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Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII launches in Japan with low sales of 277k


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Well I was/am a big fan of SNES games like Lufia2, Secret of Mana. So it being a bit game does not scare me ;)

Then you should most definitely try them friend, trust me, you will not regret it :)

If you don't want to play each and every single old game due to lack of time any other reason, then at least play FF4 and FF6 from the pre-PS1 era games. They're both amazingly awesome.


I'd give it 500k+ for EU+NA+Asia+Germany+France BEST CASE. There is also the effect of new console generation on last generation software sales to consider in these markets.
I think the drop from 13-2 will be higher than 50% also, reviews could affect it too in both ways, which probably won't review better than 6 and 7 if I had to guess.

Yeah, if the rest of the world stays steady, this will probably be kind of profitable for Square Enix after all.


Junior Member
Good. Stop fucking around and get back to one game per ... jesus how do you even put it into words? One game per game.

I don't think that will ever happen again. We're gonna get spin offs for all future titles, I believe, so they can reuse assets and turn a profit on the project. Fortunately, spin off will probably be better planned and shouldn't stall production of new mainlines (so you can ignore them if you want), but they'll probably continue to exist.
I refuse to believe square is delusional as to be surprised with this. They know they're milking something people aren't demanding at this point.


Thank God, I hope it bombs completely. Their stubborn refusal to let Lightning and this failed entry die is mindboggling. You shouldn't be rewarded for continuing to make the same mistake over and over again. I hope XV is good and bumps the FF name back up, but I have no confidence anymore because the company is such a mismanaged mess.


I'm glad it bombed, SE needed a wake up call yesterday.

At least Bravely Default is coming out soon, give it to me already.

Considering that the game sold about about 65% of its initial shipment according to Dengaki (which means an initial shipment of like 440k), SE was pretty clear on where the title would sell. I'm sure they wanted a sellout but I am confident SE is already at a profit with just day 4 sales.


Considering that the game sold about about 65% of its initial shipment according to Dengaki (which means an initial shipment of like 440k), SE was pretty clear on where the title would sell. I'm sure they wanted a sellout but I am confident SE is already at a profit with just day 4 sales.

Now it's time to put that profit to good use. *cough* FF XV *cough*


That launch day decline... They lose half of the early adopter fanbase with each XIII they make. It's like its all part of some master plan for them to be able to just go mobile and not leave any fans in the lurch.


Haha! Good! Maybe now they will realize what a horrendous pile of shit XIII and everything related to XIII has been! These companies NEED this sort of result in order to force them to get off their ruddy laurels. The name "FInal Fantasy" is no longer synonymous with quality and the sooner they realize that and start thinking seriously about what made their products so awesome previously, the better it is for us as gamers and them as a business.


People saying it bombed have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. Square never stated how much that was invested into the game in the first place. Hell, they could have profited already from it and you wouldn't know.

By how visually inconsistent/sloppy the entire package already is, with only a small handful of cgi, I'd say they probably will at the very least break even...but then again, I do not know either.

Either way, I'm friggen happy this trilogy is wrapped up. Time to move on to bigger and better worlds...figuratively and literally.
kayos (10HD will outsell LR) and Perfo (on LR's side). JP sales only? Dunno.

Keep in mind kayos is usually a guaranteed loser of avatar bets. However, Perfo already lost an avatar bet against Psycho Ninja recently and if he had bet his avatar on the 'fifth area' of LR (I think he did, I don't remember), he would have also lost.

Probably the salty way of advice would be ALWAYS BET KAYOS or NEVER BET KAYOS, both are pretty accurate for the current state of affairs.

I think a little more than that, because didn't 13-2 clear 350k in NA last time? Assuming it sold around the same amount in EU, and also assuming around half the 13-2 buyers will come back, then it'll be around 350k for EU+NA no?

That's assuming half of them will buy round 3.

I haven't won just yet but at this point it's pretty much guarantied that I will win the avatar bet. We still have to wait until the game releases in the west and see the review scores on Metacritic to determine the winner.

But I think we all know I already won that bet. ;P

And I actually have some pretty good ideas about what Perfo's avatar for a month will be. I think I will whip up the images and see if GAF finds them entertaining enough to give to Perfo. Which means he'll be wearing it for the whole month of March. Look forward to that. :p
Considering that the game sold about about 65% of its initial shipment according to Dengaki (which means an initial shipment of like 440k), SE was pretty clear on where the title would sell. I'm sure they wanted a sellout but I am confident SE is already at a profit with just day 4 sales.

well, they are reusing the engine and assets, so I'm sure it's profitable.


I haven't won just yet but at this point it's pretty much guarantied that I will win the avatar bet. We still have to wait until the game releases in the west and see the review scores on Metacritic to determine the winner.

But I think we all know I already won that bet. ;P

And I actually have some pretty good ideas about what Perfo's avatar for a month will be. I think I will whip up the images and see if GAF finds them entertaining enough to give to Perfo. Which means he'll be wearing it for the whole month of March. Look forward to that. :p

Give him the phallic image that user made from Teraway.


