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Monster Hunter: World (PS4/XB1 early 2018, PC later, directed by MH4 lead planner)

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I am curious though as what should be considered the main team. Is it the team that made the portable games and x/xx or the team that made the numbered games?
Didn't have the plinky-plonky tune and the 'So Tasty!'. Preorder cancelled.

(Tongue in-cheek, somewhat, but I'm curious if they're cutting that kitschness because they feel it won't suit the western audience, or if it just hasn't been implemented yet)
I think it will be there just a lot more subtle.


Neo Member
The gameplay footage definitely looked rough, but it's piqued my interest precisely because it reminded me of Dragon's Dogma - which I absolutely adore, despite its graphical shortcomings. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for this game; looks like it could be super fun!


For those not knowing why Monster Hunter fans don't like this is because it pretty much make Monster Hunter like any other action game. Hiding in foliage that tired mechanic, stealth, why? Monster Hunter has stealth but it comes from the gear you have, not just a basic mechanic.
I'm a Monster Hunter fan. I don't see how stealth is any worse than, say, the torch mechanic in Tri. Or siege weapons in most Elder Dragon fights. Or mounting in 4. It's an addition that could be fun, but isn't really that relevant to the core of the game.

I'm not excited about this trailer, but I'm not really turned off either. They just didn't show enough combat.


No V on the title is a good move by Capcom as if World underwhelm in the west(In japan almost guaranteed.) They still have V as backup plan to said that West is just spin-off.^^

And. is it me, but why does the game looks a bit more gray than MH4 and Generations there.
It seems that some people are salty that this isn't on Switch, which makes me laugh so hard. I got into this series by playing MH4U on 3DS, and I became a fan.

The product description doesn't seem to indicate that World is radically different than a numbered MH entry. I agree that some people are jumping to conclusions, when they honestly don't know crap about the game.

goofy as hell


That is too insane a rumor to take seriously.

I think that rumor turned out to be fairly accurate and considering that Sony will have a NEW Monster Hunter all to themselves in Japan, it's pretty significant. The NS gets a port of a game they already have.


Monster Hunter is not actually about hunting. It's just an English word they used for the title because "monster hunter" is an existing fantasy phrase, that people get hung up on for some reason.

Monster Hunter is a series of Dark Souls boss fights where you run straight to the arena where you know the monster is and fight a Kalameet or Gaping Dragon or whatever except they have way more moves and can move to adjacent arenas, and then you do it again five times in a row.

its also a game about farming ores, a lot!
Stealth isn't a problem, neither is the open world. The faster more generic combat is. Also the really bland and brown art.

What do you mean by faster more generic combat? On what basis do you make this claim?

The hunter didn't even get a chance to even swing the Great Sword. The gun shoots faster, but nothing indicated that the actual movement and dodging has even been changed.
Monster Hunter is not actually about hunting. It's just an English word they used for the title because "monster hunter" is an existing fantasy phrase, that people get hung up on for some reason.

Monster Hunter is a series of Dark Souls boss fights where you run straight to the arena where you know the monster is and fight a Kalameet or Gaping Dragon or whatever except they have way more moves and can move to adjacent arenas, and then you do it again five times in a row.




I've only dipped my toes into the MH series with one of the PSP games and never really got into it. This trailer unfortunately didn't do much to get me excited for this game either. I need to see more of the game before I decide to jump in again.

Calm Mind

Capcom right now

How is it disingenuous? People are complaining that it's nothing at all like traditional MH, which is far from the truth. The trailer had elements of both.

I'm a diehard MH fan, I love the combat. That's what I've come to love MH. But even with the addition of hunter arts, I've been burned out. Couldn't even make it to G rank in MHX because I've been burned out on the same old formula.

If you wanted more old MH, there are dozens of games to choose from.

This game looks like what happens when Monster Hunter is no longer severely constrained by the memory and processing limitations of withered hardware. I think a lot of the negativity sprouts directly from the leakers framing of the game as "watered down for Western tastes".


Monster Hunter is not actually about hunting. It's just an English word they used for the title because "monster hunter" is an existing fantasy phrase, that people get hung up on for some reason.

Monster Hunter is a series of Dark Souls boss fights where you run straight to the arena where you know the monster is and fight Kalameet or Gaping Dragon or whatever except they have way more moves and can move to adjacent arenas, and then you do it again five times in a row.

And then you rank up, and then fight harder versions of them 20 times, because Kalameet won't drop Kalameet Didgeridoo so you can make your greaves piece for your set.

Oh Monster Hunter, the one series where the grind is worth it because of fun it is to fight the monsters in the first place.


It's pretty apparent this is their next big Monster Hunter, but they're also not taking the risk of MH5, thus the subtitle. If the World subseries fails, they'll just forget about it. Otherwise, they'll continue to expand it.
If Fujioka is really directing MHW and Capcom is still making MH5 separately then MH5 must be handled by different team..
The whole open world design is going to be interesting considering you won't be able to just leave the area to heal/sharpen/cook/etc.

That mechanic always seemed like it existed due to the hardware limitations of the platforms the game released on... It looks like MH World is the game that Monster Hunter was always meant to be in my opinion.


