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Monster Strike |OT| Lucy in the Sky with Divine Sharls

So my girl is having an issue where if she hosts, she'll click the link in Line but then get an error that says "Unfortunately Monster Strike has stopped working" or something like that, it crashes, then goes to the home screen of the phone, when she goes back in she's at the place where she left (usually the place she was trying to host).

She has a Moto G, is the RAM the problem? I figured it would say 'memory low' or something if that was the issue.


Can’t stump the diablos
So my girl is having an issue where if she hosts, she'll click the link in Line but then get an error that says "Unfortunately Monster Strike has stopped working" or something like that, it crashes, then goes to the home screen of the phone, when she goes back in she's at the place where she left (usually the place she was trying to host).

She has a Moto G, is the RAM the problem? I figured it would say 'memory low' or something if that was the issue.

It's probably her phone specs. Ram or processor.


So my girl is having an issue where if she hosts, she'll click the link in Line but then get an error that says "Unfortunately Monster Strike has stopped working" or something like that, it crashes, then goes to the home screen of the phone, when she goes back in she's at the place where she left (usually the place she was trying to host).

She has a Moto G, is the RAM the problem? I figured it would say 'memory low' or something if that was the issue.

I have a Moto G too, and have the exact same problem. When I launch the co-op, it gives me the option of either using chrome or line. At first I thought using line made sense, but it gives me that crash when I use line. it works if I choose to use chrome.
Since it seems like lobby invite urls are tied to the user as opposed to the session I thought it'd be cool to have something like what destinylfg does for group matchmaking. I tried bringing it up to the padherder guy but he seemed disinterested; maybe one of you guys writing databases could fold the feature into the site?


Can’t stump the diablos
I have a Moto G too, and have the exact same problem. When I launch the co-op, it gives me the option of either using chrome or line. At first I thought using line made sense, but it gives me that crash when I use line. it works if I choose to use chrome.

Running line and MS at the same time is probably too much for your phone.


Well, when I create a co-op game, and I press the VIA Line button, it says "complete action using:" and then gives me a choice of either Chrome or Line.

When you're creating a game, use the "complete action using" to use Line to post it in the group chat. Then click on the link you posted and use Chrome to start the co-op match and wait for others join.

Edit: Or as others have said it might be taking up too much RAM on your phone.
Dang, tried it and still get the error. Wonder why he can do it on his and she can't on hers when they're the same phone. Wonder if she has an app running in the background that takes up a lot
Here are my current pulls. Don't have many left I don't think so who should be my main three? I've heard two zeus aren't a great team. Aside from them I only have one other five star. Amy of these four star make good five star? Do you guys sell the 3 star boss monster drops? I have a ton.
Is there a reliable barometer to determine if you're ready for Savage without burning the stamina to try/retry?

It will end soon, but right now I would say that the Over the Rainbow Savage is the easiest one to start with. It has no wall damage or other tricks, and some of the other hard level events seem more dangerous.

If you can beat Over the Rainbow in time, you could be ready to go harder. Make sure your group can keep out of damage walls and pick up hearts and stall as needed.
What's the good amount of space in the monster box to have?
Should I spend orbs to make it bigger or just save them for pulls and sell all low level stuff?
I have two Zeus O.O.

Also, I was JUST in a game with someone from GAF (random... WHO ARE YOU. YOU LIVE NEAR ME), but the game disconnected right as we were starting.


Can you make a google spreadsheet so we can fill out our names, the monsters we run, and our player IDs?

I do as well do you run them both?


So...im in Line chat but I never see anyone post. Ive made a post and can its been viewed by 80 people. Any idea what's going on?


What's the good amount of space in the monster box to have?
Should I spend orbs to make it bigger or just save them for pulls and sell all low level stuff?
I've been increasing it as I need it. It's probably going to depend on how many monsters you want to keep and how diligent you are in fusing the stats mobs. I'm currently at 100 slots and that seems to be enough for me at the moment. Gives me space to hold onto Mormites and turtles while I wait to evolve monsters. You get so many stones from playing the game at the beginning and doing co-op so I don't miss them.
So...im in Line chat but I never see anyone post. Ive made a post and can its been viewed by 80 people. Any idea what's going on?

