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Monster Hunter: World (PS4/XB1 early 2018, PC later, directed by MH4 lead planner)

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I've wanted this for so long. I've tried many MH games and even got pretty far being carried by friends but I've never managed to actually get it myself. I'm way into this. Maybe my most anticipated game right now.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I've been wanting MH to make the jump to HD and to consoles with competent online systems, and I'm glad it finally has happened.

Capcom is definitely chasing the co-op open world-ish trend that is proving to be very successful for the Ubisofts (Ghost Recon/Division) and Activisions (Destiny), so I'm sure they'll find some success in the western markets if the game is even mildly enjoyable to play. And it'll sell in the East on name alone. I understand exactly why they've done what they've done.

Just like Stories, right?
For those not knowing why Monster Hunter fans don't like this is because it pretty much make Monster Hunter like any other action game. Hiding in foliage that tired mechanic, stealth, why? Monster Hunter has stealth but it comes from the gear you have, not just a basic mechanic.
Hmmm well let me think, maybe because the game is seamless instead of tiny arenas split up by load screens?

You won't be able to just cross a load screen to "hide" from monsters anymore, gotta do it another way. Actual stealth mechanics is PERFECT, can't believe people are actually trying to use that as an excuse to be upset.
It seems that some people are salty that this isn't on Switch, which makes me laugh so hard. I got into this series by playing MH4U on 3DS, and I became a fan.

The product description doesn't seem to indicate that World is radically different than a numbered MH entry. I agree that some people are jumping to conclusions, when they honestly don't know crap about the game.
Just because it hasn't got the five doesn't mean another game will. This is by the mainline team.

You're crazy if you think there won't be a Monster Hunter 5 on 3DS and/or Switch. This game isn't going to sell as much worldwide as a single entry did in Japan on 3DS.
There wasn't much in this trailer to be excited about for a traditional Monster Hunter fan (aside from seeing monsters in higher fidelity) but I don't really know how anyone can say that it's abandoning the core focus of the series. They really haven't shown enough of the game to determine something like that.


The game look amazing in my opinion. Finally a MH game with modern graphics, new assets and different gameplay. Can't wait to here more.


Weren't the other spinoffs not done by the main MH team?? I really think Capcom put the A team to not FUBAR the spinoff. They actually want this to succeed. They know the mainline games on Nintendo sell hotcakes. They obviously want a huge piece of MS/Sony/PC gamers sales pie
I hope it has the depth and complexity i love sinking my teeth into. That said, it's good for the main team to try new things. Let's just hope it doesn't alienate the core
This just looks like the antithesis of Monster Hunter to me. I'm very unhype for this. I mean I want to be excited because it is Monster Hunter? When Capcom shows me this is actually Monster Hunter and not some ARPG, then I'll be excited.
Looks more like a devolution to me.

Your list of awful things they've done to the game was just new mechanics. You have zero basis from what's been shown or told thus far to say this is some sort of thumb in the eye to long-term fans, unless you're just unreasonably resistant to change.
These were basically in previous games through the use of Paintballs/Armor abilities and Smoke Bombs.

Except that Smoke Bombs are just used to stop aggroing the monsters in the area. mostly arena. Not standing literally on sight. In the trailer the hunter is simply on the view and the monster is not seeing him, and hide in the grass for some reason stopped the small monsters from aggroing him.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
It seems that some people are salty that this isn't on Switch, which makes me laugh so hard. I got into this series by playing MH4U on 3DS, and became a fan.

The product description doesn't seem to indicate that World is radically different than a numbered MH entry. I agree that some people are jumping to conclusions, when they honestly don't know crap about the game.



It seems that some people are salty that this isn't on Switch, which makes me laugh so hard. I got into this series by playing MH4U on 3DS, and I became a fan.

The product description doesn't seem to indicate that World is radically different than a numbered MH entry. I agree that some people are jumping to conclusions, when they honestly don't know crap about the game.

Stealth isn't a problem, neither is the open world. The faster more generic combat is. Also the really bland and brown art.


For those not knowing why Monster Hunter fans don't like this is because it pretty much make Monster Hunter like any other action game. Hiding in foliage that tired mechanic, stealth, why? Monster Hunter has stealth but it comes from the gear you have, not just a basic mechanic.

smoke bombs and crouching are MH's equivalent of stealth and I refuse to believe anyone thinks they are better than adding real stealth mechanics.


Ironically, I've seen plenty of Monster Hunter fans complain the games from 3 onwards were too colorful in comparison to the first 2 generations.

Really now. I was actually really happy that they diversified the pallet, since it made the gameplay so much easier to read. MH1 might actually be in the running for the brownest game on the PS2, with SotC as the only one to surpass it.


There wasn't much in this trailer to be excited about for a traditional Monster Hunter fan (aside from seeing monsters in higher fidelity) but I don't really know how anyone can say that it's abandoning the core focus of the series. They really haven't shown enough of the game to determine something like that.

Hunter vision and pathfinding waypoint lights are sort of against the core focus.


Really excited for this as someone who doesn't own any Nintendo devices at the moment. I've played MonHun on PSP years ago, some I'm pretty stoked for this.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
There wasn't much in this trailer to be excited about for a traditional Monster Hunter fan (aside from seeing monsters in higher fidelity) but I don't really know how anyone can say that it's abandoning the core focus of the series. They really haven't shown enough of the game to determine something like that.
People are reacting to what was given to them, both positively and negatively; you can't expect everyone on both sides to say mmmmmm I'll wait for more at the end of their thoughts.
What critically important feature could you possibly conclude was ignored and couldn't possibly be in the game from that trailer?

I don't think it'll be removed completely, but I'm extremely worried about how they'll treat the combat, and I feel like they're going to try and make it quicker and less deliberate which would ruin what I like about it


The only thing I was iffy about was that glowy powder, other than that I thought the game looked great.They were showing how you can use the environment to your advantage in the trailer, now we just need to see some of the combat/world.
For those not knowing why Monster Hunter fans don't like this is because it pretty much make Monster Hunter like any other action game. Hiding in foliage that tired mechanic, stealth, why? Monster Hunter has stealth but it comes from the gear you have, not just a basic mechanic.

Oh stop it. I'm a huge MH fan and I'm all for them trying to expand the mechanics. You don't speak for me or anyone else.

Jesus, people are salty as hell, that it doesn't come out on the Switch.. D:

Been alluding to this for months but was shut down every time lol tried to warn y'all.


There wasn't much in this trailer to be excited about for a traditional Monster Hunter fan (aside from seeing monsters in higher fidelity) but I don't really know how anyone can say that it's abandoning the core focus of the series. They really haven't shown enough of the game to determine something like that.
Seriously. I don't understand how many of the comments in the thread relate to what was actually shown.

The only thing I could see that's really worth complaining about is how much climbing there is. After 4, it's getting a bit old.
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