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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online


If Apple was worrying about those people then iPhone and iPad would never have got off the ground. How the hell do you download an app from the App Store without Internet?

You take it to a place with a free hotspot/to the Apple store/to work and download there.

Also, your phone still works (plays games, music, media, apps) if you have no connectivity. So phones aren't comparable to the next Xbox at all.
I will say this much. Microsoft has lost a lot of talent from the original Xbox and 360 days. People that were games centric type thinkers. I think they want to position this thing as a smart phone in your living room. They're trying to directly compete with Apple more so than Sony or Nintendo. I refuse to believe that they're going to go through with this until it actually comes out of their mouths. This is something that could definitely be added or removed at the last minute. This is a company that has definitely shown that it will tolerate anti-consumer practices in the past, however. I still think that they have a major third party backing them to try to push gamers on the whole, "This can't be too bad because we have XXXX in our corner."
Oh the names will change, even COD will die off at some point. But people will just jump on the "next big thing".

At that point? It'll just be "oh the 720 always requires an internet connection to play games, that sucks". "But don't you only play ZXY shooter online anyway?" "Oh yeah, good point. Better up my subscription".

Sure, but I doubt the next big thing will be out with the console's release. Halo 5, Gears and FIFA are not games one can use to overlook serious flaws like a console always being online.


Are you seriously comparing always online (Anti-Consumer) to No BC?


Thing is, despite their claims to the contrary, I can see Sony forming an industry-wide cabal and going online-only too, if Microsoft goes first.

After all, the publishers want it, and they're deep in their pockets.


As long as any new xbox gets FIFA, COD AND HALO it will be a success. Always online will not matter to the masses, once they see these games released.
I agree but almost all, if not everyone play used games. Also, there is people i know who have a xbox and do not have internet access. Like in the military, especially aboard naval ships. Lol

Maybe there is a linking system to the gamertag or a code so that it can be played system to system? Wouldn't make sense to tie it to a single console. I think it will still be used games, just tethered to a code perhaps.


I think I might still get the next Xbox, afterall I bought a Wii U.

I just don't understand how MS thinks to sell well in Asia, Japan or Europe. What happened to their 1 billion userbase plan?
Their 1 billion userbase certainly won't come from pandering to core gamers on GAF, let's be honest.


Why would gamestop board members claim to be excited for a console that's trying to end 80% of their business? Ign said they know the ends and out of the console so why would they say they cant wait for it? Somethings off.

Maybe Durango games require a permanent internet connection AND must be purchased at Gamestop!

*please insert receipt to start the game*
*receipt unreadable, please buy another copy of the game - at Gamestop!*


guys, I can't find the post where it was confirmed that Nikolai was working on the x720. I was just doing a recap for a site. Anyone?

It was never confirmed he worked with it.
But since he knew exactly about it, and was legally forced to stay put, even though he gave the hint, is a clear indicator that his studio got a dev kit.
Besides they just announced they're developing for the PS4 and the Job listings are usually multiplattform, which also indicates that his studio got their hands on thoose dev kits and now what's up.


This was his posting.
And we found out who he was, since we didn't know who was behind Mr.Lake at first.


Thing is, despite their claims to the contrary, I can see Sony forming an industry-wide cabal and going online-only too, if Microsoft goes first.

After all, the publishers want it, and they're deep in their pockets.

Yikes. Dark times if that happened.


I personally don't beleive these rumours of always online. I think always online will have huge benefits wit auto updates and social aspects similar to PS4 but won't be mandatory. Even MS is not that stupid to implement this. This would affect even the mass market who play COD and FIFA, yes those games are played online a lot, but I know tons of people who play these games offline. For example at Univetsity halls people play couch multiplayer and can't even connect to Internet with their consoles to to University halls blocking connection to game consoles.
My 6 year Xbox Live Gold sub won't be renewed and I'll be buying a PS4 at launch if this happens. Keep your Xbox 720 and "deal with it", Microsoft.

Keeping my achievements isn't that important to me.


You take it to a place with a free hotspot/to the Apple store/to work and download there.

Also, your phone still works (plays games, music, media, apps) if you have no connectivity. So phones aren't comparable to the next Xbox at all.

Also you can work perfectly fine with an iPad or iPhone if you have spotty internet or no internet for a few days, but have a brick next to your tv if your NG Xbox doesn't. For no good reason except, and mark my words this is the bullshit reason: "Online is so tightly woven into the NG Xbox that all those great features we have can't work without. For more than the arbitrary 3 minutes that is."
I find it ironic that a console codenamed Durango, which happens to also be the name of a rural city in Colordo, requires an always online connect.


The way he was saying "Why would anyone want to live in a rural area?" reminds me of Ken Kutaragi saying you'll get 2 jobs for a PS3. The arrogance blinds them.


The way he was saying "Why would anyone want to live in a rural area?" reminds me of Ken Kutaragi saying you'll get 2 jobs for a PS3. The arrogance blinds them.

This Adam Orth character is hardly at the level of the legendary Ken Kutaragi though. He's just a "creative director" in one of Microsoft's studios.


The internet is really exploding.
Try to google search xbox next, Durango or 720. Be sure to search the past hour.
It's all over the world with Every languege I can find. English,Dutch,Spanish,Arabic,Norwegian,Chinese ,Deutsch.

Amazing how this spread so quickly. We will se if a positive news will be spread as fast as a negative one.


GAF parliamentarian
Still have two Xboxes to sell before I'm completely clean of the brand. Might keep one for Tales of Vesperia and Mass Effect though.

Jumping out.


Maxis Redwood
I don't think someone should be fired for being an asshole.

Comment unrelated to this Adam guy and his actions as I don't know him at all and don't think you can interpolate what type of guy he is from those tweets... but personally I think that's one of the best reasons to fire someone. If you can't exhibit a modicum of social skills in an office, then get the fuck out.
I wonder what he's doing right now.

Probably trying to get offline, ironically.

lol this

For those of you just joining us, the story so far.



I think it will be useless, because you can RIP it. Always-online gives MS more control over user. That will be funny, if they will ban game disks.

wont be long before everything is digital downloads.


I have a feeling as the day goes on there may be a few "GlassBox" situations arising.

There was the poster Penguins&PolarBears who was single handedly defending always online earlier in this thread. Looking at his posts here and in other threads, he seems affilated with MS, more than just being a rabid fanboy. To the point many though he was Adam Orth himself.


I just wondered... what about the fratboys and their shoddy campus internet that needs authentication and usually doesn´t like stuff other than PCs? No one thought about them? How are they supposed to play Halo and Madden now?
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