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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble


Does anyone know what Gaz is gonna do for Avengers 2 tie-in?

Who knows. It's still far away. What they have said tho, is that SW might return as a starter character, and that new characters with powers that revolve around super speed are a no go because the game/engine can't really handle them.


Who knows. It's still far away. What they have said tho, is that SW might return as a starter character, and that new characters with powers that revolve around super speed are a no go because the game/engine can't really handle them.

Yeah super speed definitely won't work in games like this.


I'd say the odds are good. They are revealing the companion/follower/buddy/whateverit'scalled system in the following month(s) too, so if not a full fledged character, at least it could be that.

Whats that? Never heard of it... Did they say how this is going to work? Sounds interesting.


Whats that? Never heard of it... Did they say how this is going to work? Sounds interesting.

Found the relevant post on the Team-Up (!) system, it even mentions the Cap movie situation:

@Doomsaw: They will be heroes that are traditional "team-up" heroes in the comics. Spider-Man will be the first one and likely Falcon/Bucky for the Cap movie. The exact tech is still TBD but we want to make them fun.

Likely you will be able to donate gear to them to upgrade their stats.

So the question(s) still is, how will they implement it? Will they be free/hired mercs accessible by everyone? Item Drops? Store items? All of the above? Will they have their specific slot in the equipment screen or will just join you as quasi-party members? Will there be limitations to who can use who, or FFA? etc.


well you know Ultron will be in the game. But GoG is First so we have to think of that. Also i think that some of these companions might become major heroes later on. Falcon is a popular character and the demand for him might, prob will, go up after the movie comes out.

PS I got a unique today during my DP story mode run!! i was so happy! then i got another unique drop and when i looked it was Hawkeyes, unique. a lil disappointed i went to my Hawkeye and found out that was one of the two uniques i was missing, so i was HAPPY AGAIN!!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Thinking of speccing Spidey more for midtown than for single target. Drop the melee damage passive (which atm only buffs pummel really, and I guess smash is also tagged as melee), pump points into web em all for aoe goodness along with web spray since I have corrosive passive anyway, maybe switch from pummel to the spirit basic for spirit emergencies. Web em all is probably also good for super heroic shit like Loki or doom, I can't see myself lasting long face tanking either, and it can be used for single target kinda like cyclops thin laser beam channeled thing.

Also it looks cool :p

edit: nvm scrap that, Web em all dmg is shit. Also, I just realised that you only really need 1 point in amazing smash, it still groups them, and the dmg is still good enough to kill non elites, which is all you really use it for, to clear a room (and to group mobs together). good thing retcons are easy to get :p

After Spidey I wanted to level Ghost Rider but I won't have enough splinters for him (Spidey is 42 and I only have 425 splinters) so I think it will be Nightcrawler. I'm actually jonesing for both Black Widow and Black Panther, but their reviews are probably a end of the month thing right?


I don't think I like Shield Toss or Shield Bounce on Cap. Shield Toss feels too sluggish, and while I appreciate it synergizes with mobility and requires good positioning, the stun is not enough and the damage is poor. Shield Bounce scales better, but 7 bounces against a large group just kill it when you need the shield for other, more important abilities. I liked it better when you could control the number of bounces on it. I wish the vulnerability aspect was on Shield Toss instead.

As it is now SB > ST.


Man, the test server performs so incredibly well compared to the live server. Everything is so fast. I hope they figure out the STASH loading stuff and things like that.

In other news, I'm loving the red envelopes. Got splinters 3 times in a row. That's about 3 hours of "farming" them saved =)

Oops. Sorry for the double post.


Quick question (which I think I know the answer to), if I buy a hero with splinters, do I have to then buy their hero stash tab separately with gs?


Unconfirmed Member
In other news, I'm loving the red envelopes. Got splinters 3 times in a row. That's about 3 hours of "farming" them saved =)

I got one of those Fireworks Launcher artifacts. Adds +88 credits per drop for 10 minutes, 2 hour cooldown. Best part? Relogging resets the cooldown. Equipped it on Luke Cage and it's hysterical, getting over 200 credits with every drop. MAKE IT RAIN.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
someone said you could remove the visual effects from artifacts, how do you do it? I want to use pym shrinking on Spidey at 44 but I dont want a tiny spiderman


someone said you could remove the visual effects from artifacts, how do you do it? I want to use pym shrinking on Spidey at 44 but I dont want a tiny spiderman

It's under the Misc tab at the crafter. Might require a certain crafter rank, I am not sure.


But what if you don't buy the hero with splinters? Does the hero tab unlock automatically?

You can either buy the hero stand-alone, or in a bundle on their webstore that includes the hero tab and a couple costumes. For the newer heroes, you can purchase those bundles in the in-game store too. Depending on whether you actually want the extra costumes it may not be worth it to even get the bundle though.


