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Microsoft unifying PC/XB1 platforms, Phil implies Xbox moving to incremental upgrades

Wow.... This is just... Wow. Well, I hope this works out for the best in the software department. I fear for fragmentation but.. This is really good news.


Maybe they could lease the thing.
$20/month and you always have the latest version available.
If that paid for XBL and 1st party games, sign me up.

Sounds like the market is going to dramatically change in the next couple of years. I wonder what Sony do.


Surely you could just buy a system and it would do you for a few years and run all of the same games. We would not have to buy a new system every year.


This is pretty much the Steam Box idea.
It would mean that Xbox as a console with its own identity won't exist anymore.
Games are all for PC, you can buy pre-configured systems built specifically to play games with certain settings.
I'm not a fan of this approach personally.


Interesting. I'm not really convinced that this is a good idea but let's see what happens. I am a little surprised by MS taking such a large risk though, especially after all that's happened this gen. They must be very confident in this.


3DS already showed it's possible. I believe it can happen.

hahaha not a very good example how many games have been made for it? one two?. At this point people could just buy a pc, people buy consoles because they dont want to fuck about, the average non gaffer console player is going to define if this is anyway do able in the future and i dont think they will want the issues that come along with pc or they would just get a pc.


Nah, this is terrible. I don't want to be upgrading my console every year or so, that's the whole point of a console. I'm out if true. I imagine devs will hate it too.

You don't have to upgrade your console every year, just as you don't have to upgrade your PC every year. you only upgrade your PC every year if you want to play every future game on its absolute highest settings, but if you're more worried about just playing the game -as opposed to having the highest graphics possible- then you can do so without updating for years. I'm assuming that's what they're going for.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Looks like Microsoft is coming full-circle. Originally, the Xbox was created to provide a PC-styled gaming experience at home. Now it looks like we're back to that point.


The biggest news is it would possibly mean infinite backwards compatibility. Your old library will carry over to your new upgraded console as long as the games are updated to play on the newer OS revisions.

At least that's how it works on iOS.


I love consoles. I'm a console gamer, but this might be the final nail in the coffin. I'll likely just move on and build a PC and let that be where I game.

In which case, you'll still be able to buy Xbox One games on the Windows Store, this is probably part of their reasoning


If everyone did this then it would probably be the push that would send me to being PC only, where at least I have more control over these upgrades and can do it in a cheaper piecemeal fashion rather then having to get an entire new box. I would feel nervous owning the first gen console version that games are going to start making bare minimum effort to support my model a few years into the cycle and it won't last anywhere near as long as the old console model did.

I like consoles setting a baseline for 5+ years so I don't have to worry about the hardware side.


The 'every year' speculation from the author was changed to 'regular intervals'. Hopefully the OP will be changed to avoid confusion.


This makes a lot of sense. This allows Microsoft to escape having the crappier hardware for the next 3+ years and being stuck in second behind Sony. They can now potentially release a console that is more capable than the PS4 and make another run at being the go to console for gamers.
PR talk.

It never ever ever ever works.

There are lots of precedents in the mobile space, this isn't about Sega towers.

Just imagine that towards the end of this year, they phase out the original model and bring out the new one. People still buy it because it's still selling, the advantage is all the recent games run at 1080p 60fps now, our whatever.
With everyone gobbling up tablets and phones the yealry model seems like the right move, tbh.

Full backwards compatible, I imagine.

The more i think about the obstacles this has in front of them because it's a game machine, the more kudos i give to them for doing this.

I cant compare this to the mobile market due it being a different animal. The only relation is price, somewhat, but the services and reasons for having a phone vs a game machine are totally different.

they better bring it with amazing hardware on all aspects. I want my hd audio codes for blu-ray playback plzzzzzzz lol


I wonder what developers and publisher will think about this. Targetting multiple configs will complicate matters and increase dev costs.

Publishers already support hundreds of potential PC configurations and seem to manage. PS4 and XB1 are already effectively 'special' PC builds already. Adding another to the list wouldn't kill them financially.

And we aren't talking about lots of new configs. If they released a new console every 3 years, rolling in the hardware advances as they go, then you'd have maybe 2 on the market at any one time to support?

XB1 comes out in 2013
XB2 comes out in 2017. Games run on XB1 and XB2
XB3 comes out in 2020. Games run on XB2 and XB3. XB1 deprecated or maybe gets the usual end of gen licensed stuff for a couple of years.
I think they'll lose in HW more current Xbox fans than they'll gain from a new audience of folks looking for a Xbox desktop PC they can upgrade annually.


GAF's Bob Woodward
a newer X1 would not segregate the userbase. the older models would jsut run at a lower setting profile (like it pretty much does now with X1 / PS4 / PC)

It'd be another profile for devs to target and test. If we compare to the phone model, developing - or more particularly, testing - against multiple iphones makes for a more complex process than current console dev.

I think on the consumer's side there is a risk of perceived segregation and 'slighting' also which may be just as powerful.

Something consoles do very well is to appeal to our psychology that appreciates not missing out on something - at least vs others on that same console. If that guaranteed 'equality'/stability goes out the window I think it could have unintended repercussions by introducing intra-platform performance anxiety for the first time which may turn some people off. The psychology of that can be very powerful.

