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Minecraft Creator Snatches Beverly Hills Megamansion From Beyoncé and Jay-Z For $70MM

That's hilarious.

What a colossal waste of money, I guess to "live the dream"?

His dream. Personally I wouldn't live anywhere near that area. I'd enjoy a more peaceful life. Plus wtf would I even do with all that room. I guess I'd have plenty of amiibo displaying room so theres that.
His dream. Personally I wouldn't live anywhere near that area. I'd enjoy a more peaceful life. Plus wtf would I even do with all that room. I guess I'd have plenty of amiibo displaying room so theres that.

Yeah, I wouldn't want to live in the Hills either. It's way too fake. To an unhealthy degree.
Are you American, or have ever been to the US?

Anyway, this kind of money is just ridiculous.....if i had that kind of money, i definitely would not be spending it in this manner. I'd probably live in a modest apartment and set up my family with 100 thousand each, then i could essentially live a normal life without working. That would be awesome.

Are you aware of what kind of money you are talking about? What amount is considered modest and why would a billionaire be living in an apartment..unless it was some upscale penthouse in NYC?
Generally speaking, isn't real estate a good investment?

Of course, not that it's anyone's damn business what this man does with the money he made through the fruits of his own labour and talent.


Generally speaking, isn't real estate a good investment?

Of course, not that it's anyone's damn business what this man does with the money he made through the fruits of his own labour and talent.

...And talent of his former employees. Who probably aren't living in mansions.


probably needed it for his own security, dude is the uncle scrooge of indie gaming.
at this point you can't live in a modest apartment anymore


Notch is smart. It does not make sense to stay in Sweden. Political system is destabilized. The outcome is difficult to predict, but we may have massive tax increases, especially for "rich people". Better to buy a mansion in LA for the money than to be a victim of senseless overtaxation that drains his resources.



Are you American, or have ever been to the US?

Anyway, this kind of money is just ridiculous.....if i had that kind of money, i definitely would not be spending it in this manner. I'd probably live in a modest apartment and set up my family with 100 thousand each, then i could essentially live a normal life without working. That would be awesome.

I think the morally responsible thing to do if you have a lot of money is to spend it. Otherwise you're just sitting on a pile of cash that no one can benefit from in a debt-free manner.


That's so much space! Unless he is living there with a huge family or friends it will start to feel a little bit lonely after a while I guess.

I would take those 70 million and build myself a mansion that is built excactly to my needs. And I'd probably still have at least 60m left after I did that. Oh, to have this kind of money...


And I have to agree with it just because that's the way it is?

I'm pretty sure the other key figures behind Mojang's succes, like the other founders of the company and Jeb (who is the current lead developer on Minecraft) ended up with a decent chunk of the Minecraft money too. Everyone else is just your regular game developer working for a company (even then they probably have a good salary).

You create one of the biggest IP's in gaming history, you reap the rewards. Capitalism baby.
Yeah, I mean, he isn´t rich, he is filthy rich with the 2.5 billion he made with Minecraft (+ the millions he made earlier) . So...why not ?

It would be really, really cool if he´d pay for Psychonauts 2....kinda like in a"giving something back to the industry"-way that made him ridiculously rich, but he obviously doesn´t have to because of that one tweet he made several years ago.
Yeah. That made his success possible.

So basically you're calling him callous for spending/investing the money he earned rather than handing it out to his employees whose financial arrangements with the company we are not at all privey to?

The dude started Minecraft completely on his own. He assumed all of the risk, such as it was. He founded a company, hired and payed employees to help him expand the scope of the game. They did their jobs, they got payed. Hell, maybe they got massive bonuses too! That would be a private matter and one we would never hear about.

So how is he in any way obligated to do anything other than what he's been doing?


I'm pretty sure the other key figures behind Mojang's succes, like the other founders of the company and Jeb (who is the current lead developer on Minecraft) ended up with a decent chunk of the Minecraft money too. Everyone else is just your regular game developer working for a company (even then they probably have a good salary).

You create one of the biggest IP's in gaming history, you reap the rewards. Capitalism baby.

Yeah well fuck capitalism. It's a broken system that lets a select few like this guy live like kings while most normal people struggle.


Damn, he's going to get a lot of fine looking women trying to get pregnant with him. He's set, drowning in pussy for the rest of his life.

Jay Z should at least give him tips to stay ahead, I've read stories of stars having to pickup and dispose of the content within their condoms before they sleep. A good problem to have I suppose. Have a baby with notch, become a millionaire
Yeah well fuck capitalism. It's a broken system that lets a select few like this guy live like kings while most normal people struggle.