So apparently LINE has a thing where anybody above the 200th person to join a group is completely unable to see anything from it. I just made a second group; if anybody from the first group wants to join in too that's cool (quote to reveal)



What a time sink this game is... I swear if there was an ingame clock it would show that you spend half of the game just fusing monsters. They got the whole "collect things to unlock things that evolve even more things" formula down to a T. Heck! Even the clumsy/impractical UI (buttons upon buttons) surely serves some kind of cognitive dissonance purpose.


Neo Member
Struggling to figure out the best use of my characters and which to evo first...

I have Zeus, Odin, Lancelot X, Nobunaga, Apollo X. The friend I play with all the time has Zeus, Lancelot X, Nobunaga and Harley X.

Any advice on what to invest in first or what 4 team to run?

We've obviously read the NA and jp tier lists and can read the numbers... But really looking for more informed advice than just "Omg Zeus is S tier!!"
What a time sink this game is... I swear if there was an ingame clock it would show that you spend half of the game just fusing monsters. They got the whole "collect things to unlock things that evolve even more things" formula down to a T. Heck! Even the clumsy/impractical UI (buttons upon buttons) surely serves some kind of cognitive dissonance purpose.

And the warning box that you are about to fuse a 4* plus monster are you sure to slow things down. When 99% of the time the monster is designed to be only ever fused.
Can anybody explain how the monsters who say they provide attack, hp, or speed bonuses when fused work exactly? I'm not noticing anything happening with the monsters I fuse them to.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Can anybody explain how the monsters who say they provide attack, hp, or speed bonuses when fused work exactly? I'm not noticing anything happening with the monsters I fuse them to.

On the stat screen you will see a "+XXX" figure next to ATK, HP and Speed values which shows how much you get and will get from fusing you main monsters with Morlies (?),


So apparently LINE has a thing where anybody above the 200th person to join a group is completely unable to see anything from it. I just made a second group; if anybody from the first group wants to join in too that's cool (quote to reveal)

Pretty sure I am 201 lol! I couldnt get qr code to work a few nights ago, I got in a couple nights later by entering URL...too late it seems. Ill join 2nd group tomorrow. Thanks!
i am rank 30 and i look at the vast expanse of unknown in the monsterpedia and fear for my future wallet.

i read somewhere the Jpn version got well into 50 stamina levels with traps and what not, 90 luck builds were only the start of doing well.

mixi has a much better idea of where to lead its players than Bungie did with Destiny..


Saint Nic
I just finished Mars on Savage (1 stone on the last phase with the boss at like, 25% health *sigh*) NO speed clear.

Anyone who decides to take it on:

The walls hurt BAD on this one. You NEEEEED a shield breaker monster. If I am going to try and 0-stone this, I'm going to bring one. I feel like Shield Break MAY be the most useful passive in the entire game for high-end content. Also, unless you're going for speed clear (which is probably not smart on your first dive into the dungeon), take advantage of stalling on trash AFTER you get the boss to flee.

Fun dungeon. Going to probably give it another go after my stam regenerates.


I just finished Mars on Savage (1 stone on the last phase with the boss at like, 25% health *sigh*) NO speed clear.

Anyone who decides to take it on:

The walls hurt BAD on this one. You NEEEEED a shield breaker monster. If I am going to try and 0-stone this, I'm going to bring one. I feel like Shield Break MAY be the most useful passive in the entire game for high-end content. Also, unless you're going for speed clear (which is probably not smart on your first dive into the dungeon), take advantage of stalling on trash AFTER you get the boss to flee.

Fun dungeon. Going to probably give it another go after my stam regenerates.

I was a turn short of beating it with a full speed bonus with my all ignore wall damage team. (close to max queen arthur, 25 zeus olympios, max zeus, max friend queen arthur).

Ignore wall damage passive reduces the amount of thinking needed.


Saint Nic
I was a turn short of beating it with a full speed bonus with my all ignore wall damage team. (close to max queen arthur, 25 zeus olympios, max zeus, max friend queen arthur).

Ignore wall damage passiver reduces the amount of thinking needed.

Yeah, the other option is to have a team of Null Damage Wall or whatever it's called.
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