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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online


"You're already fired fired!"


I think that Microsoft sees how much money is being spent in the mobile space, and wants to emulate that business model.

My theory is that not only will the next Xbox be required to be online, but a subscription will be required to play even single player games.

My best guess:

-Sell console (which may or may not include an optical drive) really cheap - $99 or $150
-Require a minimum 3 year contract to the Platinum service at around $10 a month
-Once the 3 years are up, unless 'owners' resub, their console is essentially useless

My fear is that despite this being a terrible deal for consumer's in the long run, it would prove to be extremely popular.

I also think that in other markets which have a less developed internet infrastructure, they could end up going with a more traditional approach.


Why would gamestop board members claim to be excited for a console that's trying to end 80% of their business? Ign said they know the ends and out of the console so why would they say they cant wait for it? Somethings off.


I can't help but think that this is Microsoft building there customers up for bad news just to surprise them with an offline working console and have hugely positive press. No one can really be as stupid as that guy... can they?


3rd console curse

I'm starting to believe it

Same here

I mean none of us believes in actual curses and witchcraft and what not, but this industry always delivers on the "crazy". Sega with the awful Saturn reveal/messed up reveal date, poor tech for its time and just overall stupidity, Nintendo did it with cartridges in mid 90s instead of CDs, Sony did it with 599 and i guess it is Microsoft's turn now, third console, its time to top the Saturn, carts and 599.

Everyone knew back then, like they know now that it is a horrible idea that will have enormous consequences but nobody is listening, nobody at the top at the very least.


imagine if therre was gold all around you in your community. In wires, rail lines, installations, whatever. Imagine you were poor or just a plain greedy criminal. Would you not try to get your hands on that?

let me present to you the highly valuable metal that is


Yep, that happens a lot over here (electricity cables too). Sometimes people go so far as to cut undersea cables of major telecommunication companies. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-21963100 <Motive unknown btw - Not my country but we were affected.

Wonder if this thread would hit 100 pages by the end of the day.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Good, devs and companies constantly make certain decisions that are hard for me to accept or swallow but I buckle under the pressure and buy their product anyway. Though I've recently gotten better at just abstaining and I must say the rumored decisions MS has taken with their next console are enough to nail the coffin several times over.

Bring on the wiiu/ps4/pc future for me.
I doubt the next xbox is doomed. I won't be getting one if the always online requirement is true but i'm under no illusion that i represent the masses who just want FIFA or Halo.

As long as any new xbox gets FIFA, COD AND HALO it will be a success. Always online will not matter to the masses, once they see these games released.


What if they leaked your company's plans? Or maybe not, and make it seem so, causing a false outrage against MS?
I don't really think he did either though, you could have asked whoever is directing UC4 what he thinks of symmetrical analog stick placements, before the DS4 was shown, and I think he should be free to answer the question. If you think you can infer anything of Sony's plans from his answer, and so he shouldn't comment, I think that's asking too much of people. That's not really any different to the woman who thought Notch was responsible for people thinking some of the guests at his party were paid.
I think I might still get the next Xbox, afterall I bought a Wii U.

I just don't understand how MS thinks to sell well in Asia, Japan or Europe. What happened to their 1 billion userbase plan?
As long as any new xbox gets FIFA, COD AND HALO it will be a success. Always online will not matter to the masses, once they see these games released.

Perhaps you guys didn't see Plywood's bar graph showing the dwindling population of Halo 4 players online, but yeah the franchise is dying. It's not a driving force in buying a console anymore for most people, although I still think it's a great franchise.

I don't really think he did either though, you could have asked whoever is directing UC4 what he thinks of symmetrical analog stick placements, before the DS4 was shown, and I think he should be free to answer the question. If you think you can infer anything of Sony's plans from his answer, and so he shouldn't comment, I think that's asking too much of people. That's not really any different to the woman who thought Notch was responsible for people thinking some of the guests at his party were paid.

It just looks suspicious in conjunction with Kotaku's article. It's like he read what it stated, got pissed with the reactions to it and had this outburst.
ahahahahahaa Gies jumping in to defend always online after the Sim City fiasco. And Sweet Billy! Thanks again gaf, I'm fucking dying over here.


As long as any new xbox gets FIFA, COD AND HALO it will be a success. Always online will not matter to the masses, once they see these games released.

The masses who live in areas with excellent and reliable Internet you mean. This isn't going to be another "status quo" thing if your Internet connection is the gatekeeper to accessing your own console.


As long as any new xbox gets FIFA, COD AND HALO it will be a success. Always online will not matter to the masses, once they see these games released.

But even the uneducated masses would prefer Fifa and COD on the PS4 if it doesn't have these restrictions (and is perhaps more powerful to boot).

Hasn't Halo jumped the shark anyway?

Someone should do something with this gif. My idea I already posted:

Put his head on one, stop the gif for a few seconds with "Buffering" in the crotch and add Sweet Billy somewhere. Someone!

Damn my lack of photoshop skills.

what the? why is 'great' and 'awesome' flashing on top of the humping crotch? is this subliminal messaging? >_>

You'd have to wonder what kind of 3rd party exclusivity we're talking about here, to make such a drastic decision. Microsoft had to know they'd be getting a lot of heat for this.

maybe an exclusive partnership with EA?
Perhaps you guys didn't see Plywood's bar graph showing the dwindling population of Halo 4 players online, but yeah the franchise is dying. It's not a driving force in buying a console anymore for most people, although I still think it's a great franchise.

Oh the names will change, even COD will die off at some point. But people will just jump on the "next big thing".

At that point? It'll just be "oh the 720 always requires an internet connection to play games, that sucks". "But don't you only play ZXY shooter online anyway?" "Oh yeah, good point. Better up my subscription".


I don't think someone should be fired for being an asshole.

he should be fired not because he is an asshole ( which he is ).

but he should be fired for potentialy breaking nda's. insulting his consumer base and possibly dragging the entire company through the mud.

in most companys one of these will get you fired .he is doing all three of themat once.
at this point MS can no longer play dumb

not if they want to sell this thing


But even the uneducated masses would prefer Fifa and COD on the PS4 if it doesn't have these restrictions (and is perhaps more powerful to boot).

Hasn't Halo jumped the shark anyway?

They buy FIFA and CoD on the 360, which has a fee for online, so no, I can safely say that there's no limit.


guys, I can't find the post where it was confirmed that Nikolai was working on the x720. I was just doing a recap for a site. Anyone?
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