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Media Create Sales: Week 50, 2012 (Dec 10 - Dec 16)


Take a look at releases in the next three months and stop being so fucking ridiculous. AKB48 and Kadokawa dungeon crawler in January, Kagura in February, SS & Muramasa in March. Yes, it won't sell as well as Pokemon or Mario, but it will sell just fine.

Uhh... this thing was having 4k weeks before the holidays brosef. Its experiencing a surge right now as it is currently in the midst of one of the largest shopping seasons of the year. The quarter that follows will be slow coming off of the huge surge of retail that Q4 provides.

It doesn't matter what metric you use, it will not be selling "fine" by any means. Lets not kid ourselves here.

But they havn't collected enought data yet! :lol

You cant possibly collect enough data until after its first Christmas.



Take a look at releases in the next three months and stop being so fucking ridiculous. AKB48 and Kadokawa dungeon crawler in January, Kagura in February, SS & Muramasa in March. Yes, it won't sell as well as Pokemon or Mario, but it will sell just fine.

"Just fine"? Really? None of those game will sell particularly well oustide of maybe AKB. And selling around 10k a week is certainly not "just fine" for such a young system.


the piano man
Are you guys sure the Vita wasn't an experiment and Sony is readying to announce and launch its real handheld system with the data collected?

to spur sales, Sony is prepping the Vita GO, a revision of vita where you can only play downloaded games, that features a new propietary storage format, only 2 sizes available, 32 GB and 64 GB, $100 bucks and 150$ bucks respectively.
Define "just fine". No Vita game so far has been able to boost Vita sales consistently high for months now. Every big release sees a good to moderate spike in hardware sales followed by a swift plummet back down. I don't think its ridiculous to think the Vita will continue to skate near the bottom of the charts the next 3 months. Just look at how its selling in the middle of the biggest shopping season of the year.

those were spikes because the line-up was fragmented, from January every weeks will have games released for Vita, i think this is the first step to have better weekly sales
and PS3/Vita portings will give to developers a help: when nextgen is approaching they still can use old PS3 engines to adapt games for Vita, in the same way they did with PSP from PS2

i think it's normal that Vita now is selling so worst, its holiday season line-up is terrible, the worst one i've ever seen (even Xbox had it better iirc)
if sales don't go up in Q1 with an almost-decent line-up, well, yes, Vita has no future


Take a look at releases in the next three months and stop being so fucking ridiculous. AKB48 and Kadokawa dungeon crawler in January, Kagura in February, SS & Muramasa in March. Yes, it won't sell as well as Pokemon or Mario, but it will sell just fine.

Muramasa and "Kadokawa dungeon crawler" (which I assume you meant to be Demon Gaze) are lucky if they'll break 50k. And even that might be optimistic in the case of Demon Gaze, if the sales of that team's past titles are any indication.

And even on 3DS where it saw relative success Senran Kagura hasn't broken 100k. So that leaves AKB48 and SS, and the latter is from an unproven developer, a new IP, and it's on a dying platform.

Edit: Or what metalslimer said.
Man, this really bums me. Gravity Rush is one of my favorite games this year and I don't see Toyama making a sequel for a tanking platform :( It's sad, really. The vita has such a great interface, amazing piece of hardware, fantastic PSN support, and rather competitive price, and the thing still can't catch on fire.
Take a look at releases in the next three months and stop being so fucking ridiculous. AKB48 and Kadokawa dungeon crawler in January, Kagura in February, SS & Muramasa in March. Yes, it won't sell as well as Pokemon or Mario, but it will sell just fine.

Dude you've been in this thread enough that you have to be being facetious right now. If you are serious, than man I never thought I would read something so sad before Vita launched.


the piano man
And even on 3DS where it saw relative success Senran Kagura hasn't broken 100k. So that leaves AKB48 and SS, and the latter is from an unproven developer, a new IP, and it's on a dying platform.

Vita is already past that, is now in the "undead" category


Vita is already past that, is now in the "undead" category

Well yeah, I guess it depends on whether you define a platform as "dead" when it's taken off shelves or not.