For devs and consumers I guess a lot would depend on how it's handled though.
How often do you upgrade your mobile phone? Do you expect to have the same features that the new flagship phone has say 3 to 4 years after yours launched?

Bad comparison. Phone are usually subsidized so you are rarely if ever paying the $700-$800 outright. And what's more, in today's world a phone in an essential on par with a car or a computer.

You expect people to be willing to spend $300+ on a non-essential electronic every year?


Xbox One
Xbox One Plus

Xbox One S
Xbox One S Plus

Xbox One SE which is just the original Xbox One repackaged.

This is going to cause headaches for developers having to support multiple SKUs as well as future games being held back graphics wise like cross-gen. They are just doubling down on all the stupid decisions they have made this gen.


I'm game for a stronger console myself. Developers who make PC games are used to different spec options. Difference is, the X1 and X1+ while different, are both static platforms.

nadnerb 64

Neo Member
We will have to wait and see how it is implimented. It is hard to see a world where I'm buying a new video card for my Xbox, requiring me to crack it open and replace. Kind of defeats the perks of a plug and play console.


Potential hidden benefit to all of this - Valve is motivated to develop some new Steam-exclusive titles in order to keep pace with the Windows Store exclusives


This sounds great to me, we're happy to spend far more upgrading other tech devices more regularly, why not consoles....

Because I imagine a lot of people (like me) buy consoles knowing you're locked in for that generation and you don't need to shell out more for hardware - just software.


not for consoles, but its common in phones and tablets. It could work this time around - the architecture is stable (x86). The cost for software publishers wouldn't be huge to support an Xbox 2 which is forward/backward compatible running PC games at higher res etc.

I dont get people bringing phones and handhelds in to it those are very different markets. People buy consoles for ease of use and future proof. If they start releasing upgrades every year for cpus and gpus its going to confuse the fuck out of people. And at that point why would they tie themselves down to the confines of a closed console system, they may as well just buy a pc.


There are lots of precedents in the mobile space, this isn't about Sega towers.

Just imagine that towards the end of this year, they phase out the original model and bring out the new one. People still buy it because it's still selling, the advantage is all the recent games run at 1080p 60fps now, our whatever.
And developers drop the old one to focus on the newer model with greater power.


Certainly looks like they are lining things up to go this route. Really not sure how I feel about it.

The timing of this is also a bit odd. So will they announce concrete plans at E3? Are we talking about 2017/18 here? We'll be in limbo about how committed they really are to this model for quite some time. You don't want that for your brand.


This would be totally amazing and what I actually expected Microsoft to do this generation from the start.

Would lead to some new games only working on the last Xbox console i guess but that exactly what happens on IOS

"Compatible with Xbox Two or higher"


You cannot upgrade existing Xbox One consoles to new hardware.

A new 'Xbox One' with better hardware would be a new console.

Microsoft's next generation Xbox will be upgradable.

The Xbox brand now = Xbox One.

Next generation Xbox One vs PS5.

If Microsoft introduces an Xbox One Plus with somewhat better hardware, it would split the userbase, devs wouldn't support it. How many New 3DS exclusive games are there?

It's all PR and wording.

Daffy Duck

You don't have to upgrade your console every year, just as you don't have to upgrade your PC every year. you only upgrade your PC every year if you want to play every future game on its absolute highest settings, but if you're more worried about just playing the game -as opposed to having the highest graphics possible- then you can do so without updating for years. I'm assuming that's what they're going for.

But this just then throws out everything we have come to know so far, how do you know well a game will perform on your hardware?

They introduce that fear factor that the game you want will not run well on your current hardware so you have to upgrade day one as well to get the best performance.

It's a radical idea it really is, and to be honest once this gets out into the minds of Joe Public gamer they are looking at Xbox One Reval Mark II and doing irrepairable damage to the xbox brand, which is in a bad way as it is.
Also just because it works for Apple doesn't mean it will work for Microsoft. I'd say the only product it works for Apple is the iPhone obviously. The iPad sales have been decreasing.

The Xbox one has been outsold massively by its competition. I shudder to think how many sales each new one would get every year.

Miles X

Interesting. I'm not really convinced that this is a good idea but let's see what happens. I am a little surprised by MS taking such a large risk though, especially after all that's happened this gen. They must be very confident in this.

Or they feel they're at a point that they can be reckless, if it doesn't work out they can shift entirely to PC.

Also just because it works for Apple doesn't mean it will work for Microsoft. I'd say the only product it works for Apple is the iPhone obviously. The iPad sales have been decreasing.

The Xbox one has been outsold massively by its competition. I shudder to think how many sales each new one would get every year.

Not really the same, there has never really been a legit reason to upgrade your iPad.
Does...does that work? Does it still play games? Or does it become sentient?

It only works with one 32x, with more you can't connect the AV leads.

This however, does work:



We will have to wait and see how it is implimented. It is hard to see a world where I'm buying a new video card for my Xbox, requiring me to crack it open and replace. Kind of defeats the perks of a plug and play console.

Thats what makes this completely a non starter for xbox one, its a closed box with locked hardware, youd have to rebuy a whole new xbox one the 20 million or so out there now aint ever going to be able to take advantage of any of this speculation.
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