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Look I understand everyone needs a little spice in their life but...

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Burger said:

It would probably melt your face.

Review: [url]http://www.hotsauceblog.com/hotsaucearchives/blairs-16-million-product-review/[/url][/QUOTE]
Holy hell. The guy put one flake of this (size of a grain of salt) in a can of soup and had to throw it out..
I've never eaten different types of peppers directly, so I can't really comment on them.
I have had a few hot sauces and there was this one that forced me to cry. I was careful to take just a drop of it, and it spread over my tongue and started to burn. The back of throat started to burn and then my voice got really raspy. It lasted 30 minutes to an hour. Like two minutes in I started to shed tears without realizing it. The whole experience sucked. I couldn't yell or raise my voice the next few days. Than as everyone knows... what goes in must come out. D;

The Lamp

Drewsky said:
I tried a habanero one time and that was awful. I hate spicy food too. I just don't get it, why eat something that causes you pain?

I don't understand it either. It's ridiculous. Some people like pain, though.


wienke said:
I love spicy food but not to the point where it overpowers the flavor of what I'm eating.

Yeah, same. That's why the Sriracha Hot Sauce is perfect, because it doesn't overtake the taste of the food (unless you take too much of course).

I think the Sriracha sauce is around 2000-3000 scofield units.


I love spicy food,
but love flavour a lot more.

If the spiciness gets in the way of the flavour,
it just turns into a "Look how much heat I can take!"


Boonoo said:
You should really try out the Chili Garlic Sauce they make. It's delicious.

I FUCKING love this stuff. Just made a udon noodle and shrimp stirfry tonight for dinner...and I heaped this stuff on.
I'd never eat anything with names like "naga viper" and "scorpion butch T" D: , and goddamn is this stuff crazy, masks and suits? really?

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Wow, I'm only at the point where I can put Scotch Bonnets on my pizzas, that looks intense! I love chilis, but my digestive tract has a different opinion.
Jill Sandwich said:
Wow, I'm only at the point where I can put Scotch Bonnets on my pizzas, that looks intense! I love chilis, but my digestive tract has a different opinion.
Scotch bonnets are pretty fucking hot already! I don't really understand always needing to go more extreme. I love heat and I'd actually rather not have a built up tolerance. It's especially hard when you cook for other people, especially when they also like spicy, but you know they don't want it as spicy as you want it.


Did not ask for this tag
I dont understand how people do this shit. I tasted like a super tiny pinch of habanero powder and it burned my mouth for the whole evening. Ugh.

Jalapenos are spicy enough for me, thanks!

Azure J

Where does scotch bonnet rank on this list? I'm really curious since to this day that remains my "go to" pepper of choice when I want to tell the weaklings they can't handle it.

Nothing like some escovitch fish with some of that bad boy cooked down into it. :lol


i eat as hot as i can handle - which keeps escalating because my taste buds keep wanting more hotness...

i agree eating something too hot hurts... so dont jump levels, build on it slowly.

anyways your taste buds end up adjusting.... and not having chilli on your food makes it rather plain.

its definitely tastier if the food is spicy. if you can't take it you're missing out and you should work your way up.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Chili Fumes Poison Neighbors in Australia

MELBOURNE, Australia -- Aussies are famed for their love of barbecues -- but one would-be chef's attempt at outdoor cookery ended up poisoning his neighbors with chili fumes, Melbourne radio station 3AW reported Wednesday.

A number of people needed medical attention -- with symptoms including nausea and respiratory problems -- as the fumes spread down the street in Cranbourne, Melbourne.

Paramedics rushed to the scene amid confusion as to what was causing the widespread sickness.

"At one stage there was a large number of people standing in the street and we didn't know what had caused them to become ill," medic David Llewelyn said. "We had up to 10 people who were coughing and were dizzy and nauseated."

With households up to 500 feet away affected, paramedics and firefighters went house-to-house searching for the source of the stink.

"It emerged that someone was drying out strong chilies in the backyard and that's what caused the fumes," Llewelyn said.

Fuzzy said:
It's the only reason I don't eat super spicy foods any more. I could handle the spiciness in my mouth and it never hurt my stomach but the pain coming out is what made me stop. Any burning down there wasn't worth it.
Yep. The ring of fire can be the worst part of eating spicy foods. But a little burn ain't bad if you know what I'm sayin.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Which one of the Blairs hot sauces is the best?

I bought a 20/20 Ultra Death sauce and it was great, but how does the other compare tastewise?


AzureJericho said:
Where does scotch bonnet rank on this list? I'm really curious since to this day that remains my "go to" pepper of choice when I want to tell the weaklings they can't handle it.

Nothing like some escovitch fish with some of that bad boy cooked down into it. :lol
Scotch Bonnet is just your standard heat of hot pepper. Essential for Caribbean dishes. Wouldn't want to eat one solo, but cooked into a dish provides a lovely kick without completely overpowering the flavour. Anything weaker is just there for a bit of buzz rather than kick.

