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Marcus Beer vs ECA Ambassador "Hip Hop Gamer" Twitter feud

Yeah I'll be curious to hear what he has to say.

Edit: I just looked over your conversation, it looked to me like he was more interested in getting to be interviewed for your paper than he is about responding to your post.


Knowing nothing about either person and going solely on how they tweet, I'm backing AG.

Random capitalization drives me crazy. All the "god bless you"s are pretty annoying, too.

Yeah I'll be curious to hear what he has to say.

Edit: I just looked over your conversation, it looked to me like he was more interested in getting to be interviewed for your paper than he is about responding to your post.

I sorta thought that at first, but I don't even think it's that. To me, it seems like he's trying a "say it to my face" defence, which doesn't negate any of my points at all. *shrug*

Update: He says that he's making a video responding to things soon. I doubt that it's "for" me, but hopefully he'll address everything brought up in the thread. If he does, even if I disagree with his responses, good on him.


In AG's most recent episode he lashed out against Conneticut imposing an increased sales tax for games rated Mature. Isn't this exactly the type of shit the ECA promised to get on top of? Worst lobby ever. I would ask HHG what he thinks but he's too busy justifying why he called someone a "faggot"
I never thought I would see HHG get sunk, dude is super happy I mostly saw what he does as entertainment a WWE character really he is playing a role

If you take him seriously you are the fool not him

Mr Jared

I never thought I would see HHG get sunk, dude is super happy I mostly saw what he does as entertainment a WWE character really he is playing a role

If you take him seriously you are the fool not him

In my last online interaction with HipHopGamer, he called me a "faggot bitch" and threatened me with violence.

What a character, that guy. A real laugh riot.
I wish that I could post our back and forth, but I don't know how to use the Twitter tools and not make it a goddamned mess. Help?

Here's my twitter, if anyone could help: @DyslexicAlucard


In my last online interaction with HipHopGamer, he called me a "faggot bitch" and threatened me with violence.

What a character, that guy. A real laugh riot.

Please tell me you can pull the link for that tweet. Holy shit.

I wish that I could post our back and forth, but I don't know how to use the Twitter tools and not make it a goddamned mess. Help?

Get the Permalink for the first tweet that initiated the back and forth. When you click on the Permalink it will display all the links back and forth that resulted from that tweet

Edit: Here it is:



Glad you asked, I requested my Twitter archive download tonight. I emailed the ECA my thoughts on this subject and while they were more interested in berating me on Twitter about contacting them using their contact form, I'm guessing those might actually get their attention. It happened about two, maybe three years ago, so I'm hoping they're in there somewhere.

Holy shit.

Am I crazy or did the ECA delete their tweets where they told you not to use their contact forms? I have no words for that, Christ.

HHG is who he is but frankly the ECA is much worse considering their already damaged reputation from previous controversies. They are not so good at the damage control.


In AG's most recent episode he lashed out against Conneticut imposing an increased sales tax for games rated Mature. Isn't this exactly the type of shit the ECA promised to get on top of? Worst lobby ever. I would ask HHG what he thinks but he's too busy justifying why he called someone a "faggot"
Yeah we get it. You like AG a lot.

Mr Jared

Holy shit.

Am I crazy or did the ECA delete their tweets where they told you not to use their contact forms? I have no words for that, Christ.

HHG is who he is but frankly the ECA is much worse considering their already damaged reputation from previous controversies. They are not so good at the damage control.

Nope, they're still there. That's why I told them, "Stick to email, don't do this publicly," because their responses were making me feel bad for them. It's not as if they haven't dealt with public backlash before, so their responses to criticism are maddening.
In my last online interaction with HipHopGamer, he called me a "faggot bitch" and threatened me with violence.

What a character, that guy. A real laugh riot.
What the hell?! What was the context for that? Anyway I hope you can recover them.

Hey by the way has anyone figured out what being a brand ambassador for the ECA even means?

Mr Jared

What the hell?! What was the context for that? Anyway I hope you can recover them.

From what I recall, it was during his first big online slap fight with Ben Kuchera. I remember twittering something to the affect of "Don't waste your time on him," which drew his ire. I also remember not even Twittering it TO him, which only added to the bizarre quality of it all.

He's a bully, and the gaming community doesn't need any more of those, much less be represented in any capacity by one.


After the way the ECA reacted in 2009 with their own anti-consumer backlash I'm shocked they're still around.

