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Minecraft |OT3| Dig Your Way to Fortune! Build Your Way to Glory!


Damn, I was on 30 minutes ago but can't get back in now. I'd say if you manage to login you might wanna idle there if you plan on coming back later today


Everything is moe to me
and people say you cant find diamonds on gafland.



^time for a full set of enchanted diamond armor!

I've found 40 or so at this point and I've only made tools with them.


Everything is moe to me
You have a sickness lol
I do.
I'm also the reason nobody can find any horse gear.

i think i remember why i quit this game.

addiction too strong. :(


Hey, we have a general store in spawnville! nice stuff dmented. kinda wish i could see where all those hoppers go, i havent used em yet so im not sure how they're supposed to be setup.
also didnt know you could mark doors as private.


Finally made a hobo-grinder for the Zombie spawner next to my Desert temple. Seems like not as much Zombies spawn out of spawners then they used too. Also, for dispenser w/ lava grinders, do I have to have a water dispenser too to put them out after a certain point? So far all the normal zombies are dying before the fire effect ends. Sucks because I'm missing out on the little bit of XP that I'm getting out of this grinder anyway.

Also, sorry if my constant login/logout stuff annoyed anyone today. My internet has been faulty all day and it just kept kicking me off after a few minutes.


I do.
I'm also the reason nobody can find any horse gear.

i think i remember why i quit this game.

addiction too strong. :(


Hey, we have a general store in spawnville! nice stuff dmented. kinda wish i could see where all those hoppers go, i havent used em yet so im not sure how they're supposed to be setup.
also didnt know you could mark doors as private.

Whats the currency for it?

You can private a lot of things...even trap doors.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
So Jeb is adding a bunch of new flowers to the patch, and he made a tweet about the biomes where he said that not only will there basically be double the amount of biomes in 1.7, but the old ones will have changes and variations to them as well:


Man, exploring after 1.7 hits is going to be awesome. I'm sure we have a very long time to wait however, lol.


Everything is moe to me
Whats the currency for it?
iron and diamonds.

diamonds for horse armour only atm, the rest was iron.

Could you post a picture of your mine? Or tell us how your mine is setup? I too would like to be rich in diamonds.

well, i go to level 11-14, pick a direction and start mining.
then i watch youtube until i hit on ore vein, switch out to fortune pick if needed and then go back to youtube.
eventually i turn around and mine back 3 blocks to the left or right of the first tunnel.
repeat until level 30 or full inventory, whichever you prefer.

pretty standard branch mining as far as i know.


Hello all. I don't play Minecraft super-often, but it'd be nice to have the GAF server as an option when I do. Could I get hooked up?

Ingame name is the same, PsionBolt.


Neo Member
Whoever died in a plains biome that had a diamond pick, clock, compass and other assorted items I've placed it all in a chest for you.

sgt jumpy

I've moved on to an entirely new continent now, after leaving my jungle island in search of leather. Cam upon a huge herd of horses, loved the landscape, and decided to stay. At the moment I've built a two story wooden house near a pond, a simple square structure for a new base of operations. It isn't too terribly far from my restructured jungle temple home, especially if I just go by sea. Going to make a couple trips a pick up some essentials, like all those stacks of moss stone for a gnarly wizard tower...

How can I add a mod that adds coordinates, last death, home, etc? Can we even use these in garland, or is it just straight vanilla?


Whoever died in a plains biome that had a diamond pick, clock, compass and other assorted items I've placed it all in a chest for you.

Probably Mack :D

Edit: Ugh, damn, I got disconnected while digging my way to the surface and now it's respawning me in solid rock. disconnected before it killed me because I don't wanna lose all that loot. This is the kind of crap that they should be fixing with all dat minecraft money :<


Ouch, that's a good chunk of iron to lose. And I haven't found enough gold for my potion addiction so that would have hurt too.


Yeah I lost my work pick yesterday in the nether. Was trying to find some glowstone to grab and this ghast blew me off of the ledge I was on and as I was falling I tried typing /home but wasn't fast enough.


Ah! Man! I'm not used to using those teleport commands... will try that next time (hope there's not a next time)


...... well logging in, KFC was broken because someone dug some blocks that let all the chickens out ... will have to spend half of my time today to throw eggs back in it to make it produce at a decent rate again !

then ... looking at the community horse pen, we only have black ones left ... I brought pretty much one of each basic color that I could find, so we could have some variety in there, ... guess people don't care after all ....

Would be nice if some people with other colors brought there horse back quicly for some breeding so we fix that.

Edit : also some people seem to grab cocoa beans from the lamp posts I made and not replanting after ... what a day !


...... well logging in, KFC was broken because someone dug some blocks that let all the chickens out ... will have to spend half of my time today to throw eggs back in it to make it produce at a decent rate again !

then ... looking at the community horse pen, we only have black ones left ... I brought pretty much one of each basic color that I could find, so we could have some variety in there, ... guess people don't care after all ....

