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Microsoft Earnings: 1.2 million Xbox One's shipped in Jan-Mar, 5.1M total (3.9+1.2)


Impressive considering xbox still hasn't launched in many other countries.

All those countries really care for Xbox, you have no idea.

South and Eastern Europe were Xbox strongholds for the last decade, as well as other Asian and Latin America countries.


Noone cares about Xbox around here, because MS never actually cared nor listened those markets. Users on those markets can't use 70-80% of non-gaming functionality of XboxOne while paying higher price of console, games and Live service than US. No matter of price-cut, gamers are simply not interested. Maybe for 300 euro, but even then it would be a question.

And all users knows that, as well as everything about current PS4>XboxOne differences. European customers are HIGHLY informed about everything for example.

Launching in more countries is good move for MS, but outside US/UK changing tides it can do only that much.
I'd agree with most of what you are saying, merely trying to play devil's advocate right now.

I wouldn't say it's "silly" to bring up as it adds to the discussion, but silly to try and say that they would be neck in neck would be correct.

I suppose you are right, the more I look at the countries on the list (also found out the number is 26 countries not 20)

For sure. I don't think anyone would bet against that :p

It is a good talking point yes, I am talking about those who always imply because x1 is not in those countries it is selling well, they won;t make much differrence.
this was Bremen... :)

whenever I go to Hamburg and make my rounds in the saturns and media Markts, there's always better deals there compared to here and always a bigger and better selection on software.

by the way everyone, it's not like MS didn't try.

this is a Titanfall figure in the main train station in Berlin:

people knew about it.

which makes matters worse in my opinion

No matters what happens to the Xbone, that statue is pretty fucking cool.


So, since so much of this thread revolves around the price and possible price cuts for the Xbone, can we discuss/speculate PS4 pricing strategy?

Is there room to maneuver for the Sony? In either case, what are the possible reactions from Sony in the event of a price cut for the xbone? What would be the best thing to do given that Sony doesn't want to haemorrhage cash and should still want to main or grow their lead?

Yes, there appears to be room to maneuver. The BOM for the PS4 is actually lower than the One, and components like its GDDR5 will drop in price quicker and greater than the DDR3 used in the One. So, unless Microsoft drops the Kinect, Sony has an advantage.

One of the possible reactions, and the most likely one, is to do nothing. They've still not met demand. Furthermore, they still beat MS despite massive promotions, pack-ins, and advertising.
So, since so much of this thread revolves around the price and possible price cuts for the Xbone, can we discuss/speculate PS4 pricing strategy?

Is there room to maneuver for the Sony? In either case, what are the possible reactions from Sony in the event of a price cut for the xbone? What would be the best thing to do given that Sony doesn't want to haemorrhage cash and should still want to main or grow their lead?

Mark Cerny said they designed PS4 to take advantage of price drops when needed, both in future savings in manufacturing; costs, processes and materials, and the amount of money they make selling each console. As it stands now, I think it was one game (and possibly a year's PS+ subscription) that put them in the black, so they have room to maneuver with competitive bundles and price drops.

Fact is though, they don't need to do anything at the moment.

In my opinion the gap will only get wider.

It gets wider every day.

Too much sexy talk here.


I agree they're healthy currently. Microsoft just have to ensure the recent downturn of sales doesn't accelerate. (I'm speaking of NPD numbers here, their strongest region.) Launch for Xbox One was fantastic and unprecedented, selling about triple what 360 did at launch. But in the following quarter it was only 109k over the 360 (about 18% higher). Next quarter One will have to sell as much as this quarter--while having no Titanfall--just to match 360. Having a very strong, very appreciated E3 will be more important than ever for Microsoft this year.

Actually, last year's E3 might've been even more important. They did what they could, though they couldn't shake their negative policies quick enough. Fortunately for them, Sony won't have any "easy wins" this year.
Good post.



Not like I like it or anything...
Yeah those Tier 2 and Tier 3 markets won't make much of a dent.

Microsoft prioritized NA, the UK and a few others because they thought they'd do gangbusters there. They wanted an unassailable lead in those markets.

Unless a dramatic official price cut happens and all of that NA functionality suddenly happens for the rest of the world, Microsoft will be pretty much DOA when they launch there.

Its a very difficult situation for Microsoft. They can dig themselves out of it in certain regions but in some they'll never even have a chance of competing.
Yeah those Tier 2 and Tier 3 markets won't make much of a dent.

Microsoft prioritized NA, the UK and a few others because they thought they'd do gangbusters there. They wanted an unassailable lead in those markets.

Unless a dramatic official price cut happens and all of that NA functionality suddenly happens for the rest of the world, Microsoft will be pretty much DOA when they launch there.

