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Lionhead Studios and Press Play closed. Fable legends cancelled.

What's with this recurring narrative that Spencer is somehow blameless in everything?

He knows people are mad. He knows he probably fucked up somewhere. The only thing he could say is "Fable is not dead" but right now theres not much to say especially if higher ups were involved.


Would Phil even have the power to axe a studio?

Probably not by himself but he would probably have been the one to submit the plan for approval. But really it's not like he is an evil horned devil at a certain point you have to look at your product and decide if putting more money into it will achieve anything. Clearly with Fable Legends the answer was no. Sunk costs don't always save a product.


My theory has always been that it's because Micrisoft might be trying to hide that it's a 2.5D metroidvania knowing that wouldn't get the same attention as a full blown 3D action adventure game. But that's just my theory.

Just seeing all the pieces it made sense to me.

- E3 2015 reveal for early 2016 release?
- Unity engine?
- Devs both have histories of Metroid and Megaman/Mighty 9
- CG Trailer and zero footage since

Deep down MS knows a metroidvania wouldn't get the same attention. So I reckon they're leaving it as late as possible to reveal it.

Saying they are a <50 person studio with multiple projects, that's not a bad bet. It's not like 2.5 is a bad thing(Ori/Trine).


The decision probably came down from that dbag Satya Nadella
Satya is great and very much making Microsoft better in every way.

He isn't. But I can see this as Satya's doing more than Spencer.
Actually I'd think the final decision was made by Hanno. Look at it from this perspective. You are promoted to a new position and you have a bunch of old baggage to deal with that you see no positives from. Do you rip the bandaid off now and deal with the backlash and start fresh or double down in hope that is works, but if it doesn't then it will all fall on your shoulders?

You have to go all the way back to Phil Harrison to get an idea where Lionhead is today.
Silence on Spencers and Major Nelsons twitter page is deafening.

Rare in Next.

Don't be shocked when Amazon purchases XBOX. It's been rumored before. The current CEO was never a big fan of XBOX.

DJSebolski going in hard with the fear mongering

jeez lol


I doubt it. People always say this when MS closes a studio, but it never happens.

If SoT flops that would be two big flops in a row including Kinect Sports Rivals. If Lionhead, who has just as rich a history in game development, can't survive flops then why would Rare?


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Holy shite, heard good things about the beta and everything. I wonder if they dropped this on the studios just as suddenly.


RIP Lionhead. Another PC-centric company that MS bought, wasted, then cast aside. Shout out to FASA.

What does "sunset development on project Knoxville" mean?

Ever seen in a Western, where they take a guy's gear, and tell him to walk into the sunset or be shot down?

Yeah, pretty similar scenario.


I doubt it. People always say this when MS closes a studio, but it never happens.

If Rare's next title or two under delivers, I could totally see them on the chopping block, which would be heartbreaking really when you look at their legacy. But the reality is they are now a shadow of their former selves.
From that article, it definitely sounds like it was shut down from above Phil Spencer unless he got the latest numbers from the beta and saw that they were terrible or maybe Lionhead asked for another 6 months or something. I mean, wasn't this game suppose to be out like 18 months ago?


If SoT flops that would be two big flops in a row including Kinect Sports Rivals. If Lionhead, who has just as rich a history in game development, can't survive flops then why would Rare?

Rare has been with Microsoft way longer than Lionhead, and they're still alive. Plus Rare has made way more games under MS than Lionhead has, and a lot of them were flops, but they still haven't been shut down.

Also, Rare doesn't just make games. Don't forget that they also made the avatars and they probably worked on the dashboards as well on the 360. I'm pretty sure they also had input during Kinect's development. They help MS when it comes to technical things, not just games.

Not to mention the history and legacy Rare has. I doubt MS will just shut them down.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Very sad news :( The Fable-series never lived up to its potential, but it was always interesting. Hope all the involved quickly find new work.


From that article, it definitely sounds like it was shut down from above Phil Spencer unless he got the latest numbers from the beta and saw that they were terrible or maybe Lionhead asked for another 6 months or something. I mean, wasn't this game suppose to be out like 18 months ago?
Where do you get that idea? Hanno reports to Phil. Phil reports to Terry Myerson. I don't think Terry would tell Phil to kill a team. My 2 cents.


