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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble


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I just found it.


That's good to know. I never check the trade channel or visit the forums for that purpose so I'm unaware of most of the items values, other than the usual Pym's serum being too scarce and stuff.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
yo lets talk Spider Man. my melee spidey project is already aborted because A) I remembered how squishy he is and B) these web powers look awesome.

So, hit me up with some good spells, so far ive tried web spray which seems awesome as you can spam it whereever you can point it, and stick around. Stick around is weird, seems like a harder hitting spell, but the range is weird. Its like a...web shotgun blast short of thing, not sure if I like it. It does hit hard tho

What goodies can I expect? Also, the signature is in the melee tree I noticed, but the description sounds like some sort of aoe, still usable in a range spec? its weird not having the signature
yo lets talk Spider Man. my melee spidey project is already aborted because A) I remembered how squishy he is and B) these web powers look awesome.

So, hit me up with some good spells, so far ive tried web spray which seems awesome as you can spam it whereever you can point it, and stick around. Stick around is weird, seems like a harder hitting spell, but the range is weird. Its like a...web shotgun blast short of thing, not sure if I like it. It does hit hard tho

What goodies can I expect? Also, the signature is in the melee tree I noticed, but the description sounds like some sort of aoe, still usable in a range spec? its weird not having the signature

Tbh, I wouldn't say SM has real any real special "goodies", his attacks are simple but just do a lot of damage. If you like barrage type moves, his web barrage is strong. As for his signature, it's great for any spec because it clumps all enemies together so that you can blow them up (like with Stick Around for example). Nice visual on it too.

Does O'Grady refer to the top stat or bottom stat of the insignia?

The names refer to the aura effect you get.


Neo Member
So I've recently starting playing this and I can honestly say I like it. I played hawkeye until level 25 and decided that I like the game enough that I would purchase a character. I bought the spiderman steam pack which was 20 bucks. Now I am at a loss. Hawkeye and Spiderman are completely different characters. I just keep dying over and over again. Any tips for using him. I've looked around the net but all of the builds that I have found are really far along and don't really help for people that are early on. Thanks for the help guys!


yo lets talk Spider Man. my melee spidey project is already aborted because A) I remembered how squishy he is and B) these web powers look awesome.

So, hit me up with some good spells, so far ive tried web spray which seems awesome as you can spam it whereever you can point it, and stick around. Stick around is weird, seems like a harder hitting spell, but the range is weird. Its like a...web shotgun blast short of thing, not sure if I like it. It does hit hard tho

What goodies can I expect? Also, the signature is in the melee tree I noticed, but the description sounds like some sort of aoe, still usable in a range spec? its weird not having the signature

Spiderman is cluttered with a lot of "garbage" powers IMO. Web Spray/Stick around is his best AoE combination. Web Barrage is good ranged single target damage. His other ranged options are all pretty bad. His ranged basics are beyond horrid. You also don't gain (as much) benefit from Spider-bots/Spider to the Fly passive with a ranged only build.

His melee powers are okay but not all that flashy/amazing. Uppercut is your best spirit spender here and spider pummel is your go-to basic. Strike is alright early on for spirit but won't make it into any end-game build. His web wrecking ball is an "okay" AoE option but inferior to web spray IMO and doesn't come with CC attached. If you're going pure melee though, it's basically your only AoE option not on a cooldown.

I personally don't find his sig power worth more than 1 point. The cooldown kills it and the animation is long. It's fine for grouping up guys to AoE them down, but not worth a point investment.

Rest of his kit is all utility skills that are worth 1 point tops or passives, none of which are exciting to talk about.


For Spider-Man at 60, I max the following damage powers:

Spider Pummel
Amazing Smash
Web Wrecking Ball

Then various passives & utilities, etc.

I have not tried the new Spider-Brawl, so I'm not sure if that's good now.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
For Spider-Man at 60, I max the following damage powers:

Spider Pummel
Amazing Smash
Web Wrecking Ball

Then various passives & utilities, etc.

