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"My Xbox 360 Died and I Lived to tell the story" Official Thread

Pedobear said:
Mine finally died a few minutes ago.

Problem is, I'm in Quebec! What are the steps for us Canadians to get a new 360?

Same as anywhere else. I'm from Montreal, and dealt with it last month.
Just call the 1800 number and they'll walk you through it.
Has anybody gotten their repair costs refunded from MS yet for a 2005 console? I'm going to call pretty soon because they haven't credited me yet.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
This scares me. I don't want to have to pay for it. I already gave them cash the first time. If they don't give one back for free, I say screw them!
Pedobear said:
This scares me. I don't want to have to pay for it. I already gave them cash the first time. If they don't give one back for free, I say screw them!
You won't have to pay.

Call already, the reps would have told you this as well as answer any other questions you may have.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Is the service in French or English? I don't mind doing it in English but it would be better in French!


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
god damn, the 360 really is one huge ****ing POS. so yeah, i got my refurbed 360 the other day. i've been busy as hell working lately and today finally got around to playing some games on live.... or so i thought. the god damned thing freezes in every game at some point during the loading. halo 2 wont even boot past the white xbox logo screen. call of duty 2 freezes when the map is loading. phantasy star freezes at the first "now loading" screen. etc. etc. etc.

****ing horseshit.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
I called them and they will send me the little coffin....so I hear that the refurbished consoles also tend to die, eh?

Guess I'll take the warrenty this time!


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
just got off the phone with support and he said i'll have to call again tomorrow and have them escalate it to a supervisor so that he can make sure to fix this, being that it will be my 2nd repair... any chance i can bitch and moan and get them to give me a new console rather then another shitty refurb? i know there are other gaffers out there on their 3rd unit....


Mine died on me last week, and after getting the box on friday, I sent it out the next day. The rep I spoke to said it would take 2 weeks to get it back to me. Mine was repaired for free BTW. I'm a little worried because many people are saying that their Xbox 360's either still malfunction or the ones the send in place of our old ones are also faulty. So right now I'm in the "I wish a motherf**ker would" phase. It's bad enough my 360 only lasted me 9 months, but to play hot potato with MS over fixing it? Nuh-uh..
Are we going through the same thing with the PS3?

It has an 8 core cell chip and the power supply in that little case . . I think many are going to burn up.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I'm sure there will be something looking at the previous two Sony consoles. It's the chance early adopters take.

op_ivy said:
just got off the phone with support and he said i'll have to call again tomorrow and have them escalate it to a supervisor so that he can make sure to fix this, being that it will be my 2nd repair... any chance i can bitch and moan and get them to give me a new console rather then another shitty refurb? i know there are other gaffers out there on their 3rd unit....

Just take it to EB, get $200 store credit, put another $100 down for a core and a replacement plan. More expensive, sure... But you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you can get a brand new 360 the the same day you have any problems w/ it. That's what I did.

I'd never send the console out to MS unless they offered a loaner 360 in the interim.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
DaCocoBrova said:
I'm sure there will be something looking at the previous two Sony consoles. It's the chance early adopters take.

Just take it to EB, get $200 store credit, put another $100 down for a core and a replacement plan. More expensive, sure... But you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you can get a brand new 360 the the same day you have any problems w/ it. That's what I did.

I'd never send the console out to MS unless they offered a loaner 360 in the interim.

i'd do that over paying MS yeah, but not while i can still get mine repaired or replaced for free.


op_ivy said:
just got off the phone with support and he said i'll have to call again tomorrow and have them escalate it to a supervisor so that he can make sure to fix this, being that it will be my 2nd repair... any chance i can bitch and moan and get them to give me a new console rather then another shitty refurb? i know there are other gaffers out there on their 3rd unit....

I sent my 360 out for repair, they fixed it and sent it back but it was still broke. Called up again and they sent the box out again for me to send it back out and I kept bitching until I got a "escalation" supervisor who said they would replace my console this time instead of trying to fix it again. Then again when I got my 360 back from the initial issue, there was something rattling around inside it which may have prompted them to replace it instead of trying to fix it.

