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Microsoft gathering community opinions on porting Killer Instinct to PC

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Why can't I put two posts together?

First you say this:

And then you say this:

PS4 is an option if you don't like gaming on a PC but when it comes to the Xbone, you feel the reverse?

In my eyes, I see two differing opinions on the same topic and I'm calling you out on it.

You cant put two together because your question made it unrelated, your question made my preferences non existent, instead it became a relation between XB1 and PC exclusive wise and that is how I answered

Again you are taking what I said and twisting it your way, PS4 is an option because its exclusives arent moving to PC and it has a large diversity of PC and console games but IF (which all arent) XB1 exclusives went to the PC, then it wouldnt be an attractive option as the PS4 would be anymore and lose its value hence devaluing it while the PS4 stays strong.

No in your eyes, you seem to want to argue that consoles losing their main stay exclusives to a more stronger platform doesn't devalue them in a way and it clearly does


An blind dancing ho
Nabs was first:

It's a Microsoft game, so yes (not that I think the evidence is anything more than just general forum moderating). Dead Rising 3 and Ryse have always been owned by Capcom and Crytek respectively, so it was only a matter of time before publishing rights reverted back to them (although it happened far sooner than I would have guessed).

Microsoft do ports their own ips to pc it's not just published games by them, they ported to pc recently are State of Decay last year and Fable Anniversary this year. whoever this might be the first Xbox One title they own that get ported.


I just got a Xbox one and I'm loving it. This was one of the games that pushed me over to it. Still, I'd love to see more people enjoy the game, hopefully it makes it way over


Because it would give people a reason to own a certain platform. If every game were to be multiplatform on every platform, then what would be the point of owning said console?
Hardware on OS, like, you know, the actual products platform holders should be competing with.


Neo Member
I purchased the retail combo breaker version of the game a few weeks ago, but haven't put more than 5 hours into it due to not owning an Xbox One arcade stick. With SFV being announced for the PS4/PC, I'm honestly far less likely to be purchasing one. However, I'd gladly repurchase KI day one if it were ported to the PC. I already own a PC/360/PS3 compatible stick and would love to use it with the game. I hope Microsoft and Iron Galaxy make this a reality.


Let this invoke my feelings on the topic in you.




I purchased the retail combo breaker version of the game a few weeks ago, but haven't put more than 5 hours into it due to not owning an Xbox One arcade stick. With SFV being announced for the PS4/PC, I'm honestly far less likely to be purchasing one. However, I'd gladly repurchase KI day one if it were ported to the PC. I already own a PC/360/PS3 compatible stick and would love to use it with the game. I hope Microsoft and Iron Galaxy make this a reality.

That X1 stick is too expensive any way. I am going to get either a a Cronus Max or Titan One ( which ever is better and less of a bitch to actually use) and hook my SF4 tourney stick up to it.

One consumer holding off purchasing Xbox One because hopes of PC release is one consumer too many.

As much as i love KI, i doubt many people purchased the X1 solely for that game. Not even i did.


The good ole damned if you, damned if you don't. MS takes flak for not catering to PC players if they do port. MS takes flak for not keeping a nice list of console war exclusives if they don't.
It's almost as if different people held different opinions


My interest in KI is fairly lost to me since the original KI. Of course, by all means bring it over to PC, I'm sure plenty of folks are interested. I'd probably dip into the game if it was around or mess with the original out of nostalgia at the least.

As far as Microsoft and Xbox "losing exclusives", I don't know if people are really looking at the bigger picture of Microsoft's intentions as a whole. We know they intend to unify all their platforms with Windows 10, although the experience will likely differ depending on input and device leading to varied UI. We do know there will be "One Store" as a single shopping point for those devices (although I imagine PC users can go about their usual business also).

That eventuality could do a lot of things for Xbox depending on what Microsoft are willing to do and how that effects development for Xbox. They may even have quite a few thing lined up for that already and are just keeping things quiet for now, who knows. Regardless, it will be interesting to see where that leads if anywhere at all.

its hilarious...

how Sony has a Fighting game exclusive to their console that will be on PC as well and people actually made a thread "Sony is so Cool with PC gamers" or something like that...and how Sony and PC aren't competitors and that Sony should be applauded for allowing SF5 on PC.

Then MS is like "hey bruhs, what if we brought KI to PC? and people are like "LOL XBOX IS DOOMED!"

I don't own a Xbone but this game really seemed so cool. Can I portbeg a ps4 Version? D:
Especially the awesome dynamic soundtrack is so freaking awesome.
Would be nice to see. I only played the Arcade version briefly in the 90s.

I wonder if there's a large potential audience in Europe who never got into Nintendo stuff and sadly so far the Xbox One doesn't look like it will do well here. Could be really good for the franchise.
You cant put two together because your question made it unrelated, your question made my preferences non existent, instead it became a relation between XB1 and PC exclusive wise and that is how I answered

Again you are taking what I said and twisting it your way, PS4 is an option because its exclusives arent moving to PC and it has a large diversity of PC and console games but IF (which all arent) XB1 exclusives went to the PC, then it wouldnt be an attractive option as the PS4 would be anymore and lose its value hence devaluing it while the PS4 stays strong.

