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Motherboard: Secret Backstage Trump Drama at Walt Disney World’s Hall of Presidents

So will this robot also have verbal diarrhea, sounding like one of those natural language algorithms to life?

It should be a creepy animatronic statue of Trump that shrieks,"GRAB'EM IN THE PUSSY!" and lunges at the crowd watching. It will be like one of those interactive horror or adventure attractions but actually scary.

Bring back the ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter except replace the alien with Trump and it's taking place in a Hollywood Access bus.


For those who have never seen the attraction, here's a video of the entire thing. Skip to 15:07 if you want to get to the part with the animatronic Presidents, it's pretty neat. And yeah, inserting Trump into this has got to be a real fucking conundrum for the folks behind it - considering how family-friendly Disney is. Including Trump, who, yeah, is the President, but also openly bragged about being able to get away with sexually assaulting women presents them with a real issue.

(Here's Obama recording his dialogue for it)

I think the easiest thing they could do would be to just not give Trump any speaking lines :p
Wait for the n-word tape to drop, then just use the audio from that uncut. Be honest with the people about how this fucker got elected.
The current show is pretty damn good, aside from the Andrew Jackson part, and the part with Lincoln is really good. I'd hate to see that and the final part with all the Presidents cut down.

Just have the Trump-bot say "bigly" while waving a signed executive order - boom - show time shorter!


the Country Bear Jamboree attraction, for example, was cut down from 16 minutes to 11 minutes. Disney reasons that the average, modern audience member does not have the attention span for a 16-minute presentation, let alone a 23-minute presentation.
*coughs up blood*

This is genuinely in our future, isn't it:
idiocracy Time Machine said:
...First to the year 1939 when Charlie Chaplin and his evil Nazi regime enslaved Europe and tried to take over the world! ... But then an even greater force emerged: The un! And the un un-nazied the world! Forever!

Wood Man

Does Nixon have a speaking role? Just curious.

Also, I'd be OK with it if he just said "Bigly" over and over.

No, only a few Presidents have a speaking role, like Lincoln & Washington. And the incumbent President with a little speech they record themselves.


Oh, I see. I'ts just two and then the current. Huh. Well, kind of a conundrum. Just watched it.

Also, those animatronics are pretty cool.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
One way or another I hope it reopens soon, it's definitely a very moving and powerful attraction--or I mean it was.

Even NeoGAF. Months and months of threads where folks were worried that Trump would win and a lot of posters were reassuring the thread starter that he didn't have a chance.

It's really fascinating in hindsight.
We really didn't think people were that stupid


He's still the POTUS, regardless of whether or not people like him. I say they should just have him there and let him give a speech just like Clinton, Bush, and Obama have.

It'd be sort of weird to have the puppet Trump say something the real one would never say. Just give him a couple lines the way he usually talks. It could be something like "a lot of people are saying I'm the greatest President ever. Did you see the crowds at my inauguration? Million, million and a half people. In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally. Sad!"


Fucking children. He's still the President. Regardless of your political standing, at least treat the position with respect even if the person holding it currently isn't.

Trump has made it abundantly clear the mere fact of holding office no longer, or possibly never, meant that you were worthy of respect


Fucking children. He's still the President. Regardless of your political standing, at least treat the position with respect even if the person holding it currently isn't.

Haha. He's turned that position into a joke. I don't respect that orange turd


What do they have to worry about? It's the Hall of Presidents not the Hall of Comrades. Just leave him out.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Put him in, let him speak and remind everybody who sees the show how exceptionally stupid Dumbass Donny is. I mean how great would that be with all the other presidents saying something profound and then "Bing bing bing, bong bong, bing!"
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