Its a very difficult situation for Microsoft. They can dig themselves out of it in certain regions but in some they'll never even have a chance of competing.

In my opinion they have lost it world wide already but they can still get a respectable amount of sales by the end of this generation


Well, many of the "target audience" are sitting in the not so healthy parts of the city and to be honest Germany is extremely price sensitive and brand recognition is huge. 500 EUR + 60 EUR Live subscription in a country where Microsoft struggles historically was only going to fail.
Yay, I'm a member now.


Going by personal tier 2 experience, me and all my friends are still waiting for the official launch and I suspect we aren't the only ones, X1's has not in any way been on shelves where we're located since the tier 1 release, it's been available in one dutch store as an expensive i port option for a few months and only just now in game stores like Game and GameStop for a more reasonable price. Oh and PS4 is not in anyway out of stock here.

Hold up. You're saying it's not out of stock in the Netherlands?
Let's do a quick comparison, because i'm really wondering where all those PS4's are hiding.

Xbox One online availability in the Netherlands. (Remember, it HASN'T launched here yet.)
I can have one shipped and delivered to me tomorrow for 20EUR below retail price from multiple outlets. I get daily mails from GameMania and Nedgame with Xbox One deals.

PS4 online availability in the Netherlands. Launched last year.
The only store that has them in stock charges 70 EUR above retail price. It's nigh impossible to pick up for 399.
Hold up. You're saying it's not out of stock in the Netherlands?
Let's do a quick comparison, because i'm really wondering where all those PS4's are hiding.

Xbox One online availability in the Netherlands. (Remember, it HASN'T launched here yet.)

I can have one shipped and delivered to me tomorrow for 20EUR below retail price from multiple outlets. I get daily mails from GameMania and Nedgame with Xbox One deals.

PS4 online availability in the Netherlands. Launched last year.

The only store that has them in stock charges 70 EUR above retail price. It's nigh impossible to pick up for 399.

Hilarious to still see the "It's not out of stock anymore" posts, yet a bit of research still shows in many parts of the word it is.


Hold up. You're saying it's not out of stock in the Netherlands?
Let's do a quick comparison, because i'm really wondering where all those PS4's are hiding.

Xbox One online availability in the Netherlands. (Remember, it HASN'T launched here yet.)

I can have one shipped and delivered to me tomorrow for 20EUR below retail price from multiple outlets. I get daily mails from GameMania and Nedgame with Xbox One deals.

PS4 online availability in the Netherlands. Launched last year.

The only store that has them in stock charges 70 EUR above retail price. It's nigh impossible to pick up for 399.


in friesland


Ok, what is up with the two entirely contradicting reports? I inclined to believe the one that actually show some evidence.


I don't think XB1 can ever surpass PS4 WW. It's only 5 months in but you can tell where this is going to go. The WW gap in increasing every month. XB1 would have to outsell PS4 by hundreds of thousands on a consistent basis. That's not going to happen. Neither console is selling wii like month to month but at least PS4 has the advantage.

Yup, like I mentioned earlier it's only a matter of time before we see the PS4 having twice the installed userbase of the One, I think things with third parties in the future could become very interesting, as I mentioned in a previous post.

We could see third parties either canning Xbox One SKUs and just releasing on the PC and PS4 or maybe having them add a Wii U SKU to spread the cost of development.

And the biggest problem that they have is that their cupboard is pretty bare when it comes to system selling IPs. They've got, what? Halo and Gears and that's pretty much it unless some others have slipped my mind..?
50K at launch per country in those 26 countries. Believe!

Between launch and 2011 only 95K PS3s were sold in India. The XBO is going to double that this year...

50K XBO's in Portugal where the PS4 sold 20K at launch...


These countries make up a very, very small proportion of the PS4's current sales, and they'll probably make up an even smaller proportion of the XBO's future sales.


What exactly are people expecting from launches in Slovakia, Singapore and Saudi Arabia?

The 50K units they'll sell in Japan this year sure will close that gap.

The PS4, based on software sales and tie ratio extrapolation sold maybe 40K in 2013 across Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark i.e. 4 of those 26 launch markets for 2014. And even given some of the reason behind that is supply, I highly doubt the XBO fares significantly better.

These markets will in all likelihood add something like 500K this year at best.

The XBO has already launched in the markets in which it will make the vast majority of its lifetime sales.

I will only speak about my home country, Slovakia, and I said it before.

I do not expect anything at all, you can easily buy X1 with games over here, as well as in our neighbors countries (e.g. Hungary or Czech Rep.). I remember that I ask shopkeeper sometimes in January in our biggest gaming shop in town, how much console they sold and he told me "none" and when I ask, what about games? He replied "two"

To put it into a context, in March, people were still waiting for their PS4 ordered in November.
People bring it up because noone really has any idea since it hasn't happened yet. It could be the same price in september as PS4 there for all we know.

