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Military personnel on Xbox One; Microsoft responds


Neo Member
I am so enjoying the backlash MS is receiving after their absolute ridiculous decisions regarding the XBone.

Up until this point I had nothing against MS, but this always online (might as well be) thing of theirs is just ...dumb.

I'm sure MS will the weather the storm, but I really really hope this decision hurts MS and their deep pockets.

Sony, this is all yours to screw up.

Don't blow it.


I had a lot of gamer friends in the Navy when I was stationed n a submarine. Gaming was our life while underway. On a sub, the day is shifted to basically an 18 hour day. You stand watch for 6 hours and then you're off for 12. After watch someone would grab their system and we would play Xbox or PS2 on the mess decks. I had a rack with good storage space and I had a GameCube and PS2 velcroed onto my overhead with one of those portable gaming monitors.

One thing that we all did, when we finally got to take leave and go home, was give our systems and games away to our little brothers amd buy them again when we had to go back to base. We all had money to burn.


From Major Nelson:

"Regarding military personnel playing consoles: PS3/PS4 isn't allowed on DoD networks so they're not worried that military members will switch to PS while on overseas deployment."

Not sure if posting links to reddit is allowed, but here it is...sorry if I'm doing something wrong.


It doesn't seem like Major Nelson understands the issue. We already know we can't connect those to a DoD network. We don't have to connect our PS3/PS4 console online at all is the main sticking point.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
I doubt they'd make a commercial. Would be interesting though. What MS would do, if anything, is implement a card system. A 500 minute no online needed pass. After that they would have to reenter another card. They would prob give them away for free to show "they support the troops". However, (with no wisdom on how the following would or could work) they would prob have to design a program that would already have a finite number of codes loaded into the system, seeing as there is no internet to verify that the code is valid. Problem being for MS with that idea: people would hack the system to learn said codes or bring the code cards back to the state with them.

In conclusion, I don't know how they could implement a system that would work properly under their conditions.
I honestly don't think they care. They've made it clear who their market is and it doesn't include people in the military.

For some bizarre reason they seem happy to shed a large percentage of their current customer base.

Big respect to the poster on the sub. I'd freak out from claustrophobia within minutes.
From Major Nelson:

"Regarding military personnel playing consoles: PS3/PS4 isn't allowed on DoD networks so they're not worried that military members will switch to PS while on overseas deployment."

Military: "Please don't alienate us."
Microsoft: "There's always Xbox 360!"
Military: "We might switch to Playstation now."
Major Nelson: "You're not allowed so we don't care."

Major Nelson is the worst fucking PR mouthpiece in the industry.


From Major Nelson:

"Regarding military personnel playing consoles: PS3/PS4 isn't allowed on DoD networks so they're not worried that military members will switch to PS while on overseas deployment."

Not sure if posting links to reddit is allowed, but here it is...sorry if I'm doing something wrong.


It doesn't seem like Major Nelson understands the issue. We already know we can't connect those to a DoD network. We don't have to connect our PS3/PS4 console online at all is the main sticking point.

I'm not sure how that works, but I've played over PSN with my friend while he was stationed in Korea before.

There's always Dreamcast! (If Sega-Net's still going...)
Military: "Please don't alienate us."
Microsoft: "There's always Xbox 360!"
Military: "We might switch to Playstation now."
Major Nelson: "You're not allowed so we don't care."

Major Nelson is the worst fucking PR mouthpiece in the industry.

I would be surprised if 360/Xbone were ever allowed to connect through the DoD either. They are all outside devices, Xbone specifically has about a thousand privacy issues with mandatory Kinect and it having a mic.


When I was stationed in Korea the internet connection was awesome over there my 360 and Gears online kept me busy the entire year, now Afghanistan is another issue, maybe Kuwait is better but most dont get the luck of being stationed there, depending on your MOS. This thing is a fucking mess, damn Microsoft why you no like the Armed Forces?


From Major Nelson:

"Regarding military personnel playing consoles: PS3/PS4 isn't allowed on DoD networks so they're not worried that military members will switch to PS while on overseas deployment."

Not sure if posting links to reddit is allowed, but here it is...sorry if I'm doing something wrong.


It doesn't seem like Major Nelson understands the issue. We already know we can't connect those to a DoD network. We don't have to connect our PS3/PS4 console online at all is the main sticking point.

LMAO. Just wow....it has shit to do with connecting Mr. Hyrb.


So military personnel serving overseas will have to have a family member in the US buy the game, log into their accounts, "activate" the game and then send it overseas? Wow, that's a big FU.


From Major Nelson:

"Regarding military personnel playing consoles: PS3/PS4 isn't allowed on DoD networks so they're not worried that military members will switch to PS while on overseas deployment."

Not sure if posting links to reddit is allowed, but here it is...sorry if I'm doing something wrong.


It doesn't seem like Major Nelson understands the issue. We already know we can't connect those to a DoD network. We don't have to connect our PS3/PS4 console online at all is the main sticking point.

Smooth Major Nelson lol.


As someone who has friends who serve and treats vets, I'm seriously fucking considering the feasibility of a PayPal or fundraising campaign to buy PS4's for our troops. I shit you not, I'd be behind something like this in a heartbeat. Maybe something for a barrack situation or groups of service personnel, given the cost. But seriously.

Dude, that'd be a GREAT NeoGAF initiative. I'd so be down!

PhatSaqs said:
LMAO. Just wow....it has shit to do with connecting Mr. Hyrb.

Seriously. It must suck to be a PR face for Microsoft right now - you're like Baghdad Bob, with the entire American military beating down your door.


y'all should be ashamed
Dude, that'd be a GREAT NeoGAF initiative. I'd so be down!