I have not tried the new Spider-Brawl, so I'm not sure if that's good now.

ah so youre melee-spidey then


One the one hand, I don't know why I took this long to play Ms Marvel(well, I do, but whatever), on the other hand... fuck me, she's so fun to play. I'm having a blast. Currently lvl 43 only, but I can see playing her for a long time after I hit 60.


One the one hand, I don't know why I took this long to play Ms Marvel(well, I do, but whatever), on the other hand... fuck me, she's so fun to play. I'm having a blast. Currently lvl 43 only, but I can see playing her for a long time after I hit 60.

Fair warning, I think she might catch a couple nerfs. Her defensive kit is pretty overtuned for some reason.


Fair warning, I think she might catch a couple nerfs. Her defensive kit is pretty overtuned for some reason.


Edit: yes, her regen is stupid, but it is what makes her work imo. If they take away that every build is just going to turn into ranged builds. Meh.


Got Hulk up to the 40's. I don't know how effective he is, but there's something satisfying about running around as the Hulk (with a few growth boosts). Leaping around, smashing his fists against the ground, roaring for no reason. Even throwing cars feels better as the hulk. I think I'm just gonna build him as a pure tank. Forget DPS.


Unconfirmed Member
Fair warning, I think she might catch a couple nerfs. Her defensive kit is pretty overtuned for some reason.

That would be the exact wrong approach. Okay, maybe her regen is a BIT too strong, but she's the exact right approach to a durable melee/hybrid character. Can't stand in power cosmic forever, but can take a beating.

Ploid 3.0


Edit: yes, her regen is stupid, but it is what makes her work imo. If they take away that every build is just going to turn into ranged builds. Meh.

Scarlet Witch's Ravenous Binding is a crazy good regen/heal. I hope they don't nerf that. .


Scarlet Witch's Ravenous Binding is a crazy good regen/heal. I hope they don't nerf that. .

Scarlet probably isn't going to get touched because she is a low mitigation character. Having healing in a kit with low mitigation is not a big deal.

Ms. Marvel has both top five mitigation and top five regeneration. It's the combination that causes problems, because the value of health is derived from your mitigation. She's already pretty faceroll in cosmics with appropriate gear, and when they nerf power cosmic I dunno what will even be dangerous to her. Like, when they get to fixing the remaining overtuned damage they're going to have to adjust her, or she'll be unkillable.


So when raids eventually get set up Nightcrawler might be a must have in the group. Was messing around today and discovered his Flash And Grab works on bosses. So that means he can grab Rhino or Juggernaut early in a channel charge and immediately relocate them and cancel it. He can also pull bosses off of a fleeing hero with low health which also seems to reset their aggro. Pretty awesome. Now they just need to fix him getting stuck.


They nerfed EVERY SINGLE hp regen in the game (or simply removed it) so don't expect this one to last long :)

From other news, look at this bullshit :D https://forums.marvelheroes.com/discussion/64389/new-bovineheim-check-this-video/p1

Eidolon Warwear wasn't nerfed. I have one with 19K HP regen on it... unless it was higher before.

SW's kit is just so incredibly OP. Maybe because it's "soft" mitigation it's been under the radar... but the previous chaos warp was a broken amount of damage reduction (and 50% is still incredibly huge).

My ravenous binding heals for 250 damage on a SINGLE target every second for 10 seconds. And that's if I hit 1 guy... if I hit a group of guys? Or fire more than 1 binding? I make Deadpool/Wolverine regen look like a starstone tooth.

My only vulnerability is CC which is where positioning/confuse (which I can perma if I really want too) come to play.

Ploid 3.0


Yeah SW's ravenous binding is very strong. I can usually go from pretty much dead to full hp when warping around to the boss in Cosmic terminals (darn AIM support affix). I died one time and was at full HP before the respawn button showed up. I took a screen shot but I made a mistake and overwrote the print screen.

