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Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII launches in Japan with low sales of 277k

Yeah, I've wanted the Fang / Vanille War of Transgression prequel action game spin-off for a while ...

After Dirge of Cerberus I don't think we want any more action games from Squenix Japan.

If they farmed it out to Eidos Montreal though, then I would be interested. If they're going to ever farm out Final Fantasy to their Western studios, an action spinoff would be the logical choice.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
After Dirge of Cerberus I don't think we want any more action games from Squenix Japan.

If they farmed it out to Eidos Montreal though, then I would be interested. If they're going to ever farm out Final Fantasy to their Western studios, an action spinoff would be the logical choice.

Yeah DoC was horrible. Looked nice but played like shit.

You know they already could make an action game if they wanted to with the resources they have from 11 for example...

Make a phantasy star sort of action RPG would have been the most logical choice and use the world setting for that. Since with either 11 or 14 both of those games would have been a great setting for such a title. Its too bad apparently no one in SQEX has enough common sense or vision to want to bother to do it.

Im surprised that the popular for its time arcade game Quest for D by SEGA never made it to home consoles after its run in the arcades was over. Would have made a great home or handheld coop game, as it was enjoyable in the arcades. Granted Samurai and Dragons is "slightly" like that S&D looks quite bad...


It's gonna be outsold lifetime in Japan by GTAV.

Japan has allowed the West into their domestic console market by spending years offering people nothing. The kids I teach there talk about GTA, Call of Duty, and Minecraft almost as much as Monster Hunter or Pokemon.

Wait what? Seriously they talked about GTA too?


Fucking disastrous peace of shit garbage excuse of Saga that will forever stain at what in the past used to excite gamers everywhere. Die FFXIII, die.


Why can't SE have a team start working on full HD remakes of 6, 7, 8 and 9? Those games are infinitely better than 13 - from a story, combat, exploration perspective. Please, they'd sell millions.

None of those games need remakes and with the current direction of SE I doubt they would turn out well either.

I honestly feel they are making the right decision in developing new games rather than high budget remakes, but the reception/sales shos that they should have moved on from FF13 after the first game


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
None of those games need remakes and with the current direction of SE I doubt they would turn out well either.

I honestly feel they are making the right decision in developing new games rather than high budget remakes, but the reception/sales shos that they should have moved on from FF13 after the first game
High budget remakes of games would be such a huge undertaking in terms of budget and development time that they'd be better off seeking new audiences with new titles. It would far surpass any advantage of built-in audiences of the games they might possibly remake.


So that's truly the numbers the series ends with. It's not hard to see something is wrong.
But I'm hopeful for the future. :)


Yoshida is obsessed with thighs.

So does Kozaki


I don't know why guys that good with armor design have obsession with thighs.


This is absolutely true. The *reason* we got a bunch of FFXIII sequels instead of a full generation of numbered FFs is precisely because FFXIV and FFXV both ran into massive development problems, not because of Toriyama (though he's at fault for the low quality of the games he was tasked with making). And I think that lack of a full generation of numbered FFs is behind a lot of the rage, rather than anything specific about the games we got instead (even though most of the criticisms of them are super apt). People who think that Toriyama is somehow running the show at S-E are wrong, and that's a way-too-common misconception.

I think they could have reused assets without going in this direction though. FFXIII wasn't well received, so they should have tried to avoid connections with it as much as possible. Even if they didn't want to make a new mainline title reusing some assets, like monsters and such, they should have gone with distant sequels with all new casts and story, not just more and more from FFXIII's cast. Basically, new mainline titles in all but name (and with reduced budget, recycling FFXIII assets).

Trying to stick with those characters and making two direct sequels to XIII was basically poisonous to their brand.
Honestly, I think you guys all have it backwards. They've said in interviews recently that it was never planned as a trilogy.

I think Toriyama and Kitase were asked to step up and keep it going longer than initially planned because both Versus XIII and XIV 1.0 cratered completely. They had nothing else, and Toriyama and Kitase were the only ones that could get something out for them.

The XIII series has been profitable so far, and there's definitely still a chance LR is going to be profitable too. It won't be seen as a negative. XIII-2 was the top selling console game in Japan the year of its release. And they did buy them time for ARR, which is doing well now.

Dude, are you really going there right now? Maybe just stop calling anyone who likes the Lightning Saga a loser? I don't mind your posts, but fuck, what is the point of even having moderation if this is fine? I'd rather you just come to your senses and stop saying this shit on your own accord, than have someone moderate it for you.

How many times have we concluded that this is FUD? 10-12 times?

Let's start at the top.

1) They have not said that in interviews. As a matter of fact in many interviews this year they tried to push the lie that this trilogy was planned from the start. After some investigative work by yours truly we found that back in 2006 when announcing XIII they said they had zero plans for sequels for XIII.

After confronting SE about it the PR, Marketing, Kitase and Toriyama all started to distance themselves from all earlier comments made.

2) You continue to try and push the idea that XIII-2 and LR were made because of Versus which is clearly not the case because towards the end of both games (XIII and XIII-2) development SE talked about refocusing the XIII team to assist Versus' SMALL development team.

Obviously that wasn't the case as Kitase continued to provide resources to XIII sequels instead of the Versus project. Hence why he is no longer apart of the XV team. (So it's believed)

I won't argue XIV 1.0 cratered but that wasn't the reason XIII sequels were made and you know it. This is just trash you throw around to try and justify SE's decision to keep Toriyama making his fantasy game.