Its worth a shot.


My 2nd console bit the dust...I can't play any disk-based games w/o freezing. I talked to a supervisor and they ran me through all these bullshit tests. Can't wait for my next refurb! yea!!!!


I better put my repaired 360 through the paces. I bought a Core to get me by, but I really need to test the one I got back recently.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
How can there not be some sort of class action suit? The rage that would flow through me if my 'repaired' 360 came back still not working...

MS is getting over on you guys IMO.

DaddyZ said:
My 2nd console bit the dust...I can't play any disk-based games w/o freezing. I talked to a supervisor and they ran me through all these bullshit tests. Can't wait for my next refurb! yea!!!!

Same thing happened to me, but even demos would freeze after a while.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
DaCocoBrova said:
How can there not be some sort of class action suit? The rage that would flow through me if my 'repaired' 360 came back still not working...

MS is getting over on you guys IMO.

Same thing happened to me, but even demos would freeze after a while.

its pretty absurd, yeah, but as long as they are working to help me out, i cant bitch too much. it doesnt kill me to go without a console for a week or two... at least not while the 360 is in this latest games drought ;)


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i called again today, was told that i'd have to send ity in for repair again, and heres the kick in the nuts, i'd be reposible for shipping. i said "woah woah woah, hold it right there spinach chin, i'm doing no such thing." he says he has to talk to a supervisor and after 30 min of being on hold comes back and says they will send out a box and cover shipping.... but they are still unable to start the repair process now cause their systems are still down. he said to call back in 48 hours.

losing patience quickly.

FYI, i also got a letter in the mail from xbox asking me to puirchase an extended warrenty. i have till dec something to do so (90 days from my initial repair i guess). good to know they are making that available to those of us that had 05 systems die out of warrenty. with how shitty these systems seem to be, i'll definitely be getting at least the 2 year plan. ****ing bastards


Getting another care package... This time, it's a new power-brick... yay me!

Little did I know that I should suspend the powerbrick in air via my superior mind-powers, or zip-cords... :) That didn't settle over well with me hearing that... (the zip cord thing, they didn't suggest my superior mind-powerz, insulting my intelligence)


I just got a new 360 (had a couple before) and its manufacturing date is 06-23-06. I'm just wondering if anyone had any deaths with that date or later? If so, what did it do that messed up? Am I even ok? Are these all doomed to die eventually? Seriously, I've never had a console die on me before... I think my SNES but that was after years of child abuse. I wanted this thing, at minimum, to last me 4 years... and right now that just seems like a pipe dream. I have to baby it otherwise I have no peace of mind...


op_ivy said:
just got off the phone with support and he said i'll have to call again tomorrow and have them escalate it to a supervisor so that he can make sure to fix this, being that it will be my 2nd repair... any chance i can bitch and moan and get them to give me a new console rather then another shitty refurb? i know there are other gaffers out there on their 3rd unit....

I'm on my third and its been about a month now but I haven't been playing that much. It froze on me once about a week ago though and I was pretty worried when that happened. I'll probably call in to get the extended warranty in the next few hours so I don't have to worry about this headache anymore. Up to this point I haven't had to pay for repairs.


I bought an X360 four days ago and now it's having disc read errors and it's destroying my game (Test Drive).

What should I do? I want a new X360 and a new game. Could someone give me some tips?


I bought a 360 off ebay gemany last december as there were no shortages there. It broke down 2 weeks after getting RR6. MS replaced it no questions asked :D
Mine came back from Microsoft yesterday, working fine. They replaced the motherboard. I'd opened and messed with it, and it was pretty obvious. But I fessed up when I called, and they honored the extended warranty anyway. That's pretty cool. It was out of warranty when I opened it, and I wouldn't have otherwise.


mine broke a month ago (about ten minutes after Michigan beat ND!). The retarded ass outsourced people could not manage to get my address right to save their lives. They shipped two boxes out, both to wrong addresses. When one finally showed up, it had my name as the city and state (brilliant). I gave the information again with the box when I shipped it back to them and then they managed to ship it to teh Arlington, VA Watch Commander (which apparently oversees terrorist threats and other emergencies for the city and do some degree DC). When I went to that office to retrieve it, I thought I was going to get shot by the security guards.