You can either buy the hero stand-alone, or in a bundle on their webstore that includes the hero tab and a couple costumes. For the newer heroes, you can purchase those bundles in the in-game store too. Depending on whether you actually want the extra costumes it may not be worth it to even get the bundle though.

Ah. I bought a couple standalone without bundles. That must be why I don't have the tab. Wish I knew that ahead of time lol.

I saw mention earlier of Cap being able to mitigate a lot of damage, what's the best way to build him in order to do so?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
It's under the Misc tab at the crafter. Might require a certain crafter rank, I am not sure.

thanks dude, only costs 1k credits too!

does superior spiderman have different things he says? I might consider buying the costume if so, shit like "big supervillain fall down go boom" is making me died a little inside everytime I hear it


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah every Enhanced costume has new voice over. I agree, vanilla Spider-Man is a war crime against dialogue, writing and players. Superior is Doc Ock as Spider-Man, it's a comic book thing. Not a fan of those books.

Having better luck in Cosmics with a bigger HP pool, Colossus with 23k HP is no joke. Still kind of a bitch when you get low on health and have to wait for HP to come back though.


does superior spiderman have different things he says? I might consider buying the costume if so, shit like "big supervillain fall down go boom" is making me died a little inside everytime I hear it

LOL, you just made me laugh so hard... I love that line. I must be the only person who likes the default Spider-Man voice haha!

And yeah Superior is a totally different voice and person.

Ploid 3.0

I'm still farming this artifact not even the MODOC chair dropped and I don't care for that one. I may have gotten the final two levels of my legendary from this farm (84 million exp to go or so).
I got Kingpins jacket artifact the other night. I forgot the stats, but remember being very disappointed with it.
I never really fight level 60 bosses, so I should be grateful to find anything, I guess.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Who is everyone leveling atm, if anyone? Seems most of the talk lately is for lvl 60 stuff with you guys :(


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Starting to think I should get out of this mindset of only leveling 52 review characters. I keep thinking "well only have gambit or nightcrawler left to lvl after Spider-Man" when in reality I have a bunch of other heroes.

Punisher, Jean, Thing, Storm, Widow, Panther, Daredevil, Cable, Ironman all untouched, including a couple which I wanted to play bad when I got back to the game (Jean and Cable)

My problem is that if I do, I won't really care when the reviews hit. Like I have Cyclops at 60, when his review hits sure I'll check it out, but I'll probably be invested in leveling some other character at the time.

I guess the ideal scenario would be to level them up to 30 (so basically normal + a few legendaries) which still leaves a lot of levels for when the reviews hit, and I still get a good sense of the characters for now.

I know I know, first world problems, poor little Rhaknar with all his heroes etc :(

Lord Phol

Gambit changes incoming!

Pretty happy he's getting some changes along with a new power and animations/visuals. People have been very vocal about their dissapointment in Gambit. It hasn't really bothered me since I've enjoyed him but it's good to see that Gaz listens and new powers/visuals are always welcome.

He's also getting his default costume remade:


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Darker trench coat? What's different?

I can't comment on gambit because I haven't started him yet but I saw a friend play him and the visuals on his powers were awesome

I wish his death costume would come out soon, I'm waiting on it to start playing him

Lord Phol

Darker trench coat? What's different?

I can't comment on gambit because I haven't started him yet but I saw a friend play him and the visuals on his powers were awesome

I wish his death costume would come out soon, I'm waiting on it to start playing him

Yeah that and a new face. His old face looks super goofy and chubby, this one is a bit of an improvement and I personally like the new darker coat.
Also really looking forward to his As Death costume, but that won't probably be out until mid 2014.

I guess the ideal scenario would be to level them up to 30 (so basically normal + a few legendaries) which still leaves a lot of levels for when the reviews hit, and I still get a good sense of the characters for now.

This is pretty much what I do. If I enjoy a hero I play it all the way up to level 52 and await their review. If I don't enjoy a specific hero, I either leave it at a low level or just level it to 30 or so. So far I got Black Panther, Cyclops, Gambit and Cable at level 52 awaing their remakes, along with Black Widow at level 8.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I forgot to say, I have given up on my quest for a good looking spirit spender on Spidey, everything I tried was either unsatisfying or looked shit, so I went back to the boring brawl / pummel / melee dmg passive combo. Pummel looks awesome at least, and brawl hits hard so :/

Because of that, he will now most likely end up in Cyclops/Hawkeye tier as opposed to Emma/Colossus/MsMarvel tier. At least it's not Squirrel Girl tier :p

By tier I mean preference tier lol


So....for someone whose GOTY 2012 was Diablo III and whose GOTY 2013 was Path of Exile (still cant get off it), should I try out this game?

