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Metal Gear Solid V final box art (A Hideo Kojima Game/Kojima Productions removed)


It's okay, it's just a logo. ;)

It isn't like it's common for other games to have the director's name on the box art. Only other game that does that is Civilization as far as I know.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
Of course it was removed. He's not their employee anymore. Why would they use his name on promotional/box art materials? And you're all sitting there behind your computers defending Kojima when you have no idea what really went down. What is with this blind loyalty for someone you know nothing about? Have any of you even exchanged a single word with the man?

If you're not buying the game because someone got fired from a company, more power to you but don't act like you're making some grand statement. And anyone that supposedly hates a company but still wants to use their product can just stop with the "I'll buy it used!" crap because that's what it is. Complete and utter crap. Do you realize how ludicrous you sound when you say, "I HATE KONAMI!!! But I really really want to play MGSV so I'll buy it used so Konami doesn't get a cent from me! hahahahahahah!!"

Yeah that's really logical.

I have to say I agree, this weird fanboyism people have with Kojima is terrifying at times. I enjoy the man's work too but we're all too quick with assumptions when none of us know the entire story.

why do people do this as a means to try and discredit someone, it is pretty sad.

Something that I've always disliked about the forum, it is indeed sad.

I also can't stand this constant need to draw parallels between the game and Konami and Kojima's situation. Not everything is a reference, not everything is Kojima's subtle way of saying something against Konami. Sometime's a game is just a game.


For the same reason Sony acknowledged Fumito Ueda at their E3 conference. Something called respect.

It's weird how the gameplay demonstration at the E3 media briefing had "directed by Fumito Ueda" in the video, but the same video uploaded online doesn't have that. They did the same thing with Hidetaka Miyazaki and Bloodborne last year.

I always wonder why video game publishers don't publicize the creative people, the directors behind the games more.
Isn't Kojima like the only guy who ever gets his name put on his works? I don't see what's the big deal, especially since his name will be everywhere in the actual game itself (which I also think shouldn't be the case).

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Of course it was removed. He's not their employee anymore. Why would they use his name on promotional/box art materials?

Because Kojima's name is a brand in itself. It sells games.

For a game like MGS it seems almost impossible. But hey, who knows.

No one here, which is why it was a bit of a moot point to bring up in the first instance.

Isn't Kojima like the only guy who ever gets his name put on his works?

Nope. It is relatively rare in the industry but it is common for games he's involved with. The issue is really that it was there and now it isn't.


Neo Member
Konami are like Arsenal Gear.

The cover sucks either way.
What happened to the MGS2/3 style covers?
Don't agree in the slightest but I can understand why it would piss off Konami. One of your employees is getting more namespace than the company logo. It's bound to upset them and it has probably caused much of the fallout.


Tragic victim of fan death
why do people do this as a means to try and discredit someone, it is pretty sad.

Because we have normal users who are petty. The ironic thing is that I see some junior members posting more intelligent stuff than half the Member userbase on this forum.
It's petty, obviously. But hasn't Kojima plastered his name at the start and end of every single mission?

Petty, but not a big deal at all.
I'm not fussed. Over the last ten years I've put out 50 odd publications for my employer. My contributions were invaluable yet unrecognised. My overtime was numerous yet unremunerated.
My name isn't on one of those publications.
But I did get paid every two weeks. Let's not get precious about it.

I'm buying two copies BTW.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Well, you're lucky.

Nah, I'm British. We don't have luck.

I'm not fussed. Over the last ten years I've put out 50 odd publications for my employer. My contributions were invaluable yet unrecognised. My overtime was numerous yet unremunerated.
My name isn't on one of those publications.
But I did get paid every two weeks. Let's not get precious about it.

Joined: 02-01-2015

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I have to say I agree, this weird fanboyism people have with Kojima is terrifying at times. I enjoy the man's work too but we're all too quick with assumptions when none of us know the entire story.
I also can't stand this constant need to draw parallels between the game and Konami and Kojima's situation. Not everything is a reference, not everything is Kojima's subtle way of saying something against Konami. Sometime's a game is just a game.
Glad someone else agrees.

Super Muffin

Neo Member
I'm not particularly enamored with Kojima but I still feel like making a Kojima Productions sticker and slapping it on the box.

