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LTTP: Gears of war 4


Gold Member
After getting Series X and gamepass, I decided to start my new backlog with gears of war 4.

+World of Gears is still interesting and cool, when people want "art direction" this what I have in my mind instead of some anime graphics.
+Story and banter so far isn't anything amazing but it has kept me somewhat eager to see what happens next. On Act 5 now.
+Game looks nice graphics wise and is 60fps to boot on X.

-Too much combat, not enough cutscenes, sometimes it just feels dull to go to yet another shoot out.
-Time to kill is too high, its like 30 rounds for regular enemy.
-Active reload is still crappy mechanic, that diverts my eyes away from action to some dull quick time event.
-Controls in general should be updated imo, A does too much because of it there is delay in action to like run or roll. Just switch to regular A to jump, B to roll, LS to run, RB to grenade etc.. I know its heresy for gears die hards but whatever.
-Not many grenades and throwing one is slow ass process.
-I played on normal, and game is quite easy, but due to TTK concerns I don't really see game being better on higher difficulties.
-I know its cover shooter, but I like to move while shooting, so while its somewhat possible, I wish future games would make run and gun options more viable.
-Poor checkpoints sometimes
-Just make ammo pickups automatic.

While I have more negatives I still feel like the game is decent mainly due to world first most.

With these thoughts in my, what should I expect in Gears 5?


After getting Series X and gamepass, I decided to start my new backlog with gears of war 4.

+World of Gears is still interesting and cool, when people want "art direction" this what I have in my mind instead of some anime graphics.
+Story and banter so far isn't anything amazing but it has kept me somewhat eager to see what happens next. On Act 5 now.
+Game looks nice graphics wise and is 60fps to boot on X.

-Too much combat, not enough cutscenes, sometimes it just feels dull to go to yet another shoot out.
-Time to kill is too high, its like 30 rounds for regular enemy.
-Active reload is still crappy mechanic, that diverts my eyes away from action to some dull quick time event.
-Controls in general should be updated imo, A does too much because of it there is delay in action to like run or roll. Just switch to regular A to jump, B to roll, LS to run, RB to grenade etc.. I know its heresy for gears die hards but whatever.
-Not many grenades and throwing one is slow ass process.
-I played on normal, and game is quite easy, but due to TTK concerns I don't really see game being better on higher difficulties.
-I know its cover shooter, but I like to move while shooting, so while its somewhat possible, I wish future games would make run and gun options more viable.
-Poor checkpoints sometimes
-Just make ammo pickups automatic.

While I have more negatives I still feel like the game is decent mainly due to world first most.

With these thoughts in my, what should I expect in Gears 5?
IMO Gears 5 is way better. Mayb even best GoW games.


Active reload is a muscle memory thing not something you even need to look at. It's also a big part of the series. You shouldn't complain about the ttk if you aren't using the systems correctly. Not enough cutscenes? I think we want different things here. The combat scenarios just needs to be better. Gears 5 isn't that good either until the final act.


Weird huh?

I think active reload is a great mechanic. If it bothers you so much, just press reload and let the animation play out - middle ground, and no different from any other game doing this.

If you want a wee bit risk v reward, go for the sweet spot and get the damage boost.

Regarding Gears 5, I thought it was great. As was the second half of Gears 4 in particular. You won’t get innovation im afraid. Gears is a tried and tested formula.
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Sadly Gear is still stuck in the past regarding many aspects. You'll see them trying a bit too hard to do new stuff in the 5th one but ultimately it still is a very linear generic third person shooter. The fans will eat you up for calling it that tho, worse than sony fanboys. I played the 4th and 5th with friends which should make anything more fun but ultimately it was still just okay. Fyi the 5th one may have a 3 player coop, it's actually just two, the third player has to play as fucking idiotic robot and my friend playing it did not like it at all.


For me the biggest offenders were:

-You spend a bug chunk of the game fighting robots, just why? Who thought this was fun in a gears game?

-The story is completely predictable and downright stupid. "What are these things that look identical to locust? They can't possibly be locust, I wonder what they are". Plot Twist! They were locust all along omg!!!!1111

-Just when things are finally getting interesting, it ends. "See you on the sequel!"
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I got bored of Gears single player after the first one, but the multiplayer has always been great.