If the metric is, "will never show any meaningful recovery from its terrible sales" like has been the case for a lot of failed platforms (Dreamcast, Gamecube, Xbox in Japan, Xbox 360 in Japan) then yeah, I'd call it dead.
Dude you've been in this thread enough that you have to be being facetious right now. If you are serious, than man I never thought I would read something so sad before Vita launched.

Sorry, all your doom & gloom must be getting to me. Instead of discussing sales numbers MC topics devolve quite quickly into "all is lost for Vita!", "Sony, just die already!", etc. If WiiU doesn't take off NeoGAF will need major Suicide Watch Force.


the piano man
Well yeah, I guess it depends on whether you define a platform as "dead" when it's taken off shelves or not.

If the metric is, "will never show any meaningful recovery from its terrible sales" like has been the case for a lot of failed platforms (Dreamcast, Gamecube, Xbox in Japan, Xbox 360 in Japan) then yeah, I'd call it dead.

If I read correctly, Vita is doing worse than all the consoles you put in parenthesis, minus the xbox 1, and those were considered very much dead... (I am not arguing here, just complementing :p)

if vita ever made a comeback (let's say, selling 20k~40k weekly on a constant basis over a looong period of time) then it would be the most incredible comeback in videogame's history.


I think with those future vita releases the question is are those titles that push systems. The current userbase should pick them up but are they titles which will see people flock to get there hands on one and then once they have once not trade it in when there done.

What does the whole selling fine thing mean? We have the phrase 'the vita will be fine now for a year'. What figure do people class as fine?


Sales-Age Genius
those were spikes because the line-up was fragmented, from January every weeks will have games released for Vita, i think this is the first step to have better weekly sales
and PS3/Vita portings will give to developers a help: when nextgen is approaching they still can use old PS3 engines to adapt games for Vita, in the same way they did with PSP from PS2

i think it's normal that Vita now is selling so worst, its holiday season line-up is terrible, the worst one i've ever seen (even Xbox had it better iirc)
if sales don't go up in Q1 with an almost-decent line-up, well, yes, Vita has no future

What's the hardware number that makes Vita sales go from terrible to respectable?

Famitsu has 5 weeks for December this year versus 4 last and if 3DS manages to stay close this week maybe we'll have a new record again for highest December sales.

1 more week also, 53 vs. 52. 2012 being down from 2011 isn't set yet, it depends on Wii U.
Hot Shots Golf Vita got ported to the PS3, so what are the chances of other Vita only games like gravity rush, Wipeout etc making it to the PS3?
those were spikes because the line-up was fragmented, from January every weeks will have games released for Vita, i think this is the first step to have better weekly sales
and PS3/Vita portings will give to developers a help: when nextgen is approaching they still can use old PS3 engines to adapt games for Vita, in the same way they did with PSP from PS2

i think it's normal that Vita now is selling so worst, its holiday season line-up is terrible, the worst one i've ever seen (even Xbox had it better iirc)
if sales don't go up in Q1 with an almost-decent line-up, well, yes, Vita has no future

You seriously think the PSVita will sell better after the holidays?


One another piece of statistic for the 3DS:
This year YTD (that will pass 5M), is the 3rd best YTD for a Nintendo handheld (well, for a system period I think). Only ahead the two crazy years of the DS/DSLite, 2006 and 2007.
Not bad for a handheld some people were seeing as doomed one year ago.
The only thing who bothers me is that the games doesn't appeal as much as I hoped. Except for SM3DL who abandonned his legs a while ago.
No crazy Brain Training in the software Top 10 during months for example... Next year I think Pokémon should do the trick.


El Capitan Todd
You seriously think the PSVita will sell better after the holidays?

Honestly, I think it will.
Of course, this is something that shows us how bad are actual sales for the system, more than how good they'll be after the holidays.
But I don't see any reason at all, up to now, during this holidays season, to pick up a Vita in Japan.