If you go to Microsoft Studio's official website, and go to their "Studios" section, you can see just how thin MS are at the first-party front. If you break it down, they only really have 5 active first-party development studios:

343 Industries
The Coalition
Turn 10

That is abysmal compared to the likes of Sony and Nintendo who are stacked in terms of development studios.
Why are people acting like what Sony did with Stig's game is comparable to what happened here?

An IP that wasn't revealed and we hardly knew anything about was axed, not something that we knew about and was heavily promoted and near completion. Also Sony Santa Monica didn't shut down, Lionhead did. Don't you think they have done enough over the years to get another chance? If they thought Fable Legends wouldn't sell they could have kept them around to make a full fledged Fable game with all the assets they already created,


Junior Member
If Rare's next title or two under delivers, I could totally see them on the chopping block, which would be heartbreaking really when you look at their legacy. But the reality is they are now a shadow of their former selves.

Rare can survive helping MS other devs on engine work and beta testing the latest research shit like Hololens.



If you go to Microsoft Studio's official website, and go to their "Studios" section, you can see just how thin MS are at the first-party front. If you break it down, they only really have 5 active first-party development studios:

343 Industries
The Coalition
Turn 10

That is abysmal compared to the likes of Sony and Nintendo who are stacked in terms of development studios.
Man, they need to step it up!!!
You do know MS are a business first and Foremost?
Satya has to answer to shareholders. Maybe the higher ups weren't happy with the studios?

I know it's a business and I also know MS will never run out of money. The company I work for pays MS XXX Millions of dollars in licensing (SQL, Server, ETC) a year. That's one company.

I guess if XBOX is not profitable it cuts into that pie but still.


If Rare's next title or two under delivers, I could totally see them on the chopping block, which would be heartbreaking really when you look at their legacy. But the reality is they are now a shadow of their former selves.

People have been predicting they would shut Rare down for years, but it has never happened. As for the bolded, I think we should give them a chance to prove themselves this gen. Maybe they've still got it.


Why are people acting like what Sony did with Stig's game is comparable to what happened here?

An IP that wasn't revealed and we hardly knew anything about was axed, not something that we knew about and was heavily promoted and near completion. Also Sony Santa Monica didn't shut down, Lionhead did. Don't you think they have done enough over the years to get another chance? If they thought Fable Legends wouldn't sell they could have kept them around to make a full fledged Fable game with all the assets they already created,

Because it's fairly equivalent to this situation. Even though we didn't know about stig's game it was still cancelled after considerable investment and his team was laid off. SSM wasn't shuttered but the team working on the game basically was. This is just much higher profile because it had been revealed to the public years ago.

Where do you get that idea? Hanno reports to Phil. Phil reports to Terry Myerson. I don't think Terry would tell Phil to kill a team. My 2 cents.

It's because people like Phil and don't want to place any blame on him. But honestly this is the kind of sad decision that anyone in his position is going to have to make. I mean I doubt he enjoyed doing it but part of his job is to be fiscally responsible.


From that article, it definitely sounds like it was shut down from above Phil Spencer unless he got the latest numbers from the beta and saw that they were terrible or maybe Lionhead asked for another 6 months or something. I mean, wasn't this game suppose to be out like 18 months ago?

I think Spencer was part of the decision or it was his to make.

Lionhead had Fable Heroes and Fable Journey flop and Fable Legends has been in development for ages. Wasn't it delayed a couple of times? If the NDA's officially drop I'm sure we'll have a thread with user impressions and it may become clear to folks that, while it had some good fun bits about it, the game was mostly a big misfire even with the number of adjustments they were making.

Rare has been with Microsoft way longer than Lionhead, and they're still alive. Plus Rare has made way more games under MS than Lionhead has, and a lot of them were flops, but they still haven't been shut down.

Also, Rare doesn't just make games. Don't forget that they also made the avatars and they probably worked on the dashboards as well on the 360. I'm pretty sure they also had input during Kinect's development. They help MS when it comes to technical things, not just games.

Not to mention the history and legacy Rare has. I doubt MS will just shut them down.

Yeah, but I think Spencer's guidelines these days are a bit different than they were just a couple of years ago.

