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Mass shooting at San Diego pool party, 7 shot, one fatally.

(Lock if old)
Seven adults were shot, one woman fatally, when a gunman who witnesses said never left his poolside chair opened fire on a birthday party at an University City apartment complex Sunday.

Police shot and killed the suspect, later identified as 49-year-old Peter Selis, a resident at the upscale La Jolla Crossroads complex on Judicial Drive near the Westfield UTC Shopping Center.

A 2015 bankruptcy filing stated that Selis, a father and a car mechanic at a Ford dealership in San Diego, faced crushing debt.

Authorities said the shooter, armed with a semi-automatic pistol, was white and all the victims were people of color — four black women, two black men and one Latino man. The woman killed was not identified.

Partygoer Drew Phillips said shortly before the 6 p.m. shooting, his friend — who was celebrating his birthday — had approached Selis and offered him food and drink. The man declined, and continued to sit quietly yards away.

“Six or seven minutes later it’s just pow, pow, pow, pow — out of nowhere,” Phillips said. “...There was no indication that he was there to do evil.”

Two young girls, ages 3 and 8, were with a grandmother and a nanny when the shooting started. Their grandfather, Shahrayar Jeff, said they escaped unscathed.

He said the older child described seeing Selis, in a baseball cap and glasses, “relaxing and shooting people.”

Two UC San Diego students who were in a nearby hot tub were too scared to bolt, but then slowly made their way to a wall. One of the students, 20-year-old Kaela Wong, said she heard Selis threaten women trying to help a victim.

“You can either leave or you can stay here and die,
” Wong said she heard Selis say.



But why though.

My first guess (but I could be wrong) is that he was depressed and wanted to commit suicide-by-cop but he was also a filthy racist piece of shit.
So to hit two birds with one stone he started shooting people of color and got killed in the process.


Fucking piece of shit.

No gun problem though. It's just as easy to go on a seated rampage with a knife, right?


RIP to the victim but how much mass shooting in the us in the last decade ? When are you gonna take action ? I'm sure weapons killed more Americans than terrorism in your own country and for what , money.
Dont miss that section of the report that mentions he was offered refreshments by the partygoers before he shot them up. This man was a stone cold killer who repaid their hospitality with bullets.
RIP to the victim but how much mass shooting in the us in the last decade ? When are you gonna take action ? I'm sure weapons killed more Americans than terrorism in your own country and for what , money.

Even my most optimistic outlook is there being a serious debate among policy makers in maybe a decade...


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Fucking hell...


RIP to the victim but how much mass shooting in the us in the last decade ? When are you gonna take action ? I'm sure weapons killed more Americans than terrorism in your own country and for what , money.

Nothing happened after Sandy Hook. Nothing will happen now.
If people don't organize wide spread protests and keep it up for years the NRA will never be challenged.


My first guess (but I could be wrong) is that he was depressed and wanted to commit suicide-by-cop but he was also a filthy racist piece of shit.
So to hit two birds with one stone he started shooting people of color and got killed in the process.

I wouldn't be surprised if he held them directly responsible for his misfortunes.

Nothing happened after Sandy Hook. Nothing will happen now.

Yeah but Sandy Hook wasn't real.
Or is it?!


Authorities said the shooter, armed with a semi-automatic pistol, was white and all the victims were people of color — four black women, two black men and one Latino man. The woman killed was not identified.

Are most mass shooters white?*

*in the US

The Kree

I thought it was trying to give a possible reason for him developing a mental illness or something, but I haven't been following the US news skew in a while.

And I think if he was black we'd already know how many unpaid parking tickets he has. The American news media has a certain way of reporting on different kinds of people.
The gun people will fall back to the 2nd amendment like it's be laser etched in their brain and this idea of defending against a tyrannical government. The pros outweigh the cons in their view.
Fucking hell...


Nothing happened after Sandy Hook. Nothing will happen now.
If people don't organize wide spread protests and keep it up for years the NRA will never be challenged.


I was considering starting a family when that happened (now have two kids) and that was the point when I decided I was not going to return to the US to live again. Maybe if I was offered a 6 figure salary but I would still have to think about it.

I don't care if chances of actually being shot are low and you are more likely to die in a car accident or whatever bullshit my gun-loving relatives will try to spin as if we should just accept it as a reasonable risk.

It's pretty obvious that nothing is going to happen in the way of serious gun law reform for decades. I will happily eat crow if that's not the case, but until then I will happily continue living in a much safer country.


RIP to the victim but how much mass shooting in the us in the last decade ? When are you gonna take action ? I'm sure weapons killed more Americans than terrorism in your own country and for what , money.

I'm not kidding when I say this, but there could be one every single day and it would not move this country.


Ugh. Another terror attack that won't be considered as such because the asshole perpetrating the act is white. Fuck that terrorist piece of shit, if there's a hell I hope he is burning in it.

RIP to the woman who was killed, I hope the others wounded make a full recovery.
RIP to the victim but how much mass shooting in the us in the last decade ? When are you gonna take action ? I'm sure weapons killed more Americans than terrorism in your own country and for what , money.

My guess is not until a group of conservative lawmakers are shot and killed. I don't want that to happen by any means, but that's the only scenario I envision for the gun lobby to back down.
RIP to the victim but how much mass shooting in the us in the last decade ? When are you gonna take action ? I'm sure weapons killed more Americans than terrorism in your own country and for what , money.

Never. It will never change.

A person walked into a gradeschool and cut down children.

Nothing changed.


Assault rifle sales skyrocketed.
Are most mass shooters white?*

*in the US

64 percent of mass shootings in the US are committed by whites. 13 percent by blacks. In other words, proportionate to the racial makeup of the country, which is 64 percent white and 13 percent black. Latinos are way underrepresented in the statistics while asians are way overrepresented apparently. That's all from a study down last year by Mother Jones.
R.I.P. to the victim. Naturally the shooter was a financially unstable white male while the victims were hospitable people of color. Somehow we're always to blame.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Dude brought a gun to a fucking birthday pool party. What the fuck?

So he was invited to the party by a friend, was offered hospitality, and was probably left alone because people knew he was going through rough times and wanted to cheer him up.

And his response is to shoot the people who invited him. Because he's a racist piece of shit.

Dude really should've just shot himself if he was going through such rough times. Wouldn't have hurt anyone else if he did that.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
64 percent of mass shootings in the US are committed by whites. 13 percent by blacks. In other words, proportionate to the racial makeup of the country, which is 64 percent white and 13 percent black. Latinos are way underrepresented in the statistics while asians are way overrepresented apparently. That's all from a study down last year by Mother Jones.
Just a sidenote to this. Mother Jones doesn't consider mass shootings like this with many injuries and only one fatality to be mass shootings. They used "indiscriminate rampages in public places resulting in four or more victims killed by the attacker" as their criteria and excluded robberies, gang violence and domestic situations.
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