I guess the good thing was they gave me a brand new Xbox. Too bad it only took three weeks.

Does anyone know if the MS warranty is extended at all because they decided to fix all 2005 360s for the remainder of this year?
gstaff said:
They shipped two boxes out, both to wrong addresses.

I'm happy about mine being fixed, but they screwed up on shipping mine, too, although it worked out okay. I use a PO box, and I'm used to having to make sure that's okay. I specifically asked them if it was (like I always do), and was told it was alright. Then they shipped UPS, who of course don't ship to PO boxes. UPS, in their wisdom, found another address for me and sent it there. They left it on the doorstep without ringing the doorbell to even check if I live there (I don't).
They did the exact same thing with my repaired Xbox, even though I filled out the form and sent it back with the broken one giving my correct street address.

The reason it was all okay is because that house is my friend Bruce's house--UPS has the address because one time in the past, I had a gift shipped there so it would remain a secret.


My second 360 won't read disc anymore. After a few lock ups and skipping during movies yesteday I now keep getting this message "To play this disc, put it in an xbox 360 console". I just got this 360 Aug 30th, I payed $50 for the warranty so I guess I'm lucky but I'm gonna have to pay for warranty on the new 360 again....this sucks.
Looks like Microsoft decided to take the Sony PS2 route with the 360. With all these consoles breaking down no wonder how they plan on reaching the 1 billion figure :lol



Well, mine just shat the bed. Was purchased in April, manufactured in February so from what I gather I'm out of luck on the Microsoft end? I have a Best Buy warranty, but it sounds like it's going to be painful.
I'm sure that this has been answered but I'm too pissed off to search this thread. What about my XBLA shit? And my accounts? Do I have to get them on some other medium before I lose my HDD?
Reported microsoft's repair place to the bbb. I wasn't expecting a call back but when I checked my voicemail today there was a guy calling from microshit to talk about it. I'll give him a call back thurs or wed and see what happens.


My second 360 is apparently growing ill, actually. Its fan was buzzing as it ran starting this autumn and now the disc drive is notably louder today when I began to play RR6 and Kameo. I guess this thing may have to go to Best Buy again. And I am half-tempted to sell any new console I receive from the BB extended warranty if this 360 dies; my patience is being tested.


Wait, you have the BB warranty? You're going to the store for it?


Quick question for those doing the Best Buy/Futureshop warranties, do I keep my hdd when the 360 is replaced and do you have to wait instead of it just being replaced right away?

I'm going tomorrow and I'm going to explain simply "The graphics chip went bad in the 360 and will need to be sent to Microsoft and back which will take longer than the month, so can you just replace it bitch"... probabaly minus the bitch part, we'll see how I feel :)


Hey guys,

My buddy has a 360 that just stopped working. He used it for the past however many months primarily as a Halo 2 online machine. Just recently he actually got a 360 game, Oblivion.

After playing Oblivion for awhile his 360 has stopped working. He thinks playing a 360 game overheated his shit and now it wont work. The warranty has run out on his 360. Microsoft wants $150 to fix it. He thinks its ****ed up because if he would have played a 360 game earlier it would have broken down within the warranty period. Plus, 360's are known to break anyways and it's obviously defective product from Microsoft.

Is there anything he can do or say on the phone to get Microsoft to take back the 360 and fix it for free even though the warranty just expired? I know you guys might have some sort of experience with this.

$150 to fix a machine less than a year old that is prone to breaking is just criminal.

Edit: Also, I was under the impression that they had extended the warranty of all the 360's, but they certainly told him no such thing on the phone (and he didn't know about it so he didn't call them out on it). Does he just need to call them back and bitch?


My 360 died as well. Now I have to find a big enough box for the X360 and wait for the UPS dudes. Luckily, I get to keep my HDD. Yay for me!