Good luck getting people to create/produce anything if they can't profit from it fairly because you think lesser contributors deserve a handout.


Good luck getting people to create/produce anything if they can't profit from it fairly because you think lesser contributors deserve a handout.

I don't agree that "fairly" means he gets to live like a god the rest of his life, but hey.

"Lesser contributors" is also fairly condescending to the people that made this success possible. Or that them sharing in the success they all produced would somehow be a "handout".


Generally speaking, isn't real estate a good investment?

I'm not sure the high-end market is that fruitful, unless you're building it.
He'll probably turn it around in a decade, but why would he need to? I don't doubt that his finances are in good hands - he seems humble and smart enough to hire people to work that for him.

Good on him for living the life, though. I bought Minecraft when it was on beta, but it was something I never really understood. My total time spent playing that game must've been 2 hours.


Yeah well fuck capitalism. It's a broken system that lets a select few like this guy live like kings while most normal people struggle.

C'mon now, stop exaggerating just because you dislike the economic system. I doubt anyone who works at Mojang struggles. With all the underpayed, overworked developers in this industry it is a blessing to work at a place like that instead of being a modern slave at Ubisoft.

In fact, Notch created the job opportunities for those people. It isn't like he stole all their money and ran.


Yeah it's his money, none of our business blabla... But I can't help it, I kinda lost some of my respect for the man during the last year.
He always seemed like the personification of a humble person. Just made his dream game without the big nasty industry, you know?

And then he sold his baby for 2,5bn dollars to ms. Obviously a sum, that is hard to decline. And everybody has his own opinion, the thread here was endless.

But now he buys a fucking 70million dollar villa? If I had the money, I would move as well, but that is a bit much in my opinion.

I don't know, like I said, I always pictured him in his house in Sweden, happy with was he has and using the money for something more useful.

Call me naive, whatever...
Yeah well fuck capitalism. It's a broken system that lets a select few like this guy live like kings while most normal people struggle.
Capitalism allows for anyone to rise up to the top. Of course not everyone makes it to the top and those that do are the head honchos. You can't expect everyone to be at the top now can you?

And besides let's say I start a business and I hire a few employees to start off my business. Then my business somehow becomes a huge hit, does that mean I am obligated to divide all of my wealth equally amongst those employees? Of course not, I hired them and I payes them for their labor, I don't owe them nothing more.


Capitalism allows for anyone to rise up to the top. Of course not everyone makes it to the top and those that do are the head honchos. You can't expect everyone to be at the top now can you?

Most people that rise to the top do so with the help of others, and their position is maintained by the people below them as well. What do you think would happen to most corporations if all the employees just decided to stop showing up?


Yeah it's his money, none of our business blabla... But I can't help it, I kinda lost some of my respect for the man during the last year.
He always seemed like the personification of a humble person. Just made his dream game without the big nasty industry, you know?

And then he sold his baby for 2,5bn dollars to ms. Obviously a sum, that is hard to decline. And everybody has his own opinion, the thread here was endless.

But now he buys a fucking 70million dollar villa? If I had the money, I would move as well, but that is a bit much in my opinion.

I don't know, like I said, I always pictured him in his house in Sweden, happy with was he has and using the money for something more useful.

Call me naive, whatever...

70 million isn't much considering he probably has a billion in the bank. Plus there is a good chance that 70 million will become 80-90 million within 5 years if/when he sells the place.

Good on him! This is only news because a it is the most expensive place in Beverly hills and b he beat Jay-Z. If neither of those were a factory this would be a much smaller news story.
Yeah it's his money, none of our business blabla... But I can't help it, I kinda lost some of my respect for the man during the last year.
He always seemed like the personification of a humble person. Just made his dream game without the big nasty industry, you know?

And then he sold his baby for 2,5bn dollars to ms. Obviously a sum, that is hard to decline. And everybody has his own opinion, the thread here was endless.

But now he buys a fucking 70million dollar villa? If I had the money, I would move as well, but that is a bit much in my opinion.

I don't know, like I said, I always pictured him in his house in Sweden, happy with was he has and using the money for something more useful.

Call me naive, whatever...

It's very naive. I will admit I don't much about this guy because I don't care about his games, but this idealized image some people seem to have is weird. He's doing exactly what I would expect a guy his position to do(and what I would do).
Yeah well fuck capitalism. It's a broken system that lets a select few like this guy live like kings while most normal people struggle.

This logic is extremely flawed.