No V on the title is a good move by Capcom as if World underwhelm in the west(In japan almost guaranteed.) They still have V as backup plan to said that West is just spin-off.^^

And. is it me, but why does the game looks a bit more gray than MH4 and Generations there.

Outside of Rath the colors and monsters look dull as hell. What is up with that t-rex? Like, they just put in a t-rex. No imagination at all. Hope that's not indicative of the rest of the new cast.
Looks interesting, I don't know how you can say combat looks generic though. It seems they expanded up Dragon's Dogma climbing with the grappling hook, since it looked different than the struggle that happened in MH4. I wonder if smell plays a part within the stealth, because the monster definitely was trying to sniff and flare up it's nose. Like only certain ghillie suits would work on some monsters or environments. I hope we can set up an even greater variety of traps besides pits, electrics, and bomb barrels and even make those rock drop trap so we can set that up to pull. With bait and stealth, it can be interesting to set up against a monster since there are no zoning in and out of areas. Like set up a bunch of stuff, set up bait, then wait it out.


If the game still is MH, that really shouldn't be an issue for MP which is how you really play those games. Teammates draw enough agro to do whatever you can on the side. If that doesn't work, well, gunning is screwed.

...I mean, it still has to work solo anyway.


As an avid MH fan, I'm incredibly excited for this game. It may not be MH in the traditional sense, but it's giving the series an opportunity to gain more traction worldwide. If this becomes successful it'll be more incentive to pump out more console MH titles whilst marrying gameplay systems that work within the expectations of the franchise. I'm really looking forward to it.


A new HD open world Monster Hunter seems like the stuff of dreams, but the trailer incredibly didn't do much for me. The brief look at the new mechanics were cool but not what I've come to expect from the series; I wouldn't say it's "lost it's charm" though.

I trust that the Monster Hunter development team at Capcom will deliver an amazing product and that I'll love the game, I'm just surprised at my own reluctance with what was shown.


Reading through the thread:

MH fans are understandably skeptical about this, given Capcom's history of "western appeal" revisions.... And the trailer showed little.

People on the "I will only try MH if it's HD" camp are understandably happy, this is what they asked for, but some failed to realised that this is not what some of the fans asked for.

Fans of any game want more of the same but better.

And then you get console warriors who are fighting a war with the invisible posters who are whining about the game not being on Switch, because I have yet to see a single post complaining about that, only those complaining about people complaining about that.


No Scrubs
The whole open world design is going to be interesting considering you won't be able to just leave the area to heal/sharpen/cook/etc.

That mechanic always seemed like it existed due to the hardware limitations of the platforms the game released on... It looks like MH World is the game that Monster Hunter was always meant to be in my opinion.

Again, who actually leaves the area to do those things? (Your cooking should be done in town before you even leave on a hunt)
Ooof, the more I think about it, the more I realize how much shit they're probably gonna cut because "lul western mainstream gamers are dumb/lazy". I hope a future trailer/showcase proves me wrong!


Wow they did it. They finally did it.
I was waiting for this since MH2. An actual evolution and not the same game with the PS2 engine and gameplay over and over again.
The feature list reads like something me and others have always posted regarding a next Gen MH haha

The title made me a bit sceptical though. This is not a subscription/F2P style of game right?

Price hasn't been announced but it appears to be a retail release at least.



For those not knowing why Monster Hunter fans don't like this is because it pretty much make Monster Hunter like any other action game. Hiding in foliage that tired mechanic, stealth, why? Monster Hunter has stealth but it comes from the gear you have, not just a basic mechanic.

Maybe it's still gear based, the better gear you have the more difficult it is to be found. I think this game might end up being classic MonHun.

Although the graphics are kind of underwhelming considering the platforms its coming to.


This Monster Hunter doesn't look like it'll win over the "new" mainstream fans they want. Really seems the only appeal are MH fans who will play anything and those who will put their money where their mouth is after wanting it on the system. They aren't going to see big traction from this from the casual side of things.

Will not be surprised to see it under sell the what was it 3.5 million expectation they had for it?


I am reading Famitsu's comments and there's more positive comments than I expected.

Some port begging (for Switch, but I suppose we'll hear about MH5 for Switch soon), some complaining they shouldn't have bought a Switch then, some others saying it's time to buy a PS4.

A LOT of people don't get if the game is online only though, thinking it's like Frontier.


This was a very bad trailer. They don't show the player hit the monster once other than the mounting. The way it keeps cutting around to avoid showing any real gameplay feels telling. Some of the stuff felt like it could be very scripted which is really against the spirit of monster hunter.


nice box art.

I'll give this a chance, but man is it going to be annoying running away from Savage Jho in an open world lol


I really liked it. Played MH4 on 3DS and it didn't look any worse of a game tbh!!! And I'm glad that I'll be able to play it with a decent controller. 3DS hurts my hands when I play it for more than 30 minutes.


Neo Member
Ironically, I've seen plenty of Monster Hunter fans complain the games from 3 onwards were too colorful in comparison to the first 2 generations.

Yeah I thought of that afterwards- color palette isn't that far off from MH1 or the PSP games I suppose. Well I like the extra color, anyway. We have enough blade brown fantasy worlds. I like the monsters to be a bit crazier than the standard brown dragon I guess.
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