Would be nice if some people with other colors brought there horse back quicly for some breeding so we fix that.

Edit : also some people seem to grab cocoa beans from the lamp posts I made and not replanting after ... what a day !

It seems we have some jerks on the server. Must be some new people, because we've been fine until recently.


...... well logging in, KFC was broken because someone dug some blocks that let all the chickens out ... will have to spend half of my time today to throw eggs back in it to make it produce at a decent rate again !

then ... looking at the community horse pen, we only have black ones left ... I brought pretty much one of each basic color that I could find, so we could have some variety in there, ... guess people don't care after all ....

Would be nice if some people with other colors brought there horse back quicly for some breeding so we fix that.

Edit : also some people seem to grab cocoa beans from the lamp posts I made and not replanting after ... what a day !
Thats pretty lousy, wow.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
It seems we have some jerks on the server. Must be some new people, because we've been fine until recently.

Yeah, that all sounds very atypical for Neocraft. :(


Everything is moe to me
i had initially left all the brewing ingredients in an open chest at my grinder, logged in the next day to all the gold and glowstone missing. thats why it's just potions now.


On survival I see its possible to use dev commands such as Home is there either a list of these commands or a way to instantly go to coordinates?

With the maps being utterly massive conpaired to Xbox I'm getting lost a lot.


On survival I see its possible to use dev commands such as Home is there either a list of these commands or a way to instantly go to coordinates?

With the maps being utterly massive conpaired to Xbox I'm getting lost a lot.

There is a home command, just type /sethome to mark then /home to warp there. Donators get access to the /back command, takes you to your previous teleported coordinates. You also have the ability to teleport to other players by typing /tpa [player name].

On the Neocraft world, there are warps to various places of note.

We have a variety of maps to help you get your bearings.

Gafland Dynamic Map


Hmm I hitched my horse by the big S at the spawn tower (it's exactly at -643, -1215) I tried to cut the post down and it won't break. Someone else wanna try to remove it?


Hmm I hitched my horse by the big S at the spawn tower (it's exactly at -643, -1215) I tried to cut the post down and it won't break. Someone else wanna try to remove it?
It's probably under spawn protection, so only a mod can remove blocks.
Something appears to be very very very wrong with the server right now. You can join it but you can't do anything on it. Now that normally happens when I cock up the permissions list (after adding someone) but I haven't done that today and no new users were added. So at this point I am going to blame multiplay. I tried resetting the server and it still didn't fix things so we now have to play a waiting game.


Something appears to be very very very wrong with the server right now. You can join it but you can't do anything on it. Now that normally happens when I cock up the permissions list (after adding someone) but I haven't done that today and no new users were added. So at this point I am going to blame multiplay. I tried resetting the server and it still didn't fix things so we now have to play a waiting game.

It made me drop everything in my bottom row, hope its still there later.
Can't wait to get some 4 player splitscreen going later. Hopefully I can persuade my brothers, been way too long since I played Minecraft.

Also, matter of personal interest, is there any reason this thread hasn't been moved to Community? Is it to do with the game's content constantly being updated?


Something appears to be very very very wrong with the server right now. You can join it but you can't do anything on it. Now that normally happens when I cock up the permissions list (after adding someone) but I haven't done that today and no new users were added. So at this point I am going to blame multiplay. I tried resetting the server and it still didn't fix things so we now have to play a waiting game.

ahhh man, just as I get freed up to spend some quality time in gafland :(


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Something appears to be very very very wrong with the server right now. You can join it but you can't do anything on it. Now that normally happens when I cock up the permissions list (after adding someone) but I haven't done that today and no new users were added. So at this point I am going to blame multiplay. I tried resetting the server and it still didn't fix things so we now have to play a waiting game.

I glanced over the server files and didn't see anything strange, but then since Ark redid all the plugins I admittedly don't recognize a lot of the config files anymore. I did a restart but it did not fix it, seems to very much be a permissions glitch.

I have to do some other stuff now but I'll do some researching later tonight and try to figure out what broke.

I did notice that the server logs mention that the server restarted this morning due to unusual memory useage. I wonder if that has anything to do with it....


Can't wait to get some 4 player splitscreen going later. Hopefully I can persuade my brothers, been way too long since I played Minecraft.

Also, matter of personal interest, is there any reason this thread hasn't been moved to Community? Is it to do with the game's content constantly being updated?

This OT was just created at the end of July. So much content as been added since the start of OT2 that we're treating it as a new game. I say by the end of the month this thread will be moved to the community forum. For now though it's a good place in gaming to rekindle awareness for the game, especially since we just started up a new world to coexist with the old one.

Edit: Server is good to go. Ark fixed up a little punctuation mistake on the whitelist.
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