So when raids eventually get set up Nightcrawler might be a must have in the group. Was messing around today and discovered his Flash And Grab works on bosses. So that means he can grab Rhino or Juggernaut early in a channel charge and immediately relocate them and cancel it. He can also pull bosses off of a fleeing hero with low health which also seems to reset their aggro. Pretty awesome. Now they just need to fix him getting stuck.

Scarlet Witch will just bewildering hex it to cancel it. I like making the boss fight the trash. Modoc is such a cake walk for SW because the cosmic balls are now on your side and such.

Edit: Yeah I'm going to stop using rarity drinks and such. Maybe it's bugged? Got my second Uru item. Time to make Iron Man my second serious character.
Scarlet probably isn't going to get touched because she is a low mitigation character. Having healing in a kit with low mitigation is not a big deal.

Ms. Marvel has both top five mitigation and top five regeneration. It's the combination that causes problems, because the value of health is derived from your mitigation. She's already pretty faceroll in cosmics with appropriate gear, and when they nerf power cosmic I dunno what will even be dangerous to her. Like, when they get to fixing the remaining overtuned damage they're going to have to adjust her, or she'll be unkillable.

The assertion that SW is squishy is simply wrong. In Chaos Warp, even after the nerf, she provides herself (and an entire group, if you have one) with a 50% mitigation shield. Against only about 8 targets, she can easily break 150k HP/min with Ravenous Binding. CW also deals about 60k DPS per target to the entire screen (without crits or procs). With a LL core, that's approximately 300 HP/sec per target, and it's trivial to get it ticking on 10+ targets in cosmic terminals. And it's easy to get another 2.5k HP/sec from RB.

Nevermind the fact that bewildering hex is currently able to perma-CC any boss mob and turn all of their powers against them (in an AoE no less for those pesky Magneto waves in X-Def that one shot everyone instantly).

SW is the strongest hero in the game. She can stand in cosmic terminal mortars and power cosmic and whatever else you throw at her and heal through it with RB, CW and LL core. No other hero is even in the same realm outside of using ultimates (where MsM has her beat once every 10 minutes).


SW is not squishy when in Chaos Warp, yeah. Though that is probably also going to get nerfed. Outside of Chaos Warp, her healing isn't that problematic, especially since the opportunity cost of hitting good health values is higher for her.

Thing is, there are still heroes that hit similar mitigation without needing to channel anything. Torch (who is probably the most glaring receipt that the general player base is clueless), Ms. Marvel, and Captain America all reach 70%-ish total mitigation, and both Torch and Ms. Marvel (especially Torch) heal for high amounts on top of it. Thing and Colossus are also easily capable of facetanking cosmics, and Luke Cage isn't far behind them.

SW isn't really special outside of Chaos Warp - mainly it applying to people around her, which is what will pretty much guarantee it getting changed.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Spiderman is the first character I think that I have no clue where im going spec wise, every hero before I had a pre-planned idea. I have a feeling im going to use a lot of retcons on spidey. I am enjoying him tho, Im just not sure...why yet lol.

that passive to add a dot AND dmg to his web attacks seems completely essencial for a range build, it really should be earlier in the tree. And I think web spray should also have a dot component from the web that stays on the ground (like hawkeye gas arrow or scarlet witch...fire circle thing she can spam). oh and web barrage seems really weak :/

edit: ok corrosive webbing (got it from gear) turns web spray into exactly what I wanted, mobs get dottet from frust walking into the web (doesnt even have to be the initial dmg), thats awesome

edit2: yo Amazing Smash is...amazing (thats right, pun intended!). Amazing smash and the corrosive dot on web spray just made spidey go from "this is ok I guess hawkeye/cyclops tier" to "oh fuck I love this guy emma/colossus/ms marvel tier"

Got Emma from a random box today and she is so much fun. Leaning toward a hybrid as I enjoy switching to and from her diamond form. Too bad her costume disappears in diamond form.

one of my faves, I love her. Never tried the diamond tree tho


Got Emma from a random box today and she is so much fun. Leaning toward a hybrid as I enjoy switching to and from her diamond form. Too bad her costume disappears in diamond form.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Wish I hadn't aversion to playing female chars in video games :)

does not compute

anyway, Web Em All seems good. Its deffinately fun to use, not sure I can find a place for it in my hybrid build tho. Would give me amazing aoe I guess between it, web spray and amazing smash.