A consumer advocacy group that removes phone and web cancellation, requiring a written letter to cancel instead, then shuts down its forums registration after being swamped with complaints, and offers to open up selective registration ONLY to those who'll support the group on the forums? Sounds like a winner.
He's pretty awful he comes off as a gimmick but I guess he gets his inspiration from WWE, it just doesn't mesh well with journalism but then again he's gotten to where he is solely based on that personality....but i don't really look for his stuff if he's calling people faggots and shit like that then yeah anyone else would be cut off after that
He's pretty awful he comes off as a gimmick but I guess he gets his inspiration from WWE, it just doesn't mesh well with journalism but then again he's gotten to where he is solely based on that personality....but i don't really look for his stuff if he's calling people faggots and shit like that then yeah anyone else would be cut off after that

Honestly, I don't think it's a persona; it's the real him. I think he has a passion that could really elevate him. The problem is that he takes far too many shortcuts. He plagiarises almost everything he does. He doesn't seem to care at all about how well written the stuff that he actually writes is, either. These both combine to make it so that you can tell what he actually wrote and what he plagiarised simply by seeing if the grammar and spelling are any good in any given paragraph.

Despite this, he has had success and is loved by PR because they can play him like a fiddle. Because of this, he's told that, "You're great and we love your passion. Oh, here's this free shit. We're buds, right? Keep up the great work, man! Don't let the haters get to you!" His enthusiasm has been co-opted. In patting him on the back for extremely below-par work, it makes him feel like he's doing well and doesn't need to improve, and everyone else are just haters. I honestly hope that he can see this and actually strive to improve, but I have my doubts, unfortunately.


Gold Member
Hhg is a top wanker, I hate when people say people are biased because he is ghetto talking or dont like hip hop... No, he is a twat.
Knowing nothing about either person and going solely on how they tweet, I'm backing AG.

Random capitalization drives me crazy. All the "god bless you"s are pretty annoying, too.


Not taking sides but this is the problem with people. Choices are made (like you backing AG) from assumptions and spread around as truth as far as the reader of said information is concerned.

Don't perpetuate the cycle. They're both twats :]


I find HHG's enthusiasm refreshing. It's very nice to see someone genuinely excited about the industry (or at least he appears to be).

Now I understand that he said some not-so-nice things but the guy probably lost it there for a sec and it happens to everyone.

I love it how the local moralists are quick to crucify a public persona as soon as they make a tiniest mistake.
I find HHG's enthusiasm refreshing. It's very nice to see someone genuinely excited about the industry (or at least he appears to be).

Now I understand that he said some not-so-nice things but the guy probably lost it there for a sec and it happens to everyone.

I love it how the local moralists are quick to crucify a public persona as soon as they make a tiniest mistake.

This is the exact kind of straw-man argument I was referring to in my previous post. How about, instead of claiming that all detractors are just hating on "tiny mistakes," you actually acknowledge the plethora of issues brought up in the thread.


Despite my criticisms of HHG, I enjoy stories of redemption more than I do stories of people being torn down. I hope HHG does turn a new leaf and revises his professional conduct especially during industry events / interviews (flashing diamond studded earbuds before an interview, making the interviewee hold his WWE belt mid interview is not taking your job seriously).

I admire his enthusiasm but his interviews are difficult to watch when he does so many cringe worthy things.

He definitely needs to show some restraint, relax with blatantly shilling products, and most importantly take his new role seriously. Win people over. You can do that by not justifying use of the word faggot. It doesn't matter that the word has a different definition "where you're from". You're not winning anyone over with that.

I think it would be neat if he humbly accepts all the constructive criticism and changes, only time will tell though.


I like hiphopgamer, I couldn't care less he called that person a faggot. He probably didn't mean it like 'I hate gays'. This other guy I've never heard of and he looks and sounds like an even bigger tool. 'oh no, this guy is way to enthusiastic about games fuck him!"

No, hiphopgamer is a nice guy and I couldn't care less that these jealous crybabies don't like him representing the 'gamer' for some company nobody never heard of.

I don't understand people who take this so called journalism of games this serious. He brings out some fun in a business full of goodie bag grabbing scum. I don't care if he took a million bags of swag at an event, 99% of the people there probably took payments / free vacations behind the scenes.
HHG has a particular audience group. I was personally not a fan, but I could understand both why and how he drew in readers and viewers. He doesn't come across as a journalist, and that was actually one of the reasons for his popularity; he seemed like just a genuine gamer who had a platform.

Perhaps he would like to be seen by gaming journalists as a peer, but then again how many people see them as actual journalists? I can't take any criticisms about him in this regard seriously.

Why the ECA chose him specifically may not be based on his writing or publications but rather his personality. So be it. Maybe there is no comparable figure, or persona, in the industry that is recognisable as instantly as HHG is.


Saw this earlier on twitter I was like wtf is going on lol. He even asked Geof for input.

Also OP I disagree with your post. He is the perfect ambassador for this industry. Just as you have accepted the F word and go with it you should accept the other F word. So much hypocrisy.

Fuck and fag are not even close to being the same. One is a swear word and one has a history of being a slur that persists to this day. SLURS AND SWEARS ARE NOT THE SAME.
Laughing at people catching feelings..

I think the guy(HHG) is funny and I never took him seriously.. its all about entertainment.

From his youtube videos obviously he's a loud character.
From Dennis Scimeca's 2010 article on HHG:

He (HHG) says that his website HipHopGamerShow currently receives between six to eight million hits a month.