Learnt the hard way to not do anything with contact lenses within a 24 hour period of slicing scotch bonnets - scrubbing the fingers did not seem to prevent what naturally game. Broke a mirror by punching it the burn was that bad. Eyeball pain sucks.
Boonoo said:
You should really try out the Chili Garlic Sauce they make. It's delicious.

hell yeah. Sriracha's cooler, lesser known younger brother. it's basically sriracha with chili and garlic chunks (aka heaven.)
Every time there's a thread on this topic I feel compelled to post this video of my friend and I trying "Da Bomb" hot sauce (1.5 million on the heat/scoville scale) for the first time.


My friend is on the left. I'm on the right.

I don't mess with this stuff anymore. I still love hot sauce, but after I'd say around 300,000 on the scoville it stops being much of a sauce and more of an additive where even half a drop is enough to ruin your food as well as your day.
Jesus, I remember watching Adam Richman from Man V. Food take on the Ghost Chili pepper, which, at the time was the hottest pepper on earth according to Guinness. He tried the Fire In Your Hole wings and they took him down after th second wing. Adam's tried some brutally hot challenges before too, but the Wings had Habaneros, garlic, black pepper, Ghost Chili extract etc. He looked like shit afterwards. He eventually tried the Four Horsemen Burger in Texas which had Jalapenos, Serrano, Habanero, and three fucking Ghost Chilis and knocked that one out after a battle. The Ghost Chili clocks in at 1 million, but Christ on a pogo stick, this new Viper pepper is 1.5 million scovilles? Someone needs to concoct some dish containing this for Adam to try :l

Oh, I should also state that there's another video of two guys driving down to Sarasota to attempt the Fire In Your Hole wings challenge, and one of the guys was asked to describe it. He stated that it wasn't even so much hot as it was pure, blinding pain. He said it felt like his insides were being scraped with barbed wire.. So yeah... As Amir0x asked... Why? :l


Boonoo said:
You should really try out the Chili Garlic Sauce they make. It's delicious.
Seems like Huy Fong makes a chili sauce, a chili sauce they add garlic to, and then one they add garlic and sugar, then puree to make sriracha.

I like garlic, so I stick with the chili garlic sauce and add a little sugar sometimes.
NaughtyCalibur said:
Every time there's a thread on this topic I feel compelled to post this video of my friend and I trying "Da Bomb" hot sauce (1.5 million on the heat/scoville scale) for the first time.


My friend is on the left. I'm on the right.

I don't mess with this stuff anymore. I still love hot sauce, but after I'd say around 300,000 on the scoville it stops being much of a sauce and more of an additive where even half a drop is enough to ruin your food as well as your day.
Holy shit that was entertaining, your friend was looking like he was dying throughout the whole thing!


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
They should just start throwing acid into their mouths since they're pretty much approaching that point anyway.


Hottest sauce I've eaten:


Got this stuff in my in eyes via contacts, (didn't wash my hands good enough) burned like bloody hell.


Amir0x said:
yeah i have a "friend" who actually carries around some bottle of pure insane heat pepper spice and he likes to challenge people to taste it, while simultaneously showing it doesn't even phase him

chiliheads are very fucking serious about their hobby

I replaced the sultanas with chillis and my dad used them on his cereal
hes never forgiven me for that
Mononofu said:
Got this stuff in my in eyes via contacts, (didn't wash my hands good enough) burned like bloody hell.
Holy shit, can't even imagine. I've had that one, the Dave's Ghost Pepper, and The Hottest Fucking Sauce. They are all about 15 minute burns. Can't tell much difference myself, although I looked up reviews online and I guess there were significant scale differences.

NaughtyCalibur, your video is really entertaining. Nasty drooling.


Junior Member
Sealda said:
Here is a guy eating on youtube


I like the nerdiness of it all

Heres the end of the description.
Only downsides I see are that the peppers are so small and the grueling stomach pain. The stomach pain was pretty dreadful. Luckily it did not start till after the mouth burn subsided. I attempted to lie down on my kitchen floor to try and calm my stomach. It did not work. Pain lasted for a good 15 - 20 minutes. Most intense pain in the stomach of any chile I have had although Buddy's 7 caused discomfort that lasted longer. I never felt like throwing up, it was just like you swallowed a dagger or razor blade. 1 hour later and I am fine now, no discomfort. Next time I will have to eat a little more before I have it. Thanks again Judy, this is a winner.
I like spicy food, buy why in the world would you want to eat this?


Have you guys been to Buffalo Wild Wings? I went in NY and had some Blazing wings which is their hottest ones and I was able to go through 7 wings though I was going as fast as I could so I could eat as many as possible before the pain set in. My eyes were red, my lips swollen, my nose red and I was pouring tears of hot pain. Yeah spicy food is cool so long as it doesn't hurt.
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