I mean: it's still expensive (no price cut from the launch), there is NO new game released on it, there is a direct competitor way cheaper with way more interesting games (3DS), there is another "direct" competitor (PSP) cheaper and with more games available, there is also a brand new system with 2 big games available for a similar price (Wii U).
Ok, during holidays sales usually go up, but there are way better products to spend money for, in this very moment, in Japan, that are stealing Vita visibility.

After holidays?
There will be a slowdown for Nintendo console that usually during the holidays are ON FIRE (I mean, look evet at the Wii last year, but also this year, considering what it is up to now...).
There will be less big guns on the market (especially after the delay of MH4, and the acutal lack of constant releases also for the Wii U)
There will be a good amount of decent games for Vita (unlike now)
There will probably be a price cut near the end of the fiscal year

I think that Vita will sell better Feb-March than Nov-Dec in Japan

31 Flavas

I guess all the 'vita is dead' 'shoot it in the head' 'lol sony' posts come off as gleeful to me, could be wrong though.
Double standard, much? So its fine for GAF to criticize Nintendo or razz their fans for hardware that is (or is perceived to be) under-performing relative to its competition, but abhorrent when leveled against Sony?

I mean, No. Really. There was _*no one*_ tossing themselves off with glee back in 2006 at just how "miscalculated" Nintendo's Wii was vs MS and Sony consoles which offered: Hi-Def graphics, 5.1 audio, HDD, and online multiplayer. There surely wasn't anyone that said Nintendo "is dead", "shoot it in the head", "LOL NINTY", "wow, you really don't understand gamers", "Just die and go 3rd party already".

NeoGAF discussions can be quite juvenile -- it doesn't surprise me that GAF has posters that would rip on each other.
Double standard, much? So its fine for GAF to criticize Nintendo or razz their fans for hardware that is (or is perceived to be) under-performing relative to its competition, but abhorrent when leveled against Sony?

I mean, No. Really. There was _*no one*_ tossing themselves off with glee back in 2006 at just how "miscalculated" Nintendo's Wii was vs MS and Sony consoles which offered: Hi-Def graphics, 5.1 audio, HDD, and online multiplayer. There surely wasn't anyone that said Nintendo "is dead", "shoot it in the head", "LOL NINTY", "wow, you really don't understand gamers", "Just die and go 3rd party already".

NeoGAF discussions can be quite juvenile -- it doesn't surprise me that GAF has posters that would rip on each other.

The problem is for all 'hardcore' and 'arts' GAF wants to be people here are in LOVE with sales numbers. MC threads are the worst, since they are all about discussing sales numbers.

In other threads people might say things like "I'm happy this game is coming to other platforms, more people will get to experience it", this will never happen in MC thread. People here are out for blood.
There will be a slowdown for Nintendo console that usually during the holidays are ON FIRE (I mean, look even at the Wii last year, but also this year, considering what it is up to now...).

All systems will suffer.

There will be less big guns on the market (especially after the delay of MH4, and the actual lack of constant releases also for the Wii U)

I'd argue the only big gun out there at the minute is Animal Crossing : New Leaf.

There will be a good amount of decent games for Vita (unlike now)

What is there before Soul Sacrifice?

There will probably be a price cut near the end of the fiscal year

Not going to happen.
One another piece of statistic for the 3DS:
This year YTD (that will pass 5M), is the 3rd best YTD for a Nintendo handheld (well, for a system period I think). Only ahead the two crazy years of the DS/DSLite, 2006 and 2007.
Not bad for a handheld some people were seeing as doomed one year ago.
The only thing who bothers me is that the games doesn't appeal as much as I hoped. Except for SM3DL who abandonned his legs a while ago.
No crazy Brain Training in the software Top 10 during months for example... Next year I think Pokémon should do the trick.

You think Pokemon's new main line series will make it to the 3DS next year? I would put money on 2014 since game freak will almost certainly go through learning curve pangs that they didn't experience for the sprite based pokemon games before it. That transition will take time, unless they steal some team members from genius sonority to help the 2D-3D gameplay transition move faster. Anyways, I'm sure Nintendo has 2 or 3 major titles in store for holiday 2013, but I would bet against Pokemon 3DS. I would LOVE to be wrong though.
What is there before Soul Sacrifice?

