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Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Story Trailer, Sep 17th, 8 reveals, 6 2017 DLC characters

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As it's been stated numerous times, Injustice 2 announced 9 DLC characters.
They need to tell you what's included in the Deluxe edition as part of the pre order campaign. Otherwise it's "I can't believe we don't know how many DLC characters we're getting in the Deluxe edition"


You guys see negatives, me?

Yo we already got 6 new characters on deck?!?

I'm hype as fuck! Back in the day when a fighter dropped you got what you got and better hope there are some secret characters.

Here we are already going to expand the roster? That's legit as fuck man.

Asura? Gene? V-joe? The spot? Doc oc? Cable? Hayato? Jin Stome? Samanosuke?

Guys get fucking hyyyyyyype.

Where is that megaman.exe skin?



Let's just take out hyper combos and put in Infinite Balls to use your super, let's just do that.

simple mode from marvel 3 is the new normal

the new simple mode = hold launcher to have your character automatically do an optimized bread and butter air combo. now EVERYONE can be justin wong from that video they saw on youtube!


Remember when we all thought mvc3 was basic? Shit this might be it lol

It's funny mvc3 and sf4 was their attempt to casualize both series.. but damn they took it into high gear.

Honestly this happens with every new Capcom fighting game. We all think the game is gonna be too casual and in terms of their fighters from the 90s and early 2000s, you'd be right. But overall I have faith that Capcom took everything into account and made a game that both satisfies casuals and hardcore fans. It's actually a huge principle of game design, if casuals can't have fun too then the game will die, regardless of how hard hardcore fans push for the game. So either way I think we'll be okay, sure it may be even a little more basic than MvC3 but I don't think it's gonna go in such a drastic basic direction that we're all gonna hate the game. Only time will tell though.


Alligator F*ck House
To the games current credit, it looks a HELLUVA lot better than the first gameplay shots. Horrifically washed out colors before.


It absolutely has the current art style of Contest Of Champions tho. It's safe. Just like Marvel likes it.



simple mode from marvel 3 is the new normal

the new simple mode = hold launcher to have your character automatically do an optimized bread and butter air combo. now EVERYONE can be justin wong from that video they saw on youtube!

Reminds me of that time Ono claimed the "simple mode" from SFA3 somehow became the standard for tourneys and claimed they'd never make that mistake again.


I'm used to Capcom games looking bad but then looking much better before release. I've got faith in them.

I'm hype and I'm getting that 200 bucks one. I need that X figure.

Capcom is evil etc.


I'm cracking up that they put the Ultimate Edition in gold. They slapped the most badass character on that box too rofl.


Destiny and Marvel on the same month. Fuck... My wallet is dead that month.

Also, Sigma as DLC character means that Ultron will also be playable.




I think it makes sense to take out stuff like quarter circles or d-pad drawing in general given the presumed target audience.

Rising Thunder and smash both had the right idea if you really want to make a fighting game accessible. For Honor's control scheme worked there too.

tell meeeeeeeeeeeee

I'm assuming fireball and uppercut motions are gone. aka what smash bros figured out in 1999

Don't see why you can't incorporate both methods as Sakurai did for Ryu (Smash).

Simple/basic controls as default inputs in the game, the regular/advanced controls for additional damage with the risk of whiffing the inputs.


To the games current credit, it looks currently a HELLUVA lot better than the first gameplay shots. Horrifically washed out colors before.


It absolutely has the current art style of Contest Of Champions tho. It's safe. Just like Marvel likes it.


Yeah I agree, the artstyle isn't my favorite but it is the logical evolution of the series. The last game took the comic book approach to the next level and now they're mixing the comic book approach with a more realistic and neutral artstyle. Either way I think change is good, I just wish it looked a little less like a mobile game in terms of some of it's assets and HUD.


Remember when we all thought mvc3 was basic? Shit this might be it lol

It's funny mvc3 and sf4 was their attempt to casualize both series.. but damn they took it into high gear.

seems like the only exception to the "make it more casual friendly" was that early 2000s era that kinda killed fighting games.

everyone was like MAKE IT HARDCORE AS FUCK. third strike, marvel 2 and melee.... lol

then the casual revolution happened around 2006 and we got sf4, marvel 3 and brawl out of it.

and now we look back at sf4 and marvel 3 and even THOSE games seem hardcore af compared to what they're putting out now. it's crazy.

keep lowering that skill floor and skill ceiling capcom
To pick up the topic around graphics again:

As I said before I personally don't need hype af graphics to enjoy a fighting game.
But of course I too have some gripes with the current state of the game graphics-wise.
It's mainly the stages. They look soooooo empty.
There's just stuff missing, be it people or just assets. It's really strange. It seems like all of it is lacking in detail.
The characters themselves are mostly good imo. Still, standard lighting shaders on the characters do make them look a bit dull.
Meh. Whatever. As said, not a big deal for me, definitely for many others though.

That was MVC3. Everything of that game was a turning page of a comic book.


Exactly where I was going with my post.


To the games current credit, it looks a HELLUVA lot better than the first gameplay shots. Horrifically washed out colors before.

It absolutely has the current art style of Contest Of Champions tho. It's safe. Just like Marvel likes it.

Yeah, I'm a least glad they got it to look better than the initial reveal, even if I'm not big on the art direction take itself.

RIP comic shader



Iron Man
Captain America
Captain Marvel


Sigma (DLC)

Out of the 14 characters announced so far, only 3 are new? (assuming X is a palate swap of Zero). Way too much copy & pasting for my liking. But I'm probably not the target audience for this game.


Alligator F*ck House
I'm still hopeful for the games visuals. It's gotten a lot better since we last saw, and the final 2-3 months of dev are usually dedicated to polish...unless the project is horribly running behind. September isn't a fiscal year date like SF5 was, so they must be confident of hitting all milestones by that time.


Not shocked they didn't reveal Spider-Man and Dante yet. New Spider-Man movie coming so they'll reveal that soon and DMC5 is in development.


That was MVC3. Everything of that game was a turning page of a comic book.


It was close but (and I know this is just me being weird and wanting unrealistic things) I just want more hard outlines like jet set radio lol.

I love a nice cell shaded look. Mvc3 was still a little bit too much on the realism side.

Maybe it's just the shaders that get me lol.

I fully understand its an unrealistic thing I prefer haha.
Out of the 14 characters announced so far, only 3 are new? (assuming X is a palate swap of Zero). Way too much copy & pasting for my liking. But I'm probably not the target audience for this game.

Thinking back on Marvel 3's release, it was amazing how Capcom didn't reuse a lot of characters from TvC.


I'm still hopeful for the games visuals. It's gotten a lot better since we last saw, and the final 2-3 months of dev are usually dedicated to polish...unless the project is horribly running behind. September isn't a fiscal year date like SF5 was, so they must be confident of hitting all milestones by that time.

I think it will get a little better visually before release as well. I hope they're hiding awesome Capcom stages because the stages so far are definitely bland city.


Alligator F*ck House
MvC3's look was really fantastic. I'm sad they went with a less comic book look.

This just looks rather plain so far.

Yea, in MVC3, everything pops so well. I remember EVERYONE going on for months after E3 how much they hated the huge hit-sparks. Now you don't even notice 'em.

Still, it's a little unfair to judge as we haven't seen the game in motion since December yet. /fingerscrossed
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