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Microsoft Investor Wants To Fire Ballmer And Sell Xbox Division


I don't think a lot of posters understand that a 1% shareholder is a huge part of a big company like Microsoft. Like others have said, Gates only owns 4%. If this shareholder continues to rally support, there could be big changes after this upcoming generation.

It's not time to panic or expect Microsoft to abandon the Xbox division, but the chances of that happening aren't as remote as you might think.


Wait ...... WHAT?! How could MS not make money out the xbox brand? Is 70 million not enough?

If this is because of the xbox one. The damn thing didn't even launch.


Wait ...... WHAT?! How could MS not make money out the xbox brand? Is 70 million not enough?

If this is because of the xbox one. The damn thing didn't even launch.
No because they have not yet made back the money used for R&D
No real surprises really. Its been quite well known that the Xbox division is about as popular with shareholders as an illegitimate love child, born from an ugly women, after a drunken one night stand.

They have much bigger fish to fry and a gaming division, which has just been one headache after another is considered as a waste of resources. With all the negative press they have been getting and if the pre-order figures are less than expected, I can see the knives being sharpened for the next shareholders meeting.

The Q4 report is where things get interesting.
So investors don't make dumb decisions. Getting rid of easily one of the fastest growing sectors of your business is stupidity. Correction, Xbox is the fastest growing sector of the business, not simply one of last I checked.

Considering that the 2 billion dollars they invested into Microsoft most likely came from other investments, I would say that they probably make wildly better decisions than you or I, on average.


“Xbox is cool, but by our estimates Microsoft has not made money at this”[/I]

Not uh oh. The Xbox division is still net negative as a whole (I think) and there's a reason for the distinct shift in focus for the division as of late.



Don't forget that Microsoft has pumped a lot of relatively "free" money into the gaming industry by overpaying for a lot of things. Even if you don't count the ridiculous fleecing the Stamper Bros pulled off on them by selling Rare, they pay for other stuff in order to have a stronger foothold in the industry.
Man they're trying to bring Gates back? That would be interesting. Short term, stocks would most definitely increase at such news, but would/can Gates lead MS in this kind of market?


Yeah but Amazon (and others) would probably rather just buy parts. A studio here or there that fits a need, or maybe some patents.
Sure, but MS could sell its division in many different ways, separating studios, IPs and all. I do think some companies would be interested in (almost) the whole package, though.
The Q4 report is where things get interesting.
Yes, and all the bad press is already a feast for investors against the division, a lackluster Xbone performance would probably move a lot of investors towards this shareholder's opinion.
Mattrick. Ballmer was against it.

Right! I looked back through some old articles and it was Mattrick.

Personally, I would be ecstatic if they spun off the Xbox brand into its own entity. I'm no MS stockholder, but it seems a move like that would appease quite a few.

I could see Xbox as an entity, and the "Xbox One" taking brand recognition like the "Apple iPhone" or the "Ford Focus"

In return, Xbox could provide entertainment services back to Microsoft, with less pressure to focus on other things than gaming, like Skype currently does. A Steam-like Xbox Live client and backend that goes cross-platform and cross-medium.

It would also cut off Microsoft from diluting the Xbox brand like they have done with Xbox Music and Xbox Video. Xbox will forever be a set top box brand, that offers subscription services that are not of its own. That gives far greater flexibility and access to Xbox.

It would also push them to be individually successful, having to stand on their own two to meander profitability and consumer good will. Not be tied down to Microsoft's and obscured.

And it would make threads way more fun.


It's all about money. You have finance grads and accountants and investors run companies into the ground and then they move on. It's all about profit margins, not making the best products because you can/want to etc.

You see it in every industry. How many executives and leaders of companies even know how to make the products they're selling or how it used?

I'll mention HP, they brought some European CEO over to run the company. He didn't have the first clue about computer manufacture, software development. Just interested in double digit growth and profit margins. He decides to completely shit on Palm and their purchase and of development of the Touchpad. Then, he announces HP wants to leave manufacturing altogether and become a cloud and server leader like Oracle and spends billions yo buy some shitty Autonomy company. Within a day, HP stock dropped nearly 25% and by the time he was ousted, had dropped nearly 40%.

Eh whatever. Hope this investor realizes that a lot of goodwill and money to Microsoft comes from the Xbox division and that they've become like the dominant games company now. It's not always about the bottom line.


Console space doesn't bring in a lot of actual profit. Investors feel that MS and Sony should focus in areas that bring in more profit rather than keep up these money sinks.

MS and Sony online platforms coming in 2019 for phone, tablet, and PC gaming. Believe it!


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I could definitely see MS selling the division piecemeal over the next 5-10 years. It would suck for the core gamer I'd imagine, but Microsoft's biggest business has always been in software, not hardware.

It's not surprising at all that MS's investors would want to cut off the hardware division and focus on software only.
Well, that says a lot.
Thinking as an investor who doesn't give a crap about games, I'd probably want the same thing as this guy. "Sell it to Amazon and focus on what is profitable."