AKB149/1, Demon Gaze, Kagura, Muramasa three weeks later.

But it's not Mario so I guess it doesn't matter?

What is there for 3DS? All the mln sellers are Trinity - three games, some other Mario, Pokemon. So it's not like you trying to argue "Vita doesn't sell because no games!".


Man, this really bums me. Gravity Rush is one of my favorite games this year and I don't see Toyama making a sequel for a tanking platform :( It's sad, really. The vita has such a great interface, amazing piece of hardware, fantastic PSN support, and rather competitive price, and the thing still can't catch on fire.

I´m sorry, but at this state this is nothing more than a running gag.

AKB149/1, Demon Gaze, Kagura, Muramasa three weeks later.

But it's not Mario so I guess it doesn't matter?

What is there for 3DS? All the mln sellers are Trinity - three games, some other Mario, Pokemon. So it's not like you trying to argue "Vita doesn't sell because no games!".

01./04. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf # <ETC> (Nintendo) {2012.11.08} (¥4.800) - 213.329 / 1.722.709 (+85%)
02./00. [3DS] Inazuma Eleven Go 2: Chrono Stone - Neppuu / Raimei <RPG> (Level 5) {2012.12.13} (¥5.500) - 170.980 / NEW
04./03. [3DS] Paper Mario: Sticker Star <ADV> (Nintendo) {2012.12.06} (¥4.800) - 79.063 / 209.072 (-39%)
06./07. [3DS] New Super Mario Bros. 2 # <ACT> (Nintendo) {2012.07.28} (¥4.800) - 75.645 / 1.569.996 (+44%)
08./10. [3DS] Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Magnagate and the Infinite Dungeon <RPG> (Pokemon Co.) {2012.11.23} (¥4.800) - 42.202 / 245.142 (+22%)
10./00. [3DS] Toriko: Gourmet Monsters! <RPG> (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.12.13} (¥5.800) - 34.430 / NEW
13./15. [3DS] Tousouchuu: Shijou Saikyou no Hunter-Tachi Kara Nigekire! <ACT> (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.07.05} (¥5.040) - 24.668 / 292.391 (+69%)
14./09. [3DS] Professor Layton Vs. Ace Attorney <ADV> (Level 5) {2012.11.29} (¥5.980) - 22.718 / 193.619 (-36%)
16./14. [3DS] Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Best Price!) # <ACT> (Capcom) {2012.11.15} (¥3.800) - 19.181 / 85.151 (+30%)
17./17. [3DS] Style Savvy: Trendsetters <ETC> (Nintendo) {2012.09.27} (¥4.800) - 16.800 / 206.151 (+50%)
18./18. [3DS] Taiko no Tatsujin: Chibi Dragon to Fushigi na Orb <ACT> (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.07.12} (¥5.040) - 16.156 / 306.764 (+68%)
19./22. [3DS] Kobito Zukan: Kobito Kansatsu Set <ETC> (Nippon Columbia) {2012.07.26} (¥5.040) - 14.548 / 165.454 (+83%)
20./19. [NDS] Pokemon Black 2 / White 2 <RPG> (Pokemon Co.) {2012.06.23} (¥4.800) - 13.856 / 2.840.324 (+54%)
21./21. [3DS] Mario Kart 7 <RCE> (Nintendo) {2011.12.01} (¥4.800) - 13.703 / 1.862.169 (+66%)
22./20. [3DS] Aikatsu! Cinderella Lesson <ETC> (Bandai Namco Games) {2012.11.15} (¥5.040) - 13.633 / 41.858 (+60%)
27./23. [3DS] Super Mario 3D Land # <ACT> (Nintendo) {2011.11.03} (¥4.800) - 11.696 / 1.745.529 (+63%)


was still interested in seeing how yak 5 held up (this one looks like a bigger marketing push, but then i don't know how much prior chapters got), found this on page 2:

02. [PS3] Yakuza 4: Heir to the Legend (Sega) - 83.187 / 467.159 (-78%)

05. [PS3] Yakuza 3 (SEGA) 53,000 / 425,000

...so, despite the holidays, between 3 and 4. not bad but i'd like to see it do better! this one sounds like the one that had some real effort going in.

ps id love to see how Kenzan fared, if anyone has the #'s

31 Flavas

The problem is for all 'hardcore' and 'arts' GAF wants to be people here are in LOVE with sales numbers. MC threads are the worst, since they are all about discussing sales numbers.