Perhaps Williams’ access arouses the ire of some journalists because he’s an unwelcome reminder that we’re part of an enthusiast press whose primary job at expos and press events, for better or worse, is to get the information out to the consumers. Williams does this for an audience that otherwise would go without attention. “His personal brand is quite a bit different than the games press might be used to, but I think it's important to remember that there's no arbitrary ideal to which we all need to constantly adhere,” (Leigh) Alexander said. “Gerard's not a news reporter, he's a culturalist and an entertainer. Further, he serves a largely different audience than we do and acts as an important ambassador for his fans

I think lost in this discussion of ECA and their choice of HHG as a "brand ambassador" is both ECA's role as a consumer advocacy group and the usage of brand ambassadors in general to raise awareness for these groups. Look no further than Waka Flocka Flame's PETA ads, Bourgeois Celebrity X For Climate Change Awareness, etc. That a spokesperson or brand ambassador has a questionable ethical history is of little concern for these groups - they are leveraging that person's popularity to raise awareness of their cause, nothing more.
Why don't you like Marcus Beer?...

Mercus Beer after Kojima's VGA speech :

"If you wanna come and present a video at the video game awards in the US learn the fucking language so you can say your speech...learn it...biggest fucking insult of the night was him up there dicking around not able to speak the language...""

What a fool!
Mercus Beer after Kojima's VGA speech :

"If you wanna come and present a video at the video game awards in the US learn the fucking language so you can say your speech...learn it...biggest fucking insult of the night was him up there dicking around not able to speak the language...""

What a fool!

Wow, how terribly ignorant and stupid. Fuck this guy.


Mercus Beer after Kojima's VGA speech :

"If you wanna come and present a video at the video game awards in the US learn the fucking language so you can say your speech...learn it...biggest fucking insult of the night was him up there dicking around not able to speak the language...""

What a fool!

One is a racist and one is a bigot, which side are you on?
Mercus Beer after Kojima's VGA speech :

"If you wanna come and present a video at the video game awards in the US learn the fucking language so you can say your speech...learn it...biggest fucking insult of the night was him up there dicking around not able to speak the language...""

What a fool!

Damn... and he has room to talk about someone else.

Where is the DyslexicAlucard police force on this?


I don't mind HHG and his N4G/interview shenanigans, but he is definitely homophobic. There was an episode of The Warzone (which is a live podcast he appears quite frequently in) where a listener joined and he called HHG's show "gay." HHG then went on this long rant about how the Bible says people aren't meant to be gay, that all homosexuals are going to hell, etc. It was pretty disgusting and really stuck out to me.

EDIT: I think this was it, doesn't look like there is a download available anymore though: http://www.thebitbag.com/2009/11/08/video-game-warzone-66-valve-versus-the-ps3/

Marcus Beer seems like a pretentious twat as well, for what it's worth.


It's still an apples to oranges comparison. Beer's Linkedin has 20+ years of Gaming industry experience. HHG is 30 years old for context. Wanker is a school yard taunt, "faggot" is legally considered hate speech.

Are they both personalities? Yes. Is the substance of their industry commentary comparable? Not even close, especially In light of another member pointing out that HHG was just regurgitating marketing talking points fed to him by the publisher. On the other hand Beer is offering honest feedback that often reflects the sentiment of GAF or gamers in general.

Marcus Beer isn't going to press events shouting obnoxious catch phrases and his own name.

I don't mind the outrageous personality as much as I mind HHG's use of "faggot" and his shilling of corporate interests. I would like an example of Beer shilling in his current role as industry commentator/pundit.

I see what you're saying, but Marcus Beer is pretty much the same. It's not apples to oranges. It's apples to apples in this case:
Mercus Beer after Kojima's VGA speech :

"If you wanna come and present a video at the video game awards in the US learn the fucking language so you can say your speech...learn it...biggest fucking insult of the night was him up there dicking around not able to speak the language...""
Mercus Beer after Kojima's VGA speech :

"If you wanna come and present a video at the video game awards in the US learn the fucking language so you can say your speech...learn it...biggest fucking insult of the night was him up there dicking around not able to speak the language...""

What a fool!
Ha, yeah, I remember when he said that during invisible walls. Everyone seemed a little uncomfortable when he said that.


Gold Member
Mercus Beer after Kojima's VGA speech :

"If you wanna come and present a video at the video game awards in the US learn the fucking language so you can say your speech...learn it...biggest fucking insult of the night was him up there dicking around not able to speak the language...""

What a fool!

Yeah I was really angry at him for that, called him a bigot and whatnot in the comments, many people disliked it.

He did try to apologise/explain himself and I've gotten over it, but his apology could have been much better.


YouTube has made it possible for dumbass losers who would live on welfare checks otherwise to somehow become self-absorbed internet celebrities. What a world we live in.
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