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Motherboard: Secret Backstage Trump Drama at Walt Disney World’s Hall of Presidents



Will Donald Trump have a speaking role at Walt Disney World's Hall of Presidents attraction?

It's a question that Motherboard has inquired about for two weeks, to no avail. The White House confirmed they received the inquiry, but did not reply to a follow-up email. Walt Disney World, after receiving multiple requests, stated through a phone representative that "as of right now, we have nothing to share."

But thanks to an inside source, Motherboard has an answer. And it's not a simple answer. Rather, it's an answer that reflects a company in conflict, that knows it's been thrust into a politically-charged, no-win situation.

"Given President Trump's current problems," continued the source, "Walt Disney World might elect to push the attraction's opening date back to the fall and then make further tweaks to the show."

According to the source, Disney might also rationalize silencing the Trump robot by decreasing the show's overall running time. There is precedent for this; the Country Bear Jamboree attraction, for example, was cut down from 16 minutes to 11 minutes. Disney reasons that the average, modern audience member does not have the attention span for a 16-minute presentation, let alone a 23-minute presentation. By cutting the Hall of Presidents show to 15 minutes—take a sentence away from Washington here, take a sentence away from Lincoln there—Disney could run more shows per hour, thus increasing the number of guests who experience the attraction.

"They were convinced that Hillary was going to win," said the source. "They were having conversations in late October and early November on how to dress her. 'Should it be the pantsuit she wore at the [Democratic] National Convention? Or should it be a darker color?' They were thinking along those lines. No one was giving any serious thought to it being Trump."

More here.

I'll be happy if he has a non-speaking role, I've heard him speak too much over the last year.


I say put him there, but have him say the infamous pussy line so everyone can be reminded of what a colossal fuckup America was in 2016.
Might as well start erasing him from the history books now. If we're lucky, he'll be a brief stain on this nation's highest office. He does not deserve memorialization.


What a stupid god damn idea for an attraction, regardless of trump.

It was pretty cool when I was a kid. Seeing these presidents you've only seen on money or in history books move around and talk. My mom made us go (she grew up going to Disneyland and always seeing Lincoln) but I enjoyed it. It definitely is a bit long for a kid though.

Have his animatronic on its phone tweeting the whole time.

Preferably on a toilet in the bathroom. Then he doesn't even have to be on stage!
I've been wondering about this. It's funny that Disney will have to use their most advanced technology to create the most realistic facsimile of the least realistic president ever. It might actually jump the uncanny valley since it doesn't need to pass for human.


He's still the POTUS, regardless of whether or not people like him. I say they should just have him there and let him give a speech just like Clinton, Bush, and Obama have.
He's still the POTUS, regardless of whether or not people like him. I say they should just have him there and let him give a speech just like Clinton, Bush, and Obama have.
Trump is mentally incapable of giving a speech like Clinton, Obama, or even Bush. Or a 5th grader.

It would be a massive misrepresentation to have him on that level. It's probably more of a courtesy to him to have him silent.
He's still the POTUS, regardless of whether or not people like him. I say they should just have him there and let him give a speech just like Clinton, Bush, and Obama have.

Give a speech? God, don't put the children through that shit, what is wrong with you


Does Nixon have a robot there? Does he speak?
This would probably be my standard as well. Worst case is that you'd just cut something that just says "Make America Great" or something that's so innocuous that it could have been attributed to any president.


He's still the POTUS, regardless of whether or not people like him. I say they should just have him there and let him give a speech just like Clinton, Bush, and Obama have.

according to the article, trump hasn't made time to do the recording


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
It should be a creepy animatronic statue of Trump that shrieks,"GRAB'EM IN THE PUSSY!" and lunges at the crowd watching. It will be like one of those interactive horror or adventure attractions but actually scary.


He's still the POTUS, regardless of whether or not people like him. I say they should just have him there and let him give a speech just like Clinton, Bush, and Obama have.

Did you read the article? Disney's reached out to them repeatedly and gotten nothing.

Hopefully they wait long enough for him to no longer be in office so that they never have to put him in.


Fucking children. He's still the President. Regardless of your political standing, at least treat the position with respect even if the person holding it currently isn't.
I'm thinking a solid gold statue in his honour, guy fucking loves gold but has the total opposite to a Midas touch, the irony isn't lost this way it's preserved for the hall of fame.


He's still the POTUS, regardless of whether or not people like him. I say they should just have him there and let him give a speech just like Clinton, Bush, and Obama have.

What speech? Is there any speech Trump has spoken that wouldn't offend someone?

Fucking children. He's still the President. Regardless of your political standing, at least treat the position with respect even if the person holding it currently doesn't.


And no.
Yes. No.
Nixon is in there so I doubt it.
Nixon wasn't impeached, though. He quit before it could happen.

Clinton is still in last I remember, so they would absolutely keep him in (as they should).
Clinton, while impeached like Jackson, was not convicted and removed from office.

Trump will eventually be there. Even Harrison, I assume is, even if he was only president for 30 days.

Once you're sworn in, it's all official.
Fucking children. He's still the President. Regardless of your political standing, at least treat the position with respect even if the person holding it currently isn't.

I only treat the position with respect if the one filling it deserves it. This ain't no dictatorship, as bad as some people want it to be.
Fucking children. He's still the President. Regardless of your political standing, at least treat the position with respect even if the person holding it currently isn't.

I'm gonna say there's probably some real issues for Disney as a family friendly company, with making space for someone who sexually assaults women and has a ton of support from white supremacists "for some reason."


They have to put it in a glass box to prevent people from throwing stuff at it. It will also represent his fragile ego.


He's still the POTUS, regardless of whether or not people like him. I say they should just have him there and let him give a speech just like Clinton, Bush, and Obama have.

I mean, I agree with the other people who said to just have him be silent. But if you insist on having him talk, the only thing I've ever heard him said that was even close to inspiring was what he said at the Coast Guard Commencement about working harder when life isn't fair. (And even then, he screwed it up by making it about himself and the Media.)

I would take that quote and end it before he starts talking about himself, like so:

"Over the course of your life, you will find that things are not always fair. You will find that things happen to you that you do not deserve and that are not always warranted. But you have to put your head down and fight, fight, fight. Never, ever, ever give up. Things will work out just fine."

Because honestly? That's pretty good advice. Shame he then had to make it about himself.

EDIT: If that were too short, you could add in a few snippets from the rest of the speech, where he WASN'T talking about himself:
"You can't let them get you down. You can't let the critics and the naysayers get in the way of your dreams."
"Adversity makes you stronger. Don't give in, don't back down, and never stop doing what you know is right. Nothing worth doing ever, ever, ever came easy."

But really, just having him be silent would probably be best.


One way or another I hope it reopens soon, it's definitely a very moving and powerful attraction--or I mean it was.

Everyone so sure she would win...

Even NeoGAF. Months and months of threads where folks were worried that Trump would win and a lot of posters were reassuring the thread starter that he didn't have a chance.

It's really fascinating in hindsight.
Fucking children. He's still the President. Regardless of your political standing, at least treat the position with respect even if the person holding it currently isn't.
This isn't talking about the office. It's talking about the person holding it, though.

Trump has done nothing but destroy the integrity of the office, though. Your ire is better directed at the person actively shitting on it.
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