To be fair these decisions aren't that easy to make. If they were to just rest on their laurels with Windows in an environment where new OS adoption has never been so significant, then they could be in a really bad space in a decade or so.

That's why you branch out when you're profitable and invest in different areas to remain future proof. Profit wise their efforts haven't been great when it comes to this, but there is something to be said for the gains they've made in terms of mindshare with these developments that could help push a product to be high heights if they can nail it, whatever that is.


How much would cost the whole xbox brand with all the licenses and franchsies?

A lot, but not so much as no one could pay up. If they are sold, I just hope they sell their IP's and studios instead of putting them on windows 8 exclusive, that is the true worst case scenario.
Ain't the Xbox lump together with the entertainment division? and has a whole the division is horrible, 360 the only one making money...


dabbled in the jelly
The amount of people who have no idea how corporate and investor politics actually work is pretty surprising. Well that's not surprising. What's surprising is the number of people who profess to know something about these subjects, but really do not.

There are countless instances of a shareholder consortium holding 1% of a large corporation, influencing large changes within how the company is run. This is especially true when that 1% shareholder group represents one of the top 10 biggest shareholders in the company.
Console space doesn't bring in a lot of actual profit. Investors feel that MS and Sony should focus in areas that bring in more profit rather than keep up these money sinks.

MS and Sony online platforms coming in 2019 for phone, tablet, and PC gaming. Believe it!

Sony's Gaikai initiative may evolve into exactly that. The entire Sony video gaming catalogue, spanning multiple generations and devices, all playable on your platform of choice as an online subscription service (with favourable discounts for those playing via PS4APU-powered Sony smart TV).
i wonder who has the money to spend on xbox div, samsung? apple? or a consortium of banks? activision-blizzard?

i feel that we still need ms so sony won't get too cocky again, and vice versa. No I have no idea what's nintendo is doing.

Cat Party

Ain't the Xbox lump together with the entertainment division? and has a whole the division is horrible, 360 the only one making money...
They've been using Xbox profits to hide much more disastrous losses for a while. Zune, phones, etc. There is no public information I know of regarding whether Xbox itself has been profitable over its life.

But it would be foolish to spin it off regardless.


Well the division hasn't been profitable (and please don't bring up creative accounting and its ability to mitigate some of their loses, it's not relevant) and even if it did recover said loses the profits would be so insignificant compared to MS' other divisions that it's no surprise investors (this guy is not alone in his thinking) would rather see the resources puts elsewhere.


i wonder who has the money to spend on xbox div, samsung? apple? or a consortium of banks? activision-blizzard?

i feel that we still need ms so sony won't get too cocky again, and vice versa. No I have no idea what's nintendo is doing.

They wouldn't sell it they would most likely spin it off as its own publisher dump the hardware side and own a 25-33% in the business unit.

But things will get interesting seen as Gates is still chairman of the board he may block them.
Immediate thought. Say hello to $80/y for Xbox Live. Easy way to get short term profitability up and prove that it's worth keeping the division around.


This investor and his lackeys can kindly go and fuck themselves. Last I checked Xbox was one of the few division that was making them a decent profit. Besides isn't MS turning into a 'devices and services' company ?


Gold Member
What will happen to the Xbox is something that will not be decided before the new boss is in place, I will assume. So within a year, which can be sooner than we think. If everyone knows that Ballmer is on the way out, then I don't think it will be wise to wait too long with the change of captain. Uncertainty as to who will be the new leader can make investors nervous.

After a new boss is in place, then all bets are off. Normally, this is the time when a company get rid of the least profitable parts of the company.


What will happen to the Xbox is something that will not be decided before the new boss is in place, I will assume. So within a year, which can be sooner than we think. If everyone knows that Ballmer is on the way out, then I don't think it will be wise to wait too long with the change of captain. Uncertainty as to who will be the new leader can make investors nervous.

After a new boss is in place, then all bets are off. Normally, this is the time when a company get rid of the least profitable parts of the company.

In about 1 year, we will have solid numbers on XB1 and Microsoft will of course have fiscal reports from the financial years end and new projections, I think the future of the XB1 lays entirely on the launch. And whoever the new boss is of course.


After a new boss is in place, then all bets are off. Normally, this is the time when a company get rid of the least profitable parts of the company.

Yea, if the XB1 is selling well below the 360, and they feel that it won't succeed as originally intended as a trojan horse of sorts to tap into the lucrative TV/cable game than it's a very real reality that this could be the last MS console


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
This investor and his lackeys can kindly go and fuck themselves. Last I checked Xbox was one of the few division that was making them a decent profit. Besides isn't MS turning into a 'devices and services' company ?

That's what MS wants to be in one area, but the investors don't want them to

Investors gave MS time to create a new avenue with Xbox, it's not bringing in the $$$$ as they hoped for
They want MS to give up or start selling it off and go back to it's roots
Sooner or later investment calls are made, if the company like sit or not
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