My favorite X-Men/Marvel characters are, btw:
-Psylocke (British!)
- Havok
- Cyclops
- Dazzler
- Grown up Valeria
- Gladiator
- Black Bolt
- Polaris

Any of them good in this?


So....for someone whose GOTY 2012 was Diablo III and whose GOTY 2013 was Path of Exile (still cant get off it), should I try out this game?

My favorite X-Men/Marvel characters are, btw:
-Psylocke (British!)
- Havok
- Cyclops
- Dazzler
- Grown up Valeria
- Gladiator
- Black Bolt
- Polaris

Any of them good in this?

Its a free game. DL it play it and if u like it continue it, if u dont then delete it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
So....for someone whose GOTY 2012 was Diablo III and whose GOTY 2013 was Path of Exile (still cant get off it), should I try out this game?

My favorite X-Men/Marvel characters are, btw:
-Psylocke (British!)
- Havok
- Cyclops
- Dazzler
- Grown up Valeria
- Gladiator
- Black Bolt
- Polaris

Any of them good in this?

I doubt it, its the polar opposite of diablo 3, where that one was stupid hard in later difficulties because of the affixes and whatnot, this one is very easy (which I like, Im old and have no time anymore, I like to relax lol)


So....for someone whose GOTY 2012 was Diablo III and whose GOTY 2013 was Path of Exile (still cant get off it), should I try out this game?

Depends on how you expect to play it. It is closer to Diablo 2 than any other game, but it is also very casual, so no ladders, or stuff like that. The loot is good and the heroes who are currently in the game are mostly OK, but a bit uneven in build diversity and power, so if you have an eye on one it might be better if you ask about it first.

It's not a hard game, not really that competitive and you can get by without min-maxing at all (min-maxing isn't a complex thing either if you want to go that route). The game also changes very frequently, but the basics seem to be nailed down and they are solid enough, and new features, modes and loot items are introduced constantly.

Of those heroes, Cyclops is the only one in the game currently, with Psylocke coming later in the year. I'm hoping for Black Bolt myself, but no announcement on him or the others. Frankly, I'd recommend it more if you happen to enjoy the Marvel universe in general, but the gameplay and ARPG aspect are very enjoyable. Just don't expect a ton of character building depth. What makes it special is the uniqueness of each hero, most of which have 2 or 3 obvious builds (I don't want to use the word 'viable', because with a little bit of common sense, every hero should be, for most of the content at least).

Ploid 3.0

I played all 3 games into the ground.

D3 the endgame was a bore to me with crap rewards. Before the balance to inferno was made I leveled multiple classes to 60 because I thought it would be easier (WD was first and I leveled Demon Hunter since Witch Doctor was pretty much a gimped ranger with it's blow darts at that time). I ended up doing the OP Wizard thing to finish Inferno.

Path of Exile, this game is the best for the gameplay and endgame. Soooo gooood

However I've been hooked like crack on Marvel heroes. You will need to buy space unlike Path of Exile. All characters share the same inventory so you can't hold gear on them when you aren't playing them. I really like the hunt for gear and the world or marvel. It's a ARPG MMO. There's also so much to go after in this game. I finally finished my first Legendary item (a item that you build up to increase it's stats and power).

The different characters keeps things fresh, the synergies, and so much other stuff. This game is making it hard for me to go back to PoE, the devs also update it a lot with new stuff just like PoE devs which don't help me break free. It's a easy game but I still die, especially with the new cosmic terminals. Seemingly cheap stuff happens. Darn you A.I.M. Support affix that spit out a herd of charging one shot T-rex. Think about a mob in D3 that spawns charging one shot buffaloes in under 1 second or something. Their range is very far from the master too. They seem to despawn but it just keeps calling more.


Thanks for the answers, folks. It looks like I will try this one out in a few days, will get back with my experience once I have done so :)


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Thanks for the answers, folks. It looks like I will try this one out in a few days, will get back with my experience once I have done so :)

cant wait for you to shit all over it as everyone that likes diablo 3 that I know does >_>

edit: sorry im a bit salty at at least 3 people lately basically going "why do you like this shit again?"


cant wait for you to shit all over it as everyone that likes diablo 3 that I know does >_>

I don't think this is true at all.

I loved Diablo 3 and I love MH. I don't see why people can't like both, they aren't that different.

I don't like PoE at all though, so go figure.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I don't think this is true at all.

I loved Diablo 3 and I love MH. I don't see why people can't like both, they aren't that different.