I'm a huge fan of Rare, so I don't want to see them go, but I think it's possible.
He made the right call. Been in Fable Legends since the beginning of beta and although it made significant progress something felt "off" about it. It got better aster eat builds progressed but it didn't feel like a Fable game IMO. I'm sad to see Lionhead close but understand the business aspect of it. In Phil I Trust...
I hope the Fable franchise finds a good developer.

2 was my favorite and the series always felt like it was on the verge of real greatness, but never quite reached it.

Secret Owl

Neo Member
Damn. I'm sorry to those who lost their jobs.

Fable Legends was actually something I was looking forward to checking out. The franchise was wildly mishandled after Fable III (which I still need to play and don't have an opinion on yet.) While I have good memories of playing through the first Fable at a friends house, Fable II was one of my favorite action/adventure games. It had RPG elements for sure, but I feel like those who strictly labeled it as such kind of missed the point. That mentality lead to some disappointment that Fable II wasn't more like Fallout 3, Mass Effect, or Dragon Age: Origins.

I know many people see Fable III as the beginning-of-the-end, but it's possible that the questioning of Fable II's ambiguous RPG-intentions by fans is where Lionhead started to feel an identity crisis with the series. After Fable II, everything was more scattershot.

RIP Milo
Where do you get that idea? Hanno reports to Phil. Phil reports to Terry Myerson. I don't think Terry would tell Phil to kill a team. My 2 cents.

I dunno, but it just seemed like he was excited for Fable's future, in whatever form it took. Then 1 week later, he closes it? Weird. Real weird.
Clearly he had to engage corporate doublespeak but perhaps realeasing the games and then winding down the studio was the way to go. We don't know the details of the shutdown, but I think there might have been a better way to do this and thus the reaction to statements about the game and it's studio would seem less shocking in retrospect.

But again, easy for me to say without a full understanding of the game, it's quality and the logistical challenges around releasing and supporting the product.

The problems the game wasn't close to release at all. The core gameplay was good, but if the content of the beta was all they got they simply didn't have much... The quests were very repetitive, and while it was fun in small doses I could see it getting boring real soon if they didn't shake some of their design decisions up. I think they also failed to keep the game engaging for the villain.

Anyway, the game was already a fun experience, but it clearly needed more time which apparently Ms felt like not giving it.

Just want to know one thing from all of this:

Was Legends the studio's or MS's decision?

Both perhaps? Wasn't Lionhead trying to do a online only game in ages? Perhaps using the Fable IP was the only way Ms permitted.

The games as a service aspect of the game was definitely something Ms was pushing too (I guess the industry as a whole actually) so I can see why Ms would invest on this project. Phil did say recently that Lionhead was so focused on Legends, that the entire studio practically restructured itself to become a fable legends studio, so they were obviously very invested in that as well


"it's been in beta for a while, and we're watching the engagement numbers"

If I'd known it would matter, I'd have played the beta more. I dropped off playing it because it had gotten to the point where I felt it was done and didn't want to wind up ruining the game for myself by getting tired of it before it went live lol
My theory has always been that it's because Micrisoft might be trying to hide that it's a 2.5D metroidvania knowing that wouldn't get the same attention as a full blown 3D action adventure game. But that's just my theory.

Just seeing all the pieces it made sense to me.

- E3 2015 reveal for early 2016 release?
- Unity engine?
- Devs both have histories of Metroid and Megaman/Mighty 9
- CG Trailer and zero footage since

Deep down MS knows a metroidvania wouldn't get the same attention. So I reckon they're leaving it as late as possible to reveal it.

Shit... All of those comments by emphasising the backtracking elements of the game make a lot more sense in that light.


Man was looking forward to the Fable game. The only game I'm remotely interested in on Xbox one now is Platnium Games upcoming title. Well halo 5 would've been nice to have too I suppose :)


It's selling quite well. But the system was designed and invested in to dominate the US and UK. And it had completely failed to do that. Not to mention the decrease in royalties since multiplatform games mostly sell less on it.

Isn't it that we simply don't know, it's probably not selling "well"?

I dunno, but it just seemed like he was excited for Fable's future, in whatever form it took. Then 1 week later, he closes it? Weird. Real weird.

Execs are always publicly excited about their products, until they aren't.


what if....

they plan to release Fable Legends after "consumer outcry" to the cancellation and overwhelming support.

Like a marketing experiment.
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