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Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Story Trailer, Sep 17th, 8 reveals, 6 2017 DLC characters

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But can we talk about the netcode? Anyone? Bueller?

Outside of the stuff revealed in the trailer making me flip shit, rewatching it a few times leaves a lot to be desired. Mocap animation everywhere, audio mix was wack and none of the fighting really had any impact. MVC3 cinematic trailers still the best stuff when it comes to actual cinematic MVC fights.

Yea, I'm hoping the game will be good. The MvCI trailer was so bad. I wonder who they got to make these trailers. The MvC3 trailers were legendary.

Nyoro SF

I like to think that capcom is learning, but really why the hell would they release it this year???? When there​ is so much competition from Tekken 7 and Injustice 2. Also avengers New movie is next year why not wait to cash on that, it's like a free publicity.

The only thing Capcom has "learned" in the past 5+ years is that people are perfectly OK paying a ton of money for subpar, short, or otherwise lacking amounts of content. Why invest a decent amount of money or time into anything if you're going to get people buying $25 DLC bundles for SFV with pathetic value?

This learned lesson is on full display right now for everyone to see. The quality of this trailer is embarrassing.


If you believe DLC that released six months after the game came out wasn't planned in advance, I have a CPT Bundle to sell you.

According to interviews it wasn't planned, they straight up said they didn't know if they were going to do any and were just concerned with finishing/releasing the main game.

The DLC characters are also mostly based on a fan vote that happened after the game's release. There was zero indication of any character DLC being in the works until they were revealed (which is about a month before they were released).

Any way you spin it they released the full roster day 1. They could have easily released 30-40 instead and milked fans for the rest via DLC.


I remember feeling the exact same way when MVC2 went to four buttons two assists from MVC1 six classic layout.

Funnily enough I was okay with that transition, I'm not a fan of the ABC button layout personally.

At least if we get S again, make d+S be a universal sweep. I just want a lot of utility with my normals not less.

El Sabroso

Just give me Captain Commando already !!!!

nice trailer, btw, is this a teaser for a beat em up style single player ? that looks good

But can we talk about the netcode? Anyone? Bueller?

Outside of the stuff revealed in the trailer making me flip shit, rewatching it a few times leaves a lot to be desired. Mocap animation everywhere, audio mix was wack and none of the fighting really had any impact. MVC3 cinematic trailers still the best stuff when it comes to actual cinematic MVC fights.

I honestly think MvCi is kind of lacking the promotion to build hype that MvC3 and UMvC3 had, like various demos across conventions, reveals scheduled with events, multiple cinematic trailers, gameplay videos featuring the current development builds, etc


Ryce, pls.

I've been getting a super casual vibe from this though.

Capcom got the call from Disney to broaden the audience by any means!


Some of you guys are gonna die when you hear about the control scheme/gameplay mechanics.


Ooooo, the Persona 4 Arena-ification salt is going to be so real.



So far the look of the game is a bit disappointing but I think it's important to see the game in motion first before we make more judgments about it. The HUD and stages do look rather bland at the moment though. Either way I'm in day one, can't believe this game is coming out in 5 months, what a shocker!

Yeah game being slated for Sep this year is kinda tripping me up lol. I was convinced we wouldn't see this game until next year, the idea of them actually hitting winter 2017 much less earlier never crossed my mind.

That's awesome though, provided it's not actually rushed or anything.


Alligator F*ck House
Funnily enough I was okay with that transition, I'm not a fan of the ABC button layout personally.

At least if we get S again, make d+S be a universal sweep. I just want a lot of utility with my normals not less.

Almost positive we'll get S or a launcher button of some kind.


Just give me Captain Commando already !!!!

nice trailer, btw, is this a teaser for a beat em up style single player ? that looks good

I honestly think MvCi is kind of lacking the promotion to build hype that MvC3 and UMvC3 had, like various demos across conventions, reveals scheduled with events, multiple cinematic trailers, gameplay videos featuring the current development builds, etc
Expect some big blowouts at E3, EVO, & Comic-Con.


Some of you guys are gonna die when you hear about the control scheme/gameplay mechanics.


I think it makes sense to take out stuff like quarter circles or d-pad drawing in general given the presumed target audience.

Rising Thunder and Smash both had the right idea if you really want to make a fighting game accessible. For Honor's control scheme worked there too.


Sales wise sure, but the enthusiast crowd that actually posts on here has very little interest in it.

They might sell more but I'd guess it's a lot of casual consumers that don't really give a shit about DLC practices and just want a simple game to mash it out with their friends, capcom's recent fighting games don't really appeal to that market as much as NRS games do, from what I can tell.

Bringing sales into it is kind of a moot point anyway, I was responding to a post about the reactions to the games on this forum, no shit MK and Injustice sell more than capcoms games, but nobody seems to actually care on this forum.

I know I stopped giving a shit about NRS after MKX.

How is a shit DLC practice?

You loved SF back in the day?

You bought SF2, CE, HF, SSF2, ST. No dlc.

Oh, you liked Alpha? Alpha and Alpha two released within like 1.5 years of eachother, then Alpha 2 gold came out.

SF3? SF3:NG, 2I, 3rd Strike.

How many versions did MK have?

How many versions did GG have?

What's the difference? You mad because they're letting you know they're supporting the game when they launch it? Sounds like you don't care about the game and just want them to hide shit from you so they can announce it later to complain about.
I felt good with 2's layout. 3 isn't to my liking that much.

And know given what Ryce said, I'm a bit scared lol

Remember when we all thought mvc3 was basic? Shit this might be it lol

It's funny mvc3 and sf4 was their attempt to casualize both series.. but damn they took it into high gear.
Well fucking magnets work and I don't get that either.
no, man, understand.

When one says Marvel in the context of fighting games they mean either the series itself (COTA, MSH, XMvSF, MvsSF, MVC, MVC2, TVC, MVC3 and so on) or the gameplay of the series.

When people say "in marvel town reusing is a thing" they don't mean Marvel comics chooses to re use, they mean the series has a long history of asset reusing, which has been true for the entire CPS2 era and most notably in Marvel vs Capcom 2.

So it's not "Marvel comics is to blame" but "this series has a long history of asset re using".

i played a little bit of mvc3 on Ps3 and I enjoyed it but, okay fine they're gonna reuse assets reuse the goddamn assets but does that entail not using a new graphics engine too? if you use old assets you can't use a new engine?


The character faces and the UI have killed my excitement for the game. Ryce hinting at a control scheme and mechanics we'll hate is pushing me even further away. :-(
Need more gameplay but, that trailer turned me right the fuck off.

A Command Mission costume can only do so much.

The fact that how the game is going to presented is based off of what movies are coming out kinda sucks but, that's how business works.


I literally won't play any other game for god knows how long if they have all 3 of my niggas in this game...


I'm daring to hope (just a tad) that somebody still sees the value of bringing back the X series, because at least that series still speaks strongly to an older audience who still games predominantly on consoles and PCs. If they do that, then they at least have something else to give to other Mega Man fans instead of putting all their eggs in the "New MM toon + Mobile game" basket.

All I would ask is just to start things off with a remaster of Maverick Hunter X for every current hardware. Give that game the fair shot it wasn't given before, being exclusive to the PSP pre-Monster Hunter!


I think it makes sense to take out stuff like quarter circles or d-pad drawing in general given the presumed target audience.

Rising Thunder and smash both had the right idea if you really want to make a fighting game accessible. For Honor's control scheme worked there too.

The controls are what makes me hate smash/melee so much.

Rising Thunder is good for Rising thunder, changing the controls that drastically is going to loose you your longtime fans.
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