No in your eyes, you seem to want to argue that consoles losing their main stay exclusives to a more stronger platform doesn't devalue them in a way and it clearly does
My question never specified exclusively being PC and Xbox. It was about what your opinion was on the topic at hand. You can claim that you answered the question under a different assumption if you want though

Second, I never stated exclusives, don't know why your bringing that into this. I was pointing out your exact words of Xbox being devalued when its games are on PC but that, in your opinion, doesn't hold true for PS4 and that you would rather play those PC games on PS4 because you don't like gaming on a PC. It seems contradicting in my mind.

Also, I lol'ed at the last part of your post. I'm a primarily PC gamer so I more than welcome more game on PC so please don't even try that with me.


Would love this on PC. Was sorely tempted by an X1 at launch for this game alone. Something about the aesthetic and meaty looking combat really appeals to me. Haven't kept up-to-date though, how are the mechanics holding up and does the game have competitive legs?


i hope phil is not reading this thread because it's full of "yes so i can sell my xbone!"

its hilarious...

how Sony has a Fighting game exclusive to their console that will be on PC as well and people actually made a thread "Sony is so Cool with PC gamers" or something like that...and how Sony and PC aren't competitors and that Sony should be applauded for allowing SF5 on PC.

Then MS is like "hey bruhs, what if we brought KI to PC? and people are like "LOL XBOX IS DOOMED!"


sony has not a fighting game on pc, capcom has.


I have a feeling the tens of thousands of possible sales on PC will outweigh the number of lost console sales soley for KI.

I would value selling a platform higher than selling a game. The software is usually one and done, while the platform would potentially bring in more revenue by selling accessories, services and more games.

As much as i love KI, i doubt many people purchased the X1 solely for that game. Not even i did.

So you didn't purchase Xbox One soley for that game, but would you say the announcement of KI exclusive to Xbox One helped?
With how many games are coming to PC these days, I don't see many reasons to own either next-gen consoles.

When you can buy halo 5, gears of war, uncharted, the last of us etc on PC, then your comment has some validity.

Edit: I'm probably going to get berated for this but I don't see why MS are putting any exclusives on PC at all. It does lessen the value of the xbox one because like people are saying in this thread, they don't need one because the game will eventually come out for PC. The short term financial gain (if there is one) isn't worth it in my opinion.


Would love this on PC. Was sorely tempted by an X1 at launch for this game alone. Something about the aesthetic and meaty looking combat really appeals to me. Haven't kept up-to-date though, how are the mechanics holding up and does the game have competitive legs?
It does. There are some balance/dumb shit issues to sort out which are kinda being ironed on as they go but the game has enough variety and is different enough to be able to stand on its own against any other fighter out there. Everyone involved has done a great job so far.
Anymore MS exclusives go to PC and I can ditch the ol Xbox. I like the system, but it seems like I can get most of the games elsewhere and I'm over halo mcc.


It does. There are some balance/dumb shit issues to sort out which are kinda being ironed on as they go but the game has enough variety and is different enough to be able to stand on its own against any other fighter out there. Everyone involved has done a great job so far.

Encouraging to hear, thanks.


All this "one less reason to buy a X1" posts should be a hint to MS. If they want to keep the system relevant a portfolio of exclusives is important and launching those games on PC is not going to help.
These "now I don't have to buy an Xbox One" posts are gonna fuck up any chance to get Microsoft to support their Operating System. I wish ya'll would shut up.


I would value selling a platform higher than selling a game. The software is usually one and done, while the platform would potentially bring in more revenue by selling accessories, services and more games.

So you didn't purchase Xbox One soley for that game, but would you say the announcement of KI exclusive to Xbox One helped?

Sure it helped. Any number games i am interested in playing on a console will help my decision in whether or not to purchase it.

When you can buy halo 5, gears of war, uncharted, the last of us etc on PC, then your comment has some validity.

Edit: I'm probably going to get berated for this but I don't see why MS are putting any exclusives on PC at all. It does lessen the value of the xbox one because like people are saying in this thread, they don't need one because the game will eventually come out for PC. The short term financial gain (if there is one) isn't worth it in my opinion.

But if they don't they get shit on for not supporting the PC. Which they also have a stake in so what should they do? (Maybe they should just have a dedicated PC team that makes AAA games for Windows or something?)
Sure it helped. Any number games i am interested in playing on a console will help my decision in whether or not to purchase it.

I really think that genuine exclusives to a console is the main reason why people choose to buy it. MS are shooting themselves in the foot by making these games available on PC also.
Sorry PC gamers.


its hilarious...

how Sony has a Fighting game exclusive to their console that will be on PC as well and people actually made a thread "Sony is so Cool with PC gamers" or something like that...and how Sony and PC aren't competitors and that Sony should be applauded for allowing SF5 on PC.

Then MS is like "hey bruhs, what if we brought KI to PC? and people are like "LOL XBOX IS DOOMED!"

Hoi Polloi PR buddy. Be cool by hating Xbox.


How does this greatly benefit them? No console sold, no xbox live subscription sold.

By having more people to sell their games to? People like me, who are only interested in one or two of their exclusives, are never going to get an Xbox One. It's just not worth it. By releasing on PC as well, they can sell more copies.

I mean, anyone that actually wants an Xbox One is most likely going to get one anyway. It's not like putting a game on PC is putting it on a competitor's platform. Windows is also their platform.



There still aren't enough games on XBO that makes me want to buy one. This and Sunset overdrive are the only two, so bring both over to the PC.
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