streamer-vs-Experienced-alpha-beta-testers

I know I will never get access to it but I might buy the foundation's pack depending on the price and whether I think it is a good deal overall.
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