Seriously. It must suck to be a PR face for Microsoft right now - you're like Baghdad Bob, with the entire American military beating down your door.
It's a perfect indiegogo campaign for sure.
As someone who has friends who serve and treats vets, I'm seriously fucking considering the feasibility of a PayPal or fundraising campaign to buy PS4's for our troops. I shit you not, I'd be behind something like this in a heartbeat. Maybe something for a barrack situation or groups of service personnel, given the cost. But seriously.

This would be great. I'm in college so I'm poor as shit but I'd be happy to contribute what I can, and I could see it getting a ton of support (especially when Maddow/other news outlets start talking about this).
As someone who has friends who serve and treats vets, I'm seriously fucking considering the feasibility of a PayPal or fundraising campaign to buy PS4's for our troops. I shit you not, I'd be behind something like this in a heartbeat. Maybe something for a barrack situation or groups of service personnel, given the cost. But seriously.

Hey I'd contribute and maybe try to get someone to maybe donate some cool accessories


From Major Nelson:

"Regarding military personnel playing consoles: PS3/PS4 isn't allowed on DoD networks so they're not worried that military members will switch to PS while on overseas deployment."


Oh Major Nelson... Myself as well as all my fellow military members were allowed to connect to DoD controlled networks (not all, but some) with our personal devices while deployed or stationed overseas. Secondly, even if you can't connect to a DoD network there are plenty of contracted civilian ISPs that provide internet for deployed service members; I was using an Indian company while in Afghanistan. Thirdly, why should I even have to connect to anything in the first place?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
So military personnel serving overseas will have to have a family member in the US to buy the game, log into their accounts, "activate" the game and then send it overseas? Wow, that's a big FU.

The console needs to be back home when you register, too.
Even then, you still need to check with the mothership every day.
As someone who has friends who serve and treats vets, I'm seriously fucking considering the feasibility of a PayPal or fundraising campaign to buy PS4's for our troops. I shit you not, I'd be behind something like this in a heartbeat. Maybe something for a barrack situation or groups of service personnel, given the cost. But seriously.

Seriously. Put Up the kickstarter page, and ill throw a couple pounds your way.

The problem is, how many PS4s are you realistically talking? Is this going to be an ongoing thing? You will have give this alot of thought.


As someone who has friends who serve and treats vets, I'm seriously fucking considering the feasibility of a PayPal or fundraising campaign to buy PS4's for our troops. I shit you not, I'd be behind something like this in a heartbeat. Maybe something for a barrack situation or groups of service personnel, given the cost. But seriously.

I'd gladly donate a few bucks to the cause this holiday if you decide to do this.


As someone who has friends who serve and treats vets, I'm seriously fucking considering the feasibility of a PayPal or fundraising campaign to buy PS4's for our troops. I shit you not, I'd be behind something like this in a heartbeat. Maybe something for a barrack situation or groups of service personnel, given the cost. But seriously.
If you guys do this, I'm SO fucking down. Organize something to point out the absolutely terrible policies Microsoft is forcing on gamers, particularly those who serve us overseas.

Seriously, keep me updated.
As someone who has friends who serve and treats vets, I'm seriously fucking considering the feasibility of a PayPal or fundraising campaign to buy PS4's for our troops. I shit you not, I'd be behind something like this in a heartbeat. Maybe something for a barrack situation or groups of service personnel, given the cost. But seriously.
I would be so down for this.


Sign me up

Dude I'm dead ass serious I did 3 years and 22 weeks, It was a blast after Basic and AIT. First Duty Station was Korea it was nuts over there lol. Most Soldiers over seas are going to the Gym or playing sports to waste time, Its fucked up yeah but a lot of dudes aint gonna be tripping over xboxlive lol.


Neo Member
Holy fuck, the 360 line again?! Who do they have running their PR? Rather than bringing out that line, why not just say "We are exploring options with the Xbox One for functionality with the military's unique issues, but have no comment at this time."

Because they probably aren't.


Dude I'm dead ass serious I did 3 years and 22 weeks, It was a blast after Basic and AIT. First Duty Station was Korea it was nuts over there lol. Most Soldiers over seas are going to the Gym or playing sports to waste time, Its fucked up yeah but a lot of dudes aint gonna be tripping over xboxlive lol.

Dayam lol
From Major Nelson:

"Regarding military personnel playing consoles: PS3/PS4 isn't allowed on DoD networks so they're not worried that military members will switch to PS while on overseas deployment."

Not sure if posting links to reddit is allowed, but here it is...sorry if I'm doing something wrong.


It doesn't seem like Major Nelson understands the issue. We already know we can't connect those to a DoD network. We don't have to connect our PS3/PS4 console online at all is the main sticking point.
Hilarious. This competes well with the nuclear sub statment. Oh speaking of, my brother gets off his 6 month tour today working on a nuclear sub. I can't wait to tell him about this and link him the youtube about it.
Jesus, I opened this thread thinking 'Finally, Microsoft did something decent and found a solution to one of its XBox One problems. Guess I'll pop in and give 'em kudos as I've been dumping on them a lot lately.'

Nope. No kudos for you.


Totally understandable. Being deployed to Afghanistan, and living in Korea, Japan, etc. you live and die by being able to connect to the internet. In the desert? Good luck.


As someone who has friends who serve and treats vets, I'm seriously fucking considering the feasibility of a PayPal or fundraising campaign to buy PS4's for our troops. I shit you not, I'd be behind something like this in a heartbeat. Maybe something for a barrack situation or groups of service personnel, given the cost. But seriously.
They get paychecks already ya know. Its not like theyre homeless or storm survivors (ahem Oklahoma). Nice gesture tho.


Wow microsoft just won't back down on this. They are unwilling to discuss it on any level, instead just reminding everyone about the 360.

Well. Hit them in the only place they understand: the wallet.

PS4 all the way.
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