Why does noone talk about / use Web Shield? I put 1 point in it and it seems great, short cd, heals you, gives defense both passive and active. I almost feel like putting points in it instead of spider sense, dodge doesnt seem to do much, I still get hit from everywhere >_>

edit: Im loving Spidey so much, my only problem atm is I dont have a spirit spender o_O Im almost settled on my spec, I just dont have a good spirit spender. Spider Pummel would be the obvious choice, but it looks so fucking shit :(


They nerfed EVERY SINGLE hp regen in the game (or simply removed it) so don't expect this one to last long :)

From other news, look at this bullshit :D https://forums.marvelheroes.com/discussion/64389/new-bovineheim-check-this-video/p1

does not compute

anyway, Web Em All seems good. Its deffinately fun to use, not sure I can find a place for it in my hybrid build tho. Would give me amazing aoe I guess between it, web spray and amazing smash.

Why does noone talk about / use Web Shield? I put 1 point in it and it seems great, short cd, heals you, gives defense both passive and active. I almost feel like putting points in it instead of spider sense, dodge doesnt seem to do much, I still get hit from everywhere >_>

edit: Im loving Spidey so much, my only problem atm is I dont have a spirit spender o_O Im almost settled on my spec, I just dont have a good spirit spender. Spider Pummel would be the obvious choice, but it looks so fucking shit :(

I don't love Web Shield. It only has 50% uptime and the duration won't make it through a tough encounter. It scales 'okay' but the passive is more underwhelming than spidey senses.

Confused about your edit. Spider Pummel is a basic, not a spirit spender. Probably meant spider brawl?


Really loving Emma the more I play. She's only at level 30 so not sure how viable her diamond form would be later in the game. I love her "kneel before me" skill, it just cracks me up.

I think I saw people had Pyro as a minion during the Australian celebration. Is it still possible to get him?

For the Emma players out there, what skills have you found to be of the most use? Or what skills did you end up maxing or plan to max?
SW is not squishy when in Chaos Warp, yeah. Though that is probably also going to get nerfed. Outside of Chaos Warp, her healing isn't that problematic, especially since the opportunity cost of hitting good health values is higher for her.

Thing is, there are still heroes that hit similar mitigation without needing to channel anything. Torch (who is probably the most glaring receipt that the general player base is clueless), Ms. Marvel, and Captain America all reach 70%-ish total mitigation, and both Torch and Ms. Marvel (especially Torch) heal for high amounts on top of it. Thing and Colossus are also easily capable of facetanking cosmics, and Luke Cage isn't far behind them.

SW isn't really special outside of Chaos Warp - mainly it applying to people around her, which is what will pretty much guarantee it getting changed.

Do you even play her? Or any of the heroes you mention? Ms. Marvel is the only one who comes close, and even as the strongest passive healer in the game, it still pales in comparison to a couple of stacks of ravenous binding. Nevermind being able to perma-confuse everything all the time. I've played the rest of them. They don't compare. Not even close.

Luke Cage, Cap, Thing and Colossus all bring a lot of mitigation to the table, but very little in the way of healing. They can kinda face tank cosmics if they are decked out and using a LL core, but not really. See: this video. SW really can just sit there with RB and CW. Don't even need to avoid the mortars or the power cosmic. Without the LL core, he is chugging medkits and dodging constantly, and that's against one of the easiest cosmic bosses.

Torch... is just awful. I've heard a lot of people talk about his potential for healing and mitigation, but it's just not there. The consumes suck and are on long cooldowns and the flame shield is no different from any other 25% mitigation shield. I just don't see the argument for him at all.

I don't doubt that they will continue to nerf SW, and there's a reason for that: she's the strongest hero in the game with its current mechanics, functioning as intended or not.