In other threads people might say things like "I'm happy this game is coming to other platforms, more people will get to experience it", this will never happen in MC thread. People here are out for blood.
Yea, I'm mostly just here for the /popcorn -- Bayonetta 2 thread, anyone?


Good Art™
The only thing i would see that could change the Vita poor sales is the jump crossover, ... except it's also on PS3...
I just can't see any of those games lifting the weekly sales to a significant (50k+) and consistent amount.
I may be wrong on this, but I don't think many systems manage to consistently sell above 50K a week. That's setting a high bar for a dead platform to leap. The PSV seems to have only held it's head above 50K for three weeks ever, the first three weeks.
AKB149/1, Demon Gaze, Kagura, Muramasa three weeks later.

But it's not Mario so I guess it doesn't matter?

What is there for 3DS? All the mln sellers are Trinity - three games, some other Mario, Pokemon. So it's not like you trying to argue "Vita doesn't sell because no games!".

It doesn't matter because they're not system seller, nor games that will sell a respectable amount of copie: a multiplatform with PSP, an uber-niche game, a spin-off of a niche series, a 4 year-old port. If this is the line-up that should revitalize Vita sales, I don't know what to think.

In the meanwhile, 3DS has a wide array of games selling, both first party and third parties... Hell, you had a look at the chart? It seems not.

Which is bizarre.

It's not bizzarre because people KNEW big games would have arrived. If you know that DQ, MH, Pokémon, etc. are going to be on that system, and the line-up is already big, you have more incentive to buy that platform.
You think Pokemon's new main line series will make it to the 3DS next year? I would put money on 2014 since game freak will almost certainly go through learning curve pangs that they didn't experience for the sprite based pokemon games before it. That transition will take time, unless they steal some team members from genius sonority to help the 2D-3D gameplay transition move faster. Anyways, I'm sure Nintendo has 2 or 3 major titles in store for holiday 2013, but I would bet against Pokemon 3DS. I would LOVE to be wrong though.

Sixth Gen in 2013 is looking like a reality. The Gen V promotion and anime arcs are wrapping up, and Game Freak has been working on 3DS dev kits since before Black and White wrapped. I'd put money on a 2013 release.


AKB149/1, Demon Gaze, Kagura, Muramasa three weeks later.

But it's not Mario so I guess it doesn't matter?

What is there for 3DS? All the mln sellers are Trinity - three games, some other Mario, Pokemon. So it's not like you trying to argue "Vita doesn't sell because no games!".

3ds has system sellers and fairly good amount of games which are easily able to get 100k mostly as well.
was still interested in seeing how yak 5 held up (this one looks like a bigger marketing push, but then i don't know how much prior chapters got), found this on page 2:

...so, despite the holidays, between 3 and 4. not bad but i'd like to see it do better! this one sounds like the one that had some real effort going in.

ps id love to see how Kenzan fared, if anyone has the #'s

02./01. [PS3] Yakuza 3: Kenzan! (Sega) - 45,776 / 227,000

03. / 01. [PS3] Yakuza: Of the End (Sega) {2011.06.09} - 53.775 / 352.492 (-82%)


El Capitan Todd
The problem is for all 'hardcore' and 'arts' GAF wants to be people here are in LOVE with sales numbers. MC threads are the worst, since they are all about discussing sales numbers.

In other threads people might say things like "I'm happy this game is coming to other platforms, more people will get to experience it", this will never happen in MC thread. People here are out for blood.