*Refreshes biennially
Nah it really isn't. But that does not say much. Still does not touch any of the trilogy game quality.

Maybe I didn't got far enough. I was exhausted after completing GOW4 and gave up fairly early. If there's a sequel it better be a reboot. Xbox doesn't need another 3rd person action shooter. A survival horror would be a great direction for the franchise.

Think the original trailer:



Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Maybe I didn't got far enough. I was exhausted after completing GOW4 and gave up fairly early. If there's a sequel it better be a reboot. Xbox doesn't need another 3rd person action shooter. A survival horror would be a great direction for the franchise.

Think the original trailer:

GeoW 4 was shit tier, I agree.
-Too much combat, not enough cutscenes
Jeff Goldblum What GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden


Ooof. And there was me thinking Gears was already cut-scene heavy, and folk want MORE?

Pffft. I like to play my games, not watch them.


Only played the campaign.
It was fun, specially to play through in Coop, but I didn't really like the robots or most of the new weapons. Also not a fan of the new cast and story, felt very inspired by young adult books/movies and I vastly preferred the 80-90's inspired cheesy badass style of the original trilogy.


Gears went from gore raw aggressive gameplay to a more blockbuster style approach. I’d love for them to bring back the crazy gore, badass crazy game that was the original.
the locust were scary in the original, now they are just an enemy.


I don't think there is too much combat, just that it's boring.

Sit behind cover and fire like 400 rounds into waves of bullet sponge enemies. Music stops, go to next area and take cover to trigger the next waves.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
-Too much combat, not enough cutscenes, sometimes it just feels dull to go to yet another shoot out.
-Time to kill is too high, its like 30 rounds for regular enemy.
-Active reload is still crappy mechanic, that diverts my eyes away from action to some dull quick time event.
-Controls in general should be updated imo, A does too much because of it there is delay in action to like run or roll. Just switch to regular A to jump, B to roll, LS to run, RB to grenade etc.. I know its heresy for gears die hards but whatever.
-Not many grenades and throwing one is slow ass process.
-I played on normal, and game is quite easy, but due to TTK concerns I don't really see game being better on higher difficulties.
-I know its cover shooter, but I like to move while shooting, so while its somewhat possible, I wish future games would make run and gun options more viable.
-Poor checkpoints sometimes
-Just make ammo pickups automatic.

While I have more negatives I still feel like the game is decent mainly due to world first most.

With these thoughts in my, what should I expect in Gears 5?

What the fuck am I reading?

Too much gameplay, Not enough Cutscenes?
Is that a real complaint?

TTK is too high? And you played on normal.....maybe youve been in CoD too long, cuz for a cover shooter dying quickly would basically make it a paintball shooter.....enemies and players need enough health to actually get from cover to cover without death being guranteed.

Active reload is a briliant mechanic....if you cant handle it, then just let the naimation play out. It gives an advantage to players who have mastered the game.

Not many grenades - I dont even know what to say about this one, any more grenades and the game would be grenade of grenade 4....PS You can literally blind toss them and by the end of like Act one their trajectory should be in head already.

You understand that its a cover shooter.....yet you want to bring down the TTK meaning NOT being in cover is now doubly dangerous.
WTF is going on here. I think the game you wanted simply isnt Gears of War, its Doom or Call of Duty.

Ill agree with ammo pick ups.....except I wont because of the tactical advattage choosing when to actually pick up ammo opens up.
You can sit over an ammo crate or weapon blast out your last few rounds and choose to at that point change or pick up ammo.

On to whether you should play Gears of War 5......im going to say dont.
Not because Gears 5 is a bad game.....but because this genre isnt for you, the things you dislike about the genre are what make the genre.
No need to force yourself through a chore knowing you dont enjoy it.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
so what you are saying is.... you don't like gears games and want a run and gun movie

That is exactly what he is saying.
Which makes it odd he would ask if he should NOW play Gears 5.

Its like people who hate racing games ask if they will like the new Forza Horizon (its still a racing game, if driving doesnt interest you theres very little else to do in FH) or people that hate soccer games if they will like the new FIFA.
It is not the game you are looking for, and thats alright.

He wants to reduce the TTK, get rid of active reload, wants to change the control scheme (to one available in the game) yet also wants to run and gun(fuck cover cept to get health back).........he near literally just described Call of Duty.
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