What Konami is doing is pretty much middle school LiveJournal drama. Just leave the box art how it was.
There is NOTHING I hope for more than for this to be some sort of legal thing and a misunderstanding. But given Konami has done this with one of their other major franchises, I don't blame people for being so skeptical of that. I was ready for Kojima to move on after MGSV and pass the torch to the director of the next Metal Gear saga. I was planning to support the brand for years to come, because they went out on good terms. If it's as bad as we're assuming, then that's just really hard to swallow and really hard to support going forward.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
There is NOTHING I hope for more than for this to be some sort of legal thing and a misunderstanding. But given Konami has done this with one of their other major franchises, I don't blame people for being so skeptical of that. I was ready for Kojima to move on after MGSV and pass the torch to the director of the next Metal Gear saga. I was planning to support the brand for years to come, because they went out on good terms. If it's as bad as we're assuming, then that's just really hard to swallow and really hard to support going forward.
It most likely IS due to legal reasons. It's really the most logical explanation if you think about it. Kojima is now a contractor on the game, as well as his entire Kojipro team, which will be disbanded after the game comes out, what point would there be in brand recognition for a team that technically doesn't exist anymore?


There is NOTHING I hope for more than for this to be some sort of legal thing and a misunderstanding. But given Konami has done this with one of their other major franchises, I don't blame people for being so skeptical of that. I was ready for Kojima to move on after MGSV and pass the torch to the director of the next Metal Gear saga. I was planning to support the brand for years to come, because they went out on good terms. If it's as bad as we're assuming, then that's just really hard to swallow and really hard to support going forward.

That honestly sound more likely. I mean, all these people accusing Konami of being childish and mean and other stupid things that companies are not capable of being.

What Konami is doing is pretty much middle school LiveJournal drama. Just leave the box art how it was.

Like this, you know? Konami aren't doing this because they're salty. Companies aren't salty. If they removed a name, and brand, from their product there could be a ton of legal reasons for that, which none of us here understand.

One speculation I read is that this might just mean that Kojima gets to keep his name. If you think about it, Kojima isn't only Hideo's name, it's also a brand. This would mean that if Kojima wanted to start a studio like Kojima Studios he would be able to. Basically, getting his name detached from MGS V and Konami might be exactly what Kojima wanted, and maybe even negotiated for.

Of course, everything is just speculation right now.


why do people do this as a means to try and discredit someone, it is pretty sad.

The point doesn't discredit them.

It's more to recognize, "oh, you're this kind of user and you're young, so you haven't had your wrists slapped by mods for acting like a bit of a jerk. You'll come around."

It's not necessarily a nice thing to think. Just the way it seems to work.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
It most likely IS due to legal reasons. It's really the most logical explanation if you think about it. Kojima is now a contractor on the game, as well as his entire Kojipro team, which will be disbanded after the game comes out, what point would there be in brand recognition for a team that technically doesn't exist anymore?

Not that I disagree with the sentiment of your post, but the answer to the last part is "to market the game that hasn't been released yet".

It's mid marketing push and they're taking a bit of a good will hit with the Kojima fan base, which makes up a very vocal portion of their long term customers. Although it will undoubtedly not affect their bottom line (for TPP, at least), it's another PR headache (along with MTs) that I doubt they really want to deal with. They're clearly confident in the product (16 hour press review says it all and was very useful in allaying any fears that Kojima's heart wasn't in it) but they could've got the Press onside anyway without riling up the vocal minority by simply leaving his name on.

Regardless if the team exists or not, the name sells games. By deciding to take it off mid-push, they're (for all intents and purposes) retroactively taking his name off the box. What I wonder is whether they'll do it with the old games as well. The whole thing seems like quite a drastic and unprecedented move to me. It being down to Kojima protecting his brand and Konami trying to distance themselves from it seems like the only plausible explanation the more I think about it. Still, it's all very weird.


Ueda is a contractor for Sony now but his name is still on the Last Guardian trailer. I mean, Sony's proud to have the guy working for them, even if it's not on an official Team ICO basis anymore. They want you to know it's his game. Look at the props they gave him at E3.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Not that I disagree with the sentiment of your post, but the answer to the last part is "to market the game that hasn't been released yet".

It's mid marketing push and they're taking a bit of a good will hit with the Kojima fan base, which makes up a very vocal portion of their long term customers. Although it will undoubtedly not affect their bottom line (for TPP, at least), it's another PR headache (along with MTs) that I doubt they really want to deal with. They're clearly confident in the product (16 hour press review says it all and was very useful in allaying any fears that Kojima's heart wasn't in it) but they could've got the Press onside anyway without riling up the vocal minority by simply leaving his name on.

Regardless if the team exists or not, the name sells games. By deciding to take it off mid-push, they're (for all intents and purposes) retroactively taking his name off the box. What I wonder is whether they'll do it with the old games as well. The whole thing seems like quite a drastic and unprecedented move to me. It being down to Kojima protecting his brand and Konami trying to distance themselves from it seems like the only plausible explanation the more I think about it. Still, it's all very weird.
That's the thing is that I really don't think they care when it comes down to it. The first thing we'll see when the game starts up is probably the Konami followed by the Kojima Productions logo. And considering that the fox engine logo is still there, the second bolded would make sense.
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