AKB149/1, Demon Gaze, Kagura, Muramasa three weeks later.

But it's not Mario so I guess it doesn't matter?

What is there for 3DS? All the mln sellers are Trinity - three games, some other Mario, Pokemon. So it's not like you trying to argue "Vita doesn't sell because no games!".

If you have read my latest posts, you can easily understand thart I believe Vita will increase its weekly sales between Feb-March 13 compared to Nov-Dec 12.

But, please, calm down.

MC threads are about numbers, there's nothing wrong in discussing them, despite how we can like or not a game.

Especially the comparison between Vita and 3DS.
I mean: I agree that those Vita games can do something for Vita, but the vast majority don't have a huge potential in terms of sales.
On the other hand, 3DS not only has million sellers (and I don't understand why you criticize mario and other big titles, considering that we are in the SALES topic), but a lot (a lot more compared to Vita especially) very solid games in terms of sales.

It's not our fault, neither 3DS fault, honestly.

Let's try it another time: what do you mean with "Vita doing well" talking about feb-march period? What sw sales are you expecting for those games, and what hw weekly numbers are you looking forward to for Vita in those weeks?


Hot Shots Golf Vita got ported to the PS3, so what are the chances of other Vita only games like gravity rush, Wipeout etc making it to the PS3?

Dunno about others, but the same thing is happening to Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F as well; its Ps3 version comes out some time in 2013. (For reference, Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F is currently Vita's #2 overall best seller in Japan, behind only Persona 4.)
You seriously think the PSVita will sell better after the holidays?

Why not ?

What's the reason i go to shop and buy a console ? It interests me and there are a bunch of games i'd like to play
If no games come, what's the reason to buy a system ?

In Japan a solid line-up always matter for sales, and Vita had too many empty weeks this year.


02./01. [PS3] Yakuza 3: Kenzan! (Sega) - 45,776 / 227,000

03. / 01. [PS3] Yakuza: Of the End (Sega) {2011.06.09} - 53.775 / 352.492 (-82%)

damn, and such a great effort early in the gen for Kenzan, as well! even with bundles... =/

super japanesey spinoff of a niche series during a small instal base though, i guess those #'s could be a lot worse


Why not ?

What's the reason i go to shop and buy a console ? It interests me and there are a bunch of games i'd like to play
If no games come, what's the reason to buy a system ?

In Japan a solid line-up always matter for sales, and Vita had too many empty weeks this year.

Your logic is sound. Unfortunately, humans are not logical creatures. The masses probably won't approach it the way you (and probably most people on enthusiast forums) do.


Your logic is sound. Unfortunately, humans are not logical creatures. The masses probably won't approach it the way you (and probably most people on enthusiast forums) do.
Funny, one of the core principles of economics is assuming the average person is rational. Otherwise patterns will make no sense.

There is a great deal of logic regarding the decline following the holiday season. Just because they behave in a different way than enthusiasts doesn't make them irroational and certainly isn't indicative of the human condition, please stop with the condescending and elitist attitude.
Funny, one of the core principles of economics is assuming the average person is rational. Otherwise patterns will make no sense.

There is a great deal of logic regarding the decline following the holiday season. Just because they behave in a different way than enthusiasts doesn't make them irroational and certainly isn't indicative of the human condition, please stop with the condescending and elitist attitude.

Yes, and research also showed economics have sometimes little to do with business. Theoretical models look nice on paper, don't behave like that in real life.

Example? "Vita is expensive! Memory cards are expensive!"

Answer: You can get Vita + one game + 16GB for 200EUR right now, this is the price of 3DS XL without the game.
Yes, and research also showed economics have sometimes little to do with business. Theoretical models look nice on paper, don't behave like that in real life.

Example? "Vita is expensive! Memory cards are expensive!"

Answer: You can get Vita + one game + 16GB for 200EUR right now, this is the price of 3DS XL without the game.

Yes. Reminds me of vita price of $250 announced


3DS price drops

"Vita to expensive"


I wonder how its selling in EU and States over xmas.
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