This is a success story of an extreme magnitude. You don't hear much about the other side of the coin, though. How many people out there are doing the exact same thing, slaving away at a computer all day, every day, trying to make a product that others will enjoy? People who quit their day jobs and cease to have a steady source of income because it's their dream and their passion. Hell, look at the indie threads on here. There are tons of extremely talented people, but how many will be so lucky to experience the same success as Notch? I'd be willing to say zero. Is it fair? Perhaps not, but that's life.

He started out by himself. It was his idea. He hired people to help build upon his vision. What does this sound like? The first chapter of any successful entrepreneur's biography. It isn't like these people did it for free, either - I'm sure the money they've made at Mojang is much better than any other job they could have, and they get to do what they love! They aren't buying excessively large, expensive houses in Beverly Hills, but they have it better than the majority, I'm sure.

Besides, doesn't it just seem so empty? Notch seems very lonely. Most of that house will probably fall into disuse while he programs away in a single room. Isn't he single now? He probably doesn't know what to do with that kind of money. We all say we'd buy a humble little place, and I'm sure many would stay true to their word, but can you even begin to imagine having that many decimal places in your bank account? That just seems so unreal to me.

Sorry if this reads strangely, I've been drinking and am pretty sleep deprived. Sucks to be Jay-Z I guess.

I don't agree that "fairly" means he gets to live like a god the rest of his life, but hey.

"Lesser contributors" is also fairly condescending to the people that made this success possible. Or that them sharing in the success they all produced would somehow be a "handout".

Could I ask what you do for a living? You seem overly salty.

Most people that rise to the top do so with the help of others, and their position is maintained by the people below them as well. What do you think would happen to most corporations if all the employees just decided to stop showing up?

They would be out of jobs and the company would hire fresh employees who would be happy to afford rent?
Most people that rise to the top do so with the help of others, and their position is maintained by the people below them as well. What do you think would happen to most corporations if all the employees just decided to stop showing up?
Yeah but they usually have those few right hands in higher positions. In a corporation it's not just the executive and all pawns. There is company hierarchy, people are able to work their way up to the top depending on their skills.
Most people that rise to the top do so with the help of others, and their position is maintained by the people below them as well. What do you think would happen to most corporations if all the employees just decided to stop showing up?

Those employees would be jobless/homeless. It works both ways.


Yeah but they usually have those few right hands in higher positions. In a corporation it's not just the executive and all pawns. There is company hierarchy, people are able to work their way up to the top depending on their skills.

Depends on the company. The people up top have to be generous enough to allow that to happen, which you can't count on.

Those employees would be jobless/homeless. It works both ways.

And this is the case because people are paid so little that the only way to live is to work for billionaires who don't have these worries.


I'd buy like 1000 houses in different places instead of that big ass mansion but it's a nice superstar place I guess. GG Notch, and thanks for making Minecraft.
Most people that rise to the top do so with the help of others, and their position is maintained by the people below them as well. What do you think would happen to most corporations if all the employees just decided to stop showing up?

Those employees would go unpaid and be unable to feed their families before they found other jobs. The corporation would also suffer for a while during the rehiring process.

But I hear you man. Like what if everyone on the planet just totally just...stopped working. Woahhhh
I'd buy like 1000 houses in different places instead of that big ass mansion but it's a nice superstar place I guess. GG Notch, and thanks for making Minecraft.

You could probably buy a nice house in every first-world country and still have plenty of money left over to fund Psychonauts 2.


Gold Member
Buying a huge property when you have a huge fortune isn't a thing. It's simply storing your money in a different form that still earns a yield through capital gains and rental income.

The thing to take into consideration here is that occupying it yourself cuts the rental income and only returns capital gain. This creates a big cash flow requirement.

The maintenance expense of that house will be around $100K a month. So basically he is investing $1M+ in living. By placing $21M of his wealth in a fund that yields 7% annually will cover that cost and have a reasonable inflation buffer.

So essentially, this house is him storing $91M of his net wealth in a form he probably enjoys. Would not be my choice, but as long as he isn't short $91M it doesn't affect his net wealth.
Depends on the company. The people up top have to be generous enough to allow that to happen, which you can't count on.
Positions at the top aren't infinite, imagine a company with 1000 executives?? Most people work really hard to make their way up and I say most because there's always that guy or two with that uncle in the top. It's life. Notch has the right to do whatever he wants with HIS money. He doesn't owe anyone anything. If he wants to pay for 2 million dollar penis enlargement surgery so be it, he worked for his money, so he should be able to do whatever he wants with his money.


The funniest thing is I'm so so so so sure that if many of you were in his position, a lot of the so called perceptions of humbleness would change.
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