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London riots spreading through UK

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I wonder if they'll reach a moment of introspection when they go to buy their morning hangover Lucozade and Ginsters reconstituted heart-attack from their local corner shop and find out they burnt it down.


Tory government, royal weddings and riots, its like i'm reliving my childhood. Any chance of us invading and reclaiming a bit of the empire?, and i don't mean a god forsaken rock in the south Atlantic.
FOOTE said:
How bad is this compared to Vancouver? I'm guessing not as big, but it sounds much more violent.

The big event happened on one street (which was cars, a bus, and one shop getting burned). There are some reports of attacks on random people on backstreet. There are also two other vans set on fire in a backstreets, and continuing confrontations with police. Media people are also getting attacked by some, so the likes of Sky News have pulled thier cameras and reporters.

It sounds bad, but a step down from what happened in Vancover I would say


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
PJV3 said:
Tory government, royal weddings and riots, its like i'm reliving my childhood. Any chance of us invading and reclaiming a bit of the empire?, and i don't mean a god forsaken rock in the south Atlantic.

Who would you go after?

Hong Kong isn't a good idea.

New Zealand? Its just hobbits there.

Pakistan and India?



Cape to Cairo?
ChiTownBuffalo said:
Who would you go after?

Hong Kong isn't a good idea.

New Zealand? Its just hobbits there.

Pakistan and India?



Cape to Cairo?

I'd start with Poland so we can send all of our undesirables over there and take their jobs.

An eye for an eye.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
LabouredSubterfuge said:
I'd start with Poland so we can send all of our undesirables over there and take their jobs.

An eye for an eye.

I really don't want to know who these "undesireables" are. But Poland wasn't a part of the Empire.


ChiTownBuffalo said:
Who would you go after?

Hong Kong isn't a good idea.

New Zealand? Its just hobbits there.

Pakistan and India?



Cape to Cairo?

Maybe the original American colonies, but the 14 trillion is a bit off putting.


BBC reporter on twitter

rickin_majithia rickin majithia
Police dogs being brought in. Rioters also using dogs. #Tottenham officer says a number of colleagues hospitalised
Hopefully, plenty of these scumbag rioters will be arrested before any innocents get seriously hurt or killed. You cant have the animals running the zoo.


Jal said:
BBC reporter on twitter

rickin_majithia rickin majithia
Police dogs being brought in. Rioters also using dogs. #Tottenham officer says a number of colleagues hospitalised

What the fuck is wrong with these pricks


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider


Base ordering us to leave for safety reasons. BBC crews report from every hot zone in the world but parts of our own city deemed 2 dangerous


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider


Polari said:
Tottenham is a massive shithole anyway. You could burn it half down and it
might be weeks before anyone noticed.

Yeah. Burn those poor people!

I mean, can't they just go to the ATM? Like we do? Geez.


LBC Caller: Says that at Tottenham Hale retail park there are 500 - 1000 people and there is mass looting at Carphone Warehouse, JD Sports and other shops.
Caller is saying there is no fire, except for a car. Says it is out of control and people are smashing and breaking into cars.

MidnightScott said:
This is by those people yall call "chavs" isn't it?

No. If anything, 'Yardie' would be more appropriate to describe some of them but right now thugs and criminals are the best label for all of them.

This has spread to Wood Green now


The Amiga Brotherhood
I like how the BBC refers to it as a disturbance, while Sky is busy trying to say the whole of north London is engaged in violent riots.


DECK'ARD said:
I like how the BBC refers to it as a disturbance, while Sky is busy trying to say the whole of north London is engaged in violent riots.
Yeah, you pretty much only see the same 3 fires.


ATF487 said:
Oh Panic on the streets of London

I'm rather looking forward to what Morrissey has to say about this this later on today in Brixton. And he almost definitely will have something interesting to say.
In America, they would call this a "largely peaceful protest" where "scattered reports of vandalism" occurred. Half the article would be quotes from "social justice activists" and the other half would be about Rodney King.


Gold Member
Man I wish London would build a ghetto far putside where all these hoodie fuckers could be relocated. Due to absolutely moronic city planning troublesome council blocks are basically everywhere in London, which is why they fear stuff like thus would spread - Hackney central, Whitecastle, Packington Square, Copenhagen St, Elephant & Castle, Brixton, just to name a few, total failure of society. Thank god I'm moving to EC1, with a luxury three blocks of buffer to the nearest social experiment.


These rioters are out of control, seriously need to bring in the army with bean bag ammo and shoot for the head, it's fucking ridiculous you can't contain these anonymous fuckheads.

Pie Lord

This is absolutely disgusting. I wonder how many people these rioters have seriously injured or killed by now? I say send in the armed police, they can thrown all these shitheads up against the wall for all I care.
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