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London riots spreading through UK

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A whole retail park has been looted.

Eye witnesses saw kids of 8 & 9 at the scenes. Wtf. and just to back that up Sky just got footage of kids who look no older than that age in handcuffs against a wall with police taking to them.

Today is going to be a major on the police Strain on the police. With this and the Community Shield at Wembley.

Pie Lord

NihonTiger90 said:
Is the rioting over? Or still on-going?
Still going so far as I can tell. I'm in the states though, so I'm not sure how up to date my information is.

dc89 said:
Yes. But in short we are shit at using them.
Seems like you've got more problems with your police force than that. How on earth did this get so out of control over something so trivial?
Knife crime is a bad enough problem as it is. We don't need a gun problem too. :(

Our once beautiful land.
NihonTiger90 said:
Is the rioting over? Or still on-going?
They probably have ASBOs that say they need to be in by 11pm.
Name removed Tom it's right outside my flat. So scary. It's escalated completely out of control 5 buildings on fire now xxx
4 hours ago · Like
kharma45 said:
Well that's what happens when you try and cover a dangerous event for a front page photograph. Not saying it's right but they can expect to lose their £3000 camera in an out of control riot.
FreeMufasa said:
Wow, so much stupidity. Surely they all can't believe he was not armed.

Who's that?
Can't you Google anything?


Maturity, bitches.
Kind of glad it wasn't in Brixton. Maybe this will help stop people bringing up the old riots.

Guess this is a good time to be abroad.
Yeah, boo that one cop being violent, that's no way to behave. Let's go light a bus on fire to show our disagreement with that behavior.
I remember seeing our riot police 6 or 7 years ago. I'm fairly well built, 6'3 etc but these guys made me feel small. Huge!

Fuckers looked like ninja's too. Awesome.


Pie Lord said:
Still going so far as I can tell. I'm in the states though, so I'm not sure how up to date my information is.

Seems like you've got more problems with your police force than that. How on earth did this get so out of control over something so trivial?

Part of that is the publics fault. In my eyes we are too critical of the police. At the 'student protests' the police were criticised about the number of officers they put on the streets and told they were too heavy handed.

Today, they will be criticised for not being hands on enough and not having enough police. Reports indicate there were only 15 riot police on site for some time whilst they waited for back up.

They need to just get serious with this, water cannons and rubber bullets should sort it out. No more pussy footing about with this. If you are stood there next to a burning building, bus or car you are there for trouble.
What good is subscribing to BBC World when they don't even show what is going on in England =/

And CNN is showing Piers Morgan interviewing Kathy Griffin or someone

Fucking eh I want to watch this and I'm in the damn Commonwealth


BigJonsson said:
What good is subscribing to BBC World when they don't even show what is going on in England =/

And CNN is showing Piers Morgan interviewing Kathy Griffin or someone

Fucking eh I want to watch this and I'm in the damn Commonwealth

See if you ca find a Sky News stream online. They've covered it all night and morning.

Police didn't turn up at the retail park. People were free to loot.
Police need to break out the tear gas. That will disperse them, and fast.

Get the whole Met in there and fuck the whole lot up good and proper.


not tag worthy
FStop7 said:
England needs to harden up their city names.

"Straight outta Tottenham" just doesn't get the job done.

haha and compton is a weak sounding name too, always reminded me of a small english town/village and you know what there is one:


ahahhah, back on topic riots bad stop firestarting, and let me work on sunday up town awesome..


BigJonsson said:
What good is subscribing to BBC World when they don't even show what is going on in England =/

And CNN is showing Piers Morgan interviewing Kathy Griffin or someone

It would be nice if there was one news channel dedicated to breaking news.

No hour or half-hour shows with a host. No celebrity interviews. Just news.


8 police injured, 1 with serious head injuries..

Apparently looters were queuing up, polite criminals..

Aftermath is very messy.
Celsior said:
So Britain does not have riot police?

Also, that place sounds like Oakland, but worse.

Yeah, we do, but the government tries not to use them too often, probably because it costs a lot of money. Cheap bastards.

Worse than Oakland. Tottenham is a fucking hellhole, if I didn't support Spurs, I would never go there.


Sky now showing the retail park. JD Sports and Comet ransacked. On the entire car park is one sole Police van.

Outside Comet stock is piled up. As if there was some sort of queueing system in place. Get in line, and when you get to the front you get whats handed to you and then run.
Visualante said:
Well that's what happens when you try and cover a dangerous event for a front page photograph. Not saying it's right but they can expect to lose their £3000 camera in an out of control riot.

The cameras will be insured anyway, btw.


dc89 said:
Sky now showing the retail park. JD Sports and Comet ransacked. On the entire car park is one sole Police van.

Outside Comet stock is piled up. As if there was some sort of queueing system in place. Get in line, and when you get to the front you get whats handed to you and then run.

There's been mercifully little speculation about what club will have the most looted strip.
Jintor said:
So is a riot over this guy more or less justified than a riot over losing the hockey?

A riot ruing parts of their own city, which will cost money to fix, is not justified when part of the rioters were complaining there was no investments made into projects and activitues to train / enterain the age groups of the people involved in the riots


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
snoopen said:
8 police injured, 1 with serious head injuries..

Apparently looters were queuing up, polite criminals..

Aftermath is very messy.
English are good at queuing.
Boken said:
Why do we care about gang members?

Well, if no one cares there will be more gangs in the future. If people can do something to influence current gangs members who have younger brothers/sisters/cousins/friends, then they could cut of a loop which could lead to a better life for all down the line.

It is unlikely to happen, but people have to try


Ah, the sleepy little banlieue of Tottenham is ablaze is it?

Concentrate the emergency services on evacuating residents and then raze the area to the ground, rioters 'n' all. For England.


A shitehole like Tottenham had a riot? That's no news that's normal. I've been there a few times and it's not the nicest of places especially after 9pm.
Wow, when I saw Iron Maiden on Friday and they said they were gonna make London burn, they weren't kidding.


But seriously, saw the burned bus on the news and I must say it was impressive; kinda scary.


Snarfington said:
Wow, when I saw Iron Maiden on Friday and they said they were gonna make London burn, they weren't kidding.


But seriously, saw the burned bus on the news and I must say it was impressive; kinda scary.

There's nothing impressive about it at all.
The worst part of this is people who lost their homes - the complete selfishness of the rioters who didn't stop to think about the families living above the stores. They've now lost everything with their homes burnt to smithereens.


Peru said:
Seriously side-eyeing every classist asshole in this thread.
Big deal. When our lowest class was the working class, I'd have agreed with you.

Mind you, you seem to be blaming this on youth club closures, I shouldn't be surprised that you're a little out of touch.

The Guardian said:
He was arrested the day before for something he said he "didn't even do", and blamed the closure of his youth club for the fact he is stopped more often by police
Poor little soul, he didn't even do owt. That's a catchphrase 'round my way; "I ant dun owt and I ant even said owt".
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