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Make your predictions for 2015 in video gaming


1) The Witcher 3 disappoints and doesn't live up to any of the footage seen before the TGA Trailer. Will be forgotten by the end of the year (80 Meta)

2) Bloodborne won't be as good as Dark Souls and Demon's Souls and the media won't give it too much credit in the end of the year awards (86 Meta).

3) MGS5 releases in September to glowing reviews and lots of debates among consumers. Will be heralded as better than MGS4 but not as good as MGS3. Will probably walk away with the most GOTY Awards. (94 Meta)

4) The Legend of Zelda for Wii U will release on Nintendo Day 2015 (Friday before Thanksgiving), that will be the final name for the game, and it will recieve glowing reviews yet be robbed of many GOTY awards since it's a Wii U game. Will be the best Zelda in nearly 10 years but the Zelda Cycle will take hold and people will complain until the next one. (92 Meta)

5) Metroid 3DS will also release on Nintendo Day 2015. Will be a successor to Super Metroid the same way Zelda ALBW was for ALttP. GAF will go absolutely insane when it is announced and it'll actually get quite a few nods for GOTY. (91 Meta)

6) The Division, Quantum Break, Rime, Star Wars Battlefront, and at least two high profile games that get announced in 2015 will get delayed to 2016. By the end of E3, GAF will proclaim 2015 dead and say that 2016 will be the best year ever for gaming.

7) Red Dead Revolution will be announced for next gen only, 2016 (2017) release.

8) Fallout 4 will be announced by the end of the year. I've been predicting this since 2012 it has to come true eventually.

9) Uncharted 4 will release a week before CoD, Halo 5 will release a week after CoD. The two will both do very well in sales and receive bundles. Both will be seen as better than their predecessors but not as good as the pinnacle of each respective series (the entire original trilogy and ODST in Halo 5's case). 90 and 85 Metas respectively. I will probably hate the Halo 5 Campaign though, along with most of GAF.

10) The next CoD will be called the second best in the series but won't restore its former glory yet it'll be the highest selling game of 2015 because we'll all end up using the excuse "there was like nothing else to buy, everything was delayed" just like we do every other year (except 2011, how the hell did MW3 become the pinnacle of the series that year?)

11) Xbone surpasses PS4 in sales in the States. There will be a $299 bundle with Halo 5 and the MCC for Black Friday

12) Sequels to every 2014 New IP will be announced with 2016 releases.

13) Ubisoft will demonstrate that it has learned nothing: Victory will be underwhelming but not Unity Bad, The Division will be Modern Destiny, they will try to annualize Watch Dogs, R6: Siege will be ok, the token Ubisoft game we get each year that's actually really fun.

Edit: No Man's Sky will disappoint but won't be Spore Bad (78 Meta). No new platforms will be announced.
Oh Jesus

1. Flat out wrong in every way and I couldn't be happier

2. Actually...I think it's technically true, aside from the MC Score of course.

3. Wow I actually got everything right about this one aside from the GOTY part. Though some people are still arguing MGS4 is better, I think we can agree that V destroys it from a gameplay perspective.

4. Change this to 2016 and it might be right.

5. Well we did get a new Metroid for 3DS...let's home we get something like this in the next year or two.

6. Yes, yes, yes, no but should have been, and I'll count Hitman and Star Fox Zero as the two games to give myself the win here.

7. Nope, we still don't know what the fuck Rockstar is doing

8. What I never expected was a fucking release by the end of the year. So it's right but not the full story.

9. I never actually expected an Uncharted delay last year. Thought it was one of the safer options. Got the Halo 5 release date wrong but was spot on with the reception. Fuck the campaign.

10. No and yes for this part. I guess you can argue that the multiplayer is one of the best in the series but Treyarch really dropped the ball with the campaign. And we had more games than ever to choose from this fall.

11. Nope, Sony actually dropped the price and secured great partnerships, something I never expected them to do.

12. Forgot how long dev cycles are this gen, delay this prediction to 2016.

13. Ubisoft wasn't really in the public eye much this year. Syndicate was better than Unity but from people's impressions on GAF I wouldn't say it was underwhelming. Division is indeed Modern Destiny but wasn't released yet. We'll see with the Watch Dogs part and it looks like R6 Siege, while lacking content, did turn out to be fun.

Delays, disappointment, and broken releases: the same exact things that hurt 2014. Say what you want about 2014 but at least we got Dragon Age, Smash Bros, Bayonetta 2, Shadow of Mordor, South Park, Sunset Overdrive, and more this year, all of which lived up to the hype and even surpassed expectations. The only games that I'm sure will both release in 2015 AND deliver are Uncharted 4, MGS5, and hopefully Bloodborne.

I feel that a bunch of games will underwhelm just like this year (Witcher 3, No Man's Sky, The Order, Battlefield Hardline, Halo 5, Fable Legends, Evolve, and possibly Batman) and most games that people are looking forward to will be pushed to 2016 or were never 2015 releases in the first place (The Division, Zelda Wii U, Final Fantasy XV, Star Wars Battlefront, Mass Effect Contact, Red Dead 3, Quantum Break, Crackdown, Phantom Dust, Rare's Next Game that is hopefully Banjo, Fallout 4, Kingdom Hearts 3, Cyberpunk, Doom 4, Scalebound, Rime, Mirror's Edge, and more). Or things will just be flatout broken at release like Unity, Driveclub, and the MCC were this year.
As for the second part, I'm really glad that 2015 turned out better than 2014. Witcher 3 far surpassed my expectations and even Bloodborne did.