I think the fact they know XV will have sequels bodes well. No asspulls and please use foreshadowing this time guys.
As for declining console sales, how strange would it be if the series was eventually moved to handhelds? Hell, if they it had pre-rendered backgrounds and an old school worldmap, I'm not sure I'd even complain, haha.

Square-Enix should introduce a new FF series and market it as "a mainline Final Fantasy for handhelds". Call it Final Fantasy Saga or something and let people like Ito and Kawazu work there.

Use pre-rendered backgrounds to keep the budget for graphics in check, make it look like REmake:


and focus on the story, characters, writing etc.

It'd be a relatively easy way to make money and keep the fanbase happy (especially since they can't release 3 standalone games on consoles anymore).
Square-Enix should introduce a new FF series and market it as "a mainline Final Fantasy for handhelds". Call it Final Fantasy Saga or something and let people like Ito and Kawazu work there.

Use pre-rendered backgrounds to keep the budget for graphics in check, make it look like REmake:


and focus on the story, characters, writing etc.

It'd be a relatively easy way to make money and keep the fanbase happy (especially since they can't release 3 standalone games on consoles anymore).

You just described Bravely Default, basically. Even the pre-rendered backgrounds in towns.


The sales sound about right. Hope this will convince SE to avoid sequelitis in the future.

Who am I kidding, they already have sequels planned for XV.

(I'm still buying this game)


I really should play the other FF games, I only played XIII and liked it to be honest. So if fans hate the game, I should be in a real treat for the others right?


I really should play the other FF games, I only played XIII and liked it to be honest. So if fans hate the game, I should be in a real treat for the others right?

Not necessarily. Every FF is different (except VII-IX which all follow the same formula), so what you like or dislike will depend on you. For instance, I like all the FF titles for various reasons but hate some characters that other people absolutely love.


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
I really should play the other FF games, I only played XIII and liked it to be honest. So if fans hate the game, I should be in a real treat for the others right?

I'd start with III DS, then gradually move forward.
Just to note VIII is naff. Every other titles is great - amazing. But if you liked XIII you might like VIII, I dunno lol.


DS game was pretty rough from what I remember

That system wasn't quite powerful enough to deliver the goods..

The gameplay was only improved from the GameCube game.

However yes the strongest point of the GC game were the graphics which the DS coudn't deliver.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
So for Dengeki the game sold 288k copies (65%)
Famitsu 301k
MediaCreate 277k

I think they'll be ok with these numbers. Hopefully discounts x DD x DLC ect. can boost it a bit more.

Now for western sales...
500k EU + NA?


So for Dengeki the game sold 288k copies (65%)
Famitsu 301k
MediaCreate 277k

I think they'll be ok with these numbers. Hopefully discounts x DD x DLC ect. can boost it a bit more.

Now for western sales...
500k EU + NA?

300k EU+NA MAX. I seriously think it would better now than in February. Edit I changed my prediction to 300k :p.


Who bet that LR would outsell X HD ?
kayos (10HD will outsell LR) and Perfo (on LR's side). JP sales only? Dunno.

Keep in mind kayos is usually a guaranteed loser of avatar bets. However, Perfo already lost an avatar bet against Psycho Ninja recently and if he had bet his avatar on the 'fifth area' of LR (I think he did, I don't remember), he would have also lost.

Probably the salty way of advice would be ALWAYS BET KAYOS or NEVER BET KAYOS, both are pretty accurate for the current state of affairs.

I think a little more than that, because didn't 13-2 clear 350k in NA last time? Assuming it sold around the same amount in EU, and also assuming around half the 13-2 buyers will come back, then it'll be around 350k for EU+NA no?

That's assuming half of them will buy round 3.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
250K EU+NA MAX. I seriously think it would better now than in February.

250 seems rather low considering that XIII-2 sold 1ml+ NA/EU and even if LR: FFXIII is expected like in Japan to sell -50% it's still a 500k+ EU+NA.

Anyway yes, it would be better to launch it now. Seriously. Because I wanna play it now T.T


250 seems rather low considering that XIII-2 sold 1ml+ NA/EU and even if LR: FFXIII is expected like in Japan to sell -50% it's still a 500k+ EU+NA.

Anyway yes, it would be better to launch it now. Seriously. Because I wanna play it now T.T

It shipped that, it sold far less and SE had to pay retailers to keep the games price up. The plan is probably to ship 1 millon WW so 450k in Japan 550K across the world. Also I forgot to mention that there's a superior FF game coming out in US just a few days before LR it's called Bravely Default :p


500k? assuming similar 50% drop from 13-2, naahh. 13->13-2 drop was higher outside of Japan.

13-2 February 2012

NPD debut was ~350k iirc
UK debut was ~80k
Toriyama said they sold/shipped? 200k in Asian market, higher than Germany and France.

I'd give it 500k+ for EU+NA+Asia+Germany+France BEST CASE. There is also the effect of new console generation on last generation software sales to consider in these markets.
I think the drop from 13-2 will be higher than 50% also, reviews could affect it too in both ways, which probably won't review better than 6 and 7 if I had to guess.

Red Mage

Well I was/am a big fan of SNES games like Lufia2, Secret of Mana. So it being a bit game does not scare me ;)

Just don't play the NES versions of FF I or FF II. I will NOT automatically change the target of an attack if it dies. I.E. your Fighter just killed the Goblin, and now your Black Belt wastes a turn attacking a dead enemy. II's grindish nature is terrible in its original form.
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