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Mosque in Peterborough, Canada set on fire. Mosques in Florida receive bomb threats.

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Welcome to the strategy Isis is using. Cause panic, idiots target Muslim civilians and then the image of persucated Muslims is shown. Which leads to new recruits.


This is what happens when a white guy can shoot up a church, theater, wherever and have plans for bombs all over their apartment but are simply called lone wolves or mentally disturbed. Terrorists can apparently only be Muslims.
Is being white a religion or are Muslims a race?


Just because you live in Canada doesnt mean there arent bigots and racists walking around still. My gf is muslim and her mother used to wear a hijab. After 9/11 while my gf was shopping with her mom a fellow Canadian went up to her called her a terrorist, used strong language and told her to rot in hell. Ever since then her mom will never wear a hijab in public again, she felt frightened, feared for her life and didnt want to be labelled as a "terrorists" ever again

Wasn't trying to say it like that. Its just always disappointing to find out fellow citizens act as such.


ISIS strategy working just as planned. It was inevitable, I know, but I just hate seeing those scum get what they want.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Disappointing. Responding to terror with terror is exactly what ISIS wants.

They want to divide us, and sadly human nature remains human nature. Some morons cannot process more than two categories.
The GTA is by no means some haven of multicultural goodness. Its fucking ridiculous to see that mentality peddled.

As a minority living in Toronto yes it is. At least compared to the rest of the country that is. The nicest people Ive met in Canada are the folks in the Maritimes though.


Every time someone gets angry and victimizes an innocent Muslim, the terrorists win.

I guess we need public awareness campaigns to remind people of this.


Terrible, but some of you are acting as if these are in anyway comparable to blowing up and shooting hundreds of people.

Why did you make the reference by the way? Not sure what connection these victims have to 'blowing up and shooting people'.

Edit: Already answered. Really nice to see the good people of Peterbourough going out of their way to help.


A huge middle finger raised at the arsonists, but props to the Peterborough community for rallying around their Muslim brethren.


Peterborough’s local Muslim association has reopened its mosque after an arson involving a molotov cocktail and its leaders say they are donating $110,000 from an online fundraiser to a nearby women’s shelter and centre for children with special needs.

Many Canadians were disappointed when someone set fire to the Masjid Al Salaam, the Central Ontario town’s lone mosque, just a day after the deadly terrorist attacks hit Paris this November. A concerned citizen started an online fundraiser to repair the gutted interior of the building and donations soon soared, driven by donors as far away as France, according to Kenzu Abdella, president of the Kawartha Muslim Religious Association that runs the mosque.

Since insurance covered the cost of the rebuild, Mr. Abdella said the association decided to donate half the money raised to the YWCA Crossroads women’s shelther and the other half to the Five Counties Children’s Centre, which helps children and youth with physical, developmental, and communication needs.

“We thought of many causes, but in the end everybody felt that women and children are the best place to support,” said Mr. Abdella, an Ethiopian-Canadian who is also a math professor at Trent University. “Especially this group of kids and women because they are vulnerable and we kind of felt vulnerable at the time.”

Rest at link.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Terrible, but some of you are acting as if these are in anyway comparable to blowing up and shooting hundreds of people.

So because some unrelated fuckfaces terrorized and killed dozens of people, those who are unrelated to them in any way, shape, or form are alright to receive these "terrible" acts and those who express concern over it are being unfair?


No! But at the same time I think we can differentiate people being angry at the situation from murderers killing hundreds to terrorize the world.

People burning stuff to terrorize innocents are "being angry". And when people express concern over it you retort with "well it's not as bad as that thing and that thing".... for what purpose? So that people expressing concern shouldn't express their concern anymore lest you accuse them of downplaying the other incidents? No, seriously, what are you doing?


Where's that guy who wanted to move to Canada for being above all the shit going on in the US?

Yea, the Paris attacks showed an ugly side to Canada that I didn't think existed to such an extent.

Though to be fair, those were one-off attacks and soundly condemned by the majority, and virtually all politicians.

So because some unrelated fuckfaces terrorized and killed dozens of people, those who are unrelated to them in any way, shape, or form are alright to receive these "terrible" acts and those who express concern over it are being unfair?


People burning stuff to terrorize innocents are "being angry". And when people express concern over it you retort with "well it's not as bad as that thing and that thing".... for what purpose? So that people expressing concern shouldn't express their concern anymore lest you accuse them of downplaying the other incidents? No, seriously, what are you doing?

Yea, that poster was on the defence force, with respect to Canada's image or something, though I don't know why he took up that mantle.

When bad shit happens, making false equivalences is never a good defence tactic. It's best to just own up that pieces of shits like those arsonists exist in every country.
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