In terms of games underwhelming: Hell no, delayed but probably yes, hell yes, yes, yes :(, where the fuck is this game?, yes, and yes

In terms of delays or not 2015 games: Yes, yes, yes, no but should have, yes, yes, yes, yes, canccelled, yes (not Banjo), no and really surprising, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.

And the only highly anticipated game to release flat out broken was Arkham Knight for PC. So, uh good job I guess?


  1. New Nintendo handheld announced in the final quarter of the year. Planned release date of 2016.
  2. The Last Guardian will still not be shown.
  3. Gravity Rush announced for PS4 and Vita. Planned release date of late 2015.
  4. Legend of Zelda U will release holiday 2015.
  5. SMTxFE trailer shown during E3 Direct. Release date of 2016.
  6. 3 more New 3DS exclusive titles announced at E3.
  7. Nintendo will announce 2 more collaboratively made games.
  8. New Pokemon game announced (duh) with release for next year.

hahahaha...ha ;~;

Gravity Rush ayyyy

And Star Fox with Platinum is something I guess


Scalebound was announced in 2014, though. :p

It's not the same type of business deal as Tomb Raider either.

I realized that after. about the 2014 announcement, sorry about that. Thank you, though. I didn't realize it wasn't structured like the TR deal.
1. Bloodborne won't be as well revered as Dark Souls.
2. A new Metroid game will be announced.
3. Nintendo will again have the best overall software lineup of any publisher.
4. Ubisoft will not learn anything from all their mistakes this year.
5. The Legend of Zelda WILL be released.
6. The Last Guardian, Beyond Good and Evil 2, and Half-Life 3 will again be MIA.
7. Splatoon will do extremely well with critics and sell over 1m copies.
8. Uncharted 4 will not be as well revered as TLOU.
9. SSM's God of War 4 will be revealed and will exceed the technical excellence of The Order: 1886.
10. With all the great Indy games, AAA games, and mid budget titles, it will be the best year of the generation.
I don't know
Soon to be false

Well done: p


And the award for worst prediction of the year goes to.....

Well I mean... technically it's not an inaccurate statement, it definitely did sell 5000 copies. Plus a whole lot more.


-Devil's Third reviews and sells surprisingly well due to word of mouth from blossoming, loyal online community. Splatoon also does well, but DT is the go-to game for most.
Actually no this is the worst prediction of the year
Ok let's see if the fortune teller I paid $800 for was on the mark.
Ooh I was thinking about today. Well okay then.

-Animal Crossing will be announced for the Wii U in 2015 (may or may not come out that same year)
-Xenoblade X will have a crappy English dub but still go on to be critically acclaimed
-Star Wars Battlefront will have launch issues will be seen as a disappointment.
-The Division will be delayed into 2016 and still end up like crap.
-Pokemon Z will be announced with Super Saiyan Pikachu
-SMT x Fire Emblem (under a different name) will see a full re-unveiling by E3. It won't be crossover but will be a combination of SMT's settings and themes with Fire Emblem's gameplay
-A 3ds sucessor won't be announced this year because that'll be stupid.
-Bloodborne will be a game critics love but Gaf will hate.
-Phantom Dust will be vaporware
-And above all else, Gaf will still pay attention to Metacritic and Digital Foundry for no other reason besides numbers.

-True (Unfortunately)
-Half right, the dub is a lot better than expected.
-False on the launch issues, true in the disappointment
-Wrong but this will still happen
-Half-true, the NX was technically announced but it was more of a vague confirmation
-Also true, but I'm less angry about it than I was a year ago.


Actually no this is the worst prediction of the year

It's true that I was way off about it being even a minor success, but I wasn't wrong about the MP stealing time away from Splatoon players. There are even those weirdos such as myself who prefer it.

Also I didn't do too badly on the others, ha ha.


I don't know
Soon to be false

Well done: p

Hey, TLOZ did release this year.


Also I didn't do too badly on the others, ha ha.

I for one am very impressed with your Shenmue prediction!


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Quoting my old post - new comments are in bold

I love threads like this. It would be cool if someone could bump it this time next year so we could all laugh at how wrong we are. < They actually did :D

Nintendo will once again avoid a traditional E3 and continue the Nintendo Digital Event / Treehouse Live format which was so successful. < They did, but to mixed results.

The first range of non-Smash amiibos will be Majora's Mask branded and feature amiibo of Link in various masks, etc. < Wrong. It was actually Mario Party.

The New 3DS will launch in Europe and NA around the same time as Majora's Mask. The game was already confirmed to have N3DS specific functionality. < Sorta.

We will finally get a New Metroid announcement. < Federation Force hype, anyone?

Four Swords Adventures will get a Wii U release too, meaning the entire Zelda series is playable this gen. < Nope, but we got Triforce Heroes instead.

Iwata will still remain. < Really wish I'd been right on this one :(

The PS4 will continue to dramatically outsell every other console. < Yep.

The Order 1886 will be badly drubbed in reviews. < Yep.

Still no sign of The Last Guardian. < So glad to be wrong on this, but whether the game actually releases in 2016 remains to be seen.

Virtual Reality will still not be mainstream by the end of 2015. < The big players are still yet to launch.

MS will continue aggressively lowering the price of the Xbox One, bundling it with multiple games, etc. < Sorta, but they didn't go as far as I expected.
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