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
JuanMR2 said:
My second 360 won't read disc anymore. After a few lock ups and skipping during movies yesteday I now keep getting this message "To play this disc, put it in an xbox 360 console". I just got this 360 Aug 30th, I payed $50 for the warranty so I guess I'm lucky but I'm gonna have to pay for warranty on the new 360 again....this sucks.

Try cleaning the disc.


I'm a new 360 owner, so I have a question. Is it better to buy the warranty through Microsoft or the place you got the console from? I ordered it through Overstock and got their 2-year warranty, was wondering if I should have opted to go with Microsoft's instead.


op_ivy said:
FYI, i also got a letter in the mail from xbox asking me to puirchase an extended warrenty. i have till dec something to do so (90 days from my initial repair i guess). good to know they are making that available to those of us that had 05 systems die out of warrenty. with how shitty these systems seem to be, i'll definitely be getting at least the 2 year plan. ****ing bastards

I have a launch 360 and I never got the warranty. Does that announcement allow me to purchase one now?
Zalasta said:
I'm a new 360 owner, so I have a question. Is it better to buy the warranty through Microsoft or the place you got the console from? I ordered it through Overstock and got their 2-year warranty, was wondering if I should have opted to go with Microsoft's instead.
Probably the place you got the console from, if the price is comparable. Sounds like MS is sending back an awful lot of refurbished duds, whereas any other place is going to give you a new one.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
This is absurd...

My guess is that the thermal adhesive/paste just gives out within 6 months of heavy usage. A year for those that play their 360 less frequently.

Why the ones that come back from MS fail even faster is beyond me.
DaCocoBrova said:
This is absurd...

My guess is that the thermal adhesive/paste just gives out within 6 months of heavy usage. A year for those that play their 360 less frequently.

Why the ones that come back from MS fail even faster is beyond me.
I think this is the likely culprit too. I got mine fixed in August and actually got the same one back. Lately it's crashed a couple of times on Lego Star Wars II so it might be going again. I'm wondering if it's the same problem again. Really ridiculous


slidewinder said:
Probably the place you got the console from, if the price is comparable. Sounds like MS is sending back an awful lot of refurbished duds, whereas any other place is going to give you a new one.

Great, I'll keep the one I got from Overstock then (I think it's $20 cheaper as well). Thanks for taking the time to reply!


My second 360 finally died over the weekend. The first unit had a faulty power supply. The second unit started developing erratic disc drive issues (wouldn't read perfectly good discs unless it was rebooted etc), but standing the system horizontally seemed to 'solve' the problem...for awhile. Figured I'd stick with it, see how long it lasted before it croaked. Unit started freezing 'occasionaly', escalating to 'frequently' after about a month. Finally it started the 'three red lights' routine on 99% of boot-ups. Back to Best Buy it went.

I love the system...when it works.


OK here is my story........

Yesterday I have long session of playing SC: DA (about 4h) & after that my doter come so we prosed to play Lego star wars II original trilogy.
After we played for 30 minutes (2 player mode), game friezes.So I rebutted console & start game from beginning.After 1h we stop playing the game & when I try to open the disk door to eject the disk it was stack.......
After 2/3 times of tries I rebutted console & get instant 3 lights of death:(
I ejected disk normally (without any problem) , remove the disk & rebutted console 1 more time.Result was same 3 rings of death.I was so pissed out & was thinking what to do :(
I have removed all cables from console & put them back(also remove power supply cable from the power supply in the wall).After I have done that , console was working fine again.
Played COD 2 for an hour without any lock ups & power off console.
Today my doter was playing cameo & star wars II (for 2h without any problem)
My console is manufactured 05/11/205(lunch console I presume here in Europe & it was core edition)

Any suggestions from you guys will be apreciated........
TNX in advice.

Sorry for my bad English:(


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.

Anyone care to translate that? The f*ck is a doter? Are you refering to your female offspring? If so, it's daughter.

Not making fun since it's clear Engrish is your first language.

Anyway, my first 360 was an 11/2005 unit also. My current one was made in August, so we'll see.
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