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NeoGAF gets a Prophet: Rumors about the E3 Nintendo Direct

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Sounds like the name he's hinting at is something like Super Mario Subcon U. That would include his nod to Wart and the playable Peach being asked for, old mehanics like root pulling and throwing, and the worlds inside of worlds. (Subcon is the Universe from SMB 2)
Haha, of course! He doesn't have info about just one specific dev. He knows all! The whole Smash Bros roster!

He's spreading his net so wide in hopes he hits on something accurate out of sheer odds. Kind of like a cold reader. Then, some poor gullible lad will be like "He did call that one..." when he tries again next year.



Veracity of the rumor aside, StarTropics in and of itself is believable to me.

I mean, it's exactly like Kid Icarus, in that it's a very old NES franchise with one sequel, and more or less has just about the same amount of public perception (whether it was released in Japan is insignificant now - especially for a Wii U game developed by an American studio).

Also, it follows nicely with Iwata's seeming ongoing desire to establish new IPs by revisiting very old ones (Kid Icarus, Pilotwings, StarFox 64 (3D), Luigi's Mansion, and to a lesser extent Link to the Past 2, Yoshi's Island, and of course 2005's New Super Mario Bros.).

And furthermore, it ticks the box of being a familiar genre, with similarities to Zelda, Earthbound, Metroid and I guess StarFox too with the aliens, weird talking animals and space travel...
Or public perception!

Kid Icarus got in cartoons and scored high on Nintendo popularity polls and was referenced for years later in Smash and on websites and in magazines. Prominent rumors about a revival lasted for nearly a solid decade. People remembered the first stage music and Eggplant Wizard and I'M FINISHED and the Reaper and Pit flying.

Star Tropics is only known to a subset of message board people, most of whom just know "yo-yos and that instruction manual thing."
Or public perception!

Kid Icarus got in cartoons and scored high on Nintendo popularity polls and was referenced for years later in Smash and on websites and in
magazines. Prominent rumors about a revival lasted for nearly a solid decade. People remembered the first stage music and Eggplant Wizard and I'M FINISHED and the Reaper and Pit flying.

Star Tropics is only known to a subset of message board people, most of whom just know "yo-yos and that instruction manual thing."

Don't forget banana ears!
Prophet, huh


I even read this in his voice.

I can't shake the feeling that there is a bit of truth to this. Not much, but at least 5%.


hey mr prophet

can you tell us if wind waker hd still looks like those shitty first screen shots

I don't think you need a prophet to answer this for you :(

They'll show Smash Bros., which will be a holiday 2014 at the earliest but not Bayonnaise 2? riiiiiiight.

Bayonetta 2 should definitely make an appearance. Can't see any reason to tease it and then show nothing for almost a year ;)
Why are people acting like a star tropics reboot is worst than retro working on a new ip? Its basically a new ip. If you count zombiu as a new ip and not this, your just being silly.


I call bullshit. Star Tropics? and I find it hard to believe that they would name the next mario Super Mario Retroverse U

The rumor wasn't saying that will be the name. It was just a candidate that was eventually dropped for something better.


Omg that wink face, you must be an insider too!!!!!!!!

If by insider you mean guy with no real information then you're absolutely correct :D

Why are people acting like a star tropics reboot is worst than retro working on a new ip? Its basically a new ip. If you count zombiu as a new ip and not this, your just being silly.

People complain about everything. I wouldn't mind really, but I'd prefer something new too.
Retroverse U is a terrible name, made ip by someone who clearly doesn't have a degree in marketing or something similar. This name is terrible. So terrible.


Super Member
StarTropics is unknown to people because the original wasn't released in Japan. NCL couldn't use Japan to magnify its cult status and reflect it back here.

Are there any other West-only Nintendo franchises?
He said the name Retroverse U was canned and is similar to the chosen name, so I'm guessing that's a hunt that the actual name is Universe.

Not that any of this is true.
The entire rumor set is just shit that's been circling around gaf for months, with enough changed to appear legit.

The abject lack of longshots is a pretty big tell.

Also Reto's working on Prime 4 and grunt work on MK8
The great thing about gaf is that we have Mods who can contact and green light/ ban someone who does this stuff. Hell, he already called out for the mod hammer of justice.

So i'm gonna wait to see what happens ...


The entire rumor set is just shit that's been circling around gaf for months, with enough changed to appear legit.

The abject lack of longshots is a pretty big tell.

Also Reto's working on Prime 4 and grunt work on MK8



We don't joke about retro and mk8.

It's too hard to accept.


The great thing about gaf is that we have Mods who can contact and green light/ ban someone who does this stuff. Hell, he already called out for the mod hammer of justice.

So i'm gonna wait to see what happens ...

How can they prove him right or wrong, though?


Does Nintendo news ever leak? Lol

Something something ninjas.

In truth, it probably doesn't help that most of their stuff is developed in Japan, there's a bit of a disconnect in terms of information flow and leaks, on top of whatever measures they have in place.


3 ft, coiled to the sky
There is no goddamned way StarTropics is coming back. This is a game in which you play the beloved, featureless character "Mike" and attempt to find your uncle "Dr. J" while using a yo-yo to do nothing of any real consequence. Also has everyone forgotten Zoda's Revenge? The one where you save a guy named "Hirocon Tetris?"

Not exactly much to work with there.


Does Nintendo news ever leak? Lol

only when they want it to

StarTropics is unknown to people because the original wasn't released in Japan. NCL couldn't use Japan to magnify its cult status and reflect it back here.

Are there any other West-only Nintendo franchises?

there's Gumshoe. if you're less specific, nintendo acknowledges zelda as a game built entirely for western audiences


Isn't StarTropics basically Nintendo Integrated Research & Development's take on Zelda? Didn't Miyamoto want Retro to work on a Zelda game?


I can see Star tropics U happening. Its basically a new IP for most people, while still staying true to Retro Studios name.

It gets my stamp of approval. Especially since Metroid Prime barely sold.

Bring it on! Space Zelda woo!
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