I don't like PoE at all though, so go figure.

like I said, its my own personal experience with people
Thanks for the answers, folks. It looks like I will try this one out in a few days, will get back with my experience once I have done so :)

I think there's a pretty good chance you'll enjoy the game. I would highly recommend researching the starter heroes some before choosing one though, since you'll be stuck with them for a good bit unless you make a new account. Marvelbase.com has all the talent trees if you want to scope those out. Check some YouTube vids too.

like I said, its my own personal experience with people

Well KePoW and I are now changing your personal experience :D


Unconfirmed Member
Because it's cool to hate on Diablo 3, especially for fans of competing games, despite the fact that Diablo 3 got a lot right. I love MH and have played it more than D3, because D3 lacks the long tail for me because the item hunt is shit and I'm not interested in anyone besides the Barb. But in terms of raw combat and game feel, as well as its skills/rune system, Diablo 3 is by far the best in the genre imo. Nothing even comes close to D3's combat and class design, which is to be expected with 5 classes and many, many years in development and all of Blizz's money.

MH just has way more hooks that keep me coming back and Blizzard is absolutely shit at reacting to feedback and iterating in a timely fashion with D3 for reasons beyond my ken.

I like PoE but the skill system is terrible. Yeah it's really cool, except they don't let you respec, or at least didn't when I played, so unless you theorycraft everything in advance there's a good chance you'll end up with a shitty character. Bye bye, countless hours spent. Way to undermine your own 'open-ended' skill system by punishing experimentation.

Uhh that's my mini rant, not sure where that came from. tl;dr they're all good games, all good at different things, and the blind fanboy hate on all sides is stupid.


More (Free) bag space!!!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
for the record I loved diablo 3 (until the last difficulty where it was too frustrating, and the whole loot system was fucked from tthe start), I wasnt shitting on it

edit: wait wait what? where did you see that Noray? dont throw out pics with no links :(


Funnily enough, 20 slots is the exact amount being occupied in my inventory by splinters, shards, relics, event items, potions and medkits. I seriously need that room.

I like PoE but the skill system is terrible. Yeah it's really cool, except they don't let you respec, or at least didn't when I played, so unless you theorycraft everything in advance there's a good chance you'll end up with a shitty character. Bye bye, countless hours spent. Way to undermine your own 'open-ended' skill system by punishing experimentation.

Eh... you are meant to experiment over several characters, not iterate on the same one. Yes, it is easy to fudge it, but that is part of the fun. Those are not wasted hours, because hopefully you learned something and acquired enough loot that your next time around your build will be better. You are not meant to take 1 character and use that one only up to the endgame, unless you know by then exactly what you are doing. I don't think it punishes experimentation, if anything, it pushes it more. It does need more commitment, but that is because the game is supposed to be the more hardcore of the bunch. Just know that from the start and you should be fine.

edit: wait wait what? where did you see that Noray? dont throw out pics with no links :(


Yes, Runewords will be coming next week at the latest.

Initially we will have 20 publicly revealed Runewords, with additional ones added and discovered over time.

I'm working on a long FAQ for the new feature, which should be ready for the weekend.

In addition, we're working on adding 20 more inventory slots for all players (no microtransaction or cost associated with this, you just get it for free) to launch with March's Dr. Strange patch.

I love how fast they implement this stuff, it's crazy.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
20 more inventory spaces is going to be nice until the next update when they release 20 new nonsense items for us to collect to fill it.

Ploid 3.0

My Enchanter is just about capped, just one more level. I wish I had more gold saved up, I have 3 uru weapons (mental, energy, and physical).

Eh... you are meant to experiment over several characters, not iterate on the same one. Yes, it is easy to fudge it, but that is part of the fun. Those are not wasted hours, because hopefully you learned something and acquired enough loot that your next time around your build will be better. You are not meant to take 1 character and use that one only up to the endgame, unless you know by then exactly what you are doing. I don't think it punishes experimentation, if anything, it pushes it more. It does need more commitment, but that is because the game is supposed to be the more hardcore of the bunch. Just know that from the start and you should be fine.

I really like doing this in PoE. Each character seem unique, gives me a reason to make a new one, and adds a ton of replay. There's enough variety in creating characters that it don't seem stale to me. One of the things I didn't like about D3 is that once you level the class, there is no reason to level it again. Marvel heroes has a ton of different classes and prestige at least.


20 more inventory spaces is going to be nice until the next update when they release 20 new nonsense items for us to collect to fill it.

You mean like the 20+ runes coming before they give us the inv space? :p

I really like doing this in PoE. Each character seem unique, gives me a reason to make a new one, and adds a ton of replay. There's enough variety in creating characters that it don't seem stale to me.

Yup. they give you 24 free character slots for a reason. Combined with races, PoE is actually telling you you shouldn't be afraid of starting fresh... over and over and over. To me that's one of the best aspects of the game.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.


I love how fast they implement this stuff, it's crazy.

thanks dude!

so, Spiderman... yo. Stick Around is legit (why am I talking like a fighting game player?). Just perma stunned Wizard in Tier 3 Modok. And it hits hard, hard enough to use as a spirit spender even on single target. Spidey trying to crawl back into my favorites tier (no pun intended) with each respec!
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