Ploid 3.0

I never seen a life leech core :( I want one.

Which thread was that video posted? I want to see the discussion especially if a CM jumped in. Bring LL back.


Luke Cage, Cap, Thing and Colossus all bring a lot of mitigation to the table, but very little in the way of healing. They can kinda face tank cosmics if they are decked out and using a LL core, but not really. See: this video.

This Colossus has 17k HP, nearly entire offensively geared and is using a LL core. Yeah I bet he can only kind of face tank anything. He has less defense than my fucking Wolverine (much less comparable dodge) and like 3k less health. The Doc Ock battle is comedy, I wish I could see him take this into AIM Facility. This is exactly the kind of player that should be getting their shit pushed in because they have made fuck all investment into their survivability. It's the equivalent of doing MP10 inferno with like 100-150k EHP. Yeah, it's possible but you deserve to get clotheslined when the damage comes in. Good thing he had all that DPS, though.

Compare that to what I recorded on my Wolverine last night - who has very low baseline mitigation, especially for a melee - with a rank 3 legendary and 1 blessing (with bonus accidental Colossus commentary from an anonymous source):


Such struggle. Wow. Will I be okay? Help pls.

Those heroes I mentioned when actually geared with some sense don't "kind of face tank"; they hardly ever are forced to move period. Torch will hit close to my Wolverine's defense, get similar dodge, a 25% damage shield, will get ahead of my defense and will beat my active healing from Healing Factor as early as 4 stacks of Fiery Rejuvenation (even though he'll generally be beyond that even on bosses thanks to summon affixes). He does this from range, where he doesn't need full uptime on these buffs because of his engagement advantage. And he isn't even on Ms. Marvel's level by a long shot.

Now, Chaos Warp is definitely dumb, but that isn't surprising to me; they didn't even know the damage shield was still in the game until a patch ago. It's way off. But the healing she has is - just like all the heroes above - entirely related to the value of a point of health, which is dictated by mitigation. Outside of Chaos Warp, her mitigation isn't really impressive. I'm not saying she doesn't (currently) belong in the broken tier of faceroll, just that it has a lot more to do with her having mitigation that she wasn't meant to have. I don't know what the excuse is for some of these other heroes that seem to have been given 70%+ mitigation plus stupid healing on purpose.
Really loving Emma the more I play. She's only at level 30 so not sure how viable her diamond form would be later in the game. I love her "kneel before me" skill, it just cracks me up.

Kneel Before Me is awesome. Nothing annoys me more than getting knocked out of it, midway through the attack though. Sometimes Magneto just ignores the kneel/stun duration altogether (in Midtown) and put me into stun instead! :mad:
Also, I love it when Emma says "C'est si moi darling" (6 on the numpad). I asked some Frenchies the the game chat what it meant and they said it means something like "its all me, darling". Initially, when I asked them, I typed it as "say sim wah", as I dont speak French. lol
Emma is too classy :)


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Kneel Before Me is awesome. Nothing annoys me more than getting knocked out of it, midway through the attack though. Sometimes Magneto just ignores the kneel/stun duration altogether (in Midtown) and put me into stun instead! :mad:
Also, I love it when Emma says "C'est si moi darling" (6 on the numpad). I asked some Frenchies the the game chat what it meant and they said it means something like "its all me, darling". Initially, when I asked them, I typed it as "say sim wah", as I dont speak French. lol
Emma is too classy :)

6 on the numbpad? Heroes have emotes? o_O
6 on the numbpad? Heroes have emotes? o_O

No animations unfortunately, just lines that they say. Some of them are pretty cool.
The Emma one I mentioned is my favorite. I also like Emmas "Im going to RING your bell". She's so badass.
Punishers got a cool one. He says something like "Dont run away, I'll just shoot you in the back". Awesome :)


I'd say the odds are good. They are revealing the companion/follower/buddy/whateverit'scalled system in the following month(s) too, so if not a full fledged character, at least it could be that.

I'd love to see a Bucky Cap version either way.
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