I get what you mean, it won't sell anything close to significant, but it will certainly sell more than they are selling now.

But at what cost? Don't underestimate the logistic and regulatory costs to enter a new market. If sales aren't above a certain threshold some markets are just not worth it. Which is why neither console launches in every country in the world, even though they'd sell "more".
You mean just like Titanfall and those big discounts/bundles we've been seeing lately?

You know full well I mean an official price cut (including but not limited to a Kinectless SKU), not temporary retailer cuts. Across the board $400-450 MSRP, then with retailer deals piled on to that. Not to mention they will have Horizon, Sunset Overdrive, and Halo 2 Anniv (most likely) by holiday. Games like that should do more to bring people from 360>One more than Titanfall.

And obviously PS4 won't be stagnant then either as it will have a lot of great games releasing in the fall/holiday, but I just see the console doing pretty well this holiday as well if the above pans out.


You know full well I mean an official price cut (including but not limited to a Kinectless SKU), not temporary retailer cuts. Across the board $400-450 MSRP, then with retailer deals piled on to that. Not to mention they will have Horizon, Sunset Overdrive, and Halo 2 Anniv (most likely) by holiday. Games like that should do more to bring people from 360>One more than Titanfall.

And obviously PS4 won't be stagnant then either as it will have a lot of great games releasing in the fall/holiday, but I just see the console doing pretty well this holiday as well if the above pans out.

To the consumer, whether the price cut is official or not is a moot point. Horizon and SO aren't going to get the marketing budget/push that Titanfall had.
To the consumer, whether the price cut is official or not is a moot point. Horizon and SO aren't going to get the marketing budget/push that Titanfall had.

SO might get a decent push. If the rumor of a white console edition bundle with SO is true, then it seems like MS might be pushing it as their big holiday title.


I think were past the point of any single game helping the Xbone. Titanfall had one of the largest marketing push of any game this generation so far and was much larger than most of the super AAA blockbuster titles of last gen (in terms of marketing). The only realistic possibility of increasing its month to month sales is a significant price-cut. $349.99 would be the magic number, but I don't think they are willing to subsidize their hardware.


It gets wider every day.

Would you say about this wide?

Yeah, if MS is trying to push SO as their big holiday title, they might want to take a step back and reevaluate, especially considering Sony is coming with the double whammy with Destiny is September and The Order right after. Maybe we'll hear more about Halo 2 Anniversary ad Quantum Break at E3 because Lord knows MS needs all the games they can get exclusively at this point.


Feel free to explain it then
You tell me how they're going to make a big push for it, I'm not really getting the hype for it. I don't see how or why they would invest much money in it, I'd think that they'd be better off putting that marketing money towards H2A and Forza Horizon.


Feel free to explain it then

The tag line for Titanfall was "from the makers of Call of Duty". I think it was just a marketing joke that you can't really do that with SO. Still seems like the game could be great, but from a marketing perspective, there's no way it can have the same potential impact as Titanfall.


You know full well I mean an official price cut (including but not limited to a Kinectless SKU), not temporary retailer cuts. Across the board $400-450 MSRP, then with retailer deals piled on to that. Not to mention they will have Horizon, Sunset Overdrive, and Halo 2 Anniv (most likely) by holiday. Games like that should do more to bring people from 360>One more than Titanfall.

And obviously PS4 won't be stagnant then either as it will have a lot of great games releasing in the fall/holiday, but I just see the console doing pretty well this holiday as well if the above pans out.

The price cut might as well have been official. It was $449 at all of the major outlets for several weeks.

And if Titanfall can't have an impact, Horizon and Sunset Overdrive sure as hell won't. I even doubt that a remake of Halo 2 will do much for their current predicament.

Microsoft need some hot ground breaking shit that fully utilizes the Kinect 2. Otherwise, I think they are going to be in trouble when Sony starts pulling out their big guns.


The price cut might as well have been official. It was $449 at all of the major outlets for several weeks.

And if Titanfall can't have an impact, Horizon and Sunset Overdrive sure as hell won't. I even doubt that a remake of Halo 2 will do much for their current predicament.

Microsoft need some hot ground breaking shit that fully utilizes the Kinect 2. Otherwise, I think they are going to be in trouble when Sony starts pulling out their big guns.

But it's back up to $499, so it's not official. And that means sales will slow again because people have seen it as low as $449 so why would they buy it now at $499?


But it's back up to $499, so it's not official. And that means sales will slow again because people have seen it as low as $449 so why would they buy it now at $499?

This whole bait and switch thing is bad for Microsoft, the longer they wait to keep the prices low, the more consumers they will lose to to impatience and/or choosing the other alternative(s).
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