Tragic victim of fan death
Keep in mind kayos is usually a guaranteed loser of avatar bets.
Probably the salty way of advice would be ALWAYS BET KAYOS or NEVER BET KAYOS, both are pretty accurate for the current state of affairs.

You wound me madam.

To be correct though, it's a bet against luukyk and it's actually pretty funn. The bet encompasses all three regions. Since LR and XHD is coming out in JP first if LR sells more then Luukyk wins and if XHD sells more I win. It's a 3 week avatar bet. The kicker is that for each subsequent region, US and EU, that follows the same trend as the original victory, it adds 3 additional weeks. Say I win, which I will, and XHD sells more in JP than LR and proceeds to be the same for US and EU, which it will, then Luukyk's avatar bet lasts for 9 weeks. LOL.
I haven't won just yet but at this point it's pretty much guarantied that I will win the avatar bet. We still have to wait until the game releases in the west and see the review scores on Metacritic to determine the winner.

But I think we all know I already won that bet. ;P

And I actually have some pretty good ideas about what Perfo's avatar for a month will be. I think I will whip up the images and see if GAF finds them entertaining enough to give to Perfo. Which means he'll be wearing it for the whole month of March. Look forward to that. :p

what was the bet anyway

You wound me madam.

To be correct though, it's a bet against luukyk and it's actually pretty funn. The bet encompasses all three regions. Since LR and XHD is coming out in JP first if LR sells more then Luukyk wins and if XHD sells more I win. It's a 3 week avatar bet. The kicker is that for each subsequent region, US and EU, that follows the same trend as the original victory, it adds 3 additional weeks. Say I win, which I will, and XHD sells more in JP than LR and proceeds to be the same for US and EU, which it will, then Luukyk's avatar bet lasts for 9 weeks. LOL.

so what would happen if FFX sells more in Japan and less in US/EU


He bet me that Lightning Returns would be the best reviewed FINAL FANTASY game this last gen (2006-2014). I bet him it wouldn't be. I accepted that bet with very open arms.

I don't think Luukyk realizes that Final Fantasy doesn't have "beloved series" cushion anymore.

No one is going to be pulling punches on this game. The west isn't Famitsu.


Considering that the game sold about about 65% of its initial shipment according to Dengaki (which means an initial shipment of like 440k), SE was pretty clear on where the title would sell. I'm sure they wanted a sellout but I am confident SE is already at a profit with just day 4 sales.

Considering the massive buyback SE had to do of 13-2 that's almost certainly the maximum retailers would even take, not the numbers SE wanted


I don't think Luukyk realizes that Final Fantasy doesn't have "beloved series" cushion anymore.

No one is going to be pulling punches on this game. The west isn't Famitsu.

I would argue it only gets the amount of punches it does because it is a "beloved series". FFXIII is the worst game everrrrrrrr, because no one cares about "JRPGs" they didn't play growing up (it is often referred to as a "dead genre"). It is similar to how everyone is a thread-making FPS critic because it is the most popular genre, despite not having much experience with them or having any interest in the genre. So even though there is no interest in the game, certain people have to comment on every single thread (e.g. every single costume reveal, every single trailer, every single interview comment). And this is putting aside the lingering resentment people have when a videogame series doesn't do what they want it to.


Honestly, LR breaking even and being somewhat profitable is a win-win for everyone.

1. SE does not lose any money on the gamble but does not make a great return. This should be a signal to SE that series fatigue is just too great, despite how well the original game sells. This will hopefully be a lesson with planning FFXV sequels.
2. SE gets some experience with open world design and what works, what doesn't.
3. FFXIII fans get the closure they want and a fun game.
Considering that the game sold about about 65% of its initial shipment according to Dengaki (which means an initial shipment of like 440k), SE was pretty clear on where the title would sell. I'm sure they wanted a sellout but I am confident SE is already at a profit with just day 4 sales.

Shipments have nothing to do with how much a company projects they'll sell or how many they'd need to sell to achieve profitability. All a shipment figure shows is how many copies SE managed to convinced retailers to buy.


I'll be shocked if it averages above 6-7.

Based on what Kagari and other impressions from the thread are saying, I would say more 7s - 8s. The battle system is getting great buzz and that may make up for the graphical shortcomings. I don't see the game getting 9s though. It's just as polarizing as its kin.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Lets not forget that SE are not only putting out the X/X-2 HD remixes out in December, Drakengard 3 launches the week before, which is an atypically heavy slate of JRPG's for this gen.

Be interesting to see whether this clustering hurts or helps.
Based on what Kagari and our impressions are saying, I would say more 7s - 8s. The battle system is getting great buzz and that may make up for the graphical shortcomings. I don't see the game getting 9s though. It's just as polarizing as its kin.

Uhh, you're quoting Kagari.


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
Based on what Kagari and our impressions are saying, I would say more 7s - 8s. The battle system is getting great buzz and that may make up for the graphical shortcomings. I don't see the game getting 9s though. It's just as polarizing as its kin.


Your quoting Kagari, guy.
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